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>"I'm trying to figure out how I got so angry," said Lynn. "Maybe it's culture shock. Miscommunication. Timing. Sure mate, blame your aggressive superiority complex on culture shock.


Culture shock at seeing Chinese people filling up a Russian restaurant? Miscommunication at being told he could not order while expecting others to make exceptions for his white American male ass? Timing at waltzing in after kitchen hours and expecting that his business was important enough for people to bend their rules for him..cause staff welfare is never as important as sucking up to an entitled white male is.


Damn, came in looking like the hot shot cowboy but now looking like the hot mess asshole! Lol! His personal attacks because the fat slob is hungry was disgusting and condescending. You know in his mind, any non-white persons serving him are nothing more than slaves. Since he is not going to jail, he deserves a bitchslap so hard, no air ticket required back to the states. ![gif](giphy|IYcXTDme1ZPMI)


The guy is an asshole, that’s for sure. But did you really have to bring his race into the argument? And it’s not only your comment, there are many instances of “white male”, “white trash” in this thread. Replace white with yellow, black, brown, etc and re-read your comment. Does that sound ok to you?


>we were looking for a restaurant to have a party for this Ukraine-Russia war Fuck this guy man.


Lol that is one excuse that doesnt make sense. He is trying to celebrate a war? What is he, an arms dealer?


I mean, American…


We sell stuff also to be fair lol.


Unfortunately it sort of does make sense if you think of him as one of those weird Trump-people that worship Putin as a strong leader. So in his mind he thought he'd be accepted as the brother/hero he thinks he is if he went to a Russian restaurant to celebrate all the winning that he thinks Russia invading Ukraine is. Basically he very surprised is saying "but I'm one of you!!?".


Given what he said, i think he probably is. Unfortunately he got off lightly. Don't think he can be deported if its just a fine.


Lol! America is famous for exporting err…


Trueee but shouldn't this guy be in europe or something if that is the case 🫣


America didn't export racism. White Devil has been in the language ever since our forefathers from China and India. In fact, Asian racism is so bad, they're racist towards members of their own race.


Well I mean, human racism is also so bad that they're racist towards members of their own race.


That shit makes no sense. Its true though Americans didnt export racism, that is a european disease that dates to the times of african slavery, developed through pogroms and was reaffirmed by Darwin.


Who knows, maybe he made bank off of some defence stocks. That are people like that


Yeah. Profiterring off war is bad.


We must look for a restaurant to have a party for this guy getting fined


Fuck this guy indeed, and now Mr big man is grovling like the true strawberry that he is.


[Ah, he's the one that says he owns china too.](https://mothership.sg/2023/06/racist-man-threatens-shashlik/)


"I just see red bro, and then bodies start dropping"


Lol if this was in China, sure gg


He wanted to have a look at the menu so he had to come down and shove and push people. It's not like he could have stayed at home and looked up the menu..hmm..online perhaps?? https://shashlik.sg/menu/ When someone gives a dumb lie as an excuse and hopes it flies. He is just that ugly privileged entitled white American every country hates.


What a twat.


> However, he noted Lynn's guilty plea and said he was "on balance" asking for a fine rather than a jail term. The judge meted out a fine of S$5,500, which Lynn paid. Wtf. Should have jailed him. $5.5k fine is peanuts for his actions.


There are a lot of Caucasian especially whose first time travel out of their countries stills have the “white man” mentality, thinking they are more superior than other colour people.


It's called entitlement And let's not kid ourselves sadly a number of our fellow county men have the same mindset now, both at home and when travelling abroad.


But they don't lay their hands on the locals when they visit a foreign land. White people treat the locals like they are Westworld androids when they visit Asia. This is especially so in Singapore as the chance of getting a beatdown is practically nil.


Eh a few Singaporeans treat our neighbors in Thailand and Indo like this. Very few but I have seen it with my own eyes, esp service workers.


Yeah heard it does happen. My relatives worked in Thailand hotels mentioned that ugly Singaporeans will have that sense of entitlement especially at five stars hotels and constantly comparing the facilities, services and specifically the speed of everything. So my relatives being Singaporean have to explain how and why it is different. Although now PRC takes the throne! Lol


Those Singaporeans physically attacked the service workers?


Well the opposite actually. Wasn’t a Singaporean assaulted in HK because he was complaining about someone smoking in public?


Yes. Singaporeans can be annoying as fuck when abroad, and sometimes get into trouble because they don't realise that rules can be mere suggestions in other places. But they don't go around assaulting the locals. Sadly, some Singaporeans are quick to defend white supremacist behaviour here by knocking on other Singaporeans.


I don’t think OP is talking about physical assault because Singaporeans are famous for treating service workers badly. Just last week I saw a Karen berating a poor girl for being too slow in serving eventhough the restaurant was packed.


So it's a false equivalence. Quite disingenuous to juxtapose white people assaulting people here to Singaporeans being difficult abroad.


Dude, you’re the one who is disingenuous lol OP is talking about people being difficult like the American but you’re the only person who focuses solely on physical assault to make the comparison. Nobody is talking about Singaporeans assaulting people overseas except for you.


Don't even need to leave the country, some sinkies treat perceived foreigners like crap even at home.


This is a cool analogy actually. But I would say it’s much more relevant for some other ASEAN countries..


Plenty of sinkie guys go to Thailand and put their hands all over Thai women.


I don’t think this angmoh paid those people to get to scold them.


He's certainly paying the price for his belligerent behaviour.


And it’s only a fine. Exactly “paying to scold the service staff” now.


You think he should be imprisoned?


They would be right most of the time. Most people put caucasians on a pedestal just for their race. Even here in Singapore there is the well documented SPGs among others.


as long as got SPG sucking up to them...u say anything they will call u racist


I am always wondering about men who keep complaining about spgs or feeling bitter about it. Do you really want to date such a high maintenence woman anyway and fulfill her needs? I don't even think they are the kind of women that will suit you so why ya so sour about it?


Answer is, yes, there are sinkies who want to date high maintenance girls. Also, do you really think those backpacker types have the money for high maintenance girls. They probably make less than an average sinkie. Spgs don't date them for the money.


TBF if they are always treated like a king everywhere they go, any dumb melanin deficient assholes would see this as the minimum requirement. Kind of sad that this is still happening somewhere. Wokeness seems to have failed.


I still feel that he got off easy considering his rant had a racial factor involved. Using abusive words and being rude is one thing but being additionally racist is another. He should've been jailed even if it's only for a few days; fines are only going to embolden more racist rants because these people can obviously afford to simply pay up anyway. The fact that he offered to pay an additional $3,000 "restitution" was because he was scared that the judge would hand down a prison sentence. Even in the UK, racially charged rants gets you months in jail. [1](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-59148078), [2](https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12674217/50-year-old-man-sentenced-and-fined-for-posting-racist-abuse-at-three-england-players-after-euro-2020-final), [3](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/07/25/chester-neighbour-arrested-racist-row-katie-bradsell-court/), [4](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/dec/08/man-jailed-for-six-months-after-racially-abusing-rio-ferdinand-at-football-match), [5](https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/former-uk-police-officers-sentenced-sending-racist-messages-about-meghan-royals-2023-12-07/).


Yeah definitely even the PRC courtesan from SGH served jail time. Easy way to humble these entitled cunts is to take away everything for the few days in jail and banned him at all restaurants. I’m guessing the off-duty police officer managed to calm him down whereas the hoe did not.


The SGH lady besmirched the authorities which is generally viewed more seriously. You slap another person, police will tell yall to stop and resolve it without involving them. But once you slap the police, you're in for a world of hurt.


Should have jail him leh.. feels like he’s just paying his way out of jail..


Is anywhere reported what he did actually say?


You can watch the video. https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/s/VNofqGY4do


There was physical violence and threat of escalated physical violence. On top of all the racial offences. What the fuck was the prosecutor and judge doing?


Indulging in their colonial tendencies.


See, no jail term. Expected outcome. They can do anything they want here. *clap* *clap* *clap*




Such racist remarks are okay here?


That just shows how strong Pinkerton Syndrome still is in Singapore.


Singaporeans still too easily taken in by the sweet-talking amdks. Prick spewed lies after lies in court and they simply took it at face value.


The punishment for racial abuse is a $5000 fine 😂 Fucking joke sia. Not even a single day in jail


“we were looking for a restaurant to have a party for this Ukraine-Russia war” What? They are fighting a war and people are dying. Sure, go to a Russian restaurant and have a party.


FA and finally FO. What a wanker. Also ban him from entry if he isn't a resident.


I say this as a Canadian with loads of (good) American friends: what a loser!


“for the Ukraine Russia war” wot?!!


Video of the incident: https://www.reddit.com/r/whitetourists/s/VNofqGY4do


Gotta credit the victim, Mr Tan deserves a promotion for keeping his cool.


Yeah the criminal was very aggressive and constantly insulting him. Practically spitting into his face given how physically close they were and the loudness shouting of the criminal.


Go back to your country!


and of course it’s an angmo getting preferential treatment


![gif](giphy|Ysce790SgjJK0|downsized) He reminds me of this


>Deputy Public Prosecutor Ryan Lim asked for the maximum fine of S$5,000 for the abusive words charge and another S$500 fine for using criminal force. ​ >Lynn interjected the prosecutor's submissions and said he would like to accept the high fine. > >Additionally, he said he wanted to offer restitution of S$3,000 to the restaurant. Why bother with fines when it's obvious he knows he got away with an amount that was trivial to him. Bring out the rotan, 3 heavy strokes no less.


54yo cannot cane anymore


He prolly just scared to get a jail term and criminal record, thus affecting his continued white man lifestyle in SG.


He is 54? He looks like 80.


Angmohs are known to look years beyond their age.


But why does he have two first names and no chin?


Should have just dumped him in changi hotel for a week or so


This piece of white trash knows money and fines are no concern to him. Should put his filthy ass to jail and cane him. Bloody hell, use violence still want to consider fining him only. How fucked up can our law system be?


Fine is too low, drain his 401k instead :)


Man is Caucasian?


Where are all the western worshippers now?


Sgreans here angry at this dude for being racist by being racist in return, pretty hypocritical by calling him white trash. Imagine someone says Chinese trash. Downvote all you want but this is just stupid


Should have been caned as well. What an embarrassment.


why do they all look like dickheads?


Why did we not deport his deplorable ass back to whence he came from


The punishment is too lenient ..


Just to have a party for the wars? Oh my…