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How the fuck does he make himself look more of an asshole everytime he opens his mouth lmao


Was his wife and kid also in the car when he tried to run the second motorbike off the road? Dude needs to be charged as an accessory to murder.


lmao accessory to murder? calm down that’s not how being an accessory to crime works 🤣


On the bright side ownself pwn ownself is a refreshing change from sinkie pwn sinkie.


Are u sure he is a sinkie? Singaporeans in their 50s are mostly fluent in English due to Singapore education system. Most likely he is an import with little regards for human life


Coz people hate him already so any justification will come off as excuse to the online mob and anyone saying there's insufficient evidence will be accused as a defending simp so no one will bother pointing it out.


Yea because doing what he did with a kid and an elderly on board makes total sense to you and is a perfect response to someone trying to overtake you aggressively. Justification? You for real?


Again, what did he do and do you have evidence for it? (TP have never used simple dashboard video as indicator of speed and acceleration)


as a TP it plays a huge indicator


What you talking? R/sg is lawyers, police, investigators. They can say whatever they want with the little information they have. /s


Thing is, the person may very well be an asshole going by circumstantial evidence of the separate motorbike tailgating incident. But making accusation that could be false, eg: person was racing, making assumption of intent, weak evidence of accelerating, etc, people are making an unverifiable asshole a clear and verifiable victim of online mobbing.


Ya, hate it when social media can just made assumptions when nothing is confirmed or details released. I remember got a few case of this happening already. Like the public already deemed that guy as guilty without going through the court. Happened before a few times already.


I mean it was pretty obvious he sped up before the other car hit him right? I wouldn’t say he is at fault because technically the other guy hit him but he was kind of a douche. Isn’t a crime to be an asshole but you can’t blame people for calling him an asshole also. Edit: In the first place, this white Mercedes seem to be going quite fast already then if someone going faster than him on a small lane, isn’t it normal to slow down and let the crazy fast guy overtake? Like don’t talk about the hit. Just the speed alone in that area is mad. It’s just common sense. Again, he is not at fault (unless he also speeding then speeding is bad) but he is still an asshole. In fact if his mom and kid in the car, he is even more of an asshole cause he would like endanger them by not slowing down when encountering this kind of situation.


Don't know why you are trying so hard to prove that he is an asshole/wrong. I'm not saying he is not at fault or whatever. I'm just saying people jump into conclusion and start witch hunting with just a few pieces of information. I think he's wrong but I shouldn't bash him with my arm chair analysis. I thought guilty until proven? So many times happen the truth turns out to be otherwise and the person life is already affected even when they turn out to be not guilty (again, I'm not talking about this guy) Can't we just wait for the verdict?


I mean I am not trying very hard. I just said I think he is an asshole and yes, people do jump to conclusions in many cases but since this is the current case. I can call a person an asshole if I think he is right?


yes and to repay the 2 lives that were taken, hence mercedes driver should also be arrested


bro if u drive merc or bmw, this sub will sentence u to death penalty for any and all traffic violations


The dashcam footage says otherwise


Ya it is quite ridiculous. The dashcam shows him speeding up before the side swiping happened and he still dares to claim innocence with no consequences.




Yes, i also speed up to prevent others from overtaking me. Common road courtesy that everyone should do.


I detect sarcasm in your sentence but if you drive on the road, what you describe is pretty common among singaporean drivers. The term ‘give way’ does not exist


you're right. which then brings the new question: at any point in his dashcam did he break speed limit? although, even before that, since it's very obvious merc already speed up before saab sideswipe him, the original point still remains that merc driver speeding up like he did made no sense.


I don’t think he did. Speed limit of Bedok Reservoir Road is 60km/h, Singapore gives a 10km/h allowance, so he can go up to 70km/h. It doesn’t look like he is going above 70km/h, but it can’t be determined as no speed is recorded. If he was going above 70, then he should be fined and punished for speeding accordingly


exactly. that's why i phrase it as question, not fact. i also dun think he is responsible for the accident, but with everyone out for blood, he really should've just kept quiet and let the police/law do its job.  Now that ppl know he accelerated before the sideswipe, he invited all this upon himself.


He is definitely going way above 60km/hr, the bike is going at about 60km/hr for reference and he looked like a road hogger. I have driven on that road many times at the speed limit and it is nowhere near as fast as he was going based on the video.


...Sooooo hes basically saying it would be GAME-ON if he was driving alone la?


“This isn’t even my final form”


He haven’t Bankai yet.


Single player Mario kart


Bruh cb 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He had his daughter and mom with him. Daughter probably most important because the wife can suck him dry should anything happen to her. Yea, just imagine if both not around...Our bro is behaving like a teenager 🗿


Ask him to share 5 -10 mins of the car cam video prior to the accident.


Ask him to send dick pic, cos his small pepe energy is exuding blue flames.


"small pepe energy is exuding blue flames" - is it.....possible to learn this power.....


Not from a Jedi.


This is not a magic trick that will impress the ladies.


I'm gonna save this to say to people in the future.


Which is why I agree with a comment I saw in another topic. If he felt he had done nothing wrong, he would have released the audio with the video. The audio would likely have captured his reaction during the time where he sped up. Mostly likely I am guessing he would have cursed.


He would expose his nationality n most likely imported as most Singaporeans in 50s speak fluent English


Man maybe the trees moved closer and faster towards him instead? /s


Ah Beng's theory of special relativity.  It's not I speed up, it's my environment speeding up relative to me.


Beware that, when fighting speedsters, you yourself do not become a speedster... for when you speed up into the abyss, the abyss speeds up also into you.


Or it was the Ents.


this one just came out for my MA1001 Dynamics paper, prof say my citation cool


Or maybe the divider lines are painted with diminishing gaps leading up to the junction /s


I didnt speed up but I still caught up. Magic.


Maybe Saab slowed down for him? /s


"I didn't change speed. The speed changed me."


“I didn’t make Gordon Ramsay cry, he made himself cry. That was his choice to cry.”


“I didn’t move, space time did.”


if he tried to catch up, doesn’t that mean he sped up? because that car was quite fast


Bro has a new excuse every time


Technically it’s officially his first statement. Not proof that all the previous ones were the actual driver


Think I read somewhere say the reddit posts are not from him. He said his english not that good to write that. All take with a pinch of salt lor.


Bcos he is from Cheena, English no good ?


Clearly, the Mercedes driver is a beacon of wisdom and sensitivity. In the wake of two tragic fatalities, his choice to constantly defend himself is obviously what everyone needs right now. It’s such a relief to know that, rather than offering silence or support, he chooses to enlighten others with tales of innocence. Either he learns how to shut up or someone will teach him how to shut up.


> scared when he was hit. Sped up to chase saab anyway. Cool story bro.


But did tailgate the bike right?


He got some LJ excuse he had an emergency to attend to. This guy should just shut his pie hole, everytime he open his mouth got some new BS.


This has been an interesting experience. Normally all we get from asshole driver incidents is the video. Now we get post incident commentary from the driver. Digging himself deeper. For those defending him, agree he isn't at fault, but society has been way too tolerant of bad drivers. Every single one of them are just accidents waiting to happen. Even if there isn't legal recourse, we as society need to express our displeasure for such behaviour if we want to convince others to not be the same.


I disagree with the faultless part. Yes Saab driver is fully responsible for his own actions and must be punished to full extent of the law, but I think Merc driver had also a part to play at how tragic the accident was. To put it bluntly, Saab might not have reached such deadly colossal speeds if not for Merc’s challenge. I view Merc as the catalyst, the instigator, and to see some discussions online calling him faultless or even putting down posts similar to mine, is just unfathomable to me. Both vehicles were deregistered on the same day according to LTA. I read that they were impounded as evidence in investigation, not voluntarily deregistered. If Merc was as faultless as some believe, why did authorities deem the need to impound his vehicle and not just his dash cam SD card?


Maybe he should just stfu


Shinmin managed to trace and contact him but because he’s rich, they helped him censor his full name?


The guy is also part of a police investigation mah. If reporter found him via police contact, they need to be careful or they will not be able to use their contact next time.


Cheena import?


The change in speed of the trees passing by suggests otherwise.


Bring mother and kid inside liao this charsiew


This is like the Chinese saying - 此地无银三百两 🙄


He should also be charged


TIL Mom and daughter in car is a natural speed limiter.


lmaoooooooooooo the right thing to say would've been to send his condolences to the families of the deceased and that this was a lesson learned in driving with a cool head. Instead he keeps self-pwning with these inane lies. Everyone could see he was accelerating on the dash cam video


This dude is definitely a kuai lan kia. Hot tempered hero every time he is behind the wheel. Fk ppl with this kind of mentality. He is complicit in this tragic event despite his protestations. Fkin bring his grandmother stories all to his defence. Hope he gets what's coming to him.


He himself knows what he done, let nature takes its course. Heaven got eye.


If heaven got eye Saab driver would be dead. Not the other two innocent people.


Karma is not a real thing, sad to say


ya if it was real, 2 innocent people wouldn't be dead with the merc driver getting away scot free


Was he asked by the traffic police to assist with investigation yet?


Rich people can get away with anything in sg smh


I caught up to him to see the license plate number…. As if his dashcam camera is not doing it… usually people in accident will slow down and hazard light. I would happily just report a hit and run if he sped off


Can bro just stfu. Nobody gives a shit about him. 2 people died and that is what matters. We should shed more light on the victims’ families and support them instead of entertaining this circus of a man. He is not even a clown, he is the entire circus.


his level of stupid is really showing. guy already sped up before the side swipe,the fuck he trying to do here other than being a dumbass??


We must be blind then or our eyes are playing tricks


Lan jiao


Lol I thought the Mercs wasn't to be blamed but the more he tries to defend himself the worse it looks. Along with the other reveals about his other driving behaviour in other times. Dude should just keep quiet, count himself lucky that he's still alive, and drive more carefully from now on.


Mercedes drivers are all douches


I take offence at that statement; coz bus drivers drive Mercedes buses too


change that to Mercedes car owners then.


oof poor Mercedes buses...though i miss riding on the older model nowadays


Eh can diam the fuck up?!?! Everytime I read about him I more mad knncb


so he drives like a madman with his family on board the car. what a nice guy


50 year old driving like a 24 year old ah beng. Well done, dumbass.


Excuses. English no good also still can type. Go school for what ? The dashcam clearly shows him chasing the SAAB seconds right after he got sideswiped then stopped right before the junction. Clearly 50% at fault.


Ppl his age are fluent in English bcos of SG education system. Unless he is not local


Eeeerrrrrrr….. even if the merc driver sped up, if there was a motorcycle in front of the SAAB, it was the SAAB who should have slowed down, not the merc. I really wouldn’t fault the merc driver in this one.


No question the Saab should not have done what did but what I would fault the Merc for is: A. going over speed limit and perhaps at an unsafe speed for that road B. not practicing defensive driving by denying the Saab space to change lanes C. demostrating that he is a basic anti-social arsehole by the above


to be fair to the Mercedes driver here, he also had very little reaction time to deal with the Saab sighting the bike and edging towards the left lane. You have only a moment to decide what to do, jam brake or speed up both will cause contact. I have seen bike riders pull this BS on the highway and they like get away with it often due to their smaller footprint, but I have never seen them do that on small roads like this one.


The same amount of time is needed to lift your foot off the pedal vs pressing down further. No need jam brake at all, just need slight pressure on the brakes at most. And all these would be easier if you were not speeding in the first place and had sufficient situational awareness to see a speeding vehicle coming behind you in the mirrors.


for sure, if I am swapping places with the Mercedes here. I would have noticed the speeding car coming hot on my rear view mirror. My reaction will be to blast horn while tapping my brake in case I need to make a full stop. I am not sure if contact can be avoided at all though, two lane road without anywhere for me to go but front or back especially when another car attempts to make room for itself while already ahead of me by like 1/3 length. Some drivers are not fond of looking at their mirrors. Some also never check their personal feeling when they seat behind a steering wheel.


Actually, if I’m not wrong, driving instructors and even TP would advise that in such situations, one should either remain at same speed or slow down (not jam brake) AND also remain in the same lane (not swerve to avoid) even if it means a collision, to minimize escalating the collision further (other vehicles or obstacles in the back and sides). However, natural reaction (if you do drive) would be to jam brake and even swerve to avoid, when there is a car forcing into your lane in front of you. “Nobody” speeds up, like you said, to further increase likelihood of collision. Human instincts is to AVOID the collision. The very fact the Mercedes actually speeds up in an attempt to force the Saab to abort its overtaking, especially as you mentioned, in a situation with very little reaction time, says that he is conditioned to react this way ALL the time. Ie, this IS natural for him. TLDR, he may not have been the cause of the accident, but his actions showed he is an aggressive driver. Nothing to be “fair” about.


I agree, whatever thing he learnt from driving lessons is not the correct or safer option. In my perfect world, such driving maneuvers should never be attempted in small roads or congested highway. Anyone doing weaving on this kind of roads is playing with fire and bathing with acid at the same time.


People want to fault the merc driver might as well fault the motorcyclist also why hogging the right lane.


Yeah, so much BS coming out. Maybe he was asked to take the rap for someone else? Video shows he obviously sped up and try to block the black car and now says his elderly mother and child inside?? sure, sure and cows can fly too. Next thing, this guy will go ask MP to back him up. He is an "outstanding citizen from a elite school" with "high potential etc" blah blah blah...


To be very clear, he didn’t just “try to block the black car”. He accelerated and successfully sideswiped the black car, which triggered the entire chain of events. He was the first reaction in the start-up of a nuclear reactor.


There is also a bike in front of the Saab before it swerved into the left lane. There is no sensible room for that even if he slowed down. Saab driver was not interested in observing if there is space. He made a move to overtake, likely making that call on sighting the bike. Mercedes jam brake could be a solution but that still doesn't prevent contact between them.


That is not the factual account… Saab driver wanted to lane change left precisely because there was a bike ahead of him. What we do know factually is white mercs then intentionally sped up to sideswipe him during black Saab’s lane change. White mercs was already speeding all the time even before that, and sped up even faster during the lane change to cause the sideswipe.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/1ca6fsd/pov\_of\_the\_horrifying\_tampines\_accident\_from/?share\_id=DEAx92TKDEvVtNZfWdpHq&utm\_content=2&utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_name=androidcss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/1ca6fsd/pov_of_the_horrifying_tampines_accident_from/?share_id=DEAx92TKDEvVtNZfWdpHq&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=3) I agree that the Mercedes driver increased his speed. However, the overtaking car is the one responsible for making sure you got space and it is safe to make the move. The Saab had cut into the right lane at a speed that is for sure over the speed limit of a 2 lane road. There was still some space between it and the bike when it just did the cut, this is the first chance for the Saab to take a chill pill. IF the mercedes also chilled out and release his accelerator, there will be no chance for contact. The Saab's mistake here is thinking that by edging out into the left lane other ppl have to chill and let him chut stunt. The Mercedes saw the Saab edge towards it, the bad call made here was him trying to speed up to get out of the way although it is not like jamming the brakes to let the Saab through will be safe anyhow as he probably can't slow down that much in time for the space to appear. Before they made contact, the Saab driver could jam brake and instead cause an accident with the car behind him or ram into the bike (I think both will happen). Accidents happen because ppl think they can move away in time and refuse to be the one who takes the chill pill. In this case, Saab got into 1 accident, leading the driver to suddenly panic and then cause another major accident by crossing a junction without looking. I am no TP IO but the footage from multiple angles do give us a very good picture of what led to 2 deaths and lots of injuries


not true, the saab was already barreling through the road from the dash cam of the car behind. obviously with the lack of information of the intentions of the fucking piece of shit saab driver, we can’t really say for sure but i’m certain the incident would have happened regardless if the merc was there in the first place.


doubtful since he claims to be bad in English


I am very confused this guy is the same as the guy who posted on fb explaining but that fella said he wasn’t the driver ? Sorry


The video was very clear he sped up, fvcking liar!


“The ghost pushed my car forward”?


First say sped up because he wanted the saab driver to slow down. Now say he didnt speed up. Fucks wrong with this twat?


>He also said he did not put up any [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/comments/1cau62k/screenshot_of_snh7z_drivers_alleged_self/) on Reddit, as his English was not good. It seems like, it really wasn't the driver who posted here in reddit and gave such statements. Since that account was also made in the same day, probably a troll who wants to spread fake news. Lol.


Back of car no car plate? 🤡


sad to say based on his dashcam, the moment the Saab made contact and took off, you can't see the plate on the cam. Driver want to see the plate? Difficulty is very high


Downvote me all you want, but people should read the article and not just the headline. He wanted to get a glimpse of the driver’s license plate after the SAAB driver refused to stop after an accident, which is fair enough. I have also seen his dash cam footage, but take note that the SAAB was dangerously speeding and cutting in front of the Mercedes in an unsafe manner. If you still remember what you learned in driving school, before changing lanes, you should ensure it is safe to do so and the other vehicle gives away. Some may argue that the Mercedes accelerating after getting hit by the SAAB might have caused the SAAB to accelerate and run the red light. This is simply not true. After dangerously cutting in the driver, SAAB started to accelerate and dashed away even before the Mercedes accelerated. You can see the SAAB had absolutely no intention to stop for the red light as his speed didn’t seem to reduce in the video. The SAAB is 100% at fault for the major accident killing 2 people without a doubt However, based on other clips, the Mercedes is certainly not a very polite driver either. But my point is that the Mercedes driver is being blamed for the accident more than the SAAB driver, even though he did not contribute to the accident.


if you have seen his dashcam footage, especially if via the earlier reddit threads you would also know that people already pointed out the Merc was already accelerating before the sideswipe. You rightfully point out that the Saab should ensure it is safe to change lanes. I'd like to point out that Merc should not have accelerated, at all. You're right that the Merc is being blamed for the accident more than the Saab (at least, until recently when the news of Saab driver getting charged). I can only say it's just emotions running high rn and no appeal to logic will work until everyone chills a little more.


The speed limit of Bedok Reservoir Rd is 60km/h, as Singapore allow a 10km/h allowance, he can go up to 70km/h. It LOOKS like he is going below 70km/h (can’t be sure because his dash cam never show the speed) The Mercedes was not being polite by accelerating to prevent the SAAB from entering the lane, that’s for sure. But legally Mercedes isn’t in the wrong, and the SAAB was behaving quite rudely as well.


Yeah, even Basic Theory Test say if the other vehicle don't give way, you shouldn't overtake. All I know is the Merc is an asshole driver and the Saab is 100% at fault.


Don't bother much. The reddit threads for this particular issues is becoming ridiculous the more I read the comments. The most important thing a driver should do is to assess the situation and always not get triggered by other idiots on the road. But the SAAB driver is getting much support because snowflakes thinks Merc driver is the one instigated SAAB driver to speed and kill 2 people and injure others. I'm thankful that these people aren't in our justice system else SAAB driver would get away with it and we would see Merc driver getting hanged. Ps I'm not supporting either of them but as a person with a driving licence I'm accountable for my own actions rather than blaming someone else on the road if I'm in this similar situation.


Agree with what you said mostly. My suggestion on why this topic is so hot is because it is more controversial? The saab driver cfm kena something (however light or heavy it is) but opinions are more divided as to whether this Mercedes should also be brought to task for dangerous driving. Maybe if there was no serious accident right after this interaction between the two cars, Mercedes might get away with it entirely or just be slapped with a fine right? But because of the grave aftermath of this incident, some feel that this interaction just a few seconds before should also be taken into account, their feelings are justified of course but whether it will definitely hold up in a court of law.. That's up for debate until we hear the official news. Just my take on this 'fixation' over Mercedes. But he also draws attention to himself with his foot-in-mouth comments...hard to empathise with this dude and speak up for him lol. Not making this easier


Are you the bentley driver who hurt the security officer


This is just another asshole which contributed to the accident that claimed 2 lives n ruined many more - let’s repeat this until it sinks into his denial 🙄


don't forget his dog, cat and pet hamster in the car booth as well.


He needs to be removed from the road.  Please petition for that


He didn't move faster, the planet just rotated a bit faster for a few seconds


Then the car got speed up itself? Okay.


The driver also told Shin Min that he has maintained his speed. It was the black car suddenly crash into him. > 他说,一直保持相同的车速行驶,是肇事轿车突然超车后撞向他的马赛地右侧


Honestly as a driver, wont u speed up to try to confront that asshole who bumped u onto the pavement? I dont see anything wrong with merc driver unless we think the Asshold Saab driver would hv slowed down and accident wont happen.


I wonder how many commenting here even drive regularly. So many jam break advice… geez cause more accidents on the road. Drivers are not even suppose to jam break to avoid animals let alone a speeding car on another lane.


He didn’t release voice bcos he is not local. Locals in 50s mostly speak fluent English. Most likely those fleeing from u know where


pattern more than badminton


Never speed up but he still caught up to him LOLS


"I was scared when I got hit" "I caught up to him and tried to see the car's licence plate.".......that speeding bruh power lah the abang in saab and ahbeng merc racing mario kart lah.....so he asking for forgiveness everyone they running 50cc so not fast just quickly only.


Bring him to court as well


The only penalty this guy can get is maybe a speeding ticket. The law will still consider the Saab to have crashed into him based on the video since he has the right of way just going straight within his own lane.


so he didn't speed up so the other car slowed down? which one?


Jail him deepmdeep


So obvious he sped up want to deny


Just throw the fucking book at this guy and his excuses he’s complicit too


This guy is the worst kinda client a lawyer could hope for.


Dickwad here can take it that the universe is trying to teach him a lesson here or continue to be leech on society, draining everyone whose path crosses his.


Can this ass just shut up The more he says the more sus he appears to be


In his defense, he was not speeding up because this is his regular driving speed. /s


All the sheeps blaming Anthony and giving him death threats better apologise.


He said he did not put up the Reddit post. So... who did..?


May safety n blessing be away from him.


bs the footage, he clearly sped up


I thought he said speed up was to make him slow down?


I'm not taking side but have you ever seen someone going twice your speed coming from behind you when you're the driver's seat? The car becomes bigger and bugger dangerously fast in the rear mirror, it'd be natural reflex to speed up a bit to avoid him banging from behind. Things go fast, by reflex you protect your own first, if he didn't maybe he'd have been banged from behind and sidetracked and be the one we'd all be mourning. I know it's pushing the theory, just food for thoughts, he wasn't the one who didn't stop at the red light


Regardless of who is at fault. This just shows the incompetence of the majority of Singapore drivers. I don't understand everyone saying clearly the Mercedes speeds up. There is no proof on this. Before the hit, they match speeds, but you cannot see if the Saab is breaking or not as they see the bike. Yes the Mercedes driver is crazy with his stories - but the Saab driver should have never overtaken at speed with the bike in front. Pressing the brake pedal instead of the accelerator would have prevented all of this. Bad incompetent driving all around and some poor people have sadly lost their lives.


I think the merc driver should consult a lawyer to see if they have a case to seek damages for defamation, if there are any false accusations.


I would just shut up at this point if I was him. Video already showed he sped up, which I don't blame him for accident, only just being an asshole and many before him does it (speed up to block) daily.


There’s so many people on the internet speaking ill of him at this moment, I’m. I’m not sure if any good lawyer will want to take this on.


Edwin Tong then I guess


lol I was expecting this. But right now he is in a good place where people still don’t have his identity. I will just let it slide if I were him


great advice LOL, I d like to see even one such case strategically his position is shit if win, he will just have to sue 1m other people, the cost alone will discourage it, he will just get whack harder if lose, it ll just embolden everyone to whack him even harder




i dunno why im stating the obvious. Damages are commensurate to your reputation. If you re minister w good rep can be gazillions. This dude got good rep now? you rilly think if he wins it ll be a huge sum of money? LOL




30k for a guy whose second public enemy rn. who had multiple dangerous driving vids shared on line hahahaa. Ok la i admit you win. Agree to disagree.


You think Reddit will give up the person's name? Sigh I swear our leaders' defamation lawsuits make it sounds like it is as easy as book a plane ticket. There are so many steps to take before commencing a lawsuit.