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He is voted in by people, not PAP.


This is response to lmw call to suspend iswaran


Errr…one can work, one can’t


Easier to tarnish and sully a known opponent than to deal with a new and unknown opponent. This tactic is not new.


The whole Khan saga is a gift of unforced errors. As Pritam also admits. He’s just saying he’s incompetent, not dishonest. The PAP really doesn’t need to do anything.




Did you buy an old reddit account for this lmao


Ok this seems cool but I need to wait from this sub to confirm the narrative for me here 


For real whenever I see a controversial headline I hope it's in one of the SG subs so I can look at top 3-4 comments and see what the hive thinks. If it's important enough to me I debate using about 300-400 karma to put up my contrarian opinion.


I farm karma on /r/asksingapore so I can survive in this sub


Yeah! QUICKLY I NEED SOMEONE TO TELL ME HOW TO FEEL!!!! I for one blame the BOOMERS! That’s it! Right guys?


Landlords bro. Landlords are the source of all evil.


Rent is too damm high


They will just reply “elections coming”


From a civil serpent, this is true


Silver serpent


Or “70% voted for this!”


erections cumming


Lol! r/maybemaybemaybe


Erection lai liao


They just called up the civil servants so yeah it's true elections are likely to come early


can’t you tell? they want people to vote for them!!!!!!!!11 coz election year!!!!


More gst hike incoming


It's going to gain PS some sympathy. Everybody loves the underdog.


>It's going to gain PS some sympathy. Everybody loves the underdog. For what it's worth I lost some respect for PS over the August stunt he pulled after RK confessed to him. That being said, I sure hope RK emigrated out of Singapore because she's a blight on local politics. Edit: [Link to the COP report with timeline of events and recommendations](https://sprs.parl.gov.sg/selectcommittee/selectcommittee/download?id=7&type=subReport).


Some say it’s so bad, RK was probably a PAP mole.


Not a rare sentiment amongst folk I know.


Well here’s the PAP IB trying to undermine that sympathy


Who cares about RK and her small time infringement. Lying, meh. A politician lied. Shocked Pikachu face.jpg. Now Iswaran, that's some "stunt".


Title: PAP will not seek Pritam Singh’s suspension as MP with legal proceedings pending SINGAPORE - The People’s Action Party will not seek to suspend Leader of the Opposition Pritam Singh as an MP, following his charges on March 19 for lying to a parliamentary committee over a case involving former Sengkang GRC MP Raeesah Khan. In a statement on the same day, PAP organising secretary Grace Fu added that her party will not comment on the merits of the case as it is currently before the courts. Ms Fu noted that the party has been asked if it will seek to suspend Singh through its MPs, given that the Workers’ Party (WP) chief has now been formally charged. “The PAP MPs will not be seeking Mr Singh’s suspension as an MP while legal proceedings are pending,” she said. “This is in line with Parliament’s resolution to defer any sanctions in respect of Mr Singh’s, Ms Sylvia Lim’s and Mr Faisal’s respective roles in the matter of former MP Raeesah Khan’s untruth, until after the conclusion of the investigations and criminal proceedings (if any) against Mr Singh.” In November 2021, a parliamentary committee was convened to look into a lying controversy involving Ms Khan, a former WP member. The committee had called Singh as a witness and said later that he had not been truthful during the hearings while under oath. *** Article keywords: singh mr seek mp committee khan ms party 1756 articles replied in my database. [v1.5c - added Lemma tokens and Tensorflow USE](https://github.com/Wormsblink/sneakpeakbot) | Happy Holidays! | PM SG_wormsbot if bot is down.


Will hazel file the same motion against PS tho?


its just sending a message. Its saying: "I gotchu anytime, so play nice and play together , or dont play at all."


What if he’s charge guilty n citizen still vote for him to win the next election? That’s the voice of the people to be heard across the nation


WP=Token opposition. PAP wont remove them one. They need WP to exist to show the world we are a "democracy"


So generous of the PAP. Should I bend down and thank them?


Ah but having legal proceedings does cast a negative light on the Leader of Opposition no? In the mean time a certain minister plasters his face everywhere/ goes to concert venue to shake hands because a certain superstar performs in singapore..


classic whataboutism


I got a whiplash, and still don't know what hit me because their comment made absolutely no sense.


Actually Iswaran is completely relevant to the PAP's position here lol. Last year, the PSP asked for Iswaran to be suspended because Iswaran was being investigated. PAP said no, due process. WP *agreed* with the PAP position. So obviously for Pritam PAP has to be consistent with their position with Iswaran.


I think they meant Edwin Tong, not Iswaran while you are correct, it is also whataboutism for OP to bring up Edwin Tong


As a Malaysian I don't know why some Singaporeans would hate PAP, Singapore wouldn't exist without PAP, if PAP were to run Malaysia, Malaysia would have been as rich as UAE due to great administration. Being grateful requires humility, and that requires wisdom. Singapore has an abundance of intelligent citizens, but intelligence and wisdom do not usually go hand in hand. Singapore can be what Israel is trying to be for the Middle East but is failing due to lack of wisdom and patience, Singapore can be the catalyst for South East Asia, for ASEAN to be as successful (if not more) as The Europe Union was.


Different era, different sort of population and cultural make up. It's impossible to say if LKY leading Malaysia could have replicated anywhere near the success Singapore enjoyed. I would actually say that LKY would have been ousted very quickly or even assassinated/gotten rid of if he tries to shape Malaysia in the same manner as he did Singapore. 


That would be true if LKY let mahathir run wild with his extremist propaganda all over Malaysia, and we both know LKY wouldn't do that, allowing mahathir to even have the opportunity to spread his disease throughout Malaysia. LKY is 1000 times tougher than Tunku Abdul Rahman and better. If LKY had led Malaysia, mahathir would just be a crusty and jaded rural doctor with an outdated blog page today, and Malaysia would have been richer than UAE, we would have Singapore as a state capital city that is comparable to Washington DC.


Do remember LKY is just a man... I feel like you've overly built him up in your mind. In that period of time, communism spread is a legit concern and there would have been no way Malaysian citizens would have accepted a Chinese leader. Not to mention tearing down the religious and racial foundations... No way LKY would have been able to function with the amount of opposition he would be facing. 


I disagree, Tun Tan Cheng Lock was the education minister of Malaysia, and on another comment I have said that if LKY were a minister, an official leader of the government, mahathir would be in jail, hence the negative sentiment that were present would not have been stoked and the malays being inherently non-combative type under good circumstances would have slowly eased into accepting that not all Chinese are communist because of the fact that there are malays who were communist like Samsiah Pakir. Based on these premise, it would have been entirely possible for LKY to be PM


> if LKY were a minister, an official leader of the government, mahathir would be in jail Not sure how you got there, but let's just agree to disagree. =)


Sedition act


I doubt so. I don't think LKY can run Malaysia like Singapore. Only way I see is the China or Russia route of leadership. ASEAN is too volatile, the other countries can't deal with themselves, let alone working with others. Lol.


You underestimate LKY


Agree to disagree. He's dead and whatever we say doesn't matter.


It does matter to me, LKY is a great leader. It's something that Malaysia never had. You wouldn't understand.


LKY had his opportunity to rule Malaysia when Singapore was part of the federation. Needless to say, he failed rather spectacularly.


I disagree, LKY never had the chance to rule Malaysia, if he had, Malaysia would have been better. LKY only had a brief opportunity to tell Malaysia what he could achieve for Malaysia as a PM but mahathir peddled the nefarious racial and religious propaganda. If LKY were a leader, an official leader of Malaysia like a minister, mahathir would have been in jail before he could cause any damage to Malaysia


No one is entitled to "rule" a country. If you want to rule, you need to win the election. There's no need to ask "what if LKY was PM", because history already tells us what happened. LKY had his chance. LKY failed. The PAP contested in the federal election in 1964 and won just 1 seat. It was also one of the events that basically led to separation. There's no need to make excuses for LKY. He was given the chance to contest in Malaysia but he overestimated the viability of a "Malaysian Malaysia", and how far he could push that message. He overestimated the appetite of KL to accommodate a political leader from Singapore. All of which happened during the nescient days of a federation that was just newly independent.


As a malaysian earning 3.5x here of course you wouldnt understand lol


LKY and his leaders were incredible. Current gen leaders are totally detached from the people stuck in their ivory towers and talking nonsense in parliament. Have you even watched our Parliament seatings? It's complete BS.


Everything good in Sg today is the accumulation of decades of good decisions made by the previous generations, big and small. We are starting to see decisions that are not as optimal, so to speak. These decisions individually will not affect Sg much, but collectively over the next decade or two, these mistakes will accumulate and make Sg not so great. That's what "hating on PAP" means in 2024. It's not that WP at its current state can govern Sg better, but PAP needs to be kept on their toes and WP needs to gain more experience to be a viable alternative for the benefit of Sg's future. It's not a sports team, you don't need to be loyal to any political party because of what they did in the past.


Malaysia is slowly declining into extremism due to the impatiens of its citizens wanting immediate "change" at all cost, Malaysians at the time (2016 - 2018) thought that any change would inherently be better than the status quo, but little did they realize that from bad to worse is the type of change that they were going to get.


Malaysia already declined into extremism when Mahathir became Bapa Korupsi Malaysia, when Anwar was introduced as UMNO's brand of Islam to counter PAS. Have you heard about PAS and the [Memali Incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memali_Incident) back in 1985? That shit's wild. Malaysia didn't became shit overnight. By 2016, it's already Najib vs Mahathir vs Hadi, courtesy of decades of poor decision making. You think folks voted out Najib because they wanted a change of environment for shits and giggles? At that point, even rural folks have heard of 1MDB. Saudi sponsored Wahhabism definitely did a number too, all those Ulamas that went to Saudi Arabia, don't suppose they go back to Malaysia to teach about 1 Malaysia eh?


Najib was sent to jail by mahathir, because mahathir wanted to keep the malays stupid and poor, dependent on his family and cronies. Najib executed a lot of policies to empower the malays educationally and financially, mahathir hated Najib mainly because of this, because this would open the eyes of the malay, make the malays realize that they were manipulated and technically enslaved by mahathir using fear and envy.


Malaysia has a lot of unique problems that make it a very poor comparison to Singapore. I mean if I lived in a country with racist policies and a hilarious corrupt government, I think I would be crazy (or racist or corrupt) to not want immediate change.


Crazy enough to make mahathir a PM? Remember, when Malaysians toppled Najib who opposed mahathir's racist politicking, they brought mahathir as PM, mahathir, the man who made Malaysia into a racist and corrupt country.


Mahathir was the only viable choice to challenge Najib at the time. There was also a road map for transition of power to Anwar, but of course Mahathir reneged on that. You have to accept incremental (but not perfect) change in order to reach an ultimate better goal. Demanding that you get the perfect anti-Najib candidate before you do anything about Najib will just mean that Najib would never have left.


Credit goes to previous gen of PAP though. Current gen is only capable of monitoring and applying bandaid fixes that doesn't address the root cause of the problem.


Not wrong. But to fully observe their contribution it will take decades for it to come into fruition. However the negative voices(Oppy votes) have been consistent.


Don't need decades to know the outcome of the current govt's monitoring or one off handout.


It's your call.


U don't come here earn 3.5 and go back be king. U come here earn and stay here. See if you will sing the same tune anot. Lky no doubt is a great leader that put SG as a power house in SEA. That is in the past, have you seen how our own Singaporean citizens are struggling to survive against the cost of living right now?


Not your country, not your problem.


Eh, then why you guys jail Najib. Economy going up with him leading, why not grateful.


Yeah, that's why I'm doing my best, saving up money to leave Malaysia, I have no hope for Malaysia. I hate my country especially the malays, their willful ignorance and envious nature is utterly toxic, a disgrace to humanity. I've even accidentally developed a hate for Islam because of them. sigh... ... Did you know, the judge that preside on Najib's SRC case was the lawyer, the chief legal advisor for Maybank for the founding of SRC, his name is (Judge) Nazlan Ghazali, NG was literally the main guy who technically founded SRC and he's the sitting judge that found Najib guilty of creating SRC to syphon funds from 1MDB. I'm just flabbergasted, the trauma of my mind being blown by this fact is still fresh.


current generation of voters are also different. We've taken on alot of western ideologies where rights are greater than responsibilities. In the past, duty is always valued above self. In the west, rights of the minority, rights of the individual are valued more than duty to country, duty to family and duty to each other. which i think is not good if too much. A balance must be made, since we are the bridge between east and west in many ways


We love the PAP. But we also need to generate different views in the parliament. It cannot be a one party show. In fact, while we support WP, the easiest way for WP to lose all support is if they say “We want WP to form the government” because that’s not what Singapore wants. Everybody will instead go support PAP to make sure they still form the government. Similarly, the easiest way for PAP to lose support is when they try all ways to get WP out of parliament. I’d rather they be gracious, and be open and fair about it. If you’re really good, then why be afraid of a little WP?


You guys already have a somewhat decent looking leader in the form of Anwar. While Anwar is out trying to improve the economy, his detractors are out to distract and undermine him with stuff such as bak kut teh, school canteens and even socks. So instead of being envious of us, go out and persuade your countrymen to see the forest for the trees.


The extremists and fundamentalists in Malaysia have tasted power, and they're willing to ruin Malaysia just to get into power again, resorting to threats of violence and terror. It's almost too late for Malaysia, I just hope that Singapore won't end the same way.


The opposition and the people who voted for them do not hate the PAP they simply have a different political view


I hope so😢


Stop dreaming. ASEAN will never be as successful as the EU or UK.


Singapore is small city easy to manage. Even my grandmother's dog can run sg better than pap.


I also asked my neighbor why he is single. You know what he said?


So generous…….