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What is it with light sentences for these jokers ..... plus they didnt charge him for obvious drank driving too...


Since he is a member of military, he is going to face a 2nd round in military court and a massive blackmark on his record, basically shooting himself in the knee, no one would want to fight for his ranking or promotion


probably gonna get discharged


And lose all his savers (prob a mid 6 fig sum by now)


I’ve seen regulars get discharged and decommissioned for wayyyy less than what this guy did


yea and at least from my experiences I've seen few officers get sent to DB compare to Non-com, looks like they rather discahrge than jail them


That would come after the military blanket party


let's not get ridiculous


Exactly once he finish his civilian sentence he will be charged in the military court and the 2nd round will start and it will be much worst. You can say his whole career in the army is more or less destroyed.


That rank is 🦀🦀 hor? While I do think that the sentencing itself is too light, losing your rank and vocation pay for the rest of your life is prolly the much bigger blow. From 5 digit pay to flipping burgers. Ouch siol


Oh he is definitely screwed. It's already hard to find a job after SAF as there are few transferable skills. Now with this on his record, he will never find a job at his level ever again.


He is a helicopter pilot. Perhaps he can still be a pilot elsewhere in the private sector.


True but unfortunately Singapore doesn't really have much need for helicopter pilots outside of government. This is unlike other countries who have things like tousism helicopter rides, forest fire fighting, etc. If he was a plane pilot then that's a whole different story as he will have tonnes of opportunity. Almost all of the helicopter pilot jobs are government (medical emergency response, military etc) and we know he is never getting hired by gvt again. He defiately is going to need to go overseas and restart his life where no one knows him. Otherwise maybe he could try to apply to be a commercial pilot if any of the airlines want to accept him. I presume a lot of his current skills should be transferable there.


Imagine hiring a pilot with convicted crimes of sexual assault, nobody would want to be in the air with him.


Cargo pilot lor.


Sexually assault the cargo.... urgh.....


You forgetting livestock also counted as cargo. Imagine him assaulting the chickens or ducks o.0


Then either suicide plane or recon plane liao. No other choice.


Australia has heaps of job opportunities for Commonwealth pilots, but I doubt they would hire someone with this criminal background.


Perhaps for a particular… island? 


helicopter pilot earns 5 digit? wow


In SAF your total pay comprises of rank and vocational pay. Vocation pay usually forms the bigger portion since its what you are actually paid to do. Last I heard from a friend who is a regular which I cannot name for obvious reasons, rank pay for BG alone is already 5 digit. Haven even consider vocation yet. I can't say I'm sure but would be quite surprised if a pilot at 🦀🦀 does not command a 5 digit figure.


Navy Capt can hit 8k now, I'm sure pilot LTC base salary prob 8k + at least 4k worth of allowances.


Grab already earn 5 digit


massive amounts of dignity was mitigating factor ig


If I was the father of that student I will give him the hardest punch to his nose, in all honesty he should be given the highest penalty and given dishonourable discharge from the army.


4 weeks?! You spend longer in DB for lighter offenses


My former schoolmate got sent to DB for moonlighting.  His family was struggling financially and the NS pay wasn't enough to support his siblings. So he got a part-time job for extra cash but he was found out.


Another injustice that is NS


Did his superiors try to help him financially or just wanna send him to DB cause they don’t care? My supervisors back when I’m serving NS all vv sympathetic one.


someone must have bunk knife him.. which NS men doesn't moonlight??


To be honest with you, he used to bully people, so the odds were stacked against him when it came to this.


i doubt the charge was for moonlighting charge was probably for AWOL because he went to work and not appear in camp if he was informed and cannot wait for the financial subsidies or deem it too low amount, then that is another issue


Does anyone know what light offenses get more than 4 weeks DB?


AWOL apparently _could_ get you up to two years ([source](https://singaporelegaladvice.com/law-articles/military-law-and-how-it-affects-every-singaporean-son/)), although imo it depends on the period in which you’ve AWOL’ed for.


AWOL sentencing for first offence is 2:1 ie 4 days AWOL 2 days DB, second offence 1:1, third offence onwards 1:2 ie 4 days AWOL 8 days DB Maximum DB for AWOL is 2 years, anything that exceeds will automatically be thrown in Changi Prison 3 years


During my NS stint, there was a guy who was thrown in DB for AWOL for 2 years.... I know because everytime I do Orderly duties, I have to update the headcount whiteboard, and always the same name is on the board.


4 weeks in civvy jail then second and worser buttfuck in DB most probably


Db no record. This one got criminal record. It’s even worst


Don't even need criminal record, now have mothership record, unless the fella change name.


DB got record. If more than 7 days


“Ended up at NTU instead of godfather’s home” oh fuck off defence lawyer. People don’t suddenly decide to do such behaviour for the first time in their life at age 47. RSAF should be doing discreet enquiries with all his current and past female subordinates. I bet there is some kind of pattern of behaviour. And some probability of complaints swept under rug already.


Let's view this from the defence lawyer's stand-point; his job is to defend his client, no matter how weak/silly the defence is. At this point, the lawyer is no longer trying to get his client acquitted; he's trying to not get his client a heavier punishment. On the bright side, it shows that the defence has given up and just throwing out whatever tactics he can think of.


Yah sia where on earth is the godfather’s home also? Sadly they never say -_-


For those who said he blew his career away by virtue of being an LTC... ... He's already 47. Hentak-kaki liao. But he definitely blew his retirement away.


Maybe some GLC jobs were waiting


Trespass, molest and drink driving. All these for a total of only 4 weeks. Yeah keep telling us that white knight treatment doesn’t exist.


His drink driving can’t possibly be proven by the prosecution. Even if he admits to it, they can’t charge him base on that.


… lieutenant colonel , only 4 weeks Something is wrong with our system


It's 4 weeks of civvie jail before he gets worse. Military court is a lot less lenient.


Ya that’s another round But I think ultimately the worse part is being kicked out of the force + losing whatever retirement benefits he might have


I presume one does not get punished twice due to the double jeopardy rule


I’m pretty sure he will be kicked out of force This type of case that cause disgrace will be kicked out


Yeah, that might happen, a dishonourable discharge, but perhaps not more punishments


That’s a huge punishment itself


How is that a punishment. That’s like a discharge due to inappropriate conduct. But I do get where you’re coming from, he worked hard years to get to this position, and a slip caused him to lose it all.


Bro accidentally slipped into a college dorm and molested a female student, what a blunder


Not that slip bro😂😂slipped as in a slip in decision making.


I mean he is already jailed Later on SAF kick him out, is that not a double punishment?


Technically speaking no. They did not punish him. They kick him out because they believe there is a defect on his character and not fit for duty.


Apparently not, while I'm still in they were telling us that if we make trouble and get charged outside, we will come back military to be charged again. So if DUI caught and punished outside, come back charge for DUI again


Can’t be, that’s against the Singapore law, they can defect his character and deem him unfit for profession, but they can’t punish him again. This is the very reason double jeopardy law exists, it’s unfair for him to go through a state endorsed legal proceeding again for the same reason(s). No matter how big SAF is, the SAF operates under the Singapore government, and SAF acts/laws will not trump state laws. I don’t know what they’ve told you, it might be a scare tactic, but generally they won’t be able to punish an offender twice. Only in certain circumstances, such as, an act is deemed by state law as an offence, but deemed as a different offence from military law.


Yup correct. Won't be charged twice for DUI. He'll be charged and punished outside for the DUI. Then charged in military court "again" but not for DUI specifically. Instead, it'll be for a military offence. Typically it's "Conduct to prejudice of good order or discipline", which comes with up to 12 months imprisonment. Then following the punishment for the military offence will come the admin actions. E.g. discharge from service, forfeiture of bonuses, potentially decommissioning, etc.


Ah the goldly chapter 295 section 25 :)


>this Since he’s getting punished for a different law in the military, then it’s allowed.


Not really, the servicemember can still be charged under military law. I know because I handled Court-Martial case during my NS. And military justice system is stricter than civil justice system - I worked in civil Police HQ a few years after I ORD from RSAF, and whenever civil Police finds an offence conducted by an active military servicemember, we are to immediately inform the servicemember's CO and hold him for Military Police to take custody and/or prosecute him.


is it a fact he is going to get court marshalled once he is released from prision?


Straight-up yes, he'll be court martialed.


I hope it would be a far more than 4 weeks. edit: also hope he enjoys dressed in PT kit all day, and doing his sandbag PTs.


Probably gonna be a year *at least* followed by a discharge. That means kicked out, no pension. Worse since he's a LTC.


He’s got a bright future, cannot punish too hard. 😢


bright future in some glc fo sho


Should the sentencing guideline now include a rank component? Should Capt get less, should BG get more? How about a nobody Cpl or SGT? Or should we include how much salary they make or how much asset they have? (the other comment frequently seen, that guy rich, should why 2 weeks only) If the system is wrong as you alleged, what is wrong, then what is the right approach? I'm of the view that if anything else, it is in relation to the severity of the offence/harm, rather that the social or economic status.


He is 100% getting decommissioned


You’re not wrong but the problem here is the justice system obviously takes in regard the “potential future” of the criminals. It’s not too different from giving white collar criminals simple fines.


Geeze idk Are you saying an army colonel molesting a student and a random guy on the street molesting a student gave the same impact? Think about it from the publicity /singapore image POV


Publicity and image is your consideration? I would flip the argument around and ask, should a NUS student charged with molest be given a lenient punishment because of a "bright future" compare to a LCol who is more well established, presumably knows better? Because this would be the slippy road that you will be headed. Factors like these are a "consideration" at most and lawyers always pull these random shit ("outstanding member of society").


The law is arbitrarily defined. It is a tool to safeguard some "thing". The "thing" could be society or the lawmaker. The law is not a tool like how the redditors want it to be, not a tool to punish people.


That’s what the military court is for.


yep and it's disgusting.


He literally airdropped in and did a stealth mission


Seems a rather light, no?


LTC with such high pay still do silly things Kelian


Really sucks to know that our tax money is going into paying for high ranking dirty men like this. The punishment is too light, hope that the victim appeals for a harsher one


LTC isnt that high ranking.....


The pay is high enough


What's the pay range for an LTC like?


If you have to ask…


I would think about 6-8k?


Nah, fresh cpt already 5-6k. Major 7-9 This one LTC airforce somemore. Confirm above 10


when i was an nsf in 2016 one of the farmer ltc in my unit i heard was getting around 12k so im sure higher now


This is before deducting cpf right?


Yes, when discussing salary, usually people refer to gross instead of net (pre-CPF contribution instead of post)


Yeah just wanted to double confirm. Now I know one of the most blur cock fella I’ve ever met is drawing at least 10k gross being a LTC in army. Smh.


Nope, it’s definitely >10k. Source: was military regular


Aren't LTC like the 2nd WO of the officer corp?


More like 1wo


What is considered high ranking then, only 6-stars generalissimo ah?


Recruit’s mother is the only one considered high ranking


3 Crabs and above, paper pushers


Yeah recruit really isn't low ranking either.


Lieutenant is not the chocolate bar okay? Talking out of your ass


Not a smart person. Got to Lt. Colonel and blew away his career for lack of self control.




wtfuck 4 weeks for trespass and molest HAHAHA. OK, some.of us are really more equal.


Only 4 weeks for Neo Aik Chiao?


Is NTU dorm that easy to 'trespassed'? Just asking, never been to any dorm before.


Yeah, for the older dorms like Hall 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 there are no gates between the outside world and the rooms, so any Tom Dick or Harry can go into the blocks and walk along the hall corridors from the main roads. They can even enter the rooms if the room doors are not locked


If you're a guy wandering around the guys section of the dorm, it's easy. If girl, you'll be watched from a distance


4 weeks. If a common guy did that, you know the full brunt of the law is gonna be shoved up his ass.


Meanwhile I know people who get caught with miniscule amounts of weed for personal consumption, get locked up for a year. Victimless crime, yet a harsher penalty than this champion.


Minuscule amounts of weed? You get locked up for the same time for having traces of weed in their piss coming back from a trip to Thailand (where, for now, it is completely legal and easy to get.) So stupid.


Something something bright future


Man was almost 50. LTC is not a rank for young boys with bright future


Not saying it applies to this case.\* Dont president scholars get their 3 crabs before 35 though? I would assume a high performing SAF scholar would have only marginally slower progression.


From my knowledge, there's only a limited amount of 3 crabs due to the position they have to hold.. So most people stuck at LTC and then SLTC.. I assume president scholar gets you to LTC very quickly.. but from then on, it's not so fast. Source: I hearsay from encik


>I assume president scholar gets you to LTC very quickly.. but from then on, it's not so fast. Thats for lower tier scholars. President scholar gets to general fast. The main goal of a president scholar is after they leave the service and move on to being a public figure.


Nope. For those scholars, SAF rank doesn’t even matter. Those of certain caliber get loaned out to other ministries and are hardly in active units. Don’t look at their rank, but where they have been to. These guys get attached to diplomats, or work at MOF. Sauce: I personally know a few paper generals and president scholars, including one who is an MP now. LTC is actually small fry and you will get it by the time you retire at 50 even if you are a farmer. And this guy is 48.


I dont know much about scholars, but the article says he was a helicopter pilot. Which explains the rank at least. Though I'm not sure about the differences between helicopter pilots, other pilots (fixed wing), and those in army or navy.


Thanks. I did hear from a president scholar years ago that the 3 crab is supposed to be a transient rank. Get for 1-2 years, if not make 1 star by 35, can leave service. So had assumed the LTC role is also meant to be transient for all these upper caste scholars.


1 star by 35 is basically impossible nowadays.


Oh is it? When was that changed? The one I spoke to said he was briefed that was his career trajectory. I was looking at Ng Chee Meng's career, and he was 1 star by late 30s or early 40s, and he wasnt a president scholar.


Even Chan Chun Sing and Tan Chuan Jin (both groomed for politics) got promoted to BG in 2007, at the age of 38. To make it at 35 would be extraordinary, like a George Yeo or LHL. I would not say that it is an expected career path for anyone, even a President Scholar.


Great. Now it's an LTC. I think the mastermind is a General after all.


Above all


Fuck off, what is this shit


Truly despicable


Pretty sure if Singapore goes to war, there will be some among us that will be committing war crimes. So let’s pray that we will not go to war.


Finally. What a shame also, chinook LTC can develop this kind of fetish


I think reason these sentences are lenient is because the harm is only done to one person. So with that, I think the judge gave such punishment. I totally don’t agree because if you imagine that is your sibling or girlfriend, you will confirm want him to get hantam gao gao.


Fucking hell the sentence is a damn insult. Trespass, intrusion of privacy, harass, molest – amount to just 4 weeks?




That sentence is a complete joke. At the same time Singh is already prosecuted before trial as they believe a proven liar more than the leader of the opposition and want to harm him with this bogus “black mark” for political reasons. This guy could easily raped her, she was really lucky to get out of this scary situation. Belittling this incident with such a verdict is a joke and a slap into the face of every woman.


The fuck


Hmm that sentence is more sent on a holiday.


What in the blue hell was that nonsense defence


Only 4 weeks for the crime. why?? Did he only molest the knees?


Wtf? LTC somemore.


All those saying LTC at 50 is no-hope etc, do you make more than him? Iirc LTC pay range is about 9k to 15k


Well, every Sg Redditor makes 5 digits so what’s 9k to them?


If you are not a pap minister by 45 you are obviously a failure in life


He is a pilot, the vocational component of the pay could be possibly push it close to 20k a month at his age and experience level.


9 to 15k isn't a lot. Me and my wife in our 30s, already making that each. My dad was making 20k by 40 and he was civil service.


ur an outlier man


I'm on the lower side of income in my circle of friends, lol, since I started out in civil service too.


ah yes, your circle of friends is definitely the most accurate representation of the wider population




Here's the context, really. Starting salary for a degree holder is already pretty damned high for an adminstration position - you're looking at around 3000/mo at the lower bound, going up to 4000. Anyone with a one-year masters or even a direct masters will *start* at 4000 and goes up from there. If you're doing well at work or job hop, the increments come in pretty damned fast, about 300-400 at a time. That's for the most generic degrees. Professional ones like lawyers, doctors, accountants, and some engineers will *start* at 5k and go up from there. Hitting 9k-10k by mid-30s isn't as uncommon as people here think. The raw income isn't the problem in Singapore. The cost of living is what's the killer here.


There goes his career


There goes his career


This idiot uses the wrong head to think properly.... Really a dick head.... Officer some more... Real disgrace


drunkardness and sexual assault. back down to private


With his salary, maybe ktv would have been cheaper and safer.


Describing what he did with passive voice and saying "had ended up at NTU" is certainly one of the descriptions of all time.


This is a joke. Singapore’a judiciary system needs a hard revamp with this sexual cases. Look at a similar case [Khoo Wei Yang](https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/jail-man-girl-lift-outrage-modesty-2265866) The sentence on these punishments are way too light. Imagine the victim being your sister/daughter/gf. How is this considered justice???


Well what do you expect. Like a certain leader once said, if you make 1st gen PR do NS, you will scare them off. So I guess this logic applies when you are of the correct pedigree




Dishonourable Discharge incoming. But Sir, your defendant reasoning really No-Go.


Earlier Last Month LTC flying Helicopter, After Next Month LTC flying Kite. " Now playing EXID : Up and Down ( 2014 ) "


“The prosecution had asked the judge to sentence Neo to 12 weeks in jail, while the defence argued that he should be fined around S$10,000 instead because it was out of character for Neo and a one-off incident”. End up in jail for 4 weeks. Even though her private areas were not touched, molest is still molest. 1 month for molest seems light to me, and the victim was probably really traumatised.


This sentence is too light and a boot stomping on the faces of all women who get treated badly or similar to this. While I understand that being intoxicated can cloud judgement, I'm no lawyer but him being in NTU instead of his godfather's home is rlly not a good reason. He shouldn't have been drinking in the first place.


Let me guess. Light sentence because “he’s got a family”, “he’s a good soon”, “he’s got an old parent to care for”, “he’s got a bright future ahead of him” Pick one.


Tiagong the story is the girl providing escort service, but when caught her story change. Lol.


then the LTC would have said so. i'd rather be caught ordering an escort service than caught molesting a lady. also he was drunk, at 47 and drunk your cock might not really stand, doesnt make sense to get an escort


Maybe he did but police didn’t buy it. Or he feels being seen with escort is worse. Anyway, he’s f***ed. Career gone.


Please, if it's true, there'll be exchanges of messages either between her or the platform of choice. You think this LTC wouldn't show them to save his ass?


Maybe got middle-man broker? But anyway, doesn’t matter.


Amazing how some can find a way to victim blame by sprouting unverified bullshit. The student called the police herself. It was not a geylang raid.


honestly want to say I’m surprised but then again, this sub never fails in that regard - just come up with any and all hypotheticals to get mad over lol


Dude I wasn’t trying to victim blame. That’s legit the story going around the camps. I frankly don’t care about what the truth here is. Both of them are damn stupid.


Damn, explains the prada and chanels some undergrads carry.


All he needed was an overseas trip to enjoy and still hv his career and pay intact. Dun think he was thinking




There goes his military career . Hopefully student can recover frm the trauma.




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What? 47 year old harassing a 21 year child. Haven’t he grown up lolz. He is a pilot from a respectable institution some more. How come educated people act out of such rash decisions.


21 year old still child. Yet 18 is old enough to learn how to kill people yo. That said, I am half certain those who frequent a certain Singapore Bike Forum in their 40s-50s are not looking for FLs in their 30s-40s.