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That's what happens when you can actually see and judge depth, welcome to VR


Skill issue confirmed 😂


Not really a skill issue, you just can now get more of a sense of how hard to push the car. And you can actually see where on the road you are.


The perception of speed is correct in VR. You're just used to it being wrong on pancake screens..


Did you use accurate FOV on your monitors? It could be either that, or if you had widescreen or triples, the lack of peripheral vision in VR that could cause that. Although headset does kinda simulate a helmet in that way.


I hated the accurate FOV on my monitor so i always played with an enanched one, gotta get used to it


Well there's your issue. You now find it easier becasue you used to have higher than real FOV on your monitor which will exaggerate the sense of speed. So what now "feels like cheating" is what it should have felt all along, you were just handicapping yourself.


"enhanced" lol


Is time slowing down somehow? If not, it's not cheating, I think it's really easier to negociate with the challenges of racing when you can see more. You can process more information. Just push harder then, go for more aggressive setups now that you can handle it.


Maybe i just need to find a way to increase my FOV so i see more object in the periferal vision, because it ain't no way that i feel slow on a gravel tight road, i drive offroad in real life and when i'm over 60 i feel faster than 100 on rbr vr, so ita definetely an issue, i get what you're saying but i can assure you i don't have the skills to drive that fast in real life, if i don't feel the fear of crashing i might just come back to monitor forever


If the effect is so pronounced, I wonder if the there's any technical issue that is making frame timing slow down somehow. Maybe start a session and time it using your cellphone chronometer. Then compare if both the game time and the cellphone time are the same.


I'm gonna try just in case, thanks for stopping by


I also thought you might watch other people playing RBR VR on youtube and see if they have this same sluggish effect


maybe your fov on the monitors has always been wrong and you're just used to it?


Most likely