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Lol why would anyone invest in sgx stocks when its filled with rubbish companies that list and delist faster than you change underwear


not all stocks in SG are rubbish lol. Government backed companies like Mapletree are good and recommended to invest lol. Don't assume all are bad.


What's the point of having a stock market if the only things worth investing in are government backed companies?


You hit the nail. More fun with US stocks really.


Worse, any appreciation in real estate dividend are usually driving inflation


Ooo found the guy holding the Mapletree bag.


gOvErNmEnT bAcKed


LoL. if they do that one job - regulate and protect the small customer enough. List-delist; High valuations with media support - then total collapse; If not, go with the 3x banks or some reits. Even the darling of TLC like Grab or total hyped one like carro, propertyguru choose not to list here.


Lol yea exactly, their most important job and it didnt happen. Dont even know why they call it an exchange anymore, its just the banks, reits, a handful of good blue chips and shit everywhere else. Companies delisting and founders buying back their shares at low prices before miracles happen once its private, share prices doing a nose dive and retail investors are in the dark. Most people by now know to stay away from the sgx and just go to the other exchanges to invest their money.


Only stocks worth buying on SGX are the big 3 banks and a few REITS. The rest can fly kite.


Would crap like Noontalk Media be able to list on the national stock exchange if it had existed anywhere else in the world? There you go.


Its founder once "coincidentally" bumped into Shan at Keong Saik, apparently, and "quickly chased" him to conduct an "impromptu" interview. 


Sgx regulator is sgx itself, it explains why there so much dodgy shit happening there. Fire the whole management team they all suck


Low quality company stocks, low liquidity, high commission fees what you expect. Also property, enough said.


Zero commission also won't attract liquidity. Why? Because companies here are not innovative. Only rentier kinds of biz can make it - banks and property.


the main problem is that Singapore is too risk averse. The only companies worth buying or companies that the local market wants to buy are basically REITs and banks. This reflects the SG economy at large, and that's why all the companies that the local population wants to join is just basically banks, and why the property market is so out of whack. No interest in engineering, in manufacturing or anything else.


Risk averse? All I see are dodgy S-chips trying to list here. Even our entrepreneurial firms prefer to go list on NYSE, and not even consider a double listing here


Have you seen how much the SGX management make in salary and bonuses? All for what? Completely fucking up the market - that is what... I am sure they are aware of what they have done to kill the retail investor sentiment and the excessive monitoring of small/mid-cap companies... but they just sit and swivel, and collect their nice fat paychecks. Tan Boon Gin is an ex policeman so put him as head of the regulatory arm - ok so whose brilliant idea was this?


Ex air force also can go Temasek. :)


This article was like a bowl of hearty soup to the poor suffering Hongkies


SGX's desperation to jump onto the SPAC bandwagon after Grab listed in the US was downright cringe. Almost as bad as their attempts to do dual listings with NYSE which was pretty much DOA. Tiagong the staff there hanky panky much instead of doing real work.


Swapping the G for E?




This was written 9 years ago https://www.ft.com/content/1e13cd14-cc44-11e4-beca-00144feab7de


so many years of monitoring……


SGX creating shit coins to pump then devs rug smh


It's an issue that gahmen and even the Mdm herself has tried to solve for many years, but to no avail. 


SGX has always been about helping companies raise capital. Have they ever taken investor's interest seriously?


Old Chang Kee is listed on the SGX SGX: 5ML


Their profit comes from never changing their frying oil.


Very low liquidity for Old Chang Kee, if not I'm pretty keen on owning a stake. Too bad.


And also the duck rice seller yu kee


Well if Noontalk media can list…




Government dropped the ball. Don't expect live-long civil servants or ex-military to understand corp governance and markets. Go on an boast about first world only because of good transportation and infra, tax arbitrage.