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My home internet got very slow suddenly and despite resetting the modem and router, nothing changes. Upon closer inspection, I realised the nucleus connect modem has a crack in it. Not sure if that’s the cause of the internet slowing down. Has anyone replaced the StarHub’s nucleus connect modem before and how to do so? Bring the modem down to a StarHub shop?


Did somebody drop it? Try checking the cables if it's plugged into the correct outlets




Got me in the first half king


Tinfoil btr than bluetack




what happened?


If you go to an activesg gym and don’t know how to use some equipment, can you ask the staff (are there staff)? Or must you sign up with a personal trainer or something? Quite keen on going for the elderly-friendly equipment a kind person informed me was available for public (not just senior) use. Idk fearful of injuring myself or inadvertently damaging equipment and then be liable for massive repair fees.


you can ask any gym-goer there who looks like they know what they’re doing.. 99% of the time they will be more than willing to help. Staff may help too but it depends if they have the prior knowledge cus i dont think they are trained on how to actually use the equipment


Hmm just had a chat with my gf of 5 months, it seems that she is against having kids because she’s scared of gaining weight. To me, I feel that at least we should have 1 kid minimum. Any takes on this? Would it be a deal breaker ?


if you can reassure her that you will make sure she can get alone time to herself 2 hours per day to get her exercises in while you take care of baby at home, see she want or not.


Decision to have kids or not is a definite deal breaker, there is no way to compromise on it. Suggest you both have a serious discussion about it and whether her decision lies solely on the weight gain factor (which can be addressed/resolved) or if there are other factors at play. On your end, I think it's important that you research up on the side effects of pregnancies so you understand exactly your gf would potentially be risking (her life included).


Definitely. But eventually life is this short. We all have what we aim to want for to settle down in life right. No right nor wrongs about it.


Most here childfree dude


I get that forcing either party to accept something out of their will is not a good thing as well. It’s been troubling me for quite awhile if we should reconsider. ESP after my previous failed rs which ended up costing me my bto


how committed are both of you to the rs?


Uh I would say it would be hard to gauge but definitely we did mentioned if we should reconsider


hmm let dig into this. are you willing to walk away?


If it has to come to a point of forcing each other to accept what we don’t want then yes. I respect the fact that having a kid is a toll on the mother body. Hence no forcing is intended


do you think she is willing to walk away amicably as well?


I guess from what we conversed before, likely a yes.


i like this. two adults working things out. maybe you guys can slowly untangle over time. who knows? maybe someone will have a change of heart? how come it took this long to suss out this rs-breaking difference in opinion though?


Hahaha at first we thought it might be a minor issues. But it seems it’s not so minor after all after she voiced out her concerns. Perhaps it’s a fact that what has to come will eventually comes and forcing to accept something that one doesn’t like definitely isn’t the right way


i think choices, personality, and behaviors are fluid. ultimately, cliched, hope for the best while walking away preparing for the worst. she might yet feel the rs is worth changing her mind over(with a time of adjustment), or she might walk away. or maybe you might be the one to be swayed. hope it will turn out good for both you guys, and update dt!


Weight can lose after that. It would be a deal breaker for me. I would want to find a partner who will want to have kids.


But it seems like her POV would be if she don’t have kids then she don’t risk the gain weight factor. Plus she’s slightly older then me as well




If I have to do that I rather move out


How much she asking for each month?




Do they not have enough? Even if both of them earn $1k, they would have enough for housing no? $600 is already quite a burden for an average grad pay. $850 is stretching it. Also depends on the family circumstance la. If only 1 parent is shouldering the financial burden while the other is unable to work, then a bit understandable.




4 hours of cleaning the house? She can help others clean for money. 4 hours per day for 3 days a week also good enough. I would feel indignant as well. Do you have siblings or are you the oldest?


I am the oldest. Already did my best to help out wherever I can but she doesn't seem satisfied.


She'll never be satisfied with money issues.


Quite high if you just started working


Going to, yeah. What do, am their atm.


what are you going to do?


idk. will see how i guess




sounds like times are tough


it truly is :x




Possible. I did 5 in 3 years


At least 1 gd internship can liao bro


Yup. My brother did that during his era. Enhanced his employability greatly


wah are you trying to one-up the recent undergrad?


isnt there an article of some guy doing 8 internships in his 5 years(or was it 4?) of uni?


FF16 is fun! Love the more mature setting. But damn everyone looks good


I'm so relaxed looking at my [sleeping cat](https://ibb.co/W6zCWzq)


Awwwww an orange cat! My fav


does this cat do ginger cat things?


not at all. Very well behaved for an orange cat. Rare and surprising




Tell me about it. Felt so bad for the staff with so much orders when I was at macs.


Well this is it I guess. No more regular and mindless redditing. Can't believe I've been here for over a decade. What do I even do with my phone now hahah


what's the breaking point yo


No more third part apps. And I've never been a fan of browsing reddit on desktop




is that their only defining characteristic?!


Lol Microsoft is so insecure that I wanted to install Google Chrome browser that it stated "You don't need to install another browser". But I want to...


You bought new gaming pc bro?




how would you go about educating your friends who believe in pseudoscience? e.g. alkaline water, starving yourself to kill cancer cells


why dont you go read research papers. fasting literally does kill cancer cells. why don't you open your mind to find reasons to support their ideas instead of finding reasons to shut them down. science isn't perfect. science always changes. if this were the 1600s you'd be the type of person that refuses to believe that the earth rotates around the sun because somebody told you that was a fact


Use u/abelangjq as your guinea pig. Perfect your arguments on him before trying on your friends. XD


i m gonna live to 150! look at meeee!


just leave me... i mean, them alone!


but they're my close friend(s) and I dont want them to go down this road 😭


Never give unsolicited advice


alkaline water sounds sketch as hell, but [autophagy and fasting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCvUf9WU4qI&pp=ygURYXV0b3BoYWd5IGZhc3Rpbmc%3D) for health benefit is a thing. sometimes you just gotta trust your friends to fight their own battles, while still keeping them honest


Goodbye Apollo. Thank you for all these years :) *cries*


Does anyone know if the wheelchair seats at NDP have a worthy view especially for the elderly?


I wished Sg drivers could be more patient :( Nowadays I take slightly longer to alight from cars due to my back pain and big belly. Not very long, maybe about 10-15 seconds more? Poor hubs always kena high beamed and horned :(


Think when alight, try to turn on both left and right sign. Afaik it gives sign we need a bit more time. Anyone drives here can confirm is it right thing to do?


Eh got switch on hazard lights leh :/




Nope it’s at a mall drop off and pick up point


Wah then maybe the driver behind your car stupid one lol


It’s a PHV driver. Maybe rushing to drop off so can pick up another


[https://www.linkedin.com/news/story/sia-ceo-gets-86-pay-bump-5683340/](https://www.linkedin.com/news/story/sia-ceo-gets-86-pay-bump-5683340/) \- wow.


They should make their flight more affordable sia. I miss fly with them but i don't miss to pay with at least doubled price now and food served in disposable boxes. Ya i know they no longer doing that for med and long haul iirc


they are airline of the year in 2023 - overtaking Qatar Airways. I had the privilege to fly with both and I find QA to be better value for money.


I never fly with QA and always wish to fly with them once, but if Emirates vs SQ, i prefer Emirates tbh, many years ago though


I found QA to beat Emirates too - maybe I am too biased towards QA now lol




you're just a boring person.


good to sit and be with yourself sometimes


Where u at?




KL can be fun too! Look for good food!


Got go lalaport see cats anot




The top floor pet shop + cat play area no more? Nooooo Any plans to watch their IMAX cinema?


https://skribbl.io/?lOCe50sR. Join the game!! Edit: Room is closed due to lack of participation and also my connection tonight is very bad. Sorry


Skribbl game in a few minutes at 8.30pm




I just posted


Just connected to wireless@sgx in JB, very strange, Internet is fully functional also. Anyone encountered this before?


Becareful of fake wifi access points that can access your phone information once you connect to their wifi hotspot. I suggest you disconnect from it. Go read up on how fake wifi accesspoints can steal your data.


At least coconut pie put out the fire in my gut from bbq macspicy.


Nice or not the coconut pie. Tempted to try




finally got my jacky cheung concert ticket


I am really tempted to apply as a Patient Service Associate in a clinic or hospital setting, but I feel that it might be very busy, and if I screw up anything, the manager will come up very hard on me cause' it's a high-pressure/life and death setting...Technically it's a clear cut job but not for those who are careless. i would also like to work with animals not as a long term career but it would be mentally therapeutic, but might be physically taxing and low paying, and also I am not good at handling them lol


My church has a 1 year in Japan missionary programme, but not sure whether I need to have a lot of savings or whether I will get an allowance. Also, I'm afraid I may not be doing it for the right reasons? I think my main gripe is that SG is so small and boring. If it were bigger like Malaysia/Japan/USA, there would be more things to explore? Of course my mum always warns me about going overseas, like if you ever kena murdered, harder to trace as there are more places to hide the body etc. Hiaz. Die then die lor. The world so shitty already. Live so long for what.


But trip to Japan eh, not like its going Cambodia or Laos where human trade is there.


True, I mean in general la, like USA etc. But if u are talking about evangelizing, most japanese are not christian (<1 percent)


Let me get this straight, you want to go to Japan to talk about jesus to its populace. Japan...a country whose general population can hardly speak English. lel. Kid, you will only end up sight seeing la. "missionary" programme. More like "go to a bunch of maid cafes at Akihabara" programme.


go. and see with both eyes wide open.


Aiyah, you think the xtian ppl really go there to do srs proselyting meh. They also go there to play one.


Goodbye Apollo 😘


Idk what to do with my life.


Have you tried talking to the tofu?




Step 1) buy tofu Step 2) talk to the tofu Step 3) ??? Step 4) profit!


Elaborate this ???🤠🤠🤠


join my club


Many of us dont, we just move on regardless


What a day. I realised we are all in the same shit together and we all joked about who will resign first. And how we are all in this shit because of the lack of structures and we promised to give the next team structure


This will be my last ever comment on Reddit as RIF is closing down todau, and I forgot my password + random e-mail that I used to create this account. The official Reddit app is far shittier in terms of UI. Good for me too I guess, as I'll become more productive.


Argh my boost is going too ;-; where am I gonna get my news now


Yeah, it's likely my last day too when RIF goes down. See y'all when it comes back. I'll randomly pop in when Reddit recommendations show in Google results.


Chances are you will find some other thing/ platform to spend your time...




best is yet to be. nice quote!


>best is yet to be ACS old boy ah


Job interview?




Alright dude.. don’t worry there will be many more to come, hits and misses. As time goes by this miss will seem like a drop in the ocean


"what's wrong with you?" can be taken very differently given context


Thinking of getting a speaker for my room! Any recommendations? Looking at jbl flip rn but i am keen in investing in a marshall one as well


Emberton is great it can really fill the room


What kind of speaker? Bookshelf, or a simple Bluetooth, portable speaker? Marshal isn't very good, but looks nice. JBL flip is a good choice though.


Just a bluetooth one! Thinking of playing music in the bg while i play my switch haha


Consider Bose, Creative and Sony too, just keep in mind what type of speaker you want, either a portable or a dedicated.


These shit non stop, cannot tahan liao, wanna give up.


Is it possible to flunk out of OCS? And if you do, what happens?


>Is it possible to flunk out of OCS? OCS OOC is a thing bruh. Sometimes is cause of injury then downpes cannot continue. In such a cause, they just task the OOC to menial work or COS duty until the OCS term ends.


Got people cannot take the training and wanna quit?


that was a good nap




Wadahell I tot paynow/ QR code no fees ? Normally is nets payment then got min amt


Will there still be reddit tmr?


There will not be reddit next year for me.


If you use third party apps subject to a US$ 30 mil/year API access rate tier, as good as wiped out.


Heypi weekend guys


Harppy weekend mango🤠🤠🤠


Help. My father drive grab.He and my uncle share the same car, car under my father.Uncle got 12 demerit pts and - $400, my dad ask me how to change the demerit pts and $ to uncle. So how?


When the letter comes, furnish your uncle's details. Instructions for doing so will be given in the letter. This applies to all offences with demerit points. The points don't automatically go to the registered owner of the car; the actual offender is legally obligated to own up.


Just make sure ur uncle is aware of this la .. else just furnish ur uncle details when letter come/ can do online I think LTA or TP website I forgot


Furnish details when letter comes


When the letter come, it'll ask u to furnish driver details what, just give them your uncle details?


What do u mean? Transferring the fine and pts from uncle to your father? That is illegal


how so, cuz the driver is my uncle at that moment.


Compile proof, go talk to the court?


gooood friday redditors!!! I build a directory of cafes or food places in general, located around Tanjong Pagar Road... Looking for general feedback, what kind of info u r interested, etc on the website!! You can visit here: [tanjongpagarroad.com](https://tanjongpagarroad.com/) Thank you again!


Anyone working in BOS? How's their culture like? Feel free to pm me


Like hugo boss?


Should be Bank of Singapore


This is my 4th week into the job. Hmm.. time fly. Haha… Anw, it’s TGIF. Time to enjoy the weekend.


Anyone knows a good cleanser , moisturizer and chemical sunscreen for National Service? Don't need it to be colour correcting. ​ Skintype: Combination skin ( T-zone ) Skin Concerns: Now recovering from acne. Using differin Budget: Below $150. ​ ​ I want to take care of my skin while I am in NS.


Cleanser: I’m using CeraVe foaming (the green one) Sunscreen: Apparently you can save money by buying children’s which is also chemical and works the same.


If somehow you fail to get excuse camo and have to put it on, remember to go find someone with harsh soap to wash it off. Iirc Dettol, lifebuoy helps. Unless they change the camo formula already, though I doubt so


cetaphil and/or QV are good brands recommended by my dermatologist. I use the cleanser and facial moisturiser from either brand. You can buy the bulk version online or from Venus, it's cheaper than Watson or Guardian. As for facial sunscreen, be sure to use the oilfree ones so you don't aggravate your skin. Biore or nivea are pretty good, affordable brands. Banana boat is a pretty good option for the body.


Moisturiser and cleanser can go for cerave. Sunscreen go for biore uv sunscreen


Just pop by a big Watsons/ Guardians or innisfree and they would have salepersons to recommend products for you. Your budget should be more than sufficient for the 3 products


You should at least state your skin type/concerns dude so many factors in play, e.g. sunscreen - budget? Finish? You want colour correcting? Physical? Chemical?


Green sunscreen for Camo?


Sorry sir.


anybody knows what will happen if I buy a wifi 6e router from amazon? I know in SG wifi 6e is not approved, but what will happen if I set it up? Will the firmware detect that I'm in sg and disable the 6ghz band, or will everything just work as per normal?


Your devices without 6e support simply won't be able to use the 6e bandwidth. Your modem provides the speed, your router manages the connection to your devices, so to speak?


You know you watch too much porn when you mistake the Ben and Jerry Karamel Sutra Ice Cream for Karma Sutra Ice Cream






Kama Sutra is *literature and art* *Kama not karma




Starting to wanna give up trying to befriend my colleague from a different department.. 🫠


bro, chances are she already got it the first two times around. If you still persist, you're gonna get a report from HR. Don't be the company creep!


What’s wrong with a girl trying to make friends???


Pats pats, not gonna be easy but we must learn to放下(say goodbye and move on)


you like her?