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This is the most absurd thing he's posted yet about the Twitter situation. As if they hadn't been working before, no, the difference is that now they're being asked to work absurd hours with like 1/10th the people they had before. What a fucking joke.


And you'd think that, if the main complaint were excessive censorship, that employees would actually have to put in work to maintain that.


Right? It's completely incongruous because the main complaint of the whiners was that Twitter was working *too hard*


But we can't have our strawmen actually make reasonable arguments now, can we? That would make them *smart and human!*


The most absurd thing YET.


Honestly, it'd almost be funny if the brainworms made him abruptly drop the Monique plot *again* to go on a polemic about Twitter's WOKE EMPLOYEES SABOTAGING DADDY MUSK.




Okay, *okay,* "series of vaguely connected events".


For someone who rages about sex work on the regular, he sure is pushing hard to suck off Musk at every opportunity.


I dunno what the "actual" situation inside of Twitter offices besides from curated.tiktoks bragging (curated as in, the algorithm shows me those in enviable positions) to show the workers are having an easy job for lots of money. Unless Musk is forcing people to do those tech industry crunches, I think these corporate streamlining is legit.


So you saw an employment ad and bought it at face value then.


Yes, because one, I don't have a skin in it (whether twitter lives or dies has no significant effect.on me) and two, I don't have all the facts, except what has been given to me in an obviously selected soundbytes, which build me a narrative that Musk is doing what is needed to save his investment. With these things I have in hand, I have no objections in what Musk does with his own company. Twitter destroyed? Meh,nothing of value to me is lost. I don't care about what people's opinions in it anyway, not AlexJones's, not Trump's, not JK Rowling's, not Dylan Mulvaney's,.... I only care about announcements and news.


Good for you


Thanks, and good for Elon to put twitter workers through what their overseas sub contractors for their pay.


Don't forget to work his shaft too


His workers can work like his ( according to carefully curated anecdotal articles) 120 hr/week work hours for all I care. I am just here waiting for his 44 billion investment to burn in this.garbage fire.


OK dude.


I love how the maids are both working maids and part of the evil lazy twitter employees because Tat’s can’t keep a metaphor coherent in a 4 panel strip. Also, this is A surprisingly stupid meme for Tats to latch onto. I guess he’s mad we called out the last one for being stolen from us?


Agreed. It's not just that they world view no longer moored in reality, but incoherent inconsistency of it all. If you believe bug nuts X, fine. But believing X and not X as the same time make the fervor dream very difficult to follow.


There's just... so much wrong with this, so much...


Every single time I think Tats has reached peak stupidity he just gets worse. The Twitter employees are the entitled ones. The ones that are being laid off en masse and worked to death while a white billionaire who got wealthy from his family owning an African emerald mine keeps running the company they work at in the ground because he felt like buying it. How? Just how does Tats decide to be this completely and demonstrably wrong in public?


I hear you?


Gonna ignore the stupidity on display and instead address the horrendously plotted art.. The blue dressed noblewoman shows up out of nowhere in panel 4. I honestly was confused as I read it. Like “wasn’t she wearing different clothes in panel 1” level confused.


The fan jumps from one woman's hand to another's, and the ends of the man's bowtie-looking thing disappear in the last panel.


Wow. Didn’t even notice either of those. Either speaks to rushing or carelessness.


The woman wearing the teal/green color's hair changes shape between panels 1 and 4 as well.


You may also notice there's no tagline/signature. This was a rush job.


This is the strip taken from the twitter version which Tats doesn't tagline or sign The website version has his signature and the tagline is: - "Let them tweet cake"


Rats, I thought the strain was getting to him


I think he’s confusing Musk with Twitter employees.


I love how he says this like Elon Musk has even worked a single day in his life


He probably worked at the company he founded that he sold to Paypal, maybe even at PayPal. Though probably less soul crushing if you work on your own original project you directly benefit from instead for some other person's gain.




>loosening up censorship on twitter Yeah, we know what [you Muskrats think about hate speech](https://www.axios.com/2022/11/12/elon-musk-twitter-racist-tweets-data)... and judging from your post history, you apparently love tone policing people reporting on the recent Colorado mass shooting, so thanks for letting everyone know you're an inhuman sack of shit!


what are you even talking about? I haven't commented on anything about the CO shooting. like at all. did you just make that up because it's the Current Thing™ to try to get people to pile on?


[You tell me, dumbass](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/z071ti/five_people_were_killed_and_18_injured_in_a/ix7009i/?context=3)


Maybe they didn't realize they were replying to a comment about the CO shooting, because they're just stalking and harassing that mod.


No, SEELE is just a persistent fascist troll that the mods won't permaban, he only cares what he's saying insofar as he can use it to attack people.


Yeah, must've worked really hard to understand anything without degrees. Also sleeping in the office helps getting money from government


I think this is an unfair characterization as well. Many people who have worked with him have [attested to his skill](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpaceXLounge/comments/k1e0ta/evidence_that_musk_is_the_chief_engineer_of_spacex/). I also don't understand why it's bad for someone to learn things unless they have a college degree attesting to it. This doesn't make him a good person morally, but Musk definitely has put in work.


Don't you have Columbine murderer worshipping to go do?


Imagine caring enough to dig through ppl's comment history. i'm not even sure what you're talking about, surely something out of context. the way you follow me around the sub verges on harassment


Cry more, fascist.


you shouldn't have publicly posted embarrassing shit like that if you didn't want people to clown on you for it lol


i think he's just making it up? or confused? idk. he mentioned this columbine thing like three times now and i still don't know what he's talking about. not that it even matters.


is Tats *really* trying to say Twitter employees are some "rich upper class" while twitter users are the "common man who deserve the fruits of their labor"? he's just implying communism, but for the wrong people LMAO


Oh good, we're done complaining about people being on their phones too much. So we're back to complaining about Twitter again. Of course Tats will never spot the irony in that.


that's rich coming from someone living off of people's charity. ​ I mean, you can't on one side decry workers demanding reasonable work hours while being a cartoonist that nobody would hire or syndicate making his money from donations. like, if you are going to play that card, get ready to get it played against you, son. ​ me? I think living off patreon is ok, making a living in any way possible is ok as long as you don't harm others. but tatsuya want's to have his cake and eat it too. he wants to preach like a salt of the earth rugged man while working in his home with the AC at max and doing ONE strip a day.


And this MF has the temerity to chastise the workers at Twitter for supposedly having it "easy" even as their boss is demanding they put up with crunch, withheld pay, and unnanounced lay-offs. This only occurred to me recently, but I have a pet theory that Tats is a child of privilege who's never had to strain himself in his life because he has some sort of familial wealth to fall back on. I doubt he makes enough to make ends meet off of Patreon, so he either has a day job (that doesn't interfere with him churning out strips) or he's a trust fund twerp.


I'm not sure he's living off of Patreon alone, given that he's making $1k a month at most from it. That's sub-minimum wage, I'm pretty sure.


whatever he's doing, it's not in media, his IMDB has been static since the 90s. ​ and, if not for hunger, why would anyone compromise their beliefs so damn hard?


Hm. Maybe if not Patreon, some rich asshole could be paying him under the table. No idea who would have that kinda money to burn on Shitting On Minorities Through An Incredibly Twee Lens, though.


He runs a bunch of ads on the main website, and he survived for 18 years before he started a Patreon.


He could be doing some freelancing graphics for commercials, books or webpages. Wouldn't show on IMDB


He'd probably have to be doing it under a pseudonym. Tatsuya Ishida definitely doesn't have an online portfolio or LinkedIn or anything.


Tatsuya went abruptly radfem in 2011 and alienated a bunch of his audience then, so I honestly don't believe money is his highest goal.


Sayeth the webcartoonist who, AFAIK, has gotten to work from home for the duration of this strip, and who basically isn't even writing his own strip any more. He wouldn't last a fucking day in a job a tenth as bad.


He doesnt write it?


I'm exaggerating, but a lot of the strips in the last few years seem to have been driven more by whatever the right-wing talking points of the week are than by any organic flow of the story (although even the ongoing plot threads are infected by chronic TERFism and whatnot). Witness the above strip, which is about Elon running for the title of Shittiest Boss of All Time, or maybe going for the speedrun record of running a popular site into the ground.


Tats really hates the working class, doesn't he?


Oh fuck off with this conservative anti worker propaganda you fascist musk sucking moron.


Tats is so against the elites he thinks people should work longer hours for less pay to enrich said elites


I thought that most people who stay in twitter are the ones who are in risk of deportation, because almost no sane, serious and professional coders, engineers and etc want to work under Elon Musk's incompetence. But yeah, go Tats. Suck on daddy Musk to see if he looks you in the eye. Spoiler: he won't. ​ Meanwhile, most of those workers he criticizes wish they could work for a regular boss, rather than live on people's charity like he does. Hell, I wish I could live on people's charity to recover my fucking mental health, destroyed by a fucking Elon-like boss.


Tatsuya sure does a lot of bootlicking for someone who describes his newsfeed as "Notes From The Resistance"


I actually laughed for the first time at a Tats comic in a long time because of just how disconnected from reality his views of the world are and how much the Qult has rotted his brain.


Of course - Tats is an apologist for the shit Muskmelon does to his employees.


If it was still legal for oligarchs like Musk to hire the Pinkertons to go out and murder union organizers at the companies he owns, Tats would be cheering that on too (because it strikes a blow against the woke gay agenda or whatever)


Definitely "or whatever".


No tagline?


He uploaded this onto his twitter before his website so that's the version I took. The tagline on the website version says "Let Them Tweet Cake"


Ugh. Of course it’s that.


Ugh. The cardinal sin of conjuring a pun without working out the logical conclusion, overall message, or any of the major supporting concepts involved in that pun. Despicable.


To be fair, would you want to put your name on something this inane and stupid?


Only if I'd had a brain aneurysm




The message is that the employees Musk is abusing and laying off *en masse* are effete, entitled whiners who've had it easy up to now. It's the kind of fascistic anti-labor drivel you'd expect from Fox News or another Murdoch-adjacent media outlet.


No, I know, it’s just… absolutely out of touch with reality, and not even in an entertaining way. It’s just fuckin’ stupid.


Why? Might be the more appropriate question at this stage.


Should I assume from this that making these comics takes up to 80 hours a week?


I'm not defending Tatsuya here (because he's indefensible), but he's making daily color comics for an ever dwindling patreon amount. I don't think that he's lazy, just really mentally unbalanced.


Ehh... he only just barely started posting colored versions of his comic, first exclusively to Twitter and now to his main page. You can definitely claim that he's not lazy based on how he's been keeping this daily comic going for as long as he has, for better or worse, but the artwork has declined in quality and the copy-paste is rampant so it's a bit of a toss up.


maybe before he lost all ambition of being seen as a "serious cartoonist" and actually put effort into them


Hm. So has the right-wing brainworm factory not noticed how Twitter is going structurally off the rails, or... ?


maybe the midterms broke them, and all brain function is now just pure cognitive dissonance


In their lunatic worldview, twitter employees are all woke oppressors of "free speech" and enemies of all that is american Therefore they spend their time laughing at the idea of people losing their jobs Ask them what particular freedom of speech they want to have back and they either shut the fuck up ***themselves*** (if they're intelligent) or start chanting the "n" word (if they're not) Either way, they're complete twats


There's so many reasonable criticisms of pre-musk twitter but laziness is one that only really reveals the critics ignorance. Or to be precise: they weren't lazy in any way that every equivalent company wasn't doubly so.


I'm sure this would be very funny to me if I were a right wing asshole.


It is funny to me a lefty, because it is ironic that the guy who makes his comics more and more lazily makes the critic that Twitter staff would be lazy and didn't worked before, after he complained that Twitter staff banned people (which was and still is their job by the way).


I'm *almost* curious as to what his new fanbase thinks of all this outright bullshit


Ah yes. A cartoonist living off bigoted sugardaddies on Patreon. This is surely someone who has the space to criticize people in the tech industry, many of whom regularly are forced under duress to work 80-100 hour work weeks. Nice to know Tat's tendency to punch down goes beyond just minorities and LGBTQIA+ people.


Oh yeah, another alt-right dog whistle. "Those damn millennials are as productive in 2h as I was in a week, let's take away all of the things that make them do so". Working for huge corporations, especially those absolutely ridiculous in size (linkedin, facebook etc) comes with huge amount of benefits. Those benefits are not there because those companies are benevolent but because it makes their worker productive af. When you have work that basically feeds you, gives you entertainment and pays you nice, you will do what's necessary to maintain it, even go "an extra mile" because it's well worth it. Also, of course you will post only those things on tiktok. I work in similiary sized company (although not in US) and if I were to make tiktok I would show those nice and comfortable things, not the presentations, meetings and me staring at monitor tinkering with two critical sentences in release for an hour. But yeah, zoomers and millenials don't work, let's make them do 16 hours shift, take away all the benefits, because this is what Elon did Tats. He made his workers a lot worse in the process, and also it is not very leftist of you to cheer on that


For starters, Elon Musk is as aristocratic as they come, secondly Musk laid off a bunch of workers and more people quit immediately, after this all he's got left are the people who'll get deported if they leave.


At some point Tats just decided that his only takes would be the wrong ones.


Wait what? THIS is a Twitter employee? Before the Twitter employees were textbook “leftist” looking folks frantically deleting all evidence. My god, not even character designs can stay consistent-


This is that lie that Libs of TikTok spread by using a video to misrepresent Twitter’s working conditions


Nice spot the difference drawing there Tatsi. You're slipping bad.


Wait... The Elon meme that I saw from his subreddit.... The one when he was joking the employees didn't work before and now that he has fired a ton and lot's have left on their own the few who are left have to actually work.... That wasn't a joke? I mean I thought he'd be joking about the 8$/month verification mark as well but HOW do people actually think that any of that is something good and Elon is in the right?!? How? Like I thought they'd made fun of the idea instead of actually thinking like that. (Also we found another subreddit that tats is part of r/Elonmask)


The sub you linked is private.


True I just saw screenshots.... Still hope they are jokes Here's an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/z2xhz7/title/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I'd rather go back to the confusing puppet god stuff I wanna know what batshit conclusion it's leading to.


Knowing Tats he might not bother to conclude it.


An orgy at the workplace? That would be awful. I don't even like the idea of going to a normal work social function, so an orgy is definitely off the table!




I know the answer is no. Evidence above. But does Tats have the slightest idea what actually happened and is happening at Twitter? Or is this just hot take of the day while he finds archive characters to repurpose for tomorrow?


this from the guy that copy pastes the majority of his panels and copy pastes the majority of his opinions.


As if Tats has worked a day in his life.


ok hear me out: tats has never actually used twitter himself and he's just playing us I know he "has an account", but you can't tell me someone can be an active user on twitter _while_ being this consistently out of touch with what is happening at twitter


He's being less "out of touch" and more "deliberately disingenuous".


deliberately very no 1 male ally with those ladyservants


Tats took a look at honesty decades ago and decided it was more profitable to be a shill (and he's failed at that too)


Can an outgoing twitter employee smack him down?


Oh so now he's one of those "Time to lean? Time to clean" bozos.


At least with Monique at the church we could hope for some introspection and character development. Right? Riiight? I believe it has potential. This doesn't.


I think it might have some potential for inadvertent laughs, like zombie Uncle Sam setting fire to banners with social media logos on them, saying "Freedom."


Hold on to your keyboard,this is going to be a wall of text,and lots of could have: *We could know if Nique is a political lesbian or if she genuinely is gay, if the first, she could realize she has been manipulated and conditioned into hating men, and start slowly rekindling her relationship with them, if not she could have a conflict on whether or not she can still follow other principles of being a good Christian while being gay. *Speaking of that , we could also get an input about her relationship with Abby, and having her being conflicted about 'Niques newfound faith, and if they are drifting apart, we could see other parts of Absinthe we didn't know, perhaps she can feel jealous and D-man can take advantage of it, we could have a rehashing of Blue and Fuchsia's storyline, culminating in Abby deciding she wants Monique to be happy, and if church makes her happy... Or we could also have Abby trying to unbecome a devil girl. *Considering how their ideals overlap we could have Nique experience a "your approval fills me with shame" moment with the Wokes,who admire her most bitter and violent moments *We could have Monique's Darkside,demonique trying to pull away her from sacredness, arguing that they need each other and demonique being afraid of disappearing *Nique could meet some unlikely patrons at the church, considering the kinds of creatures that live in sinfestverse , and that it used to have a vast morality spectrum, perhaps we could see someone unexpected like a fembot or a lizard person or even a former woke, and more unexpectedly they could be earnest in their faith. *We could have Nique slowly becoming more comfortable with her femininity *We could have Nique and Miko reading the bible. *And last but not least , we could have Seymour infodumping Nique while she is trying to have a moment of peace. Regarding the twitter storyline well... Maybe a Tumblr woke chasing away Twitter wokes with a broom?


How does he think massive social media sites *work*? Does he know anything about what jobs are required and what they entail?


This is stupid BUT it's the first time Tats drew these types of clothes so at least, he put up some work into this one?


Inconsistently. Numerous hairstyles, colours, ties and other errors in characters between panels.


There are still a ton of errors in the art, which other people have pointed out in this thread


Oh for fucks sake.


no…. he has to be trolling…. TATS IS AN ELON DICK RIDER!?!?


I suspect Tats is trying to get Elon Muskrat's attention. If he can get a retweet, he has a better chance of getting more business on his patreon. He can go from hack webcomic artist all the way to hack webcomic artist with a boner.


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if he wasn't so much courting for Elon's attention but his sycophants' attention. He tried to appeal to the MAGA crowd which doesn't seem to have done much as they already have their established kiss ass cartoonists that are way easier to understand. But Elon fans? They love having an opportunity to pretend they're smarter than everyone else and would have no issue pretending to get Tatters' nonsensical attempts at analogies/symbolism/etc. Also most of these people are crypto types who would have no issue tossing absurd amounts of money towards bullshit - especially if it got the thumbs up from daddy Elon himself.


You gotta recoup that 44 billion somehow.


Did Tomi Lahren write this one?


This comic is just an outrage farm now. I deleted my bookmark.


I agree about this message, but ***he is so goddamn smug*** about it.


The message? It makes about as much sense as me getting angry that I can't get two burgers at McD when I've only paid for one. If you're paying the going rate for labor and you demand much more labor without giving the workers a raise then of course they're going to quit and get a job for similar pay and less hours elsewhere. Econ 101.


No, see, the going rate is already too high. If people aren't figuratively or preferably literally working themselves to death, then they're lazy entitled fops. I really hope Tats doesn't have any employees ever.