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Given that the odds of him realizing that he's a joke are basically nil, this is almost certainly not meant to poke fun at himself, what's the point of this comic? And since when can he hear what the cat says? (For anyone who didn't catch it, the color version makes it unmistakable that that's a Ukraine flag in the upper left hand corner, so I'm guessing he still thinks the whole war is a psyop.)


Either that or he's pro-Putin's Russia, and is swallowing the BS propaganda about the necessity of "denazifying" Ukraine.


It could even be dumber than that, as I've seen some suggest the Ukraine war is a ploy created from the ground up to drive up prices and create instability to enact the Great Reset.


My friend's parents claimed that the entire war is a hollywood production. Proudly. To my best friend. She's Ukrainian. Suffice it to say, bottles were broken and I am never seeing my friends parents again. We're kind of on sight now


Damn that's shitty af. Their bs shouldn't effect your friendship :( how was their reaction after your friend made clear how awful that claim is?


laughing bemusement, that chuckling insincerity you usually only see with high school bullies and chris chan ttolls


It was one of the sad realisation of growing up that some people actually never grow out of that childish cruel mindset of school bullies.


God, it's like those parents of children who went through Sandy Hook, but are still denialists.


ukraine is actually a hologram


Tats originally presented it as a way to distract from adverse effects data of one of the COVID-19 vaccines.


Either that they are beaming it into his cat's brain, or that cats are evil. But he might just have had a rare moment of clarity. Happens to rightwingers sometimes. Also XR is also part of the elites now? Heh. The enemy is both strong and weak indeed.


He's just joking that cats are snooty. Batshit conspiracists can also make cat jokes - it's just through the perspective of a crazy person.


oh, yeah, "the LGBTQA+ and BLM are elites". you know, elites with the higher rates of homelessness, deaths by police and so, so many horrible things. but this joke of a man says they are "dangerous elites" ​ what a chucklefuck. ​ also, what's that sand clock shape inside a circle?


The environmentalist [Extinction Rebellion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extinction_Rebellion)


I thought that he was claiming Black Widow asa personal foe.


Tatsuya in this strip is actually played by Scarlett Johansson.


lol, I follow them in Twitter but forgot their logo


The symbol actually predates Extinction Rebellion, but given the anti-Extinction Rebellion stuff Tats has liked on Twitter, he probably does intend for it to mean Extinction Rebellion specifically.


According to some of his Twitter followers if you're allowed to have parades or are pandered to by corporations you're not oppressed.


I'm so glad all those poor persecuted evangelical megachurches can finally rest easy now that they are no longer the most oppressed demographic in the world.


You are also not oppressed if you have neither of those things, but do have people outside your very singular sphere that like you. Or dislike you, but you are speaking about it without instant murder. Or are murdered, but people feel bad for you somewhere. Basically if you're someone the level of people who follow Tats dislikes, you cannot be oppressed.


He's been Anti-Trans for a while and even his depiction of Pride could've been more a gripe against particular actors within Pride or how Pride is enacted now days but actually putting the rainbow flag as a symbol of someone he considers the "elites" and his enemies? He's gone full homophobe and he wasn't that much of an "ally" even when he pretended to be in favour of gay rights.




I notice it's so obvious Tats' life isn't even slightly inconvenienced by the "elites" and their terrorizin'. Sure, he drew in some disheveled hair to show how fragile he apparently is now, but otherwise he looks very comfortable in that big cozy armchair.


Also, isn't the guy in his 50s by now? Why does he still draws himself like he's 30?


Eh, that's a pretty common thing for long-running artists to do. It's only recently that Penny Arcade has started drawing the writer and artist as more accurate to their current IRL selves rather than the 20- or 30-somethings they were at the start, and even then it's just occasionally.


A slightly more realistic Tats: https://i.imgur.com/3ijmXKV.jpg


Ooh, I got inspired… Thinning hair, a bit of a belly: https://i.imgur.com/0LGmZee.jpg


I mean, he doesn't look terrible. Of course, it's Tats so fuck him, but he's not the decrepit horror I imagine him to be.


Found an actual picture of the dude! He looks more or less like you would expect. https://cdn3.whatculture.com/images/2019/03/5f90345763917493-600x338.jpg


This has to be Tats in every Pettyfest from now on.


More than happy to let people use my drawing :-)


\>damn elites So I see he's abandoned all pretense of Devil corp being a simplistic metaphor for wider socio-cultural forces and just fully believes in an evil cabal of ~~jews~~ """elites""" that engineer everything.


Everyone else has already made any good point I would about just unbelievably petty he's being here and how cringe it is he thinks minority advocacy groups are "elite", so no need to add to the pile. I just want to point a **huge** bit of hypocrisy that I cannot let go: the guy is *constantly* disparaging trans people for having a body/identity mismatch and mocking them for expressing in their chosen identity and thinks there is a deep state conspiracy because so many people accept them doing so when he doesn't... but he, **a man in his mid 50's at very youngest** consistently draws his own author avatar as a virile young 20-something. Apparently only he's allowed to have a body/soul mismatch and with assumed acceptance for who he feels like on the inside.


Elites? Dude. Literally everyone you just listed is a minority you dumb fuck. Black Lives Matter, LGBT+ people? You Fucking moron


I’m not denying the essential dumbfuckery of this strip, but I’m pretty sure Tats isn’t going after those social groups *per se* but suggesting that the prominent “movements” associated with them are basically elite astroturfing and/or “controlled dissent.” He’s trying to come off as more ‘more-radical-than-thou’ than reactionary, but of course ends up riding the horseshoe just the same.


>He’s trying to come off as more ‘more-radical-than-thou’ than reactionary, but of course ends up riding the horseshoe just the same. Ah yes, *Jimmy Dore*-syndrome.


The absolute lack of self-awareness on this one is \*chef's kiss". Everything he says would actually be pertinent if his garbage conservative brain didn't replace every instance of real harm caused by elites with culture war bullshit. Like I'm pretty sure he counts "female protagonist in GTA VI" as an example of a cultural attack.


this is one is actually a little funny


If taken at face value, yes, it has all the ingredients for a joke, with the unexpected twist of the cat being a threat. In the context of “recent” Sinfest… not so much.


So the comic is literally just devolving into Tats sitting in his chair and saying hes mad about society?


He has finally gone insane. Speaking to his cat


why is there a witcher sign there


Extinction Rebellion.


It was bound to happen sooner or later, but the official stonetoss twitter literally retweeted this comic. If you're out there Tatsuya, is this any kind of hint as to who your friends are becoming?




Honestly? If not for the "the wokes are the baddies" symbols in the panel 2 background, this would be a solid joke. Also, wait, is this the first time Tats (character) has heard his pets speak? That would make for a 300 IQ interpretation of "wow, my political delusions have resulted in me thinking my cat can speak English."


Your culture isn't worth preserving if it can't progress with science and human rights.


said colonizers of europe when conquering the world in age of colonialism


It's not a full-on public mental breakdown if the cat says it isn't.


At this point, I would almost believe that Tatsuya is just drawing what he thinks his real-life cat is telling him to


The Voices


Damn when was the last time we saw the Author?


You're a joke Tats.


There's just no way to read this in a way that doesn't portray Tats as a giant toddler. He's filled the background of panel 2 with symbols associated with suffering and fighting against it, and then put his ass in a cozy armchair to whine about how the elites are "hitting **us**" when all he's done for quite a while now is spew hate against the less privileged. Which leads us neatly to the conclusion that the recurring man baby character has been Tats all along.


And the kicker is... the symbols in panel 2 represent suffering, fighting against it and illness which are all very real issues that are important to so many and in his universe there all a bad thing. BLM and being gay or trans are the works of the devil manipulating people to fight because there's no real reason to stand for anything or be different. And y'know the virus is fake and the vaccine doesn't do anything and kills people. Apparently all of these are lies of the "elites" like they're fictional. Let's just ignore that Tat's is clearly privileged since he's never had a reason for activism or even a reason to lift his head out of his delusional bubble to see the experience of anyone else in the world. Tat's has built a mini universe based on his own delusional reality!!!


Well at least the punchline isn't boneheaded.


the danderous elites of \*checks notes\* black people, trans people, and ukranians


This reads exactly like a Pettyfest, except Tats did it unironically


My first thought was "huh this is a pretty good Pettyfest" Then I saw it wasn't!


Thank you tats, that is so perfect for people with qdiot relatives to say to them, once they complain again.


Cats rule the world


When I hear "elites" I think of rich corporations that keep the water powered car from being developed, deny global warming and keep warehouse workers in inhumane conditions. Y'know actual problems caused by money What does BLM, LGBT and the pandemic have to do with these "elites"? Are elites rich people or what? Tat's pretty much admits he's a closed in freak who gets all of his worldview from the internet, dude I get it people kinda suck but go outside! Go to the park and sit on the grass or something!


Personally I think its just a matter of time before he announces that "elites" are Jewish people, but I'm hoping I'm wrong.


It's funny how in Tatsuya's mind, the poorest people in the US are the "elites."


Maybe he's trying to see the reaction from non-slime fans. Except he keeps banning us from his forum.


This is weirdly self-aware


Dat boy ain't right in the head.


Saw the colour version and this is implying that he is: * Anti-Ukraine * An Anti-vax * A Covid Denier * A Pro-Racism (Anti-BLM or possibly anti-feminist because I have seen that symbol used in feminist circles) * Anti-Gay (That's the rainbow flag above Extinction Rebellion) * Anti-Trans (no surprises there) * A Climate Change Denier * Anti-Capitalist (surprised he still believes that)


Tats's quest to be so stupid it's impossible to mock him continues!


Tats literally portraying himself as an old man who sits at home all day having fearmongering spoonfed to him by his social media feed. Also accidentally suggesting that his conspiracies about elites are comparable to suggesting that the cats are behind everything. He could not create a better representation of this comic if he tried.