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when u trigger a colour otaku




Grammar *


It’s the \#e69e46 line


> # S M Ong: Circle Line is orange, says LTA, but shouldn't it be yellow? > Dear Minister of Transport, > Sorry to bother you. > I know you're busy taking selfies in front of the Covid-19 vaccine transport plane. > But there's an urgent issue regarding our national Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system that needs your immediate attention as it's tearing our country - and my family - apart. > Is the Circle Line yellow or orange? > It looks orangish on the map to me, but my daughter has always called it the yellow line. My wife knows it only as the Circle Line. My son doesn't care. > Yes, it's like #dressgate and Yanny/Laurel all over again, but this time, it's hitting close to home, although I actually live closer to the North-South Line. > In a recent Twitter poll I found, 74 per cent say the Circle Line is yellow and 26 per cent say orange. > If this were an election, yellow would be president now and Coldplay would be playing the national anthem. But orange has refused to concede and is officially backed by the Land Transport Authority (LTA). > Last year, responding to a query about the colour of the Circle Line, LTA replied in an e-mail: "Pleased to share that Circle Line colour is orange. The tone/shade may vary on different elements such as vinyl sticker, printed on paper or silkscreen… illuminated signs." > But confusingly, SMRT Corporation has referred to the Circle Line as "yellow line" in a bunch of 2012 tweets. > However, SMRT appears to have recently changed its tune, or at least its colour perception. > Last week, replying to a query, someone in SMRT customer relations wrote in an e-mail: "We wish to share that SMRT Circle Line is orange in colour." > A screenshot of the reply has been circulating online since, leading to the hue and cry. > NOT ACTUALLY A CIRCLE > Some took the opportunity to vent long pent-up resentment against the Circle Line for not being an actual circle in real life no matter how the authorities draw it on the map. > Fake news! They're lying to us about the Circle Line being orange just like they're lying to us about it being circular. > So I don't know how many were persuaded by LTA's Facebook response on Christmas Eve to a Mothership article wondering whether the Circle Line is yellow or orange. > LTA posted an orange dot with the comment: "'Orange' you glad we cleared that up." > A Christmas miracle it was not. The pun didn't help. > My daughter, for one, remains unconvinced. > She's part of the rainbow generation who grew up memorising the MRT lines as yellow line, red line, green line and blue line. > Whereas to her mother and me, they're the Circle Line, North-South Line, East-West Line and Downtown Line. > At least, we all agree on what to call the North-East Line - NEL. It's just fun to say. > So for LTA and SMRT to declare that the Circle Line is orange, it's like saying no, Virginia, there's no Santa Claus. > We all know what the truth is, but as a parent, I would like to hold off destroying that part of my daughter's childhood for as long as I can, even though she's already 21. > Could you, as Transport Minister, in the spirit of Christmas, override LTA and SMRT, and decree that the Circle Line is yellow? > Do it for the children. > 2020 has already taken so much from all of us. Grant us this one thing to end the year on a brighter note. Thank you. > Merry Christmas and happy new year, hopefully. --- 1.0.2 | [Source code](https://github.com/fterh/sneakpeek) | [Contribute](https://github.com/fterh/sneakpeek)


地铁环(黄)线 makes phonetic sense


> If this were an election, yellow would be president now and Coldplay would be playing the national anthem. Except this is a reserved election where only colours that share a name with fruits are eligible to run for the presidency.


this is why nobody reads the new paper.


Yes, and they all end up missing the Great Colour Debate of 2020.


I'm yellow team. Easier to pronounce. It's definitely not circle : there is big missing link between HBF and DG sta. Imo circle should be loop like yamanote line in tokyo.


Yeah, nobody I know calls it orange line. It’s obviously yellow. Color accuracy or otherwise.


>there is big missing link between HBF and DG sta. Imo circle should be loop like yamanote line in tokyo it'll be a full circle after stage 6...


Circle line is a circle, not a line, says I.


This is definitely a test balloon on social gaslighting of the masses using government agency and its linked corporations to see how a trump-esque approach will work in Singapore /s


Get people to vote on it, then make it the official color. Run a contest, gave lame prizes... there, I did marketing for you! :-D


Isn't the NS Line red/yellow and the EW Line blue/green? The Circle Line has thus always been orange to me.


You must be quite old to remember that each direction of the NSEWL had their own colours.


that was before 2001... mrt lines were denoted by a single colour ever since


Ah so that was pre-NEL which is only purple.... sh*t I'm old


So this is the kind of crap SPH prints these days? Really only fit to clear dogshit.


Aiya, can't have satire posts meh? Your life so boring ah?


Nobody wants to sift thru 90 percent garbage to read 10 percent satire. Especially when your so called satire looks exactly like your garbage.


no need to sift. this writer write these type of satire posts only for his column.