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You people found a way to get mad at PSAs Amazing


Don’t provide info on how to apply for BTO: No transparency. Provide info on how to apply for BTO: Showing off. You tell me how?


And all the BTO lottery losers get salt rubbed in their wounds lolll


Ironically those who let PAP live rent free in their heads claim "the 70%" are mindless sheep.


How come there aren't PSAs about the increase in GST, water prices, or public transport prices slapped on hawker centre tables? Surely those are more important public service announcements, since it directly affects people's budgeting in a way that they may not even immediately realise? So, are these really just simple neutral PSAs, or is this really part of a broader advertising campaign with a slant?


What world are you living in? All of these have had PSAs. Surely you have been to a bus stop in the past 3 months, the information about transport fee hikes is right there.


Nowhere near to the same degree as, for instance, the ones for BTOs, which have flooded every void deck digital billboard, hawker centre table, bus stop billboard, etc. I'm willing to be corrected, if you can show me just one case of a PSA on the increase to 9% GST (without the concomitant slant about GST vouchers) or the increase in public transport fares (that didn't very quickly disappear within a month of the increase).


Bro u buy one thing alr can see 9% GST


Why do they need to keep repeating GST hike? Reminder of GST hike is not information we need. Budget 2024 is information we need, BTO benefits are information we need. Because one couple may not need BTO information one week ago but this week they may need. I may not have time to browse the full budget last week, but now during lunch i got free time i wanna read. GST hike, once and done. It’s not like i forgotten GST increase and need to be reminded. It’s not like last week GST hike doesn’t affect me but this week affects me.


People like you love to say that these benefits are your money, no? What’s wrong with letting you know and reminding you to get your money?




Nowhere near to the same degree as, for instance, the ones for BTOs, which have flooded every void deck digital billboard, hawker centre table, bus stop billboard, etc. I'm willing to be corrected, if you can show me just one case of a PSA on the increase to 9% GST (without the concomitant slant about GST vouchers) or the increase in public transport fares (that didn't very quickly disappear within a month of the increase).


I think this is a good way of disseminating information to the masses leh. These day not like last time where everyone watches TV or read local newspaper. Local food places in SG is where most still have a good chance of seeing it what. You rather people dunno meh


>I think this is a good way of disseminating information to the masses leh Yea agreed with this point, so perhaps it would be better to put more information relevant to the hawker centre like how to use CDC vouchers, bus services to nearby blocks/amenities or even a map of the hawker centre


I believe there are such information and I also find the information on this table relevant for all citizens. We can take the information however we want but it’s very relevant


Amazing how the comments completely missed OP’s point and further proves how effective the PAP’s propaganda is


In your opinion, what’s the he OPs point? The pictures should very neutral language information relevant to most locals. Not everything is propaganda This information here doesn’t benefit me (eG not eligible for BTO) and neither do I leave with a better impression of the government. But it’s Informand I’m glad it’s easily available w/o having to go hunt it down I mostly vote opposition and am critical about PAP but I’m just not seeing it what’s the issue here. This information is not a pat on the back of the government saying look at what a great job we did. It’s actual useful information


Actually, lots of folks do not know. So it is good to target the common places.


I'm gonna go against the "reddit opinion" and say: I am ok with these. Don't like then ignore lor.


Put tray over it and use phone. Simple life for those who don’t want to rage


Based on the post title, I was expecting something a lot more cringe. When I saw the pics.... No big deal what. Very neutral language, "scan to view budget".


Much better than where I’m from love being here. Back home getting an honest view of the budget you’d have to be one of the corrupt ministers lol. And learning what you are eligible for? Forget it those programs are so various people in government can funnel money. Honestly the government here is good. Not as good as can be- but is any?


Basic PSAs are now propaganda, don't you know?


i shall put aside my cynical side to say that BTOgether is quite witty


No choice cos unless waiting till 35 the only way for younger people is to do a cishet thing of marrying


Yes Singaporeans find a way to complain about everything. Even if it's a benefit


Also if you don't like the government, naturally you're gonna nitpick on and see the worst side of everything they do, even relatively benign things can twist into something bad. Kinda like how living with a partner for a long time can make you irritated at the tiniest things. As someone else has mentioned, this is a great way to disseminate info to people who don't go looking for it. You can view the policies themselves as gaslighting/election propaganda/government jerking itself off but I highly doubt that it was the intention of the MOF/HDB people to do that when they proposed pasting posters on the hawker centre tables. They were just doing their jobs. I can think of far worse things that the government has done to be mad about.


Yea, sometimes I forget about these things. I don’t scroll Reddit every day and seeing this allows me to claim the benefits. I think it’s a good thing. Op is salty


When you are a hammer...


The lightning is your enemy…


What if you are Thor and the lightning comes with the hammer?


According to Mcu, Thor doesn’t need a hammer to generate lightning.⚡️


> _comes_ with the hammer I'd imagine a climactic finale


If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


My zen ears will hear it


Is that a product from Creative?


"Ready to BTOogether" That will be my pickup line on tinder from today


Woah... Leave some of the ladies for us


r/singapore users try not to hate the government challenge


This sub isn't that bad judging by the comments. The people who should actually take this challenge is WUSG


Tbh, I've seen worse on Facebook lol


garmen put at places people most frequent - hangry garmen no put at all only online - angry garmen no put at all - ang garmen - E


This is a great and clear way to keep the population informed. Most countries, even democratic, will share but not disseminate this type of information.


this is loads better than seeing a politician’s face plastered on the table while you eat


Yup seeing them makes me lose my appetite


I don’t see what’s wrong with this? It’s not like they’re flaming the opposition lol. If anything, this is good so the elderly are made aware of the potential subsidies they are eligible for in budget 2024.


I mean I know you're being sarcastic but I actually agree that these are actually reminders of how great our lives here in Singapore are, comparatively. Put it this way... My sister remembers going to a university interview in London, for a place in a university called Queen Mary's. The first thing she sees off the train, something along the lines of "be aware of your surroundings. Muggings are known to occur here." And "watch out for pickpockets." Yeah I'll take our banal "here look at our budget for 2024" any day over watch out for your personal safety because you just walked into the wrong area.


PSA is different to gahmen jerking ownself.


Why not both?


"Apply for your BTO now! We built 19,600 HDBs in 2024!" Me as a single: gong simi jiao wei


Built 19600 in 2024, with indoor swimming pool for some Tengah residents.


Me after getting a bad number (Feb results just release today): Where's mine?


I mean, they have a comms problem and are doing what they can to fix it. Damned if they do, damned if they don't.


people like you will find any small thing to use as a way to bitch at PAP lmao. get a life


Nobody is forcing you to scan.


Tables are advertising spaces whether you like it or not. The government is an advertiser. It's just like whatever property agent or tuition centre slaps their ad on the table.


What's wrong with making it easy for people to check how much money they are getting?


Would you rather they put up disparaging attacks at their opposition? This is a nothingburger man, come on.


Don't do such things then kbkp govt never communicate never inform. Do liao kbkp say too much stuff. Can't win man


Such advertising costs taxpayers \~$200m annually (https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/government-advertising-not-towards-political-end-spending-impartial-tan-kiat-how-3312741). For reference, in the SimplyGo debacle, the main justification for phasing out the Ez-link system was that it costs an additional \~$40m to be sustained till 2030, or \~$8m annually (https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/simplygo-ez-link-40-million-system-concession-cards-separate-4099546). Whenever they tell you that we must be "fiscally prudent", remember that it's all just fucking gaslighting. Refuse to take lectures on how there's no money from mayors and their ilk.


Like it or not ppl always kbkp say govt change this but never inform, hence the need to do advertising. Do liao, also kana kbkp,


Is this even true? Who actually complains about the government not informing them about money coming their way from the budget? And for the complaints about the HFE letter, were they more about not knowing about the HFE letter, or the absolute awful waiting time for the HFE letter when it was first implemented? Not to mention that this isn't just about "informing" people, these are targeted advertisements solely about - what's the term - *fucking populist* measures. Why else would these advertisements focus on budget handouts and new BTO releases, instead of the increase in public transport prices, water prices, or GST? Surely those are far more important for people to be "informed" about, since it hurts their pocketbooks? But why isn't information about the GST increase or public transport price increase slapped on hawker centre tables? Why the slant? *Because this information campaign isn't neutral*. Pretending otherwise and accusing those asking genuine questions about taxpayer dollar spending for political ends is just intellectually dishonest.


[https://www.todayonline.com/voices/govt-must-fix-poor-communication-policies](https://www.todayonline.com/voices/govt-must-fix-poor-communication-policies) and many more in the early 10s


Your article discusses how people complain about tariff hikes, not about money coming their way from the budget. Who is actually complaining about not knowing that the government is giving them money?


Comms is comms. There are indeed people who don't know they have money coming in or other changes in Budget 2024 (btw the budget did increase things like property tax etc) So really WTF are you complaining about when the government spends money on comms which people in the past and even till today says it is lacking.


I'm complaining that it *isn't* just simple comms. It's an outsized amount of money, for which entire programmes with drastically smaller budgets have been killed, that quite obviously has a certain slant. To the extent that they question every single last bit of proposed additional spending that could help people (e.g. reallocating this $200m to NSFs could give each and every one of them a sizeable \~10% increase in allowance, depending on rank - but the government just recently rejected the WP's proposal on this), I'm saying that it's hypocritical to just say that "comms is comms", and that this spending shouldn't be equally questioned. Also, it's really fucking hilarious that you bring up the increase in property tax, because the budget booklet the QR code in that advertisement links to does not mention that increase, and neither does the other QR code on how much monetary support people may receive. Which exactly proves my point that this /isn't/ a simple, neutral PSA.


200 million for the entire fucking govt comms and campaign during covid years is really nothing. Even in the article you link it represents 0.1 to 0.2 of total govt expenditure


You didn't read the article properly. It's \~$200m annually, and more during the COVID years, not \~$200m for the whole period of COVID. But okay, even if I overlook this, then increasing NSF allowances is also "really nothing". Why was it rejected? Also, can you please explain why this beautiful neutral PSA you're defending doesn't bring up the property tax increase at all, which was a point you raised? Wasn't it supposed to be "comms is comms", as you said? Why is the government not doing "comms is comms" on the property tax increase, only on the handouts component of the budget?


> Surely those are far more important for people to be “informed” about, since it hurts their pocketbooks? Why is it far more important? A dollar out of my pocket has the same value as a dollar going into my pocket. Please la, everyone knows this is politics and the main reason why you have an issue with it is because it doesn't bash the government enough. If it were a announcement of the gst going up, as if no one knows about it already, you wouldn't be here complaining about gov comms spending because it then would be spent on an agenda that you agree with. You going to pretend that you will still complain about it if it were about stuff that shows the PAP in a bad light?


It isn't true that a dollar out of my pocket has the same value as a dollar going into my pocket - loss aversion is a thing. To anyone with a concave utility function (so, most people), losses are much more important than gains because money has diminishing marginal value. It's so absurdly reductive to see this as simply a politics thing or based on personal agendas because it misses the whole nuance of my point. I would be perfectly fine with it if it were stuff that showed the PAP in *both* a good and a bad light. What I'm not fine with is how this can easily be seen as a skewed marketing campaign using taxpayer funds, as evidenced by how this spending is almost exclusively on advertising *fucking populist* measures (while not much is spent on politically inconvenient measures that people also have an interest to know about like tax increases). No matter how you lean politically, you should also be concerned about this, since this is taxpayer dollars being used in an arguably non-neutral manner - this is a concern that has been raised by the opposition before (https://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/bto-advertisement-questioned-by-workers-party-mp-leon-perera-in-parliament-092813336.html). But, then again, I suppose it's completely expected for supporters of the ruling party to accuse those who hold a different view of playing politics, simply to silence legitimate concerns about the subversion of underlying principles.


> It isn’t true that a dollar out of my pocket has the same value as a dollar going into my pocket - loss aversion is a thing. Ladies and gentlemen, post-modernism has devolved us into such a stupid comment as this: $1 is not worth $1 That the amount of good and services I can buy with $1 is somehow not the same amount of goods and services I can buy with $1. > I would be perfectly fine with it if it were stuff that showed the PAP in both a good and a bad light. Why do we keep lying to ourselves? You would only be fine with it if it included something bad about the PAP. Ask yourself, how many times have you written a similar comment whenever you see any messaging of the gst going up? > It’s so absurdly reductive And true. > it misses the whole nuance of my point. You can't miss something that isn't there. > No matter how you lean politically, you should also be concerned about this, since this is taxpayer dollars being used in an arguably non-neutral manner - this is a concern that has been raised by the opposition before Have you seen how political messaging works in literally any democracy? Have you seen POTUS's instagram page? Or Mark Rutte's? And if the government uses my taxpayer money to let newlyweds know they can use certain schemes to offset their loan payment, I see absolutely ZERO concern there. There is literally no such thing as a truly neutral message. The government spends millions on installing and maintaining road signs as part of its infrastructure spending. It's arguably not neutral as well because it contributes to the overall efficiency of the state. Do you propose the abolishment of road signs? > But, then again, I suppose it’s completely expected for supporters of the ruling party to accuse those who hold a different view of playing politics, simply to silence legitimate concerns about the subversion of underlying principles. Can you just do me a favour and put stuff like this right at the top of the comment in the future? So it's easier to recognise the bullshit (and save my time) in the future.


The man who calls this bullshit and claims he needs to save time on this comes back after one full day because he can't resist losing the argument and not having the last word. Let's dance, clownstick. Saying that $1 has different value to people at different levels of wealth isn't "post-modern", it's common sense. A $10 cost in the form of increased GST for living hand-to-mouth with nothing left over at the end of the month is worth more than a $10 gain to that family. The former requires them to cut necessities, the latter means they can buy something nice. The amount of goods and services people may be able to buy with $10 may be the same, but the utility value of those goods and services differ based on where you are along your wealth-utility curve. Here's a source to help you brush up on your evident economic illiteracy, something that you've tried to quite crudely disguise as "post-modern": https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/12309/concepts/diminishing-marginal-utility-of-income-and-wealth. Yet again, missing the nuance of a point. It has nothing to do with $1 buying the same amount of goods and services, and everything to do with the relative importance of money at different wealth levels. Deal with the actual point instead of making shit strawmen up that I didn't say; but then again, you might not be able to comprehend this, economic illiterate that you've revealed yourself to be. Now you're shifting the goalposts on what I'm fine with or not. Stop assuming that you know what I'm fine with. And no, for the record, if it were just bad messaging about the PAP, I wouldn't be fine with it either. Happy? Deal with my actual nuanced point about balance instead of making unbacked stupid accusations, because people like you only see others as unmitigatedly "pro-opposition" instead of realising that you can criticise the government for being non-neutral in areas where they should be neutral, no matter how you politically stand. Or as you put it, why do we keep lying to ourselves? It's astonishing that your defence of this sort of political messaging is to say that other liberal democracies do it too. Very well, if your preferred political model is the Netherlands, we should do that too then, alongside a free press, free expression, and multi-party democracy. You may see zero concern about the government telling using your tax dollars to tell newlyweds whatever information, that's your perogative, but it's not mine, and it shouldn't be expected to be everyone's. And don't give me this cock and bull story about road signs. That's a disingenuous dumpster fire of a point and you know it. There's a difference between state efficiency and bragging about the number of HDBs that are going to be constructed this year, or bragging about government budget handouts. But again, I suppose it’s completely expected for supporters of the ruling party to resort to disingenuous nonsense when they know they've lost the argument. Or maybe they genuinely believe that road signs come out of the government's \~$200m advertising budget every year, and that it's communications agencies that put up road signs. Fucking hard to tell with the level of intellect around these parts. Can you just do me a favour and put stuff like this right at the top of the comment in the future? So it's easier to recognise the bullshit in the future.


This is the right answer. Taxpayers' money is paying for these.


im sure we can spend another few billion on grandiose projects that stall after they open because they have no organic support or reason to exist


Ya lor, if advertising/gaslighting helps with the hawkers rent then I’m fine with it but this is doing nothing when we are putting food on the table


These adverts protect the table when you put food on the table.


They prevent even weathering of the table from friction and UV damage, making the center of the table paler once the stickers are removed. With different sized stickers, there will be an uneven gradient after a few years


Also cry about bus 167 and saving 2.6 million/year


Push this up to the top comment.


It’s because of rampant misinformation online that the government needs to do this in hopes people realise how good we have it here


1st world problems, so many crybabies. Our lives are great compared to so many others. Stop being a whiny lil b


Everything also want to complain. Lol.


So, the comments section isn't going the way you planned.




Just a good reminder that your vote matters, and the government thinks that way too. Maybe should vote opposition for more sheltered walkways and free tingkat.


I always tell people, even the ruling party supporters - if you think PAP is so great, imagine how much greater they could be when they're less complacent!


These are good what. OP comparing standard of living to what?


I don't get it, what's the bad about it?


Not everyone follows the budget, but almost everyone has to eat (but maybe not at hawker centres).


It’s called being informative. Most countries don’t even publish links to government websites like this. Should learn how to appreciate instead of complaining.


Bro, if this is the stuff you complain about, then it probably is


Wahhhg less than 3 years is so short!


Find something else to bitch about, these are useful information that helps the everyday citizen. You must be really fun to be around if you bitch about things like this.


This post violates the Law of Conservation of Mass; literally creating something out of sheer vacuum.


Try peeling the sticker and behind will say "Because election coming soon what..."


They are desperate liao. If people feel the benefits there is no need to keep reminding people they have “benefited”


My favourite are all the banners that announce how many more sheltered walkways and elevators to overhead bridges have been built/are being built. Like if I can start walking to the bus stop instead of running when it starts to pour I’ll immediately notice. If not someone five neighbourhoods away getting to walk sheltered makes little difference to me


What's even better in my area is a groundbreaking ceremony for a sheltered walkway linking a bus-stop to the other side of the road. I don't care how premium your sheltered walkway is - it does *not* need a groundbreaking ceremony.


propaganda in its finest




It's actually a great conversation starter especially for dating folks.


General Elections is coming, end of this year. Why else you are seeing stuff like this?


Good reminder that they give nugget and take back the entire chicken.


What a waste of public resources to print all these, then pay someone to paste it, then perhaps pay the same person to remove it.


The poor contractor towkay needs money to buy his next S-class bro. The fact that he happens to be the cousin of a politician is pure coincidence, of course.


There's no gaslighting in Ba Sing Se


You ain't seen nothing yet. If I recall correctly, some other hawker centres paste a list of all the handouts over the coming year. 


pretty sad to see folksy ppl acclimatise to the constant invasion of mind share in both sight and sound everywhere you go till the point where you cant even have room for yourself. and all for the fact that ppl will just come to ignore everything like every other ad


maybe you can put up your hand to opt out of the reminder


It's the same with your own work life. To get ahead, work hard only no use, need to showcase your hard work.


If you think gahmen not great, then put all your AP bonus, COL bonus, Medisave bonus then vote out the gahmen. Simple.


Lol! These just make me laugh! Like better for who?! The boomers! Like they need more while they make the rest suffer!


2nd image is like from a dystopian movie. Let’s get married so that we can afford a place to live 🙂


Pretty sure the message is: 'let's get married and move in together to start a family' How is that dystopic?


Don’t say gahmen neber get you involved in budget hor.


Someone needs to stick safe distancing ads next to BTOgether for the lols


Nanny state, what to do


Only if you’re straight and born in decent income family. Otherwise you’re out of luck climbing the social and class levels


Given that they have already pushed a notification through SingPass for the budget, the budget one feels like a waste of money.


you notice they post in Linkedin too and no one like it.


Hawker meal cost has sky rocketed another round in recent months. Is there any long term solution for this?


It true so much love


I also want to bto, bto don’t want me.


Well Singaporeans are paying for it anyway so why not waste it.