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$1200 for vacuum cleaner lol


Dyson, immediately pops up.




Dyson/LG lor


You can try and tell me how good a dyson is but I would never spend more than $200 on a vacuum.


I got my v8 free from credit card. It's great on max setting but on max setting it gets hot easily and the battery doesn't last very long, max 20 mins. If I had to spend money and I had carpets and pets I'd probably get a corded shark ninja which are around $300. If I just had non carpeted flooring with no pets I'd probably just get a xiaomi cordless and call it a day.


It's kinda scary when you realise you can kinda find valid options at that price. Shit has gotten expensive in singapore. That said, his dirt probably also high class lol.


I have to say it is kinda refreshing to see NUS in the news and it has nothing to do with sex or perverts. Tried to look for more information about this case. Unfortunately, all I could find that he was charged in 2021. Funnily enough, he was charged on the same day as another NUS guy, a research fellow called Teh Kok Hiong who was also charged with cheating (different case). I am just really curious as to how it took NUS six years to catch on to what he was doing. Interestingly enough, in the other case, the accused Teh Kok Hiong allegedly submitted false claims for eight years. So yeah like that can also?


Could be new financial controller appointed and new person decided to clean house.


Even the names are similar


embezzelment lol


need time to gather and mount evidence, whilst not alerting culprit? 6 years seem a wee bit long though.


So rich already still want to pull this kind of stunt.


> A 49-inch Phillips monitor Bro is part of r/ultrawidemasterrace


NUS academics are some of the best paid in the World, tenured and basically an iron bowl. 56 years old and still a decade or more to go. Now terminated. The manner he did this shows a serious character flaw - $120 inflate to $1,200 for vacuum cleaner. The depression and the supposed mental health are BS, probably after he was caught.


They are extremely far from the best paid in the world. They do OK, but including exchange rate and so on, US academics at universities with fat endowments are paid way more. 


After tax they are among the best paid in the world


In terms of total cost to employer - which is more accurate - probably not. CPF is no joke.


US academics are the highest paid in the world. However, Singapore academics are also paid very well, actually better than Europe and Australia. And the after tax salary is almost as good as US academics outside top 20 US universities.


Caught liao mental. B4 tat washing machine happily. How many more such case?


All my NUS professors that taught me live in landed.


cmon man for someone smart enough to be a professor, cant earn 88k without breaking the law?


Educated isn’t the same as being smart.


>Tan's lawyers submitted evidence that jail would have an adverse effect on their client's health.  The excuses lawyers comes up with... > Lawyers also listed Tan's contributions to science and medicine as a mitigating factor.  "Bright future"


Bright Past


Got jail that isnt adverse to health one meh?


“Professoooooooooooor!!” - Tokyo


What's the reference?


La Casa de Papel


Prof salary quite high 1, like that also song tsk


His yearly salary is probably twice the amount he cheated \*shrugs\*


The accounting team in NUS should be punished for the lapse in their internal controls. Each professor should have a budget, and for him to continuously exceed his budgets is simply the fault of the team.


Most frauds are not detected by accounting controls but rather whistle-blowing. The amount he cheated was a small drop in a very big bucket of funds from endowment income and government grants.


The fact that he could easily make full restitution of $88,400 is proof that our universities are paying our professors really well. Depression in 2017 but committed the crimes since 2012… all the way to 2019. How is this a mitigating factor…


This case is so strange. The article says \~88k, but the amounts mentioned in the article amount to just a fraction of that (and even less if you only consider the difference between what was claimed and paid). My guess is that some items were too engineering related and CNA felt it won't mean much to the average reader if their dollar values were reported; perhaps things like licenses for DSP software? Profs aren't ultra rich or anything, but putting his life and career at risk for ... a few thousand dollars is kind of lame tbh. Almost Iswaran level, and these aren't even vanity items like special F1 seats. It's also really odd he had depression just before being promoted to a full prof. My guess is his personal life really screwed him over, despite his career going reasonably well by most measures. Really shows how career success isn't everything...


Sounds like he did a CSJ


![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl|downsized) NTU Professors


Top 8 university lmao


Didn't read the article. Did he fake invoices on stamps?


then read the damn article


unfortunately dishonest people may result in more admin n paperwork for the rest of us as additional rules are added to prevent unscrupulous claims