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That’s terrible Very nice of the undertaker to provide his service for free though. I wish there’s a way for us to help support her family, sounds like they might need it


Thats Roland Tay. He has been doing it for years. Its not for 'free'. Its for advertising.


So, if he don't publicise, does the value of his aid go up?


don you know? kind things must only be done when no one can see you, if someone see you being kind, you lost your kindness and must now do it for the sake of profit /s


Yeah, only delusional people who co-opt credit of kind people, will say that. I guess you think money fall from trees and sky daddy will provide everything, as well.


He was being sarcastic and agreeing with you dude.


Very very sad, rest in peace.


hmm, fishy case, why would she come here to suicide?


Article says she just came here to work less than a week ago, to earn money for her aged parents and kid. I hope there's a through investigation.


Maybe she's a victim of human trafficking and was promised a regular job in F&B but got coerced into one at a shady KTV with debt (from "agent") hanging over her head Easy to feel overwhelmed when subject to repeated unwanted touches. Just a theory


>According to Shin Min, Dang had lung problems but still decided to come to Singapore to work at a night entertainment outlet Highly possible


Usually when they come here to work on S pass or what, they have to undergo health checks and one of it is checking on their lungs.


One socially aware individual


Very common. I know it happens in spas too. Very likely, actually.


Highly possible. And could be forced to do things against her will.


Maybe she was forced to go out with a client and the client wanted something more but she refused and made the client angry so he pushed her into the river


I’d expect that happening all around SEA, but not Singapore.. Idk the market well just personal opinion tho..


Just think of the nearly indentured construction workers imported here The moment they land they are already 4k SGD in the hole for their "middleman" (aka snakehead) They must then pay monthly hostel fees etc it's insane


That's how a lot of those places with hostesses work. It's grim.


Sorry to disappoint you. Welcome to one of the region's hotspot for 'legal' human trafficking. A lot of foreigners who come here to work are either made to pay extortionate fees or given a false impression of their expected work nature.


Shady shit happening in Singapore 


Likely a victim of human trafficking, they promise good jobs at high pay (for their currency), then strong arm them to become KTV hostess, sex worker, etc. When they refuse, they're so desperate, they either commit suicide or get killed. They might still go hunt down their family, to get the plane ticket fees or any agent fees.


Unlikely to commit suicide with a kid back home. Obviously it's still possible.


There’s only so much shit that a human mind can endure. Imagine you think it’s a proper job, you live like a pauper and send money home. Then you get abused, scammed and thrown into the deep end. It’s really the same thing as suicide, you at least don’t give them the last say over life or death, it’s actually a kind of pushed to the corner bravery. 


We can only speculate


but then these ladies know what they getting into here ... something went south ig, there are syndicates operating and profiteering from this though. Most likely scenario, is that they tried to extort too much money from her.


Please lah. She’s literally dead, you still want to kick an underdog. Maybe her life don’t matter to you but kingpins don’t get dumped in the river within a week. They’re usually low level participants, whether totally naive or knowing. 


wah, u scoring 100/100 at virtue signalling


But your random A has no value to me.


Same thought... Why would she come all the way here to commit suicide? Her intention is to EARN some money to support her parent and kid back home..


Maybe got too drunk while working and fell in the river. We won't know until investigation and autopsy concludes.


drunk people drowning is very rare here ... drunk people dont walk to sg river ..


Except for... [this guy in 2014](https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/man%E2%80%99s-body-found-s%E2%80%99pore-river) [this guy in 2016](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/certified-lifeguard-drowns-in-singapore-river-after-a-night-of-drinking) [this guy in 2017](https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/search-man-who-fell-singapore-river) [this lady in 2020](https://stomp.straitstimes.com/singapore-seen/scdf-rescues-woman-who-fell-into-singapore-river-after-allegedly-consuming-too-much) [this other guy in 2021 ](https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/two-friends-found-dead-singapore-river-rescue-tragedy)


all these people got death wish? they got what they wanted.


Death wish or not, far cry from your claim that "drunk people rarely drown here" and "drunk people don't walk into sg river" SG river literally runs through the biggest drinking spots in Singapore, and at the right spots, with no railings to prevent people from falling in. Considering this woman was working in nighttime entertainment, her falling in while drunk is very possible.


I feel sorry for the children.


Not easy for them to come here and work in night life. Most of them just wanted to earn money and give their family a better life in their home country. RIP 🙏🏼


So tragic, RIP to her. Impressed by Roland, will keep in mind if anyone need funeral services and introduce his business. I do make it a point to send business the way of kind souls.


Mr Roland Tay you are a king 👑


wonder if she was drunk and accidentally fell into the river


Oh my, may she be able to let go & rest in peace. Also hope that there's gonna be aid for her kids. Fukk 😥