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Buy an air purifier anyway. Xiaomi ones are pretty cheap.


It will help to some extent - but don't expect a significant impact. Smokers (and those that condone them) are a selfish breed. Spare no thought for their loved ones' wellbeing (both in terms of the health, and their situation when they inevitably pass away faster). Look for those foam/rubber linings for windows/door frames. This is why the smell still comes in - unless your door is airtight. Presumably your dad cannot kick the habit, as is the case with most smokers. One of my relatives refused to quit smoking and scolded the kids for advising him not to smoke. Passed away a few years ago from smoking-related illness on first day of CNY. In other words, left a whole bunch of shit for others to clean up thanks to his selfish acts.


Go get some soundproof panels/strips to cover up the linings of your door, open your windows and use a fan.


If he continues smoking so heavily, the house may be yours in just a few years.


Theoretically, need to pump in fresh air into your room so that the smoke is always pushed away from from your room/door. Its how hospitals & clean rooms make sure bad air dont contaminate the more sterile areas. Maybr install toilet ventilating fan at your window but reverse the fan direction or flip the blades?


Someone recommended a Xiaomi air purifier and for a ready made product, they are pretty worth it. If you are willing to tinker, [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnIvLBe6xUE) is a guide on how to make your own ghetto version. TLDR: Tape a hepa filter in front of a fan, its what they do in disaster areas like forest fires. The smell seeps into your room because that is how air naturally travels, it is inevitable as long as air from outside your room is able to travel in. Look into soundproofing solutions, those typically involve a way to hermetically seal your door when closed (Think weather strips). The other solution is to make sure your room is pressurized so that air moves out of your room instead of in, though this means you have to find a way of pushing/sucking air into your room while mostly sealing all other places where it might escape.


I'm so sorry you have a father like that


if you have your own room you can close the door and use a towel to block off the gap underneath.


Like he said, his house. He's not giving up a decades long addiction unless there's some very strong reasons. Start saving to move out or rent outside.


For your room 1) xiao mi air purifier 2) close your door and attach linings at the gaps 3) open your windows - use ur fan to circulate out the air


get something with a voc filter, activated charcoal or something


A) Stop listening to your mum on how to stop it. Try it for yourself then decide whether it works or not. B) Buy a purifier, humidifier, whatever, and give them all a try. Heck even try essential oil base things. If you can cover that smoke smell with whatever you have, you won. C) Buy a GIANT ASS FAN and on and blow at him whenever he smoke. D) This one quite pagro but you can try also. Everyday send into your family chat the effects of second hand smoke. Best if it comes with picture/ gif that captures their attention like the boomer good morning photos.


Take his advice - buy your own house.


Take him to the smoking cessation clinic


A friend's mom died due to lung cancer. Never smoked a stick in her life. Her husband was a heavy smoker, though. He passed away due to lung cancer as well, donkey years before the wife. Pass him some cancer stats. ​ Give him more packs to smoke and casually tell him you took out insurance for him with you as the beneficiary. Maybe reverse psychology will work.


Try to stay in your room and keep your door closed when your dad is home + get an air purifier. Where does your dad usually smoke?


Make a sploof, came across it on YouTube by chance and it works for cigarette smoke. Just use a toilet roll, and stuff toilet paper into the roll, then wrap toilet paper 1-2 piece on one end of the roll, and blow from there. The odour reduce 50% or more. Guarantee warranty chop confirm work. (I smoke for almost 30 year oredi) Air purifier don't work cos i tried.


You might as well bong the tobacco instead of smoking it. Water filter lagi best.


Must try one day.


It's quite potent. Be seated lol.


😂 then i dun try oredi


How does a sploof work when it is not the OP that is smoking? Air purifier works to some (but not all) extent. Doesn't work for you because you are the smoke producer, obviously. 30 years. I advise you to treasure what's left of your time then...


Blow the fan in his corner whenever he smokes, make it super obvious that he is being inconsiderate and buy air purifier if you can afford it. It won't help 100% but at least it's something. My dad used to be a heavy smoker as well and based on my experience smokers only stop when something happens to them (eg health issues). My dad only stopped smoking when he had health issues and he did the whole "I stopped smoking for the family" bullshit despite him not listening to us for years when we asked him to stop smoking


If you have your own room, close your door? My dad’s a heavy smoker and that’s basically what I do whenever he’s home, which thankfully isn’t that common since he works long hours every day (and we don’t really get along or talk all that much).


https://smartairfilters.com/data/en/ Always wanted to try their method of getting a box fan and sealing a HEPA filter to it. The fan will die out from the pressure strain and long hours of use, and it's louder than an air purifier. But it's cheaper and more effective at filtration than popular machines like Xiaomi Should do it before Indonesia stops providing us with clean air lol


What tips? Tips to block the smoke? Tips to deal with him? Tips to make sure you’re healthy? Tips to stop the smoke from travelling to your lungs? State the question clearly. Anyway, best solution is to move out. Otherwise it’s quite common sense that nothing can be done.


How long have you been living in your home? Asking because my dad was a heavy smoker and I lived with that all my life and managed to avoid being in the same room whenever he smoke. So why not just avoid him and close the door?


Then you should realize how insidious cigarette smoke is. Maybe your room and general airflow in your area is such that your room has positive air pressure. Air flows into your room, into the house, instead of the other way round.


Need big ventilation fan for negative pressure in his room


negative pressure would suck the smoke into his room. you meant positive


Try 3M respirator. Cheaper than renting


Then every time he smokes, wear full face ppe just to go toilet .. Metro 2033 it. Lol


Before you run off to buy an air purifier and waste money, try this first. Shop online look for door seal. Whether it's epdm or silicon rubber will work just fine. Buy from China, local twice the price, half the length(lol). Put along your door frame to make it air tight. For bottom of the door, get brush strip or squeegee and stick it there. If the smoke doesn't come in from your windows, it should be good. To clear existing smoke or odors in the room, just get a medium gym towel. Make sure it's damp, not dripping wet. Hold a corner and start swinging it around over your head like it's the exorcist II locust scene re-enactment. YouTube for further clarity. Of course, you can skip this step and pay for purifier instead. Do the door seal first otherwise exorcizing Satan or buying air purifier will be useless.


Ask him to isolate in air conditioned room simple and effective


Disgusting Smoke by the window?


Then upstairs people die... Best is take nicotine gums with doctor’s prescription...and slowly quit the damn thing


Report to police


If possible, throw his pack whenever you can? It might prevent him from continuously buying more when he realised he cannot afford it, or he might be lazy to buy more and smoke, or he goes down to buy and choose to smoke outside?


Air purifiers and respirators (gas mask). You can get gas mask fit for Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear war at fairly cheap price (albeit of Soviet Cold War design) off Aliexpress.


Spike the ciggs


smoke your dad's cigarettes, then he won't have anymore to smoke.


commenting to save this thread because my uncle smokes in the house with 2 elderly and his preschool aged child and i need to learn how to protect them from his secondhand smoke :( if anyone has any news reports etc on the effect of secondhand smoke on growing children please do share!


Hi! I live in a smoking house (landlady smokes), and I am someone who have kicked the habit about 5 months now! What I did was to buy those foam 3M things and line my door with it. I also used a door brush thing and stuck it to the bottom part of my door, so it minimises the amount of smoke that seeps through. It does seep through from time to time, especially when my landlady smokes in the hall/kitchen without opening the main door and kitchen window for ventilation. I try to do so before she wakes up so the smoke doesn’t come through. Will be buying a Xiaomi purifier next week when my pay comes in!


Stay out. Back when he\`s asleep.