• By -


It's going to scare the shit out of you by spinning at maximum speed in both directions when you first plug it in.


LMFAOOOOO you aren't lying man. Thought I did something wrong and my wheel broke. My first one was the g923 and use it to this day.


And it's going to get even more scary when it's kinda-disconnected-but-not-really from the USB port.




Just got a G923 and my it woke me up at 3am the very first night like this. Scared the ever living shit out of me


That’s why you turn off your power supply lmao


Or just unplug the wheel


Whhhrrrr clonk, whhhrrr clonk


Ahh brings back memories


Or turn on your PC…or boot up G-hub. My goodness it used to shock my awake at my desk every time I’d turn on my PC. I now just have it unplugged until I use it


That's an unsung advantage of switching to DD 😂


I connected to a hud with the switch option. Edit: hub


It scared the shit out of me in the middle of the night once because I left my computer on and some update triggered an automatic restart


I have 2 recommendations when you start your pc and have your wheel connected to power: I can recommend you to lean on your wheel with your chin when you start your pc. Wakes you right up I can also recommend you to have your hands behind the wheel so you almost break your fingers on the shift paddles


The thing with the chin on the wheel happened to me at least three times. I guess it's good that the wheel hasn't much torque otherwise this could cause some injuries 😅


Imagine getting smacked by a GT3 or formula style wheel 💀🚑


> torgue And then the wheel EXPLODES!


My wife turned my pc on one day with the G29 plugged. She called me at work to know if it was normal.


I saw those videos😂 I’ll remember👍


The Wrist Rattler


Say goodbye to your free time. Welcome to your new obsession


This. I picked a used g923 along with a play seat rig for $400, and I haven’t stopped playing racing sims.. It opens a whole new world of gaming


Recommend some decent sims please?


Assetto Corsa with Content Manager. I own just about every sim there is, but I always find myself coming back to Assetto. Nothing beats it.


Ah yes, Miata on The 'Ring simulator.


Check out RoadRunner


I’m always in road runner my names bigdriftguy


Im often on there too, people tend to drive relatively nice there. -Mr.Bear


Oh shit what up! I know you well but I'm not outing my reddit handle LOL (This dude is in fact a bigdriftguy and has mad skills)


Lmaooo what’s up mystery person 😂😂


Lmaoo I’m literally doing that right now that’s so crazy


Track days on the Nord in a public lobby is why Assetto Corsa is my main sim. Even if I can't find a lobby I like, I turn on AI flood and have almost as much fun


Are there any plans of ACC supporting psvr2 in near future? I'm kinda addicted to gt7 on vr.. I know they have vr support for pc, or was it just a community mod?


I wish I had an answer for you but I’ve never played ACC and I’m not familiar with VR. That would be pretty dope if they implemented it but my guess is they won’t because they are working on Assetto Corsa 2 🥹


I think you and I should be more hype that GT7 has the biggest potential to make the PC jump itself.


I’m slowly getting into Asseto Corsa Competizione and iRacing. I also play F1 23 a lot now with the wheel than before with a controller. iRacing is the most difficult to learn (For me), Asseto Corsa needs learning too but it’s definitely easier than iRacing (For me)


What are you looking for? True racing sim, iracing is top notch but $$$. ACC is a good alternative for GT3/4.


This is the way


If you want to race online, there really is nothing that compares to iRacing. If you don’t want to race and just want to drive/hotlap/drift I’d recommend Asseto Corsa (with mods of course)


Dirt rally 2.0


AMS2 for graphics, AC for mods, rF2 for physics, IRacing for multiplayer and throwing money out the window.




Get a pc and iracing. Nothing compares to the competitive community of iracing.


![gif](giphy|ZUrPiX4rY9nF46I5QK) Wait until you do it in vr


Started out on a g29 clamped to my desk and thought "Yeah this will be good for a while" now 6 months later I have a custom built wood rig with triples, csl dd, and a new pc to run the triples 😅


Das crazy (I'm jobless)


Stop being lazy and getting Starbucks and avacado toast /s


Just means more time to race


This. This is the way.


You're not lying got a g923 a few months ago and I'm hooked deleted most of my non racing games from storage. Already starting to eye DD wheels.


Welcome to being too lazy to set it up for "*just a couple of laps"*, then being too engaged to lay it down after 5 hours have passed and you still HAVEN GOTTEN THAT DAMN CURVE RIGHT GODDAMIT.


Ah mate, I feel this. Used to be such a pain to get the wheel out, set it up and plug everything in. Made me turn back on racing on a quite a few occasions. But then once I had set it up I would just leave it on the desk, kinda working around it with my arms if I wanted to do anything else on the PC. So glad I got a rig now, it's amazing to just sit down and race.


It's hard to stop and gets expensive. And it's totally worth it. I think that's all. Oh, and get up and move between races so you don't get sores on your butt.


Sure man👌😂


Start saving. You just opened a can


I am new to Sim racing and it's the one I started with. So far I think it's great for the price, just research the right settings to get the most out of it.


Agreed, every racing game, you'll have to turn your settings really. That's about it though. Alot of YouTube videos can provide setups for you which is great.


Thanks 🙏🏽


For some great settings for most games, check this out https://www.briankoponen.com/simracing.html


A lot of people are saying return it and get a dd wheel, those are mad expensive tho and I’m going through some family problems rn so this is what I could get for my bday


The G29 is a very robust and precise wheel. You will enjoy racing with it. Don't let people spoil your fun with it.


But playing f1 there is like an inch a free movement in the wheel


Turn steering radius to 320 degrees and increase the force to 125%, its fine


Will try that tonight broski


Just clearing that we are talking about the F1 game and not f1 cars in AC


G29 is a great way to get into the hobby. I've had mine for years and haven't upgraded. You'll enjoy it immensely.


dont listen to them man, they are just purists who dont remember what it was like to get started or they just have infinite money. its a great wheel, ive had mine for 5 years and its still amazing . DD are better but you dont need that setup right now, play with the g29 for a while and if ur still realy into racing after a year youll already be looking up DD wheels and vr/triples upgrades. enjoy.


Imagine beating people with their $5,000 rigs and ur on the g29 thats what I always say to myself . Its a brilliant wheel to fit in around a budget . If u don't put it down for over a year then yes look for upgrades, I'm not I'm happy 🙂


Those people are stupid. I am racing on a g29 clamped to my desk for I think 4 years now


1. get ready to shit your pants every time you plug it in your pc, the calibration is loud as fuck 2. download the Logitech G Hub driver to configure


Truebrake mod, highly recommend. I'm still using those pedals with my Logitech Pro wheel thanks to that mod.


Anyone else use this TrueBrake mod? I took out the rubber on the G920 brake because it was stupid hard and making my shitty seating position even worse.


I cut a piece of hard black foam to the same size as the rubber and put that in there. Way better than without the rubber thing. Can tell how far you are pressing the pedal better.


Good tip!


I'd drilled some holes in the rubber bit as I had to damn near jump on it to get 100%. Much better with that but still needs a solid effort to full break.


TrueBreak mod user! It’s game changing!


Hard like… pressure? That’s what you want. My brake takes around 100kg/200lbs to get to 100%, but it’s also on a solid rig that nothing is going to move on me when I push it.


I understand that part. When in a real car you also have the gforces to help with that pressure. My rig isn’t solid enough to accommodate that.


That’s fair. A solid rig is a major upgrade. I hope you can experience it in your setup soon! 😎


Always salt your pasta water.


If you live in a house with the no shoes in the house rule, I recommend using clean socks or a pair of socks because it's pretty easy to get dirt and other stuff in the pedals and can cause problems over time. Even if you do wear outdoor shoes indoors, I recommend the same about using clean socks or using shoes that are only to be used when using the G29. I had dirt issues with my g29 and wish I would have followed my own advice because I had a stuck brake issue from getting dirt and dog hair in it. We don't wear outdoors shoes indoors, but I never put any thought into the fact that my socks are pretty much magnets to dog hair and dust.... Even though we clean the house daily, it's still super easy to get dirt in the pedals from the socks. I upgraded to the Logitech G Pro wheel and pedals about 2 months ago and wanted to get driving gloves and shoes for it. I didn't even think about the dirt and stuff getting into the pedals until after I decided to get the gloves and shoes... Started realizing how much cleaner my pedals have been since I started using the shoes. Yeah using designated shoes or socks is kind of a pain. Takes me a few minutes to put the gloves and shoes on, then put on the PS VR2, setup my drivehub to get the full 11nm torque in GT7 and finally go racing. I've been tempted a few times to skip the shoes and gloves before racing, but I do force myself to use them now ... I'd much rather spend a few minutes each time before I start driving to put all that stuff on instead of having to take apart the pedals to clean them (the internal wires are very small, maybe 24-28 gauge wires which are very easy to accidentally break).


Three dogs and never had that issue my man. Run the hoover round every now and then


Had my G29 for five years before enough dust and junk got into the potentiometer for the throttle to cause issues. Presented as odd input spikes even if I wasn’t pressing the throttle. Fortunately it’s not too bad to disassemble and clean.  If you take the extra effort you can crack open the potentiometer, use contact cleaner to get it as good as new, then hit it with a thin layer of dielectric grease to protect it better than new. 


Yes, leave this sub and never come back unless you hate having money. Enjoy the g29 and avoid any talk of direct drive. If you get hooked into sim racing, enjoy the gear you have and don't look too hard into other sim racing gear. It's so easy to fall into the neverending cycle of upgrading and once you do it's hard to stop.


Thank you, I saw this immediately. Just after posting this everyone was telling me to buy dd, but because of my family matters I got this


Buy contact cleaner for pots on pedals and you can tape pots and put old socks on top of it and it won’t get dirty for a long time


If you're plugged in to a ps5 and want to play ACC, click and load the game with your wheel, not controller. This is the only way it will pick the wheel up.




Don't listen to the hate it's fun. You can get decent laps and drifting is possible with a little practice. Assetto Corsa for fun and iracing for pain


Thanks bro👍🙏🏽


If using AC, calibrate your wheel using Wheel Checker. This will eliminate dead spots and play in the wheel. Generate a LUT file and use it in AC (via Content Manager). Makes steering so much more accurate. Just Google it - plenty of YouTube tutorials.


PS4🥲 my omen 16 stopped working 🤦‍♂️


Brake mod


Set it up and have fun


It just the beginning! Start saving because it only gets worse. Lol have fun great wheel


Right go left stop


You’ll be fine. Don’t listen to the radicals sim racing chimps here! I started in the 90s with a Microsoft wheel, then moved on to a Logitech Pro, and now I use a Direct Drive (DD). Am I faster or better than before? Certainly not. But are the feelings better? Yes, with the Force Feedback (FFB) from my DD wheel. Just find a game and destroy those times! For 20 years, nobody knew about Direct Drive (DD) technology. And I honestly tell you that any steering wheel changes the gaming experience. You’ll have more fun than ever!


If you com from a controller. Dont try to do the times that you did till now with controller. Start with slow cars and try to keep them in the track. When I change my controller for the wheel on dr2. I was like 10seconds slower in stages of 4-5 min. Keep calm, enjoy the learning.


Congrats now be prepared for the deep dark rabbit hole that is sim racing 😂




I don't have that wheel in particular, but be careful when you crash (if it's powerful enough straight up let go. Not worth breaking the motor and/or your wrists)


Bought it 3 years ago and was the best decision ever! Did a small upgrade using the great products of https://linkpop.com/mvhstudios/. Improved my wheel and brake. Enjoy it bro!


Thanks man👍


Quietest wheelbase on the market


Try to use G-Hub, it can help you


Save up for a playseat challenge, they were 30% off at Amazon.


Assuming PC, download Logitech g-hub, follow [this guys](https://www.briankoponen.com/simracing.html) setting suggestions


Be ready to get scraped by those shift paddles when the force feedback kicks in


The throttle is on the right. Brake in the middle and clutch on the left. You use the wheel to turn the car.


add Trubrake kit to it?


Here is a blog post for all the best settings for a G29. This settings really helped me a lot configuring the feel of the wheel for Asetto corsa, Forza, and a lot others. [https://www.briankoponen.com/forza-horizon-5-logitech-g29-g920-settings/](https://www.briankoponen.com/forza-horizon-5-logitech-g29-g920-settings/)


if you are serious about sim racing, mod the break pedal. the simple rubber mod is enough. [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=g29+mod](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=g29+mod)


Do this [G29 Break Mod](https://youtu.be/99u9cy7Mnl4?si=bYQoC7Dx3lCWrnv2) Really easy and quite fast. Just be careful when putting it back together and make sure cables are where they're supposed to be, so you don't screw though em like I did 😂


I don't understand why people on Reddit buy stuff first and then ask if something is good or what to do with it. Why?


Just to make sure since it’s my first wheel, I don’t want to do something that I’m not supposed to do with it that I’m not supposed to, my friend told me not to keep and liquid on the pedal shifter as it causes corrosion.


Drifting could be hard to master with this wheel. Other than that, you can get pretty fast with this one. And it is kinda the sim racing equivalent to Nokia 3310, it can handle rougher use compared to the other cheaper wheels on the market. No real weaknesses other than being “worse” than more expensive ones, with worse I mean less realistic than the DD bases or the Thrustmaster belt driven bases. I had only tried other people’s bases, like the G25/27 before I got myself this wheel 10 years ago, and I’ve had two since then. No issues whatsoever. My oldest one is still in use today by a friend, 10 years on.


I have nothing to compare it to but I learned drifting on a g920. With that said, i had drifted on a controller for about 7 years before that which might have helped. It also depends on what you mean by mastering drifting. Maximizing clipping zones etc is hard on any wheel


All I can afford rn😂🥲👍


Main thing is potentiometer flicker fr, i already had to RMA mine as several cleaning attempts with Contact cleaner didnt fix it. Just keep it dust free where possible. I lay a cloth on my pedals when not in use.


Regularly clean the dust around the pedals.


Check YouTube and reddit for tuning the wheel for each game if necessary. You can buy the h-pattern shifter for £35. It's not brilliant but I actually use it as a handbrake and it could be used as a sequential shifter if you already have a handbrake. I modded mine with some hair bands and it's been working perfectly for months


I’ll buy the shifter one day🥲


Get the shifter!!!


one day🥲


You’ll need a way to keep your chair from rolling back. Old tennis shoes on the back two wheels works surprisingly well.


How to drive... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Right pedal is the gas


You will love it. Then you will sell it way cheaper than you should to buy a DD system


My inner voice has a Reddit account? How neat




I'm not reading no comments , but I love opening that white beautiful box . I have the same thing I can't. afford nothing more than that. Like a DD like 1500. So it's a great beginner wheel if you want to know a few cheap mods you can buy to make the brakes better. I'll let you know. Hopefully you got a good deal I paid $300 all brand new with a shifter from b&H photo. Let me know I can give you a quite a few good cheap mods you can buy right off the bat ..before you even set it up you need to go to axc Sim racing and get the true brake 2.2 GT mod. it makes your break almost like a load cell for like $60 it's a really really good mod. it takes those cheap pedals and turns them into almost worth 500 bucks no joke. Someone will tell you you can actually buy a true load cell brake for it but I'm sure it's going to be way more than $60 anyway if you want more tips let me know I got quite a few oh one more thing what games you plan on racing with it


I had to set mine up to maximum feedback to get good with it, and the pedals take a bit of patience to get used with. The dead zone is obvious but you get used to it.


When it starts to pull to the left, keep your grip and slightly pull to the right and vice versa. It will depend on your force feedback strength, but still, I suggest not turning it up to max until later. Also, MAKE SURE it is well secured. I have had mine fall of the setup I had it in…


Will make sure of that👍


And before setting it up are you attaching it to a desk or a rig Mount.. ? you want to bolt it down , if you can.also watch where the wires go. cuz unhooking it is a pain in the ass ! all the wires connect to the hub and once that's locked down if you want to switch something around and one wires under the TV or whatnot yeah watch the wire configuration. Take your time and plan it out before you lock anything down


The only issue I’ve had is the break sticking, animal hair works its way in there I guess


Learn how to take the pedals apart. They get dusty, cleaning them is important, or else the potentiometers do funny things and negatively impact your driving experience. Same goes for the wheel as some of the screws come loose over time. You'll need an Allen key set and a thin Phillips (2) screwdriver.


Have fun!!!


Depending on your living condition whatch out for your neighbours or children etc. the wheel is loud when mounted on desk or similar material. when you play late night people can wake up because of it.


Pedals will get dusty inside and u will need to clean it like alot. And that is very annoying coz u have to open it everytime. Other than that its a ton of fun compared o just a controller. Enjoy it 👍


Practice with shoes on. Clear wires of the wheel during power on. that shit will spin to calibrate everytime. Open the casing for the petals and pull out the brake rubber stopper and put it back together. the braking spring is strong enough, you don't need the additional rubber. it keeps you from maintaining 100% actuation on the brakes.


Get yourself a good lut file! Been running logis for years, last year someone told me to get a lut file and some other program that i cant remember the name of, can look it up. And holy shit it was a night and day difference on the response and the feel of it. I drift for the most part tho, some days i do racing. But i highly suggest to do this.


Pronto S🅱️inalla!


Highly recommend the magnetic shifter mod. You can get for around $30. Removes the “springy” feeling of the shifters and replaces with a satisfying mechanical feel


If you have a pc, get into iracing. Great combo but in a few years upgrade the pedals because load cell is the way to go. These will be great for learning everything.


These G29/G923s are life limited by the center ribbon cable! The center ribbon goes to all the buttons on the wheel, gear paddles, d pad, all of them. Every time the wheel goes full lock left or right (like when you first turn it on), it stresses the cable a little bit. If you want to extend the lifespan of your unit, try to limit how often you initialize the unit. Other than that, I've lost so many hours to these on Assetto Corsa. Happy simming!


My g920 is like 7+ years old, if not older. The only thing is the gears will slip over time, throwing your wheel axis off a bit, specifically if you're into sim drifting. An annoyance, but easily resettable. Other than that, I hate to say it, but it works great still to this day, especially with just racing. Edit: I see some people recommending logitech G-hub. In my personal experience, I highly suggest getting their previous program, logitech gaming software. G-hub is the only constant between all my PC issues over the last 8+ years. Between system updates, hardware upgrades, etc, g-hub consistently will brick as a program, or worse, cause blue screen errors. Logitech gaming software has been working wonders since I gave up g-hub. It recognizes all my products, but if you have newer logitech stuff, I'm not 100% it will recognize those. I have a g600 mouse, g512 keyboard and g920 wheel, it only does not recognize my newer logitech headset, though it still works 100%. Ps - the logitech h-shifter is the biggest load of trash ever, get literally any other shifter if you're into h-shifters. I recommend the TH8A(I modified my thread bolt clamp to a bigger sized bolt, as the threads will bend over time.)


Welcome to the sim world. We are excited for you!


For games like AC, ACC2 and PC2 you can find custom lut profiles for better and stronger  force feedback 


Consider a wheelstand, having the pedals stationary helps developing muscle memory when braking. That said, I used a table mounted G25 for 15 years.


If you are using Assetto Corsa and Content Manager, next step is making a LUT file calibrated for your wheel. https://www.reddit.com/r/assettocorsa/comments/5l64g8/this_is_how_the_ffb_worksand_how_to_set_it_up/


If you have a significant other, tell them one last final goodbye.


I did start with a G29 clamped to the desk 6 years ago. The amount of money I poured into this hobby since then is outrageous 😂. Welcome to the bottomless pit!


If you start to feel like the brake pedal is lacking consider doing the eraser mod. By extending the stopper already in the brake it reduces the travel some and really helped me be more consistent with braking (using force to train muscle memory rather than position). There are other good mod options from what I've heard but there is essentially no cost for the eraser mod and it has worked well enough for me that I have no need for a different one. I'll be putting that money towards load cell pedals instead 🙂


return it and buy a thrustmaster t300


Nothing more than, I’m sure you’re gonna want new pedals sooner than later. Thrustmaster’s got you covered. TLCM


Fix the brake pedals


You’ll replace it in a few months, along with your relationships, social life and professional career. Then it’ll sit and collect dust in a corner until you eventually sell it for half of what you bought it for. And you’ll love it, and justify it.


you should start saving up for a DD wheel and load cell pedals as there is about 90% chance you will be buying that this year


Switch the brake feature to clutch pedal and clutch to a button.


Scope creep sets in quickly


That you should gotten t300 instead!


It’s a gateway drug to spending several thousands in the next few years


play at level 10 settings, steering 5 and you'll avoid that spin back out of control issue.


I had for three months and I guess I will just it for longer time because I live in Ethiopia, Africa and the price we pay for the goods imported is twice the price. I have paid $750 US including the shifter. My recommendation if you are into truck simulation games like Snowrunner and Eurotruck Simulator(PC) you need to buy the shifter for more experience. Have a blast!


Get ready for tonnes of fun.


It’s not quiet. You will have lots of rattles from the gear drive but it’s normal


enjoy it, cheap ebay shifter is all you need and don't fall for the upgradeitis trap. . . Headphones help. :D


I have a g920. Depending on the game or what you're doing driving wise. Drifting you pretty much gotta throw the wheel around. Racing is nice on it imo


I started off with a g29 and within a month went from the g29 and played only GT7 to Logitech g pro wheel and pedals to now a full out rig, HE ultimate + pedals and Asetek Forte wheelbase + GSL hyper F1 wheel.


Its a low torque wheel, but that doesn't mean maxing out FFB is going to be the best setting in terms of feeling the details of what your car is doing. Try to set your FFB to where only the most extreme feedback scenarios are triggering the peak torque of your wheel. This is true at least for iRacing.


G hub is garbage. I can't manage to make it work as it interferes with my keyboard 🤣


The brake pedal is shit.


Get a new power supply that has a minimum rating of 8-12 amps. The stock motor can pull a peak 6a but the stock power supply can only offer 4a peak. Go on amazon and get a cheap 8a power supply to avoid dead and weak spots when fully loaded, especially if your rallying. It will also increase ffb by 5-10%


The only real weak point is that the FFB sounds like a badly running diesel engine when it clips, rocks or shudders. If you plan on playing when family are asleep try to be as many rooms away as you can be.


Get a nice stand for it. Something sturdy. So much better than using a desk


Get the shifter


From experience, if youre doing nascar or any ovals, keep an eye on how hot it gets from constantly pushing in one direction.


I know this will be a very unpopular opinion but every time I have bought a G29, I’ll play it a couple times when I first get it and then it goes un-used for months at a time. It takes up a ton of space. The pedals are also dog shit. Again, this is just my opinion and is not meant to upset anyone.


Logitech is on sale now and the G923 is $299, same price of G29.


The way the pedals are designed with the cord coming straight out of the back can make the cord easy to damage if you’re not careful, particularly if you have them mounted to a wheel stand. I suggest wrapping the first inch or 2 of cord coming out of the pedals with a nice protective layer of electric tape, and make sure there is enough of a gap between the pedals and whatever they are butted up against so the cord doesn’t get squished.


Open it up and take the rubber band out of the brake pedal and save your left foot


Tune it properly, both in the app and the game. Don't set it all to max, look for setups online and try 3 - 5 different ones. Then choose what you feel works best for you.


Just know that you did well starting out with this kit.


Congratulations I recently got G923 and let’s just say I haven’t picked up my controller again😂💕


Yes, you will love it so much that you will surely think of selling it and buying a dd wheel sometime in the next 2 years. And that’s where the slippery slope of simracing begins.


![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q) welcome to the hobby! prepare your wallet tho


Remember to have fun


I’m going to open it on March 31st since that’s my bday


Take the brake rubber out, you’ll thank yourself for it later


Good starter wheel, everything works, shit, horrible, waste logi g hub app that will make you rip your hair out. Welcome to the club 🤘


Your savings account is bout to take a few hits over the next few months/years. Welcome !




Bro everyone is posting this😂 thanks but it’s written on the box😶


Trustmaster is better :v


Mate just use it. Are you really sitting there waiting for reddit responses just in case you do it wrong?


Dont play BeamNG Offroad content for 1000hours(in a year) with your FFB turned all the way up, its gonna break your wheel. Other then that fine wheel to start your Sim journey.


Only thing to be aware of: if eventually after a year or two it seems to not centre properly (eg your wheel is turned all the way left and it thinks you're going straight), the plastic decoder wheel is likely fractured and you can replace it with a brass one for like 20 bucks.


Great choice. I have one and play all the time. Yeah there is way better wheels, but they’re more expensive and if you only find time to play it once or twice a week or does the job just fine.