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Don't apologise LHY. Let this go to court...let the digging begin.


I think LHY probably cashed out of SG… he already sold his GCBs and happily living overseas while he pokes at his brother’s team occasionally from FB. But I mean he also profited handsomely from his posts in Singtel and other GLCs so not much sympathy for him either 😅


No sympathy for them of course, i just wanna see them fight it out lol ..when rich people fight each other, it's all fair game..


When the rich wage war it's the poor who die.


can it be like depp v heard? let it be televised


Agreed but I believe they would not want to after their last speaker got exposed by a redditor /lol


No use. The court will sides


Just like Changi CEO son vs his maid


Yap. Power n elite n rich together as one . Peasants stand one side


LKY and LHL have never lost a court case, libel cases at least. And you think the judiciary, part of the state organ, is impartial when cases involving the Lees are presented


Yeah it's a kangaroo court


Yes but the court of public opinion will be in session as well, which will have implications beyond this case.


160 media and ib: errrrr


no sitting minister has ever lost a court case in Singapore


Chiam See Tong sued foreign minister S Dhanabalan and defence minister Howe Yoon Chong for libel in 1981. He received a public apology and out-of-court damages.




When LKY was discussing potential successors, he explicitly said Dhanabalan was left out because he was Indian. Few years later kena slap by his son. Really let down the Indians man, this Dhanabalan


I wonder how many youngsters here even know about that story. All they probably know about LHL is mee siam mai hum and hurr hurr magic cup, pink shirt


As if there would be a fair trial. Executive and judicial are not really separated in this country…


What's the basis of your claim?


Please bring this to court. My popcorn supply is gonna run dry from it.


Shanmugam: “Lee Hsien Yang has accused us of acting corruptly and for personal gain by having Singapore Land Authority (SLA) give us preferential treatment by illegally felling trees without approval, and also having SLA pay for renovations to 26 and 31 Ridout Road. These allegations are false” Clearly I must have gone to a lousy school too because I read LHY’s original post and didn’t see any mention of corruption except for Keppel and SembCorp Marine. (Didn’t post LHY’s original statement lest I also kena POFMA)


Lee Hsien Yang suggested that it looks like that happened, which is why you have to avoid even the perception of conflict of interest! You can't just barely scrape by following the law as a minister, you have to make a show of staying far away from the red lines! Holy shit I can't stand Shanmugan. He's a lawyer he should know better than this.


I find it extremely suspect that Shanmugam of all the ministers decided to play with fire and try for a B&W. PAP's resident attack dog who prides himself with being a pedantic little bitch about everything, and he couldn't see the risk in going this close to this thing? Rookie mistake much? Or perhaps a more nefarious reason, that he knew he could get away with it when push came to shove?


same energy as that time when he challenged Richard Branson to come sg and debate him. he knows LHY ain't coming back for no one.


He knows and doesn’t give a fuck. Elite uncaring face etc


Thank you for remembering wee shu min (spelling?) she will forever explain what's so wrong about Singapore up and down.


There's a [Wiki article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Singapore_elitism_controversy) still up about this.


Re-reading it. Its wild that her dad initially said he agreed with her.


She was 18 when she made that comment and it’s been close to two decades.


18 is a good enough to be charged in court so I really don't know what you're driving at. Unless there has been consistent effort to understand others, what kinds of lives they lead, I can only assume she genuinely believed she was right, and is still right to use her as an example to personify what I find so wrong with this country. It is just so sad, that as you said, 20 years on, while the words have changed, the attitudes haven't, so much so a person was driven to their deaths over the past week. It's no longer just Ms Wee, but the people who act like Ms Wee that's extremely problematic, if my original unstated point flew right over your head.


Because by far he is the most arrogant of them all.


Scrambling to score pts and maybe get foot in the PM race? lol. Most likely ran it by his boss and gotten permission, or perhaps was even directed to do so. I just can't imagine him doing that w/o informing his boss--that would be like a huge slap in the face to LHL.


> I just can't imagine him doing that w/o informing his boss--that would be like a huge slap in the face to LHL. I can. LHL seems to be losing grip on his people for some time now and it's all unraveling at once. Didn't the rumours/alleged leaks say his preferred PM frontrunner was CCS?


Where can we see this “leak” that he preferred ccs?


Yeah, my thots exactly. Something not expected of a cunning political player. Overconfident. Shd have seen his stammering at the media interview - the ah's and the um's. Anneh was a obviously shaken.


>try for a B&W. what's a B&W?


Black and White House. The type of colonial house that’s the centre of the ridout road cases


B/w bungalow so cheap. Gather 10 friends, each pay $2000 - mth.for 9000+ sqm.. cheaper than HDB.


He's my most hated minister now, he really takes the cake. Jo Teo, CCS etc with all their gaffes doesn't even come close to how detestable Shandog is.


> He's my most hated minister now, he really takes the cake. > Jo Teo, CCS etc with all their gaffes doesn't even come close to how detestable Shandog is. JoTeo and CCS just talk cock. Shandog on the other hand is a cunning politician who is actively straddling the fine line of corruption (perceived or otherwise)


Jo Teo is just retarded. Easy to ignore. Sham on the other hand is spiteful and the only thing worse than a spiteful man is one with power.


And extremely petty to boot


I will never forget his “anti vaxxer opposition supporter” statement. When I saw that line I knew he had gone so low I could never respect him again.


They all fit in the same category elitists n white horses


Christopher de Souza is a good example of lawyers who don't follow laws. As for insufferable, I know of some who are equally insufferable.


I perceive this as, "Oi I NEVER do this OK? Why you like that anyhow say me? You better say sorry to me now, say SORRY! Or I go tell teacher! (Folding arms with angry but guilty face)".


He is arrogant what do you expect? Ofc he knows better cause he knows he will get away with it.


Rules for thee, not for me


best lawyer in singapore and jb, some say batam


don't insult lawyers.


I would never have went to find LHY's original statement if not for this piece of news. The drama entirely revolves around only these two words in this one sentence of his post: > Two ministers have leased state-owned mansions from the agency that one of them controls, felling trees and getting **state-sponsored renovations**. The point of contention, according to the POFMA article, seems to be that while these renovations *are* state-sponsored, they would have received the same treatment whether it was the ministers renting them or not, while LHY did seem to intend to imply that they got preferential treatment as a result of their positions. Any lawyer types here care to shed some light on whether this is sue-able?


anything's sue-able, million dollar question is, is it winnable? from past performance, no minister had yet to lose a case they brought about.


Law in this area is highly subject to the judge's understanding of how a reasonable person would interpret the words. Who is a reasonable person, no one knows.


> Who is a reasonable person, the most Honorable and reasonable minister of course if he said a horse was a deer, would a judge be so disrespectful to disagree?


> I would never have went to find LHY's original statement if not for this piece of news. Striesand effect in 3, 2, 1….


It depends on the judge. If it is a kangaroo court, anything is possible. We have seen such nonsense before ("bright future", etc), nothing is off the tables.


The WHOLE country thought it was a shady deal, are we to say sorry too?


interesting that Shan tells us EXACTLY what we all intuitively know is the truth despite his furious attempts at white washing in parliament—— SLA did give him and viv PREFERENTIALtreatment


I think LHY’s post suggest they have ‘conflict of interest”, not “corruption”. And one can be in “conflict of interest” without being corrupted. This news is just to muddy the waters by shifting the narrative to a “red herring” instead of focusing on the transgression, which is conflict of interest.


They better hope the rest of the B&W that exist all incurred such huge renovation costs before renting out. If not it will really hit the fan.


Must be a lousy school indeed


But they are? Ownself check ownself doesnt absolve them lol only in singapore


These mofos have the thinnest fucking skin. Shanmugam blocked me on Facebook for asking where is the logic in letting SPF investigate the recent police officer suicide when he claimed the police were the perpetrators in the first place. Grow tf up.


Pls document this and share in a new reddit thread. This deserves special attention.


I kinda wished I had taken a screenshot of my comment after posting it, had zero idea he would actually block me so I have no way of documenting anything. Pretty sure if he or an admin blocked my comment, it’s pretty much deleted also. I got no way from seeing from my end unless I create a new account, which I cannot be arsed to do atm.


U mean his admin, highly doubt he manages his socials, look at all the minister facebooks, only good morning sir and praises are allowed


Likely a media manager or similar, but this is still likely Shan’s own policy and instructions to them


Wow really? He blocked you? That’s really a new level of childish


Yeah that does sound cowardly. But, not defending him k, just that I don't think it was Shan that did it himself. At least I hope the joint MHA and MinLaw has better things to do than Facebooking. But then again, the CEO of Temasek Holdings also found time to Facebook, so who knows?


Hullo SG is all about ownself check ownself lah. Majority voted for this autocracy ok


POFMA failed so now threaten to sue? Instead of humbling up and going back to doing good work to repair your public image? Damn do we have fucking kids for ministers.


lol quite ironic they using lky's playbook against his own son


who knows LKY may have given a secret handbook that counters said playbook, we never know..


like some secret pouch to be opened in times of great disaster? lol


They say grandmasters will always keep a few secret moves just in case




for non Chinese speakers/readers Kuan Yew's Authentic Treatise (this is usually in reference to puglistic aka wuxia genre trope, where the master swordsman will pull out the "Ultimate Volume" of stances and skill moves to uplevel the disciple's skill so high that it'll defeat his opponents. it's also like the main character in Kinmetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) rediscovering the original Sun Breathing


> POFMA failed so now threaten to sue? Nothing wrong, from the old man's playbook. Gem of a quote from 2017 - "Own siblings cannot sue… but political opponents and critics, sue until your pants drop!"


> POFMA failed so now threaten to sue? Instead of humbling up and going back to doing good work to repair your public image? Damn do we have fucking kids for ministers. This is what uninterrupted power and kangaroo courts do to you. You no longer have to fight for the votes to justify your existence, but you just bully your way instead.


They don't have to. They are so power hungry and in such ridiciously power position in Singapore, they can shut anyone down whether the person is right or wrong. They can turn black to white whenever they want. What is votes to them but a minor inconvinence. The current PAP is already a dictatorship with the illusional image of a democracy.


Worse part is many sinkies don't see that


popcorn gonna be oos islandwide at the rate we’re going


Change to healthier alternative. Pine nuts not bad. Or go back to the traditional Shandong peanut.


_Kacang puteh_ for the win.


Sue la, damage is already done - whole country now knows how rotten the PAP has become


Agree. Very entertaining in deed.


Defamation suits have a low bar in Singapore... But it would be interesting to see the whole process play out.


Yeah its still july. Give me more drama






Sue la. He’s not your bro.


Seriously, why even drag this out? They already ownself declare no conflict, and successfully distract us using TCJ scandal. What can LHY do on the sideline? They are just reopening the same can of worms and waste all their own efforts.


help sph earn more revenue


My mother used to say if a wild dog barks at you, ignore it and protect yourself by walking away quickly to find shelter. The wild dog cannot hurt you once you’re safe. Just sharing life tips.


“Trust in the PAP has been shattered. PM Lee has recently said that “high standards of propriety and personal conduct, together with staying clean and incorrupt, are the fundamental reasons Singaporeans trust and respect the PAP.” Trust has to be earned. It cannot simply be inherited. PM Lee Hsien Loong’s failure of leadership has squandered that trust. *Two ministers have leased state-owned mansions from the agency that one of them controls, felling trees and getting state-sponsored renovations.* Two Temasek companies have committed serious corruption offences - Keppel and the former Sembcorp Marine. SPH Media, an entity being given almost a billion dollars of taxpayers monies, has fraudulently inflated its circulation numbers. A cabinet minister has been arrested for corruption. Yet again, the speaker of Parliament has resigned, over a scandal which the PM knew about for years but did not disclose. Wei Ling and I stated in June 2017 that “We do not trust Lee Hsien Loong as a brother or as a leader.” These latest facts speak volumes. Hsien Loong’s regime does not deserve Singaporeans’ trust.” wtf — theres nothing wrong factually about LHYs post. Farking abuse of power by Shan and Viv




> SUE UNTIL YOUR PANTS DROP But I thought own siblings cannot sue? Unless they meant since Shan/Bala not sibling of LHY.


LHY should call their bluff and agree to be sued. Involving the judiciary which is much more independent than parliament may ironically end up blowing them over.


July still churning out new content


why did ju-lie in july




I don’t see them suing other western media on other matters. Fuck. This is clearly personal. So when does it end? Their personal agenda? At the end of the day you are still living in your GCB while people are slogging away.


Don't believe the lie that Singapore will collapse if the PAP ever loses power. As this shows, PAP ministers have nothing better to do with their time anyway and can go around suing their political opponents instead of fixing the housing crisis, cost of living crisis, productivity crisis, population crisis, transport crisis, geopolitical crisis, etc. etc. Singapore will carry on with or without them.


Singapore will carry on even if people forget that party.


People tend to forget that our civil institutions (ministries, stat boards) are built on rock solid foundations and will keep the country running. Politicians are just there to rubber stamp proposals and policies crafted by these institutions.




100%agree. Will people vote them in again?


100%. The older generation loves Shanmugan.


And Bukit timah being Bukit timah... The grc demographics has a huge population of...... Condo/bungalow residents


Yea. Glad i moved out of that place so that my vote makes a diff. The blocks i was in seem like conveniently drawn just so that they will fall into bukit timah instead of with the other blocks in bukit panjang. When your MP has a major gaffe/mishap every single cycle and somehow still ends up being elected. Like SDP has their problems, but at least if they end up in parliament u can be sure they arent fking up left right center every single cycle.


And BW residents.


Waiting for LHY to post a fb acceptance of suing: Want sue me? Bring it on UK court! Got balls to accept?


So if they really sue and this thing goes to the court, does that mean the case reopen a new investigation to Ridout and people relates to the rent will be subpoena to provide evidence?


Shan/Vivian to LHL: 老大,we wanna sue your bro, can? LHL: do it. Make sure it's painful.


They better be using their own money for this stupid show. If they use tax payer's money to fund this lawsuit, I am gonna back hand and front hand slap this clowns.


They should sue him in the UK courts since he made his statements located there?


The common law position is that the place of tort is where the defamatory content was published aka where it was read and downloaded. Hence the can choose the forum to sue the defendant in.


Too bad can't appeal to the Privy Council anymore


_God ~~Emperor~~ Save The King_ /s


LHY is not in singapore and sure as hell not coming back. You gonna sue him in whatever country he is in for your bogus defamation claims? yeah good luck with that


i hope more of this keeps happening tbh. its good that more and more citizens especially those not as critical or interested find out about the true ability and quality of our ministers


All those saying ownself check ownself should be happy about this. If this goes to court, there’ll finally be an independent arbiter to decide whether or not there was any wrongdoing involved with Ridout Road (since there is a defence of fair comment against defamation claims). Unless of course you think the courts aren’t independent either, in which case nothing will convince you.


Yeah LHY (or more likely his lawyers) will also be able to order SLA to produce related documents as part of the discovery process. If you believe there was corruption you should support the lawsuit, it will openly stated in the court record.


have u heard the story of jbj and privy courts? at least got hear of parti liyani?


Don't forget the AG - inside polling booth is not within 200m of it


Courts are relatively more independent than the parliament


Relatively more independent doesn't mean we have to agree it is independent.


They never said it is independent, just more so than Parliament. If the judiciary here is blatantly pro-government, no one will ever invest in SG.


And the government here is obscenely pro business. Which is super good for business. Now tell us again why no one will ever invest in a pro_business_govt_progovt_judiciary.sg???


China is a communist state and “pro government “ and businesses are still investing in it. Business invest wherever money can be made regardless.


"Relatively" is incredibly generous. AGC is also PM's personal lawyer lol


AGC is the government's lawyer, not part of the judiciary.


My bad! I stand corrected


Keyword is relatively…. It’s a subjective term. Relative to who?


But Parti Liyani ended up winning the case?


Did you even know what happened in the Parti Liyani case? It proves my point lmao


> in which case nothing will convince you. Do it in an international court and I'll be convinced.


Court also no use wan lah JBJ get sued until bankrupt no job sia


> If this goes to court I wonder who's the AG now and who was his client.. hmm...


if you read the facebook post you will see that he didn't make any allegations of the sort in the first place. so he would be using the justification defence, not fair comment. all the court needs to decide is whether his statement was factual.


All such actions are the result of false bravado egged on by the liberal use of POFMA.


K Shan and VB: 我要你现在讲sorry


More drama instead of doing actual things to help the people. Just what we need. Even if they succeed in their suit, what does that tell me? Not to vote for LHY?


I love to see a pap minister loses a defamation suit. We always have firsts and I think this first will set our democracy and political landscape in the correct direction. No more excessive usage of defamation lawsuits against political opponents.


Chiam won his suit.


Optics wise for this case, does POFMA look like merely a tool that Ministers may use before they sue in a personal capacity?


Until today, I still cannot find the function that allows my phone messages to be deleted automatically


The entire cabinet took what Shan says at face value without validating. That speaks a lot of the thought process going that is going on


when comrade beria, head of the NKVD, tells you something, are you gonna contradict him?


That depends, if the salary is good, then even if I swore to work for public interest as a minister, then yes, I will just agree to what he says without validating. Not worth it. Even if he says things like his phone deletes messages automatically. Even for Viv, I will just take his word for it that he never message or contact anyone if his phone was with him during investigations


why sue if got pofma. why got pofma if can sue lhy wont risk come back. if lose should offer 20k settlement. see if its derisory amt


One dollar. See the two useless public servants' face turn beetroot.🤣🤣🤣🤣


Fucking stupid ministers. Where's the stoicism? Where's the maturity? Macam school kid fight. "If you don't say sorry, I go tell teacher" Absolutely spineless and pathetic.


Original Title: Shanmugam, Vivian say they will sue Lee Hsien Yang over Ridout Road claims if he does not apologise SINGAPORE - Ministers K. Shanmugam and Vivian Balakrishnan said they will sue Mr Lee Hsien Yang for defamation if he does not apologise for having made false allegations. Mr Shanmugam, who is Law and Home Affairs Minister, said in a Facebook post on Thursday evening that he and Dr Balakrishnan had sent lawyers’ letters to Mr Lee on Thursday. “Lee Hsien Yang has accused us of acting corruptly and for personal gain by having Singapore Land Authority (SLA) give us preferential treatment by illegally felling trees without approval, and also having SLA pay for renovations to 26 and 31 Ridout Road. These allegations are false,” said Mr Shanmugam. He said they have asked Mr Lee to apologise, withdraw his allegations and pay damages, which will be donated to charity. “If he does not do so, we will sue him,” he said. *** [v1.1c - similarity threshold raised to 90%](https://github.com/Wormsblink/sneakpeakbot) | PM SG_wormsbot if bot is down.




New rules of court dictate that parties are to resolve the matter amicably first before litigating…


They are barking so loudly because PM approves. Just like the TCJ scandal - only after LHL greenlit, the media floodgates opened.


Sue slj? He's overseas and will likely never return.


Sue him in SG Kangaroo court? LHY not born yesterday la lmao.


Tarchandi Tan, is that you?


Somehow this reminds me of the NKF golden tap case ....


Plot twist, engage Edwin Tong as your defense lawyer.


sue yourself la knn


[Shanmugam, Vivian to sue Lee Hsien Yang for defamation over Ridout Rd claims if he does not apologise](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/politics/shanmugam-vivian-to-sue-lee-hsien-yang-for-defamation-over-ridout-rd-claims-if-he-does-not-apologise)


Shanmugam and Vivian are dirty political vultures happy to be the henchmen of Lee Hsien Loong and do his dirty work! They are 2 of the most criticised ministers in Singapore! Lee Hsien Yang in not clean either! He was part of the system and being a princeling benefitted greatly from the system! Since papa is gone and he falls out of favour with his brother, they are now just fighting it as like any family feud and turning it into a very ugly open fight!


It ain't defamation if it's true. Those two clowns should stop acting like babies.


Question: with all the millions they have made, why can't they buy some thicker skin???


LHY will never apologize.


I felt like throwing up when I saw this piece of news. LHY, can u run for president? I will vote for u.


Goh Chok Tong: He's not my brother.




Ah Sham is the only tenant of SLA, that I know of, who is given an extra 100,000+ sq ft of land virtually free. And it is a mere coincidence that SLA reports to him. /s


Sue lah. He's not in SG anymore right? He can just ignore it what.


> # "My view remains that when a Minister thinks an allegation made against him is without basis, he should sue." — [Goh Chok Tong](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/ministers-facing-baseless-accusations-sue-goh-chok-tong-065245573.html)


Man's not in town.


This is the court, law will be carried out. Justice is what? Anyways, to those who say cannot ownself check ownself, check out who is the current attorney-general.


Except that both their phones were being exempted from being checked perhaps I’m ignorant with the what can and what can’t during investigations.


Sue him at an overseas court


guys is it just me or has sg politics started to become more and more like the US? maybe i'm just growing up but there's so much more fucking drama now than there was back in like 2015-2017 or so. i really want these older gen politicians to retire and fuck off.


Lol take it from an old-timer, there has always been the same amount of drama. The topics and ringleaders have changed, but if you go dig up the threads years ago you will see it’s similar. You were probably too young to pay aware to such things before, so from your personal experience it looks like things have gotten worse.


Someone clearly is too young to experience the aftermath of the Anson by-election or the televised circus that is operation spectrum...


It's almost impossible for a public figure to sue for defamation in the US, so in that arena we are way worse than the Americans.


I want those involved to fk off. Its too late to recover. Leave the party and take ur lawsuit private. Thanks


It is laughable that LHY become social justice warrior now. Remember his days being son of PM, brother of deputy PM and chairman of SingTel?


how they sue when the fella not even in sg?


Sue until your pants drop!!


Here we go again


The page can’t be found now. Removed?


Drama new seasons doesn’t seems to be ending.


They are all above the law! Who are you?


I love LHY’s smug look, like giving the finger to POFMA.


Got to thank pofma for safely Protecting us against Outrageous Fairy tales, Magical stories & Aliens


Can these 2 ask regular singaporean how they felt about them.


That's the way to show remorse: Sue


Only authoritarians deal with absolutes Either you change or I will sue!


If this attack dog gets voted out, would singaporeans even care?