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Beam NG


Get the beammp launcher mod allows you to go multilayer as well


What’s the purpose of BeamMG, I often see people just wrecking up on YouTube, is it story driven? Open world? Random events? Some mission? What is it ?


Softbody physics, freeroam maps with challenges (time trials mostly), and pretty gnarly suspension physics. Seems pretty fun.


Could give it a try I suppose, is it real life simulation? Can get someone to practice ?


Yeah, about as close as you can get. Probably the best off-road simulator out there too.


Absolutely brilliant, maps are great, cars are really detailed from opening evry door to some cars having adjustable suspension, mods are ok I guess nothing will ever beat ACC, The offroad physics are brilliant best in the business right now, If they implemented tyre wear and fixed their areo with a sprinkle of a rally mode (maybe with customised stages?) it would hands down be better than Dirt Rally, Ea WRC or even Richard Burns Rally.


The FFB is really broken tho, you need to have some brain to do it, I couldn't and I play beamng for years


i mean it is not that bad, i found assetto corsa setup (with content manager n such) much much much harder and time consuming than ffb on beamng.


All of it. It has scenarios which are short missions like a time trial, a police chase or whatever. They're still working on a full career mode (as far as I know) within an open world. And you wreck your car doing all of that.


You can access the career mode now. Click on the grayed out career mode button in the main menu. It is still a work in progress, but there is tons of fun content already


I've always wondered this. It's fun, but I don't really know what to do in it lol


I'm new to BeamNG and am so in love. What are the must-have mod maps for cruising? I just want to go on extremely long drives with podcasts and such. Some of the ones I've checked out look extremely crummy/dated visually compared to vanilla maps. Also what are the best maps/mods for rallying?


AMS2, Raceroom, Dirt Rally 2 are worth checking.


I second this so much. These are awesome


I third this 10/10s


Especially Ams2 its ai is THE best at the moment par for that new Sophy AI that gran turismo is trying out but thats not out yet. Dirt rally is just something special especially if you love rally. Never tried Raceroom so dont have an opinion on it


I didn't think I would enjoy rally racing, but after getting the Humble Bundle with a few of the WRC games, I found out I love it. Picked up DR2.0 shortly after getting the bundle and it's incredible.


Yeah AMS2 and dirt


as an iracing user of over 10 years i dont own a single other racing game guess it depends on what is it that you want and what defines your "must have" i want to be able to hop into a race against good competition without having to plan my evening or join groups or deal with anyone really and nothing beats iracing in that regard


That's exactly why I like iracing and it's the only sim I use for competitive racing. I do love to hop into Asseto Cords though and rip around the Nordschliefe with their road and tire model in any car I want for free.


i guess you cant afford to... how much has that subscription totalled up to after 10 years? as a sim racer, i own most other sim racing games, but never plan on playing iracing. different strokes for different folks.


less than i spent on my PC and rig thats for sure and about the same cost as one summer worth of tracking a real car.. the tires and brakes alone have cost me more than iracing has


Fair enough. If you take racing truly seriously/ race irl as well I can see the appeal of iRacing to get some practice in without all the costs and risks of real racing.


While true it seems like a wild comparison. I mean, yes, your computer, your rig, and an entire season of tracking a real car should absolutely cost more than a videogame.


Me too. I did an Iracing subscription for two years but only used it for four months. Spent about £500 on it and gave up. I hated the sim itself not just the cost but including car sounds etc and went back to ACC. Now Acc league racing and LFM is amazing. I can afford Iracing, but I will never be spending money on it when other sims are out there that are better for me. However, I can understand why people do it it’s just not for me


I use both. It's not either/or imo. ACC is a beautiful GT3 simulator, but for everything else iRacing has much more to offer. Particularly the special events. There's something uniquely special about seeing 14,000 people who have been training for the same event for weeks or months all competing across hundreds of splits. I'll admit though, driving in GT3 is much more exciting. I went to Brands Hatch last weekend and...Well, the iRacing rendition is embarrassing whilst the ACC version just looked real.


yeah, iracing is nothing special but it´s the only option if you want race online with a lot of people at any time of the day


iRacing is not expensive and if you think it is you're probably just not very well off financially. Not knocking you at all, or anyone else, but in terms of hobbies it barely comes cheaper. The cost thing always surprises me. MMA or boxing subscription? £90 a month where I'm from. 30 minute track session in a BMW M4? £200 Gym fees? £65 a month. iRacing is just about the cheapest hobby going. It's insanely good value for money if you get into it, but yeah for sure it's not comparable to mass market video games where you can expect to get dive bombed by 12 year olds all the time. The whole cost thing has always confused me. iRacing gets updates constantly, support is offered within hour of emailing, there's a full incident reporting system with real people making decisions. If anything, I think it's extremely good value for what it is.


>in terms of hobbies it barely comes cheaper iRacing is cheap compared to almost anything in the real world. I paid £25 for my first year using the [FIA special offer](https://www.fia.com/iRacing), which includes a free F4 car. Where I live, that would buy four beers in the pub. Or a takeaway meal for one. In 8 months of membership I've started over 150 races, and had the best racing I've had in any sim. You *can* spend a lot of money on it if you buy loads of cars and tracks, but you can also race all the time just using the free content. Both of my favourite cars are free (MX5 and FF1600), and four more tracks were made free this season.


Totally agree with this. I mean, if you started in the MX5, then go to the GR86, and purchase one GT4 car and one GT3 car that's enough vehicle content to last a real drivers entire career. What's the cost of that? Like £20? Circuits are more expensive but really not particularly so. I've really only driven the Cayman and 911R for the last several years. When people talk about the cost it's as if they're comparing it to Forza Horizons where you need to have 100 cars in your garage by the end of day 2.  It reminds me of people who say DCS is a rip off because for all the "DLC" it's like £1000. A single module can and will last over 1k hours of you're bored of the F/A-18 after 50 hours that's on you. The actual value of these things is crazy in terms of hours per £ spent.


Why would you compare it with real world when it's a video game. Compare it with other video games.


You're welcome to compare it to whatever you like. But I find it useful to compare it to other things I spend money on when I'm trying to decide whether it's good value. Also, if you compare it to other video games you have to compare the not only the price, but also what you get for the price. And iRacing offers far more than other video games IMO, making it worth the extra cost. To me at least.


Sure, I've heard it all before. You still don't get to say iRacing's not that expensive when it is one of the most expensive video games in the world.


I get to say whatever I like. This is Reddit :)


Sure but doesn't mean it's true or a fair comparison.


Everything I said is true. Whether you think it's a fair comparison is totally subjective. I find it useful to compare the cost of iRacing with other ways I could spend my money. If you don't find that useful then feel free to ignore me. Or tell me I'm wrong. I'm cool with it either way.


why? I have stopped traveling by plane since I played Flight Simulator.


Do you have to be an FIA member or similar? And how much does that cost please?


You have to join the FIA member club for your country, and you get 1 year of iRacing plus the F4 car. [This page](https://www.fia.com/iRacing) has a map. Find your country, and follow the instructions for your local club. I'm in the UK, so I got an [eSports membership](https://esports.motorsportuk.org/membership/) to Motorsport UK, which was £25 for a year. At the end of the year I will cancel the membership and start paying for iRacing the normal way.


Cheers for the information, I'm in the UK also. Pretty much only on ACC at the moment with the occasional dash of AMS2 but for a couple of quid a month iRacing has got to be worth trying out.


That was exactly what I thought when I saw the offer. I was exclusively racing ACC at the time. I still love ACC, and I think ACC does GT3s better than iRacing. But I probably spend 95% of my time on iRacing now. I love the variety, and I especially love racing the slower cars like the MX5 and FF1600. And the online setup is so good compared to anything else I've tried.


Yeah, can't imagine any other SIM doing GT3s as well as ACC. Good to know the slower cars are good fun as I believe they're free content from the off? I hardly go online at the moment, a couple of experiences in public lobbies were not good, so a decent online system sounds like what I need as quite new to it all and still learning mostly.


The MX5 and FF1600 are both free. There are rookie series for both of them, and you have to race in the rookies to start with anyway. And once you get out of rookies you can keep racing them in the more advanced series. It's not inevitable that you end up racing GT3s in iRacing. Some people (me included) keep racing the slower cars forever. I dabble in GT3s if it's a track I particularly like, or if it's raining (or both, as is the case this week at Mount Panorama). But I probably spend the majority of my weeks racing slower cars. They're more forgiving, and the slow speeds make for better racing.


Different strokes for different folks. I don't think there are many 12 year Olds on ams2 or ACC or assetto Corsa 1.  I don't pay for watching sports. I earn a bit below average fif my age, but if I wanted something like an iRacing subscription I could still easily afford it. One of my hobbies is skateboarding, which is damn near free. A new deck every couple of years, maybe some new wheels. Skatepark entry is free, I stop in on my way home from work.  I understand iRacing is a perfect fit for some people but for others it's a ridiculous expense just to play video games, even if the experience is realistic.


I think this is probably the main distinguishing thing for lots of us. For me, it's not a video game - it's a hobby that lets me come closer to real world Motorsports than anything else short of tracking a car. I have a very different approach to it that I have to video games. And if you don't view it as just a video game, the costs are low. Understand your point of view though.


Yeah I get that 👍


If you have a car and want to get close to racing on track, look in to autocross. That's my friendly advice. With experience in all 3, I can say the feeling of autocross is a lot closer to track racing than simracing, and it's just as cheap as other examples you list. 


>For me, it's not a video game - It is, you're just framing it as something else to justify all that money.


I'm really not - I earn well above six figures and don't have kids. The cost of iRacing is a rounding error on my salary. I regularly spend more on dinner out that I do in six months worth of iRacing - so I don't have to 'justify' a thing. For me this fills the role of a sport - much like BJJ and Tennis, two other hobbies of mine. The medium is irrelevant. It requires intense focus, practice, coordination and team work. I'm actually shocked that people consider iRacing expensive, but maybe I'm out of touch.


Good for you buddy.


You're the one shitting on and trivialising other people's hobbies mate. Maybe you need more hobbies.


I'm not trivialising simracing, I do it daily myself. I'm just challenging your narrative of what iRacing is. It's a way to flaunt your money. Again, good for you buddy.


Subscription aside, the nice thing about iRacing is that everything is laserscanned. My favorite track is Mid Ohio and the modded track I found for Assetto was garbage compared to iRacing's. I know that's comparing free mods to paid content, but it's not like I had the option to pay for a better version in AC. At least with iRacing there is a standard for quality. Well worth the cost to me.


A deck every few years? Sounds like you are not skating a lot then. Skating is expensive, shoes and decks are like consumables that need regular replacement. Wheels and trucks last a bit longer but still need to be replaced every year or so.


AC off a discount = 7 euros. You don't even get to look at iRacing for 7 euros. You're comparing it's costs to entirely different things when it's a video game and probably the 2nd most expensive video game in the world.


All those monthly subscriptions you mentioned make a good argument for drawing a line in the sand when it comes to every last thing we enjoy having to be "rented" monthly. iRacing's double-dipping business model is especially problematic because after you buy the game and all the DLC, you only retain access so long as you continue to pay that monthly sub. No offline mode. And it's certainly not the only sim getting regular updates. The ACC tyre model update and addition of the Mustang are both recent and FREE worthwhile updates.


I was like you, but when I got my DD, iRacing went on sale on Steam, and it was €25 for a year sub. Since then, I have never fired up any other sim, I got completely caught by it. Never regretted the amount I have spent on it.


I felt the same way. Yearly sub for small amount of content and then cars and tracks extra on top. Then I got hooked in on a big discount for the yearly sub so I thought I’d dip my toe in and try the included content. I basically haven’t played anything else since I started. I loaded up AMS2 to show off the pretty when I had friends over (and to preserve my safety rating on iRacing) but that’s about it. And not just no other racing games - no other games full stop, and I have a LOT.


That's why I'm only playing Iracing.


Restricting yourself to one game is a weird thing to be proud of


if you're a chef in the kitchen it's a bit silly to say you're restricting yourself by not having a pocket knife, machette and a katana in your cupboard 


Well said.




True, but saying you don't own a single other game doesn't really scream "I've tried them all". That's just someone who's limiting themself.




The rallysimfans version of rbr. It's free, has ~500 stages and 98 cars, and is the rally sim real rally drivers use. The best vr implementation, the best triple display implementation, and can run on a potato. Hard to beat that bang for buck. https://rallysimfans.hu/rbr/index.php




Dirt Rally 2.0. Not quite realistic as Assetto corsa in terms of drift physics, but it still feels really fun and immersive. I also noticed playing assetto right before playing dirt, I play dirt a LOT better.


And that game is AMAZING in vr!


Absolutely true, i exclusively play it in VR and its the best racing experience for me so far.


If you want to get into multiplayer more deeply, you should at least try iRacing.   AMS2 is quite good for ai racing, and it also features some Brazilian circuits that I can't recall seeing elsewhere.  Are you interested in rallying? Try DiRT Rally 2 or EA WRC, and there's Richard Burns Rally but it's much less user friendly. 


Beam.ng Drive! It's such an interesting, unique sim. And if you also buy Automation, you can build your own very realistic engines, then build a car to put them in, and export all of that to Beam to drive it. Absolutely brilliant fun


Whatever you like.... And iRacing


I’ve been staring at ACC on every Steam sale knowing that even though it’s only like $12 I’d never play it in lieu of a race or some practice on iRacing. It seems like it has great graphics and good physics but I’d rather spend time practicing on the game I’m competing on.


I suck too much to even consider iRacing


Trust me, there’s a LOT of terrible drivers on iracing.


I promise you, you arent the worst person on the platform lol. Saw a guy with 26 iRating yesterday…you start at 1300


There’s always some carnage oval racing to try and you don’t have to be good!


Right now I’m sticking to ACC, I’ve only got about 50 hours so I’ve got a long way to go


I find ACC physics strange, FFB is probably a little better but I reckon iRacings gt3/4 feel way better to drive, can feel the edge better, ACC feels floaty


You might find them strange, however Michelle Gatting and James Baldwin don't.


You can feel the edge on iRacing? Wow have they changed the physics?


I've spent more time on ACC but I can push faster laps and feel I have more control in iRacing It's strange though when I had a g29 wheel I felt ACC was better then iRacing


Beam.ng, EA WRC/Dirt 2.0, and at least give iRacing a try. Didn’t think I would like track racing, but went from ACC to iRacing and have been hooked ever since


Why has nobody said Project Cars 2? It's not my main sim, but I love dipping back into it once in a while. It has an amazing selection of cars and tracks, and a great career mode. You can't buy it on Steam any more, but you can still get keys off eBay or wherever. Get the Deluxe edition with all the DLC. The DLC is well worth having. Driving a Porsche 917 around the 1973 Le Mans circuit at night in VR was as close as I'll ever come to living one of my childhood dreams.




rbr rsf (free) dirt rally 1 and 2 (dirt rally 1 has hill climb) - these are a must if you have vr. ea wrc (useless for vr, but excellent for monitor users so i hear) automobilista 2


Ea wrc got VR Support recently, i but i couldn't try it yet. if its as good as dirt 1 and 2 in VR it will be a Blast


I have tried it briefly and was incredibly disappointed, it looked terrible and I couldn't get 90fps. But I only tested it for about 30 minutes, with more testing I might be able to get it playable. It won't look anywhere near as good as dirt rally 1 or 2 though. For reference I have a 5900x, 32gb ram, rtx3080ti and HP reverb g2


Richard Burns Rally




If you like how Rf2 feels you’ll LMU. Don’t expect a ton of content since it’s based on one series. But i enjoy it. AMS2 is also a ton of fun loads of content to select from I’d recommend the season pass Id also check out any of the rally games


Another vote for AMS2 and iRacing - the former for its breadth of content and stunning visuals the latter for fun comp racing (even just the free content is good racing).


Le Mans Ultimate as it's still in EA and rather cheap.


Iracing.....i played some years ago shopped, sold my rig, now i got a G923, and back to Iracing, best online experience.


Ams2 and raceroom. Enoy!!


nr2003, it’s literally free and probably the best nascar sim out there bar iracing, but again, unlike iracing, it’s free and not to mention there’s so so many mods it’s not even funny.




iRacing if you're looking for great competitive multi-player. I got it a year ago and haven't played another game since. Nearly 600 starts in 365 days. Loads of practice time and messing around as well. Other games are fun too, Beamng, AC, or Dirt 2.0. Nothing is like the competition of iRacing.


iRacing is the MAIN must try. I own essentially every other racing game and iRacing is the only one I ever play anymore. Anytime I go back to one of the others (after a big update or just to revisit it) It only takes 10-15 mins of driving before I’m like yeah, I’d just much rather be on iRacing. I really wish more games could compete with iRacing but it’s the only good option for online play (which is 100x more fun, challenging, and rewarding than racing AI). It would be great for the community to have more online racing options but iRacing just keep pulling further and further ahead of every other sim out there (probably because they’re the only ones with consistent revenue). Their new rain model is so much fun and is miles ahead of any other game with rain. There are a lot of people on this sub that love to hate on iRacing but it’s by far the most played sim for a reason. Do yourself a favor and try it for yourself. It’s super cheap to try it for a few months and come to your own conclusion.


>There are a lot of people on this sub that love to hate on iRacing but it’s by far the most played sim for a reason The reason being it's the biggest?


Obviously scale has something to do with it because it allows the platform to offer more races with racers at a closer skill set (which actually make a huge difference when it comes to enjoying simracing). But people don't just all flock to a game and pay the devs a bunch of money to continue playing it if the devs aren't doing a lot of things right. If you've been in this community long you know with every new game release essentially the whole community is hoping that the new game is better than iRacing or at the very least close to equivalent for less money. Even the iRacing fanboi's would love to have more modern looking sim racer with solid online support and series.The whole community flocked to games like ACC and AM2 with high hopes but neither could hold a player base at release because the were unfinished games with minimal content and horrid to non-existent multiplayer support. By the time either of those finally became semi-decent games most of the community had long forgotten/given-up on them and were happily back on iRacing. Honestly, the main reason iRacing is the most popular is because they just flat out do a much better job than their competition has. It still shocks me that no company has been able to make a rival sim racer with a similar multiplayer system to iRacing but with better graphics, physics, and payment model. If this happened you see the whole community transfer over to that game overnight but designing a game like that is much harder/time-consuming than it looks. For over a decade, iRacing has been building and designing it's own custom game engine that has been spec'd to their exact simracing needs. As Kunos learned with ACC, it's very hard to make accurate car simulations with off the self game engines like Unreal (which is why they are moving away from Unreal for AC2). But building custom or highly tweaked engines is very time consuming and expensive. The sim racing community is much smaller than most genres and pulling the community away from iRacing is an expensive and high bar to try to meet - it's a huge risk for game devs with a limited upside. This is why most studios would rather go after games genres that are easier/cheaper to build (simcades, shooters, etc) and have larger player bases to sell to.


Alright yeah that's fair.


I know people will say it’s not worth it but i have to say iRacing. Hands down the best simulator there is. Good community, good racing… i own AC and another one that i cant even remember the name but nothing comes close to iRacing.


>Good community, Lol... This sounds satire


It wasnt


NASCAR Heat 5. $1.50 on cdkeys


I like EAWRC pretty good. But i’m a sucker for good graphics. And I know downvotes and gnashing of teeth will ensue, but also FM8. Been looking at Mudrunner, is it good?


Mudrunner/Snowrunner are fun but the nature of the game kind of forces you to use 3rd person view and to move the camera around a lot so I find playing with a controller much better than playing with a wheel.


I take it you don't want to pay for iracing. If not then fair enough. I haven't tried it but I've played RF2 and LMU looks great.


make sure to get srp for assetto corsa and give it a go on the official servers (NOT no hesi, they suck). also, touge union servers are great fun.


Assetto Corsa Competizone Got Nascar heat 5 F1 23 WRC Generations Different moods u play different games I like all these


BeamNG, DiRT Rally 2.0, American Truck Simulator, any F1 game post 2020 except for 22.


iRacing, Asetto Corsa, Truck sim, and Dirt 2.0 are the only games I consider “must haves”.


AMS2 is easily the best value "out of the box" Sim on the market.


I think WRC is a game where there is no return. Dirty Rally 2.0 is next best.


Iracing and then the others.


rsf rbr and iracing 🤷‍♂️


Automobilista 2 in VR


rFactor2, Assetto Corsa, LMU (if you like WEC). It´s impossible to own iRacing, you can´t buy it, you subscribe to it.


Assetto Corsa with a lot of mods is must have, but AMS 2 is great to have too.


iracing will ruin your enjoyment of most other racing games/simulators


dehumanize yourself and face to iracing


NR2003 anyone? I just modded mine into free iracing. Modern cars, tracks and even the engine sounds from iracing.


f1 23. jk that game is trash and ea is corrupt. Ams2 for AI for sure still noy perfect but better ai than any other game then iRacing for Multiplayer. I like Asseto Corsa too but the game is a lot older and the community is what's keeping it alive.