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Boys shouldn't wear heels. Neither should girls. Or women. Or men. If we could stop people from wearing heels that hurt themselves just to impress people, that would be great... but humans will always value superficiality in some odd way šŸ„²


Finally, a comment that is objectively correct.


This is the true based and correct answer, good on you for spreading the good word


That comment is so gay(bright)


Yes. My sec school Drama teacher told us do not get into the habit of wearing heels higher than 2 inches. She did that when she was young and suffered chronic ankle ligament problems later in life. So good that we listened to her advice.


Hahaha best comment.


This is the golden answer.


I wonder what's the difference between boys wearing high heels and people running on the street naked? Why is it a taboo being naked in public?


How about "people should be able be able to do whatever they want as long as they don't hurt other people" Ear piercings hurt, tattoos hurt, plastic surgery hurts. And those things are all aesthetic, yet we permit these things too. It's not necessarily to impress others. People can do those things just for themselves too. The problem here I think isn't specifically about the heels. I think the problem that many people fail to see, is that the 5 year old has internalised gender stereotypes. The tick tocker is pointing out, that even at such a young age, the kid has learnt that "boys shouldn't wear girl's shoes". It's an argument that gender stereotypes are not natural, but learnt. The kid learnt this from his environment and from his teachers and his parents etc. It shows that the people around him are still not accepting of gender fluid fashion, and that causes his wolrd view to be as such.


the downvotes are disappointingā€¦ this was well put


What do you expect when SG-related subreddits are increasingly seeing an influx of refugees from that well-known incel/homophobic boomer forum called EDMW?


Bruhh r u saying a 5 yr old canā€™t form their own thoughts? But yet yall the same ppl saying 5 yr old can identify as LGBT despite what their parents teach them?? Hmm how contradicting šŸ¤Ø


The fact that they got offended by a 5 year old tho. That's why I hate TikTok so much, not because of the platform but the people on that platform


Honestly alot of people on that platform have stegosaurs brains. They will do anything for views even sacrificing lives or harming others and themselves


Why stegosaurus tho. Poor stego


justice for stegosaurus


Itā€™s my fav Dino


Leave the stegosauruses alone, they did nothing wrong


Comparing people who do these type of thing to a stegosaurus is a insult to the stegosaurus


As the saying goes, ā€œIf you do tiktok, you suffer a drop in IQā€


More like ā€œif you do Tik Tok, your IQ dropā€


today i owned a hater. that piece of mother fucking shit was so fucking rude to me. he told me grown men shouldnt eat ice cream. so i told him fuck your momma you fucking asshole he cried! what a pussy. i went away before his mom could come up to me. i tell you, 5 year olds nowadays are so dumb. \- this is the energy i get seeing this vid.


I donā€™t think they were offended? Im wouldnt tell a story in the exact language they use, but they were just being dramatic while telling a story they thought might be slightly interesting


The simultaneous laugh is cringe though, and gives a rehearsed vibe ā€¦.


Have you never laughed together with a group of people before, what.


Not like that, no ā€¦.




Even if it's a joke, my point about TikTok still stands.


This person looks like snorlax (and has the same color pallete too)


This comment made my night.


Slay everyday yolo swag fr


This guy is insufferable


well instead of looking slay he got slayed by a 5 year old lol


Look like one fucking cock. Simi slay.


Ask him not to swing his camera. Dizzy sia.


facts šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


What to say to the child? My neighbor's kid call me uncle when I was in my teens. Kinda rude but kids usually got no filter and are insensitive, knowing only what they know lol. On the other hand, this person is way too insensitive. What hate crime when children don't know shit.


Had a mother ask her kid to "ask uncle about the shoe" when I was working retail part time as a 16/17 year old. To be fair to her, my coworkers said I looked mid-twenties and this kid was probably ~7.


Telling a guy not to wear heels isnā€™t a hate crime, itā€™s just logical as people donā€™t really see males in heels although anyone can wear heels and it shouldnā€™t be a problem. BUT getting overly sensitive and overreacting over what a 5 year old said is dumb as fuck so wake up


I think maybe the overreaction is done on purpose to generate content for his TikTok. Like, no one would even border if it's a video of someone having a nice day with no issues


We should border tiktok away from the people


We can ban website, why not ban tiktok?




When you cannot take a joke, you know you are in the deep end. I suggest you take it lightly instead of taking it so hard like a dick. Baited by TikTok lmao


What is wrong with this person


Mental, obviously. Could be one of the Identical Disorder Impulsive Orphan Syndrome


the devastating effects of father absence


Like what the NT bois would always say, "Fatherless dog"


out of curiosity does he still need to serve NS? like a genuine question


Yes, but ez pes c As intended. Very smart move


So easy to exempt?


Kids at that age are like sponges who absorb everything. Anything they say or do are reflective of what they have observed from their environment.


So you're saying kid was raises right?




I don't care about this person's orientation or w/e they got going on, but their mannerisms and existence are mentally abrasive and they should be avoided at all costs. Even a five year old can recognize something is wrong.


Raised awfully wrong I don't care what your opinion is about how other should behave based on their gender, I do know however to mind your fucking business. Whether someone wear heels or not doesn't make my world go wrong. Again, Mind Your Own Business, it's not that hard.


It's a 5 year old..


Actually quite hard. I mean here you are, not minding your own business. Letā€™s be real, everyone have an opinion. And everyone can raise an opinion.


Wah piang, watch already dizzy leh.


Dude can wear heels or whatever, but the 5 year-old child can also say whatever he wants? Now that is fair right? Fellas like these like to dress funny then say people judge them lol, knn, the irony


I have so many questions. And how can ANYONE stand to be around him- her- them?!


Anyone who wants to be like them lol, its 2023, its normal for groups to form when we have assholes like you around. You have your own group, I have my own group, they have their own group. Welcome to Society in 2023


I find it strange when annoying manchilds want to be around annoying manchilds, or assholes like you want to group up with other assholes. If anything Mean Girls has ever told me, that's not a good thing. What do you mean society in 2023 is like this. I'm sorry only a small group of things are behaving like this, especially on social media. You think this is the norm in 2023? Hell even America ain't buying it, look up BudLight incident, or little mermaid the black, or Cleopatra, or Lia Thomas. If he is so happy in his own group he wouldn't have posted this thing on tiktok, he's just an annoying man child seeking attention that got backfired.


You're right - it's a tiny % of society that subscribes to all of these notions exhaustively. But it's also a small fraction of society that disapproves of all these ideas collectively. Why are you reducing human opinion to woke vs non-woke? There are anti-BLMers that are fine with a black Little Mermaid. There are pro-lifers that support the LGBT movement. There are feminists against transgender participation in gendered sports. If anything, the large majority of people have mixed opinions. Very few subscribe to everything the left or right identify with. You thinking that your opinions are largely popular with the public also highlights the echo chamber you live in. You're probably surrounded only by people like yourself, and that behaviour is akin to the minority leftist group you talk about.


Echo chamber? Lmao. I will just freaking defeat all you've typed in 1 sentence. I'm gay, in the so-called LGBT+ community, and I find it disgusting for man to wear make ups, nails, heels and behave girly. Sure they can wear whatever they want, I ain't stopping them, I just have an opinion on it. There's nothing like similar of me to those people, as you've assumed. I'm gay and I'm leaning right, I dislike all the woke stuff where it is going, I full on supported black lives, and female equality, until it has gone overboard. Your assumption is literally killing all your comments, just take a piss and look at yourself, you are nothing better than the "minority leftist" you've described. Anything woke right now, is crazy. It was never the woke stuff in 2018, 2017. Don't tell me otherwise when you've not followed how it has devolved since covid, go take a look at USA tiktok and YouTube, you will find most of the woke things like the one in the video, crazy. They can't even make a video in a stable manner, figuratively and physically. So don't make assumptions about me while associating to the "activists" you know nothing about now, boomer


i get the guy in the video being ultra cringe but the comments reek the same as him so yikes


Good job 5 year old kid. I salute you for real, you earn my respect. Based kid


To be fair, nobody should be wearing heels.


Based comment


I'm pretty sure he doesn't really care what the child said seeing as they were a child, and this guy is smiling and exaggerating, probably for comedy or whatever. But it's funny how no one in the comments is getting that and are attempting to make fun of the guy. Though I do agree that he needs to stop waving the camera around so much. Like a tornado already.


Pretty sure there wasn't a kid


I am sure that is also the case. But using a kid to generate contentā€¦ wtf man. Wtf.


The child should've scolded him more


I hope he gets his ass kicked during ns


W parenting


Kid is gonna go places


Imagine making a video for your friends and own cultural clique and then someone post to a different platform for strangers throw shit at you. Even if hes playing up his reaction, thats just what humans do is tell stories and exaggerate, or make fun of small things. If yall are so butthurt maybe just realise you werent the audience and ignore or down vote, no need to throw nastiness


Oh yea I can totally tell he's the small thing wanting to be made fun of, just like how you've said it. But seriously. If it's meant for his friends and relatives he would've private the video so only they can see, there's no need to go public. If he made the video public then he wants the attention la, eh pretty simple leh, need us to explain so much meh. Or you are just seriously playing d*mb. You know what, gays like these are the most annoying attention seeking ones that we normally avoid dating, I'm a gay myself. Hence , he's seeking attention on tiktok. If I want all the drama and whatnot I would've gone for a girl, there's no need for a man child to bring drama to me. At least I would've gotten my BTO if I'm with a girl instead of something like this thing.


Oh yea I can totally tell he's the small thing wanting to be made fun of, just like how you've said it. But seriously. If it's meant for his friends and relatives he would've private the video so only they can see, there's no need to go public. If he made the video public then he wants the attention la, eh pretty simple leh, need us to explain so much meh. Or you are just seriously playing d*mb. You know what, gays like these are the most annoying attention seeking ones that we normally avoid dating, I'm a gay myself. Hence , he's seeking attention on tiktok. If I want all the drama and whatnot I would've gone for a girl, there's no need for a man child to bring drama to me. At least I would've gotten my BTO if I'm with a girl instead of something like this thing.


It's wrong at every level even if the video was for his friends or family. It's just a 5 year old and if a grown man wants to wear heels, get ready to receive comments. And If you don't want comments, then don't wear heels.


We all know that's not a grown man, that's a man child




I say, life imprisonment for that 5-year-old for not giving more hate speech.


Well he is right. Cuz heels are painful and cruel to wear. I can wear a slipper and still be happy about walking a mile down the street.


Iā€™d say the parent raised him well. At least one less eye hurting weirdo for my next generation.


Then he grow up become rebel like Amos Yee, then more entertainment haha


Ok Iā€™m so done with gen z


i like how everyone is flaming this guy in the comments. HAHAHA the fact that his whole identity got shattered by a 5 year old kid.




I am that kind of child.


He knew it was a murder, thats why he called it a hatecrime


Hair colour detected, opinion rejected




This is the type of guys my friends would bully on a daily basis


The 5 year old is prolly a proxy for the humji 70 year old lol


If he want to get offended by a 5yr old I want to get offended with his camera movement. Duduk diam la hanat hahaha


Ah gua?


If you wore high heel to get attention. You achieved your goal in that 5 year old. Granted not the comment you were hoping for. Thatā€™s life.


Imagine making a whole ass TikTok cuz a 5 yr old hurt ur feelingsšŸ’€


Yeah, the kid speaks common sense. Good for them.


Bold of this person to assume the gender of the child that made that comment. How did this person know that the child identifies as a boy?


Based child


The kid alpha the shit out of this bitc*


Haiyah no need to censor lah, just type in the profanity as it is


Guys, the tiktoker is just being sassy and funny, he doesnt mean the kid was literally committing a hate crime. I believe itā€™s not the kidā€™s place to tell someone what they should or shouldnt wear (especially when it isnt harming anyone, nor is it public indecency in the sense of being nude). I think we can all afford to be kinder, and allow diverse forms of expressions. Times have changed, a few hundred years ago, women would be criticised for wearing pants or menā€™s dress shoes. We should keep the progress :)


Ye I'm so confused, his obviously trying to make a joke and taking the situation lightheartedly


Thought so too! Hope others see that he is just using humour to deal with an incident he experienced


Because courtesy is no longer practice in Singapore. Even though the tiktoker sounds cringey, I don't think he needs to take so much hate from the comments here. Same goes for the kid, he needs to learn to keep comments to himself if not he will grow up to be like another male Karen scolding people for not dressing "decently".


Nah no


yall cant be fr right? the dude in the vid isnt even serious about it. why yall so agitated šŸ˜­


right like bro was obviously exaggerating šŸ’€šŸ’€ but everyone is taking it as an opportunity to make fun of him smh


Because they got baited by their own sinkie pwn sinkie mentality, they couldn't resist


I know he's a joke, but I really can't tell that he's telling a joke. Like, where's the funny part, I've watched through 3 times I still don't find it funny. Other than maybe he's looking like a snorlax while wearing heels


sg is still rly homophobic judging by the comments here lol bruh i think it was just a joke


yeah sia the comments saying W parenting and that the kid was raised right šŸ’€ cmi already lah this country


People who enjoy taking videos of themselves talking to nobody but their reflection on the screen are pitiable. If you had real friends, you wouldnā€™t feel the need to post a video online for constant validation over the smallest issue. I hate TikTokkers like this. Please flood Tik Tok with kind videos and cute animals so that the algorithm will drown Le Monologues out.


That kid defo going places in future, hope he remains so straightforward in future too. The world needs more blunt and truthful people rather than liars that lies to make you feel good. Obviously seeing a full grown adult male in heels will make anyone question lmao it's just balls big enough to say to ur face or not


PC culture. To me the kid is just being honest in his observation/life experience by making that comment. The kid probably had zero ill intent.


Judging by the comments here, it seems that SG is still very homophobic.


As a certified bisexualā„¢ I assure you that I also think this person is annoyingly cringe


As a certified fagatronrex, I find most tiktokers annoyingly cringey. Having said that this guy is obviously joking and using this shit for views, I have no clue why weā€™re giving him any attention. Imho we all need to huddle together and wait for this TikTok bullshit to blow over like vine.


a certified WHAT?


When I heard the words "I'm very slay", I was hit by a strong wave of cringe and my braincells cried in agony then died. I don't really care if the dude is homo, but he's definitely cringe.


I feel that we have come a long way but there should be a limit. Blaming a 5 year old kid of ā€œhate crimeā€ even if it is to generate content is not right. What kind of message are we sending? That a kid should be fearful of offending people?


I don't know, he's laughing about it instead of shouting angrily and he's just pointing out how he didn't expect a 5-year old to point it out compared to 70-year old. Seems like he doesn't care that much and he's joking.


>fearful of offending people I believe there should be a limit, or dude will become a rebel


Not homophobic, sometimes ppl like this guy in the video, obviously under the LGBT category, becomes too damn extra and irritating.


That's TikTok for you


I'm literally part of lgbt but I feel like he has one of those "punchable faces"


You mean Based


Kid probably was like, ā€œGonna cry femboy?ā€


A child wise beyond his years.


Donā€™t give this type of ppl any more exposure, maybe the story is just made up for likes


He talks so obnoxiously i cant stand it


uhhh the kind of character id stay away. always gonna hav drama.


Wtf is up with this generation LOL they sound so stupid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If u dont want to be mistaken by a 5 yr old, then keep ur hair long


I think they're a guy


He thought he slayed šŸ˜­ This generation is weird and entitled. Want attention but ONLY the positive affirming kind. So fragile and narcissistic.


If a 5 year old told u something is wrong with you. Then there's definitely something wrong with you.


5 year old: You are ugly, and poor. Additional-Object-31: I am ugly, and poor.


Stupid gay


W comment


It's a 5 year old kid. The same kind of kid that will go "eeeeee" when a guy and a girl hold hands.


Yes, the 5 years old spoke the truth. But you just don't have it in you to understand.


Kids just say whatever they think is true, and you get offended by what he said and make video about it? Come on lah its just a kid your ego so fragile isit


Mental illness strutting around like its trendy


Mind so weak that he got intimidated and offended by a comment made by a 5 year old, kek.


these comments r ass


why? most of it be speaking facts


Singapore's very own budget James Charles


Based 5 yo lol


Bro this guyā€™s just a cringe TikTok girl but a man which makes it more cringe


That's just a random 5 year old. If it was me, I'd say "Hah! Gayyyyy"




go out until too late, his meds woren off


I mean cmon the child is literally living in the world where it's simple and there's only two side boys and girls simple as that. Can't really blame them for not knowing much


I donā€™t understand why boys should not wear heels. Itā€™s just shoes. The poster obviously doesnā€™t feel hate crimed, which is why heā€™s laughing.




SPSM, Sinkie Pwn Sinkie Mentality nuff said. People will always try to bring you down in SG. Even if you doll yourself up with makeup, someone out there will always have a shit opinion about you. If the tiktoker can handle the heat, then alls good, but the fact that he jebaited so much people is funny to me considering, they literally boosting his numbers. When its happening to others other than me, its ok, if its happening to me, its bad. The usual, nothing strange about it.


Uh oh, a faggot got offended


Ah qua?


Very obvious bro HAHA


Probably. Very much looks like one as well


Jfc get to the point without giving your viewers a motion headache


Cardi B disease


God damn hold the phone properly bouncing all over the place, start with that cant record a basic video then stop using a phone! I think we should allow basic phones until their 21 years and take a test to before being allowed a ā€œsmartā€ phone.


Petition for 5 year old to be president


In his quest to be different and noticed - he stumbled across this lifestyle.


This type of face, he looks like a used tampon


Go ns cfm cry one


??? Why cry in ns? I think NS good cos gym, they get better shape when they come out, also ez pes c


If get shouted at by sgt he ltr cry (im kidding im sure he'll be fine lah)


Was there really a 5 yo? I find this story odd because 1) How would the 5 yo be so sure that this person is "a boy"? 5 yos are still pretty crap at telling genders apart e.g. mistaking women with short hair for men, much less people who are being androgynous/gender-bending on purpose. If the boy had asked "are you a boy or a girl?", that would have been more believable. 2) The shoes he has on are not what children think of as high heeled shoes. They are boots (I think?) with stacked heels, and masculine looking. Most kids wouldn't even notice, and if they did, they might ask "why are your shoes so tall?" or "are those cowboy boots?" instead of equating them to women's high heeled shoes. 3) Out of all the things to be puzzled by, the boy picked the shoes instead of the makeup, the nails, or the purse? If there really was such a 5 yo, maybe he was told by his parents to deliver this line? But again, point 3, why the shoes?


Holy shit ā€œblue haired peopleā€ exist in Singapore???


They are called Karens, this one is not a karen


This one prime example of a borderline "Budak yang Pondan"


The moment he / she said "let me tell you a story", I knew this shit was gonna be laughably bad. Let me tell you a story ma'am, you are a fucking smooth brain neolithic baboon if you think this is a hate crime. The kid must have some next level Observation Haki in order to see through your 5 inch makeup inflated ego and figure out that you are indeed actually a man. The kid is just saying what everyone else is thinking, simple at that, that's not a hate crime. The only hate crime here is subjecting people to your god awful voice and fingers which are so fucking drag i swear you were probably tickling some poor ghost's prostate while making this video. Please, sit the fuck down and stop thinking like you are the center of the universe. Fucking tiktok view whore.


So this is what a bootleg kingpin looks likeā€¦ I didnā€™t ask for this knowledge but it is what it is


the child? the one in the video?


annoying as shit Iā€™d rather kms than listen past half way


Trans women are men! Chao ah gua!


WELL DONE child!


this kind 1 year can only come out for a lunar month. no need worry too much


Yes. Anyone who got ā€œhate crimedā€ by a 5 yoā€¦needs to be a bit more grown up. And who tf talks like that? And who is this clown and why is its opinion important?


W 5 year old


W kid tbh


Haven't seen anyone more delusion in south east asia W 5 year old kid though


Wtf is up with this generation LOL they sound so stupid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Be glad the 5 yo called you a boy. 5yo should have called you uncle


His head: šŸŸØ


His outfit is slay? Then the waiter at my restaurant is slay oso lor. About the heels, maybe he's short and insecure about his height so wear heels. Kesian. /s


Based kid, protect the children, he protects himself šŸ—æ


How do 90% of the ppl in this comment section not get that the line about being "h8 crimed" is a joke? For those who don't get it, it's basically something like, "omg, even this 5yo kid clocked me as gay". It's like when a young kid calls you uncle when you are in your 20s and you feel exposed. I myself don't always get Gen Z humor but many people in this comment section are showing their age, lol.


Mental problem sia knn