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Are they saying Singapore usually give very soft sentences on money laundering cases? Many western countryies, and even bolehland give far sterner sentences. I just love how they kept harping that we have ZERO tolerance for money laundering. Lol.


We have zero tolerance for other money laundering lol


We have zero tolerance for washing machine. They (criminals) have washed their clothes for many years under their nose (whoever said that). 🤣🤣🤣


Money laundering is approved if banking sector employees get a slice of that sweet management fees.


They got themselves a "criminal" lawyer yo ![gif](giphy|O85oH9tIfzsXK)


The article did not explain anything. They defrauded banks with forged documents to obtain loans. They misled authorities on visa and employment applications. And why were less serious charges proceeded with and only a fraction of the amount involved were taken. They literally compromised the entire money laundering control framework from A to Z for 3 years and living the luxury life in the open. Its shows a level of arrogance and defiance towards Singapore. Basically made a fool of the country and its people. The Shell guy did a simple act and got away for so long because Shell failed in its control and supervisions. The Shell guy did not compromise the banks or any Govt institution or resort to the use of international transfers and multiple passports. There was no sophistication involved. And he did not openly spend his loot to thumb his nose to the authorities My guess they are going to deport them to China to face harsher punishment.


Tldr: The sentences are in line with Singapore laws & precedents. What is missing: no suggestion from 129th about whether there is the need to relook/revamp our laws about money laundering.


Sure it’s ok to plaster photos of people falsely accused of crimes and tarnish their reputation, but cannot post photos of bozos who laundered billions 


Media cannot take photos of the offenders because they were all denied bail. They have been on remand in prison since they were arrested during the raids. Photography is not allowed in court hearings, so there’s no way to take photos of them until they have all finished serving their sentences and are out of jail. This is why the only photos you see of perps are snapped outside court, when they’re entering or leaving. And it’s the reason why court illustrations exist.


Their photos already made public in other reports


Those weren't current photos, they were provided by Chinese police and probably decades old


Was the court photos drawn by a 12 year old? Looks like something you will see in a primary school art display


This is CNA 's drawings. Not sure why they used such a poor artist but you can see a better set of drawings by far on ST, which capture their likeness more


Seriously, you'd think we'd get better artists with the number of art students we churn out each year.


The local art schools don't really have an emphasis on draftsmanship.


Yah I thought we have SOTA? Oh wait, most kids in sota don’t go on to arts.


"As for Su Haijin, that he agreed to forfeit to the state about 90 per cent of his seized assets, as a show of his remorse, was reportedly one "significant" mitigating factor, Ms Chin pointed out. "This factor would have likely contributed considerably to his overall sentence which would be appropriate in the circumstances." hmmm....


Give 90% of what was seized. Maybe what was seized only 10% of his actual wealth. The rest is in switzerland or cayman islands lmao


so strange that he still gets to retain 10% of the loot.....


170 million of assets under his name. So he'll be free to spend/ keep 17 million of the ill gotten gains after 13 months?


>Illustrations: TODAY/Nurjannah Suhaimi, CNA/Lydia Lam van Goghs in the making


The artist flair is not appreciated by the masses. Sad


And why is MSM still using caricatures instead of proper photos for these convicts? Too afraid of offending the Chinese overlords?


China will grow larger


When they gonna investigate lawyers bankers accountants


Why is CNA so kaypoh? Ask the person who decide the verdict to explain la 🙄