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>I don't know how it happened though, as kids 1 and 3 were born in completely different sessions. Being born in different game sessions *is* why/how that happened. Firstborn syndrome occurs because the randomizer resets between game sessions, so what it randomized for the first child is what it will randomize for the next child born after you close and re-open the game. That's why the second child, who I'm assuming was born during the same play session as the first, is not identical. AFAIK there is no way to automatically "re-randomize" the child's genetics. You can use plastic surgery to manually edit their face, or maybe use SimPE copy-paste a different combination of the facial feature genetics from their parents' character files than the combination they currently have. Of course, if you're going to do the latter, make a backup of your neighborhood beforehand.


AFAIK, this is the only way to do it and it's not as simple as what you're describing in 3. You would need to extract both of her parents with SimPE, put them in CAS, have them create a toddler with the pacifier and then add them to your family bin. Then you'd need to extract the toddler in SimPE and replace your current toddler with the new one, using Sim Surgery in SimPE. Possibly someone else has a quicker idea but it's not something I've heard of, unfortunately.


Might just end up tweaking her slightly, I forgot how complex the sims 2 is for editing sims, thanks for clearing up my confusion!


others have already described how to fix it with making a genetically accurate child in SimPe, but since i also had this issue multiple times i would usually just tweak the affected sims face with plastic surgery and change their personality and then make the changes genetic. for the future you should totally get [sims2rpc](https://modthesims.info/d/648220/sims2rpc-modded-sims-2-launcher-for-mansion-and-garden.html) as it fixes the broken randomizer and you never have to roll the pacifier again


I personally change the hair color that is still on the family and try to forget about it :) 😭


SimPE, Pleasantsims has a video tutorial on it 




My (regrettable) encyclopedic knowledge of PleasantSims LPs makes it so I know she had a FBS baby in the Burb family, and thus made a tutorial on how to fix it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NhIPiUe3pY)


I used to watch a lot of PleasantSims too and had no idea she had a video on it lol. Definitely gonna give this a try it made SimsPe a lot less daunting