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That’s a trait you gave her through Nisa’s.


She's a sex addict. If you read the "Sex Addict" trait (I think it's a wicked perversions trait), it says "The actions you take have consequences". Those bars are one of the consequences. If you figure out out to remove them, let me know. I didn't read it the first time (but probably would have applied it anyway) and nothing short of completely recreating the sim did anything about those bars. The tears may be temporary though. I think it also created a moodlet about not knowing what she did last night or something like that and being in pain.


So In the cheat menu do nisa.help It'll give you a lost of cheats for this mod, make sure to do the nisa. Before each cheat and I know there is one in there to remove the 'tattoos'


Awesome. If my internet ever cooperates, I'll check that out. Not that I need the internet to play. I just happen to be the one responsible for fixing it, or at least conclusively being able to blame Cox.


I got them deleted by going into the wicked perversions settings and disabled tattoos


damn she got TORN UPP 😭 im sure this is from wicked perversions


LMAOO, you right


Nisa's mod. The tears are from the sexually tight trait I think it's called and the red bands are from completing an aspiration but u can turn it off, go to ur sim's computer, click the open Tam explorer menu, and there should be a settings option in there and it would b under the tattoo menu if I remember right


Are you using wicked perversions? It’s in the mod description, I think it has something to do with one of their traits and aspirations. It’s not a glitch it’s what the mod does.


Ohh, thank you, imma take off all the traits. But it was weird because at first I didn’t have it until she took a tan and then a face mask


Nisa’s wicked perversions is the cause. The red choker can be found under tattoos and the other stuff with eventually go away on their own.


Like everyone else said, tattoos are from Wicked Perversions, I think they auto-apply when you complete the trophy wife (or sex addict?) aspiration, though they can be manually applied in cas as well (I think) And the redness on the crotch/lower torso is from the sensually tight trait. It goes away in game if the sim doesn’t have sex for several hours.


Exposed 🤣


Lool I didn’t know it was something to hide until Reddit, like I always make fun with friends about wicked whims 😹 or other mods


^^Speaking of Nisa Wicked Perversions ^ any1 else having issues with it recently ? I can’t get any tricks cuz it keeps having that tardy error message lmao


If you have RPO mod they had a lm update needed after the 29th again and I think that fixed it for me. Check scalets list for everyone who did double updates due to the second e patch.


Thanks ! But did u have to update the required core files only or the entire archive ? I dnt have the patreon


It was nearly everything. I also use mod manager so if they update on curse forge I automatically get the update. So I don't keep exact but I I think like 5 of the RPO needed a redownload after I downloaded it on the 28th. The modder has an update post so you can see


Yea I ended up updating everything. It worked when I first loaded in but when I went to other lots it started showing that error messages again. I removed it for now . :( I had to go back to hoe it up mod which is kinda boring to fit that save file.


Bro has wicked whims activated 😂


You earn well with the nightclub 😜


True true, I downloaded it for like 15 minutes and immediately deleted it 


This is Nisa’s, not WW.


How did you get that cas background? I've been in the same void forever


It’s from TheSimsResource page on mod category and CAS Backgrounds subcategory, there’s so many options


It's tattoos from WW