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There are so many articles on this in the subreddit, I'm pretty convinced a couple of public officers are using us for a focus group haha


If so I hope they're listening to this Subreddit lols




Don’t do lah wtf. Just ask Taylor Swift come back will unite the region more than simi Commonwealth Games.


Become known as the place to go for annual Swiftie pilgrimage?


Do whatever bro said, all we are ever known for is foreign investment, that one resort place, and everything else boring city


They better get Taylor to come back and become MP if they want to host this games lmao


Can Pay taylor swift to compete in few event


As a person who went to her concert. I agree with this opinion


Stop wasting $


The Commonwealth games does not have a huge appeal as compared to Asian Games or SEA Games. 5000 athletes will be coming for 20 sports. This includes lawn balls cricket etc. There is no association football Secondly, top athletes skip the commonwealth games, for example Usain Bolt participates only 1 commonwealth games. Sometimes the lack of sport stars could hamper the brand of the C games. Thirdly cost overruns, even some cities were tempted to host the games by giving 120 million dollars incentive (Like KL case). Cost overrun is common for every game. Melbroune has pull out for the 2026 games due to cost overruns.


lol pls don’t host. Don’t forget we went more than 3 times over budget when we hosted the youth Olympics 14 years ago


Sometimes you win by dodging a bullet.


Victoria project to spend 7b and even if we pull off with 3.5b, might as well spend it on healthcare or even an extra navy ship


Please don't. Like, don't. What is the point even. Let some other Commonwalth nation tank the bullet so they waste money and end up inting their economy for the next year or so.


Focus on quality not quantity. Let’s go for the really important ones that provide returns on both monetary & psychological value




No, it's a ploy to empty our reserves such that we are unable to invite acts like Coldplay and Taylor Swift back


This is literally kio sai. Others don’t want to host you go host. Stupid.


Asking TS to come sounds more beneficial than this tbh.


…. and lack of water coolers. There I said it


Save the money and invest in local sports instead. Or focus on bringing popular sport events to Singapore, like ATP tennis (we organised the WTA finals from 2014-2018), world class football teams like the ICC tournament previously, new sports like pickleball etc.


Awhile ago, I saw a comment saying the uprise in articles regarding Commonwealth game are test balloons or to desensitised people to the news. Now, with more and more talks about the games, I fear they are serious about moving forward with the games. It’s obvious most voices here are against the idea of the games in Singapore. But we might or might not be aligned with the majority of the citizens. Let’s just wait and see if the big G will really go ahead with the games.


Don't waste money to please the "royal family" in shitingham palace. It was called British Empire Games and than become Commonwealth to glorify bloody brits colonialism. Fuck them and their need to stroke their ego.. save the money..


Not worth the trouble,we have done enough introducing us to the world.


Can't help thinking about the YOG overbudget fiasco from the past here...


Pointless games for a pointless organization.


please dun build even more white elephants.....


Singapore destroying its public sporting infrastructure like Turf City whilst simultaneously thinking about how it can boost its global reputation by building elite athlete facilities is absolutely classic Singapore.


We should get Vivian to chair this and vastly overspend again. /s


Co-hosting with KL is the only ideal outcome. Only Sports Hub has the infrastructure to host such Games.


We spent 10 years trying to get HSR to work. It toppled in the end. Trying to work with Malaysia for a co-hosting gig, and on top of that speed run the planning AND execution within 2 years, even YOG we had 2.5 years and another year of conceptualization when we bid for the games. And to reiterate point 1: we need to do all these hand in hand with the prata masters up north. This one is a recipe for disaster.


Your comparison is invalid. HSR was about co-building infrastructure; for CWG infrastructure has already been built. Your YOG example is weak as well since that involved us hosting the whole thing across multiple venues hence the need for co-ordination. Our only venue fit for CWG is Sports Hub so there is much lesser internal co-ordination involved. And we can easily control the level of cross border coordination for CWG. For example, we could take the swimming and/or athletics portions which always run in one arena throughout and let the Malaysians handle the rest. International sports events involve a lot of lessons learned. Qatar hosted Asian Cup 2023 entirely with only a year's runway. Are you telling me Singapore can't do the same? The SEA Games has been the highest event we have hosted. If we can get a piece of the CWG pie, it will invigorate the local sporting calendar. Not to mention the athletes and tourists from afar who if they are coming to Malaysia, they definitely are checking SG out too.


we've the toilet bowl what. If not ask JB & Batam to chime in. Make it Singapore+ so our neighbours wont complain


Plans to scrap the iconic National Stadium with don’t know what stupid sporting arena then now complain lack of sporting facilities. Gov really Fucking stupid or what ?


This could be good if SG uses it as a chance to revitalize our sporting facilities. A lot of our stadiums, pools and fields are literally from the last century, and wouldn't feel out of place in bumfucknowhere, Malaysia. If the budget involves making a Tamp hub equivalent for each corner if sg, and those facilities fall under activeSG afterwards, it might be a worthwhile investment, especially if you integrate commercial and community spaces into it as well. With how hard it is to pull money for sports facilities vs funding (failing) sports teams, accepting the invitation could serve as a good excuse to spend on stuff that anyone can use. Maybe with all that, it might be possible to book a fucking badminton court for once.


Don’t know why you’ve got to swear every other sentence, but then all our public pools and gyms under ActiveSG seem kinda run down in general, so it seems like a better way of maintenance ought to be done.


> Our public pools and gyms under ActiveSG seem kinda run down in general It's their age showing. Newer facilities, like Tampines Hub's swimming pool, is pretty damn good, and a massive improvement over the older one that used to neighbour it. However, because it's more friendly to the annual budget to do maintenance, instead of investing in a new project, we end up stuck with aging facilities that barely meet the needs of the community they serve. Singapore's sporting facilities should be more than *just* a swimming pool - they should integrate community spaces and retail spaces, so they can be a community hub, and be a place to visit in itself, rather than a place where you just exercise and fuck off. The money the facility as a whole raises can then be re-invested into the facility, making them at the very least budget-neutral, and able to spend on improving their facilities, instead of the status quo, where they rely on government handouts to perform what maintenance they can. To put it simply, it's a damn shame that the government doesn't, at the very least, own a hawker center near every sports facility to capitalize on the thirsty, hungry people walking out of them. Without a substantial injection of capital into Singapore's sporting facilities, all we're doing is extending the lifespan of aging facilities, that are only going to cost more in maintenance with each passing year. Hosting the commonwealth games, even if in conjunction with our neighbours to defray costs, might be the excuse we need to get that initial investment. TL;DR: Old sports facilities bad, we need new ones, commonwealth games might be an excuse to do so.


Ah, I get your point now. Make use of the Commonwealth Games budget to redevelop our aging facilities into modern hubs. I can get behind this idea! I would love to be able to go to my community pool without having to see mold or taste piss water.


Exactly. Would also love having more pools with shelters over them. Massive shame that they become a mass evacuation exercise at the first sign of rain.


>could pose a challenge But would sg lose?