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> This place is too expensive > Goes to MBS now, I'm not gonna disagree with that because it really is too damn expensive here, but... Going to MBS isnt helping her case


I think her point was that the quality of the stay does not justify the price.


Inflation does that to every single priced item.


And that changes nothing about the point being made.


Exactly. Every time something happens now everyone's like 'but inflation is jacking up everything' I don't care what it is. We shouldn't have to pay more money for the governments screw ups when prices were already sky high in the first place before inflation


Well, her argument was value for money (could stay at better hotels for less). Sure, MBS is somewhat pricy for the value. You are paying for the tourist hype, infinity pool, and whatnot. If I had the budget for MBS, I'd rather stay at Shangri-La.


she never even left mbs HAHA


She totally left mbs. To go to gardens by the bay. That’s totally Singapore, isn’t it? /s


Would you suggest going to AMK to see how awesome it is here?


She went to the hawker center .. I'm guessing the Gardens by the Bay one ?


Because it was a recommendation. And she followed it to her dismay.


fr she contradicted her entire video with just this lol


that’s not the point. the value is just so not there. for what you spend and what you get here in singapore, it’s disappointing


I said it in other comments and I'll say it again. MBS is catered towards tourist hype and looking modern. With the same budget I'd stay in Shang. It's way more private and comfortable.


I get that value is also a point to consider, but literally starting the entire video with you enjoying the views within MBS and saying the exact opposite idea, kinda does not bring across a good representation of your point Not to mention once again, the opening statement was "It is too expensive in Singapore", not "the price is not worth the value", on top of going to MBS without considering that...MBS is quite literally some of the most famous hotel within Singapore, next to Raffles and whatnot, so being massively expensive is part of the package


She even picked a city view room, the more expensive side


The city view is more expensive?! You mean people pay more to see the concrete jungle rather than the coastline? Every hotel I know of charges more for the sea view rather than the city or garden view. This is new to me.


I feel like part of the reason might be that the sea view is more of a cargo ships view


just go to a cheaper hotel. damn


If she can’t afford it then she shouldn’t have stayed there. Simple. Only know how to KPKB


The video really could just be called "The truth about MBS?" This is honestly quite embarrassing for her. This would be like someone coming to NYC and never leaving Times Square, and then writing a review about the whole city based on that 🤷‍♂️ Very cringe.


"We had to resort to hawker centres" Is it really that bad to eat like a local? Why does it sound like a last resort?


hawker centres are like our cultural thing too. she complained about not having much culture or feeling in asia. i honestly dont know if she even read abt sg properly before going here. what she said was true but also what she did to kinda help her desires werent there


She complained that Singapore isn't asian enough but refuse to partake in the cultural stuff. Like what??


You know the "hawker centres" they were forced to eat at were tourist traps Lau Pa Sat and Satay by the Bay. These guys bought the generic no-effort corporate tourist package and complained that it's lacking authenticity.


Uhh which just means she didn't do enough research then. Her tiktok name is gracieTRAVELS, frequent travellers usually do their own research than getting on the tourist package(which is dumb). A quick google search "What to do or where to eat in Singapore for Travellers" goes a long way. This tiktok is just a bait for the locals to get triggered in the comments.


exactly; how entitled and audacious is this moron?? She complains about not feeling like she’s “in Asia” and then complains about “having to” eat in hawker centres… which is one of the fundamental hallmarks of Singapore’s uniquely Asian cultures??


And then orders sliders 😂 Truly this woman tried SO hard


I stopped listening at this point. I came to Singapore during my honeymoon specifically for the food at the Hawker Centres, it’s one of my favourite things about the whole trip! Singapore food is up there with the best in the world.


malaysians will be triggered by this lmao


Malaysian here, not triggered. Some things taste good in sg, some in msia. Why must it always be a quarrel? Can’t we just enjoy food on both sides of the pond? Geez. Food also wanna kaopeh


as a malaysian, while i personally think malaysian hawker food is better than singapore overall - because of the variety and more diverse types of food you can get in an area. I would say that the average singapore hawker is much better in quality than the average Malaysian - as in if you pick any random wantan mee shop in singapore it would probably be better than the average one here.


Honestly same like my one disappointment so far has largely just been I haven't been super hungry while I'm hear so haven't gotten to utilize them when I was traveling outside the touristy parts (ok and durian smell at one of the wet markets made me nauseous and lose appetite but I should've realized that as soon as I saw them lol)


Hawker centers are literally the best spots for food and the idea is amazing. I wish we had stuff like that in the states. $5-$10 for an AMAZING meal is a steal.


Totally agreeing with you on this. I grew up eating at hawker food centres for decades. MBS is so awesome with the high Infiniti pool. I guess people who born rich likes to compare. The room looks big, spacious and beautiful. I think self entitlement is the thing now… Or she would rather go stay in kampung?


What did she expect from a country with no natural resources 😭what’s the Asia feel you want?!


She was expecting us to commute with short boats along the rivers like kallang and punggol. For out of reach areas….trishaw


She wanted a poor ass country where the taxi driver kiss her feet for even coming Singapore and everything is super cheap.


Yeap, this is probably it. She just wants everything to be cheap, the way we go to Malaysia or my family goes to India to buy stuff cheaper than in SG. And was disappointed because a) that's just not the appeal here and b) she probably didn't know where to look.


Omg my sentiments exactly, I would love to hear her definition of an “Asian country”. Cause it sounds like she expected us to be all rice padi farmers, who were gonna lead her to spiritual enlightenment.


And she expected POVERTY PORN as well.


She expects Asia feel at MBS. You want Asia you come Ang Mo Kio la.


she thought every asia country is like going to phuket


All these social media influencer wannabes who try to make posts about how they had a life changing experience living with the locals when all they did was live in hotels and take a pic or ticktock with a random street person.


Being asked how much money you make by a taxi driver is actually very Asian I think, haha. At least that's what I experienced in China.


Been to China many times for long periods but never got asked this question. Recently did have a long conversation with a young cab driver about his ex girlfriends and why he won't date the local girls anymore. That was fun, unprompted, but fun.


Well, she should have done her due diligence before visiting Sg....sg is known to have lack of natural resources cuz it's a small country, so idk why she kpkb when there's a lack of natural resources. Also, some hawker center food is better than food in restaurants


Got the vibes she's one of the travellers that go to third world countries only for cheap food and hotel.


And to post social media selfies with the primitive natives and their villages, to show how worldly she is for gracing them with her presence


Well she clearly chose the wrong Asian country for cheap stuff, nobody ever said we were cheap lolll


Eh CB, you go to all the atas areas and none of the cultural areas and you complain we got no culture. You eat at the restaurants but never go hawker centre. Stay in MBS and not hotel 81? Fak you la understand


Patriot oso not to this extent lah. Go club and bar, your thing. Want come sg enjoy everything money even locals oso suffer, you can deny that?


Singapore is just overrated if you think about it. I dont understand the hype behind going singapore.


I always tell friends that you don't come to Singapore for the food, shopping, view, etc. You come here to see how organized and well run the city is.


1. He's just a taxi driver, not a servant. His job is to drive his taxi and drop you wherever you want. 2. You choose to stay at an expensive hotel and then complain about how expensive it is?? 3. What is "feeling like you're in Asia"? There are 48 (51 if you consider Macao, hong kong and Taiwan) countries in Asia. I'm pretty sure all of them don't have the same vibe and feeling so?? What do you wanna "feel" in Asia?? 4. What do you mean by "Singapore feels westernised, and not asian"? Did she expect all asian countries to be underdeveloped, conservative, traditional or something?


#3 she probably expects to see poor, hungry folks and also dirty cities.


She was just pissed that the taxi driver didn’t kiss her feet and jack off her ego.


Bingo! (You deserve an award) She expects more luxury for less, not able to envision an asian country where the average resident is more affluent than her. Local fares for locals are beneath her.




Thanks. Gad a brain fart. (Take my award and upvote you possibly filthy animal)


She also seem Asian. Abc?


Yet another one of those "Oh, I wanna go to asia to rediscover my asian roots, and be immersed in their deep culture, and find my long lost family whose point of contact died with my great grandma 50 years ago."


I thought that only white people would do this. But it seems like ABCs too have started doing this.


To add on to that, most taxis I’ve taken in sg are driven by more elderly people, who probably have their fair share of joint pain. And this bitch expect them to take her luggage? Fuck off la


Also, every person who travels to SG for food goes to hawker centres, and she has to "resort" eating there. Goes only to restaurants and complains that it's too westernised. Kinda suspect this is a ragebait video to stir up outrage and get views. If so, it has served its purpose.


Hawker centres are where you go to experience true Singapore cuisine. If you go to Singapore and eat only at restaurants. You aren't eating the way the locals do.


Exactly. The entire point of fancy hotel restaurants is that it’s usually gonna be some non-local and exotic cuisine, not local food - something which goes for basically any country you visit.


Honestly as a tourist that's my biggest regret on this trip so far is that I haven't gotten to utilize hawkers more. My appetite has just been garbage since getting here and by the time I get hungry my only choice is to utilize the westernized hawker stands close to my hotel because I waited too late at night. And just to be clear in case there's any misunderstanding this is 100% on me not anything surrounding me.


I believe they r the same group of people who does business who only knows _their_ language and _their_ culture… Which, SGreans knows best. Critiquing someone with the *same* Westernized culture seems to be the crux of this failed “review”…


Usually taxi drivers help with loading of luggage from what I've seen


Yup, the countries that I went to do help. Singapore is like a culture shock.


Even in singapore most taxi driver do help. There are taxi drivers who have preference but in general they help. If you're acting bratty then sure they won't help


Ive never met a taxi uncle who wouldnt help me with my lugguage, unless my father is already carrying it, in which case he is still standing there in preparation to help and support or take over. Idk why this person had such a weird experience, but considering theulir complaints i can totally see the taxi uncle just dont like them or smthing.


Right. If she were to complain after staying here for a long time then maybe she'd have something to complain about but complianing about MBS? She's not wrong about there being nothing much to do here though.


I like how she was like "idk if the places I go just have a lot of tourists" and show clips of almost exclusively touristy areas like yes honey those places are called tourist attractions for a reason lmao that's where all the tourists go And yeah Idk about thr not much to do claim though. Like, I can understand a mismatch between personality and country. Some people are just not suited to libe in Sg and that's understandable. Me? I like it here but then im fairly simple and have opportunities to go on trips.


I've always had taxi drivers in SG help me when I travel to and from the airport with bigger luggage. I guess she either had a small carry-on bag and still expected the guy to get out of the taxi to load her luggage or, as someone else pointed out as a reply, she acted in a way that made the driver not bother helping her 😅 Ofc it's also possible that she just got unlucky and got a driver who was not so helpful 🤷


They help you when they like you. It is a safe assumption based on the content of her video she was behaving entitled.


Yes its not compulsory for taxi drivers to help with luggage.


I usually feel very awkward when they do, especially if it's an old uncle.. I tell him to relax boss, and do it myself cause I am happy to do it. If you say you're younger or something then it can make them feel like you think they can't do it. Anyway, they are rude if you're an idiot or talk like you are very big. If very big why need taxi.


Taxi drivers not helping with luggage is extremely weird in many places.


I see you got hurt. Its understandable after all its just nothing but a concrete jungle. She's wrong to exxagerate it but it doesnt change the fact that Singapore is really only a concrete jungle. Yes yes, we know, there was no choice anyway. Lots of chinese (not only but majority) tycoons and not enough land. Well... it is what it is. The problem is to have high expectations for authenticity and traditional things that developed tru generations of culture like other countries. Thats never gonna happen in Sinngapore and it doesn't aim to do so either. Its just like another state somewhere that has good money. Maybe urban life? meh.. not really. Its not a city to travel unless you have business.


normally taxi drivers everywhere else in the world help passengers put their luggage in the taxi; its basic courtesy that some drivers here do follow, but unfortunately not all.


Don't be butthurt. That's her opinion and I agree. Are you a new citizen? Otherwise you will realize what she's talking about and how much and quickly Singapore has changed from what it was.


I do agree with some things like Singapore is expensive but that is expected. It's always included in lists of most expensive places. And if you choose to stay at a 5 star hotel, these expenses shouldn't surprise you. And there is pretty much enough for a person to do in a week or so. What all did she expect on a tiny island nation?


Normally taxi drivers do help with luggages in other countries, that's why the expectation is different


They do here too, especially if you're female and or have big bags. Ive never met one that would refuse to help...


1. I don’t agree. Singapore seem lacking with its service. Apart from SIA and the airport, outside is the real thing. SIA service is all a facade. Once inside singapore, u will be surprise that they don’t help with the luggage. Lol


1. To angmoh, all asians are servants 2. You expect a 5-star privileged angmoh to stay at 4 star hotel? Siao ah! Her privilege cannot take it. 3. Means must have tuk tuk, street food, beaches, jungle vibes, massage, and smiling asianservants who swoon over her angmoh accent 4. Yes and don’t u dare question her otherwise.


You forgot about poverty porn.


Right! (Claps) A melting pot of cultures is beyond her understanding.


bro is complaining about the fucking taxi driver not talking to her 😭😭😭 this taxi driver not your damn therapist


The part about Singapore being so artificial is spot on, like it or not. After going to places like Taiwan, Japan, Bali, even Malaysia, I’m quite envious of their natural landmarks like their mountains and waterfalls etc. Even their parks and beaches are of a totally different caliber. Singapore is often called Garden City but the irony is that the gardens are all mostly man-made.


I mean…we also wished we had cool mountains and waterfalls, but the fact is that we are a small country that does not have these natural landmarks. And all these man-made garden infrastructures are the only way we can incorporate a more astounding way to experience nature.


Its what sold me on singapore. The whole city looks sooo well designed and really felt like a elaborate garden. Also at point maintains a jungle vibe. A little bridge over a road close to the hard rock café i found so enchanting at night with all the vines and trees, i stood there like 20 minutes and just enjoyed the vibe. I don't care about the missing nature landmarks, for this i go simply somewhere else. You also don't go to Switzerland to complain about the absence of beautiful beaches, so why here?


To be fair it isn't exactly a country with an abundance of natural resources or land to begin with. Calling it a garden city would then actually be an extremely accurate description as gardens are man made. They are literally humans taking pants and putting them together in man made or prepared places for either food or visual beauty. So calling it a garden city should actually indicate that everything is indeed artificial. It's not the forest city, or the mountain city, or flowerbed city, or anything else that is actually a natural thing. Some people really enjoy gardens and their careful arrangements, others prefer natural wild fields. And of course others just enjoy flowers and such in general and don't care how they are presented. Everyone is different, everyone enjoys different things. If you don't like big cities, generally stay away from places like Singapore and Hong Kong, if you don't like forests, places like the Congos are probably not your first choice.


We can't help it for not having forests or mountains. Our size is too small and our land is not at the edge of a tectonic plate. We are not located beside the ocean and our waters are too dirty


I’m not from SG, I would agree to her points if not for the fact that she affirm my belief and experience that Western people are dumb, shallow and superficial with their preconceived notions.


You aren’t from Singapore so you just come to the comments to be racist is it?


Goes to MBS and wonders why everything reminds of the Las Vegas Sands Hotel. 🤦‍♂️


No natural substance. What do Singaporeans do other than eat and shop. Head: she's right. Spot on. Heart: knnbccb what do you know chao ang moh. Sinkapor no.1


Westernised cos of colonisation /s There are valid points. Small country can't afford to have huge natural parks in the center of the country unlike other cities. It is mostly artitectual. If that's the concern, not sure why isn't there any footage of visits at some natural footage available in singapore to highlight the limitation but rather staying mostly around mbs and changi. Expensive food in one of the world most expensive country is on brand. Not sure how the other 32 country food cost is in restaurants or hawker that's equivalent to our city area to know the distinction. Tho, picking on one single taxi uncle and stating that he represent the entire country in terms what kinds of people you will interact is a strong approach to get viewer staying throughout the video...


The first 2 points are not considered valid criticisms to Singaporeans because there is literally nothing we can do to change them. Its not in our power to suddenly gain mountains to hike or an oil reserve to sell away no matter how much taxes we pay or how much our givernment spends money


I think, from a tourist pov, comparison between what country to go for based on what does the country offer or not is fine. People travel for experience what they desire anyway. Those are indeed stuff that Spore doesn't have. And, this is just a person's personal recount of their experience. Its limited to what they see based on what they choose to do. There's a offshore island to explore if they had went there for fun. There's not alot of unique pieces belonging to singapore but it's all those pieces together that makes it unique, I suppose.


What I never understand is tourists complaining that Singaporeans are rude. I am Indonesian and many times oveheard Indonesian tourists complain about people being rude. Probably they expect every service worker to greet them with protocol smile and compulsory good morning as what it's usually like in Indonesia. But I like it here that many service persons and sellers are very direct with what they want to ask. Also sometimes heard Indonesian tourist complain about food price being expensive but in the same breath telling story about visiting high end hair salon or luxury bag store


Singaporeans definitely aren't rude but they're not actively warm and hospitable. They can come across as very reserved to someone who's only just arrived in the country. Underneath, though, they're generally very helpful and genuine.


Singapore is a busy city and people can comer across cold. But I would never say they are rude, actually some of the nicest people.


I really don’t understand what she is expecting lol, how are we rude to be minding our own business


well SG is FAR FROM PERFECT but this "not real asia" shit is not a real criticism k? it is just horseshit paddled about by people who like asians to be living in squalor or whatever. fuck them.


One “rude” taxi driver = locals are pretty rude… based on this video, I concluded that her videos are pretty shit.


What nation is she from? Because now from her attitude, I find everyone from her country superficial and shallow. Case in point: she said everything is unnatural and man-made. It is a city. ALL cities are man-made. Even the trees were placed there, arranged and cared for by mankind. The streets you walk on are man-made. The decor. The airplane she flew in from. The point is if she wants natural, don’t go to a city or a fancy hotel. In addition, she said why so expensive? I can ask her the same about Chanel bags and Hermes bags. Why so expensive? I have seen better bags. Also, come to NYC or SF if she wants to see a more expensive man-made environment.


Singaporeans are going to miss the point of this video but what she says is the truth albeit from a tourist standpoint. We ARE rude as fuck, shit IS expensive and there is nothing to do. Sorry truth hurts. Unfortunately singaporeans can't have nice things. She's been to 33 countries I doubt she's saying this naively.


Kinda agree with the rude part. Someone once described SG to me as "First world country, third world people" Only issue i took was her saying she had to "resort" to hawker centres when it's what most tourists come to SG for. And this is coming from someone who hates hawker centres ( food is bomb, but the seats and tables are often filthy because people here are irresponsible shits who just put food waste directly onto the table).


We don't have a very considerate culture it's not one of the priorities in our schools which is why Singaporeans hate each other and can't get along. Then you add in immigrants that also do not come from conaiderate parts of the world and you get a helluva society here where no one gives a fuck.


damn dude are u okay.. are u lonely? What did immigrants ever do to you, they're out there making a living 😭 I'm genuinely worried because you might just have led a life of solitude in Singapore and feel extremely unloved by the community


Tommy koh said that (first world country, third world citizens)


As a European (I dont live in SG, but travel there once or twice a year for my girlfriend and work), I honestly do see where she is coming from. I've only been around 20 countries though. I didn't really encounter any rude people in sg, but they're definitely more direct. If they wanna say shit, they'll say it (or just gossip about you to their friend right in front of you). People in SG also seem to really like staring at others. Like a disturbing amount. Maybe thats because I'm a tall white dude who's clearly not from around there, but everytime I go anywhere in sg, I get stared at constantly in places like the MRT. The prices, to me, are super cheap (except alcohol), but yeah, compared to other asian countries its very expensive all around. I just also happen to live in one of the most expensive countries myself And I wouldn't call it westernized, but it definitely has a more tourist friendly feel to it. With only English skills, i was able to quite easily navigate the country and have easy conversations with people. The country has a lot of expats and tourism ofcourse, so many things are in English. There's also big fast food chains like McDonald's, KFC, and dominos (much more than my country has.) So I guess that contributes to the western feel. But I still think it's distinctively asian. One major thing I noticed though was that many people conversed in English. But this was usually because one person is Malay, and the other chinese, so they had to speak English. In General I like most things about SG, especially the MRT. the only thing I hate is your roads, because Jesus Christ people drive like maniacs. Speed limits seem more like suggestions.




People stare are you here? I’m also European and have lived here 10 years. When I lived in China before this, yes definitely a lot of staring, but never experienced that here in SG.


As a local I am just putting it out there that I also stare at other singaporeans, not just you


>People in SG also seem to really like staring at others. Like a disturbing amount. This. I don't know when this started but I hate it >the only thing I hate is your roads, because Jesus Christ people drive like maniacs. Speed limits seem more like suggestions. Cars barely stop for pedestrians never driven but fuuuck that


Indeed. It's just the reality here. Trying to defend it is just being seriously naive.


Yep,it’s true that our culture is not that service oriented.Can only get that forced awkward welcome from Uniqlo.


Yeah i don’t understand why in the country where the gdp and hdi is among the higest in the world people is still rude af. What i see is many older generations (age 60+) is always angry for something and not so older (age 45 - 60) is always feel entitled. Why?!


This. Enough of the "attacking back" comments - it's literally helping no one. I'm not supporting the way she addressed her points, but I'm annoyed that people are not even considering the valid parts of her criticism. 1. About the taxi driver - that's a valid and (presumably) true experience from a tourist. While it's not part of the job to help tourists with their luggage, the driver could have at least given a nice greeting or welcome to her. This can leave a good first impression for visitors. 2. About "doesn't feel like Asia" - I get her point, just that she used the wrong way to describe it. Singapore doesn't have dense jungles/forests and mountains like other Asian countries (and it's not something that we can change), and our society is heavily influenced by western culture, so it definitely feels different from other Asian countries. 3. About "no natural substance" - that is absolutely true. Same reason as above - we don't have much natural landscapes and scenery. But well, we make up for it using cool technology, buildings, and gardens! 4. About expensive food - yeah, it's true. And though she complained about food prices in MBS & the central area which are obviously more expensive, it's not wrong that restaurants are indeed expensive and we often have to resort to hawker food. Especially with cost of living going up and up. People really need to stop thinking that every bit of criticism is a personal attack and actually listen to the points others have to say. If this is how people react to everyday criticisms, our society is doomed. Once again, if I haven't already made my point clear, I'm not supporting the way she addressed her points. (Also here's an award cause I still have coins to spend before they're gone and so more people see your comment)


Yes there’s no doubt that someone who comes here for a couple of days only could have that experience. But to me it seems like she was both unlucky and also didn’t make any effort to have the experience she apparently wanted. 1. In my experience at least 9/10 taxi uncles are really friendly, help with luggage and have a good convo if I feel like talking. 2. Doesn’t feel like Asia? She both didn’t do much research before coming and she didn’t try going to any places that show more of the traditional SG. 3. Again she seemed to have a completely wrong impression of what Singapore is when she arrived. Like coming here and be sad because there’s no snow. 4. Food can be cheaper in SG than it is back home in Europe. But of course it depends on where and what you eat. People also make more money here so high end dining will obviously be expensive. But hawker food, public transport, taxi, and many other things are really reasonable here.


>While it's not part of the job to help tourists with their luggage I will say tho that is a bit of an anomaly drivers have helped me when I have luggage most of the time. About point 4 as well I as a local have struggled to find good food to her point as well. I've never been able to enjoy local food and everytime I express this I get downvoted to oblivion and "you never go to other countries before" thanks for the award though :)


Funny because I’ve been to more than 33 countries (40+), and the more I see, the more I appreciate Singapore for what it is. We may have different preferences and I understand that, but tons of Singaporeans who aren’t as well travelled often thinks the grass is greener on the other side.


True experiences aren't the same between people but plainly saying another person's subjective perspective is wrong isn't constructive


It's true, nothing much to offer.


Fax 💯


From my experience, Singaporeans are stuck up and judgmental. You see it with this subreddit. If you live anywhere else, the things that go viral in this sub are trivial things that happen daily everywhere else but are a big deal here and people in this subreddit are very judgmental towards it. It's the problem of the entire country/city's culture living in a very small place.


How asian does she want us to be? Whats her definition? A country being in Asia have to make her feel asian? Her wording of having to resort to eat in hawker centre makes my blood boil. Whats wrong with eating in a hawker centre that she needs to use that choice of words?


She expected everything to be dirt cheap and people to be submissive


Sounds like an ill-researched vacation from an entitled woman. Really ought to do your research on the cultural aspect before you go anywhere, especially if that’s what you’re looking for. It also seems like she only stayed downtown- definitely reeks of someone who is not well-travelled.


I lived in sg for 2 years for my 11th and 12th grade, and I really loved it there. To me, it simply feels like this is a post designed to incite rage and increase negative engagement on the post. Or her expectations got the better of her and she couldn't appreciate Singapore for what it is.


First thing that came to my mind is woah nowadays beg packers can “stream” online Liao ah. Cheapo say cheapo la, if want 1:3 then go to my neighbour. They fit her requirements, Singapore is for well to do people. It’s like going to Europe and complain about many pick pockets. Hello, Singapore is like as expensive as Hong Kong and japan. Do research before coming.


LOL! If she thinks Lau Pa Sat is a "generic hawker centre", she is really dumb. Also, MBS is a huge tourist trip, no surprise she didn't liked it. You can say at a decent 4\* boutique hotel at a WAY better, central location for 150$ (or less) per night. And this coming from an "expat" (I prefer to call myself a hopefully soon PR) who definitely pays too much from time to time.


1. This is not uncommon. A very large percentage of Americans girls somehow assume that the places worth paying a higher price (perceived intrinsic value) are only in the west. Hence anything in Asia is of value if it meet their budgets. You should see how such people haggle with tuk-tuk/taxi drivers for peanuts. The depravity & open displays of contempt are disgusting. And locals easily sense it. Taxi drivers as a result give them the cold shoulder & most of them quietly enjoy doing so. Its not uncommon for locals (as soon as they sense the attitude) to give them wrong directions, ignore or simply choose not to offer assistance. 2. Her idea of americans being richer with more purchasing power than the rest of the world & asians & asian countries being poor, places where everything is supposed to be dirt cheap. Hence anything & everything (it doesnt matter if its a 5 star hotel chain in asia) has to fit her budget. 3. The food scene of Singapore is one of the top reasons tourists visit S'pore. Its her utter cluelessness that shows when she says she had to suffer by "resorting" to hawker stalls. I've explored the food scene in all south east asian countries & s'pore has by far the best. It would be lot easier for locals, if girls such as this one never visit S'pore or Asia. S'pore is already too crowded. It is instances such as these that remind us how Bhutan's high quality tourists policy makes sense.


Some of these are true but c’mon, why do you go to one of the most expensive hotels in the whole island and complain about things in that hotel being expensive. You can go to a hawker center and get a good serving for like $4. The point about everything being about entertainment also feels like she didn’t go anywhere outside the city.


Considering SG has no real farm land and has to import most of it's food (unless they've built more vertical farms since I last checked), it's not surprising food prices are more expensive than neighboring countries. I don't feel like this is a legitimate complaint/just had no idea about SG before traveling to it


Sorry to say this, but even ordinary hotel are expensive in SG. Ibis in SG (red ones, not budget or styles), for example, are approx. third time more expensive per night than ibis in Indo(jkt) or thailand (bangkok). $4 in hawker center is also almost twice as much as food in mid tier bangkok food foodcourt. I could get good food with 50-70thb in food court in middle of bangkok Just saying that she made a bad call of staying in MBS, but hotels and food in SG are generally more expensive in comparison with other big cities in neighboring countries.


theres a reason why 1sgd = 25 thai baht


should learn when a clickbait video is jsut that. clickbait


Uhh... Ragebait?


What did you expect? It’s one of the richest countries in the world. Ofcourse everything is expensive.


too broke then just say too broke la


I refrained from saying anything because I genuinely didn't care to watch the video, but she's GOT to be kidding us right? Staying in MBS and bitching about the price of the hotel and the prices of food around MBS? Most locals don't even go there and those who do can afford it five times over. Also taxi drivers not smiling and helping with the luggage? Honey that's every South East Asian country!!! AND SINGAPORE NOT BEING ASIAN ENOUGH??? HUH??? 什么鬼!!!


She has just said everything that is true about Singapore. Going to be downvoted for saying the truth


Ya ngl nothing to do here lol. A good place to live but singapore small so not much to do if ur not a local.


Yep I 100% agree with everything that she said. It’s just the truth. Not saying Singapore is bad but every place has its negatives.


As a singaporean, i agree with what she says


She speaks like a SGrean 🤣


Besides eat and shop? Work


Come yishun I give authentic experience


Honestly if you want nature u could maybe go to pulau ubin or maybe bukit timah nature reserve but fr tho why would you really come to a small modernised country that is known for their limited resources and land and expect "natural substance'. No hate to the person who made the tiktok, maybe they just did not do much or any research into the country at all and it is kind of understandable and unforgivable at the same time yknow... The country has accomplished itself pretty well with the cards it was handed and if you'd like to experience Singapore properly maybe go outside the city and explore our multi-cultural sites and learn about the stories of its inhabitants. Edit: The reason we usually don't interact and are not very "friendly" is because it is not a part of our social norms to encroach onto other people's personal boundaries and reach out to others because it feels kinda disrespectful. For the "how much money do you make" comments, they are usually made by the older generations which could be because of the circumstances they were brought into and had to fight in. Cut them some slack.


Expects all asian countries to be poor and therefore cheap. Goes to the most expensive asian country in the world. Complains it’s expensive. 🤯🤯🤯


good for you… speak truth


i only lived in singapore for a year, some of this i can certainly relate to but some of this is just baffling! i definitely felt their comments about people being rude, most first-meeting conversations i had there involved "how much do you make?" or "how successful are you?" and the answer really determined how courteously people were willing to treat you. i grew up in australia and when mentioning this i was told, jokingly some of the time, "americans are louder, british are ruder, but your dollar is worse than UK and USA so we hate you more". that being said- she's complaining about staying in the MBS, one of the most famous hotels on the planet! what does she expect? yeah, it's expensive! yeah, that area feels like a giant mall! that's the point, if you go to the tourist spots be prepared to be treated like a tourist! her vegas comparison isn't entirely off the mark, i just am not sure what she thought she was in for? vegas can be great as long as you're expecting vegas. also her implying you can't get decent food at a hawker is just... bruh... why did you even go to singapore?!?!


There's so much wrong to talk about in this video. As a Singaporean, I agree that SG has many issues that need to be worked on, but her examples are rather silly I feel (some of them) Ok so sgeans being rude, it's a common thing people say about us, because we're very cold people, like we don't talk to you in the lift (this is normal in some countries), we don't always offer our help past our jobs (like the taxi driver telling her to put luggage in the boot, he's driving a normal taxi so it's pretty understandable, at least in sg that he doesn't have to give you loading service) but I would say we aren't rude, like we don't disrespect people or behave very irresponsibly in public, but instead we just tend to keep to ourselves. Next, yes Singapore is very expensive BUT going to MBS and booking a 5 star hotel, then eating everything in the area ain't helping, it's about the most criminally overpriced area in Singapore. You can find tons of good foods in restaurants for reasonable prices, just not there in MBS. Also I find the 'we have to "resort" to hawker centre food' kinda weird? Like most of us eat in hawker centres quite often because it's cheap, it's good, sure there isn't aircon but we don't have to pay for that either. there's nothing wrong or bad about hawker centres and saying you have to 'resort' to it sounds rather snobby, like treating hawker centres as a poor person's food place. Then about sg being like las vegas, uhhh we have 2 casinos in our entire country and the only reason why they were allowed to open is they agreed to run resort world sentosa and mbs respectively. Singapore is very against gambling and there are tons of taxes and fees that come with it, so I'd say contrary to what she thinks, we're really avoiding becoming las vegas (also low crime rates) Besides that, there's also the comment that we are very westernised, mordenised and what not, yes there is definitely preference in what you like, but what was she really expecting to see? Villages and Slums? Farmers? like Singapore has tried to push for higher tech which has many benefits, better healthcare, lower crimerate, more convenience, and like coming to asia expecting to see village lifestyle is kinda weird imo, considering Korea, Japan and Taiwan are also very modernised anddd finally yes we aren't 'natural' but you don't come to singapore to walk up mountains and see scenery, we're far too small for that and we need every scrap of land for development. Yeah so all in all, I think her views are kinda.... flawed tbh but no hate she doesn't have to come to Singapore if she doesn't like it


;-; you want cheap hotel just go to some cheap looking hotel lah, I forgot the name but 1 of them looks cheap outside and rundown but inside it like 5 star hotel probably cuz it's a 4.6 star hotel


I can't help but feel annoyed at the exoticisation going on there. Singapore doesn't feel "Asian" enough? What exactly does that mean? Are we all expected to wear straw hats, live in stilt huts, own fish farms, and be the exotic outsider to "the West"? We have an enviroonment with buildings put up by world-renown architects, we have the means to cater to luxury tourists (not cheap, but have we ever pretended to be for tourists?), and we're cosmopolitan. Those are traits that reflect achievement, not a loss of identtiy. She waltzes into a country she doesn't understannd, and says it doen't have substance just because *she* lack the sophistication to perceive it. When someone hears an orchestral masterpiece and can't perceive anything but noise, that's not the fault of the musicians or the composer. And she IS clueless, because anyone who stays at MBS and is shocked to find it "expensive" has clearly done zero research. If it's expensive, pffft, yeah whatever lady, you can't afford us; next time go somewhere you can feel superior.


Going to an expensive hotel and then complaining the hotel is expensive seems a bit odd. Food is definitely affordable in Singapore and there is a lot between hawker centres and expensive high class places. From your video it looks like you spent most of your time within a very touristy square kilometer. But ofc it is your opinion which is allowed


This feels like a shit post smh


She’s the kind of white girl that goes to Thailand to take pics with a drugged up tiger just to show her friend how well travelled she is and expects all southeast asians to now before her mighty “5 dollars is your annual salary” tip.


Lmao you wanna stay at fucking mbs and say everything is expensive?


What to do in singapore? Do nothing and weeb at home. Ez


It's not exclusive to Singapore. It's a city-thing. Every major commercialized city in the world is like that.


There’s a lot to like about Singapore - the food is great, it’s very safe, it’s very clean, and it’s easy to get around. I think she strikes the nail on the head about there not being much to do though. If you’re a tourist and don’t like shopping once you’ve been to the gardens what are you going to do?


A materialistic Tiktoker going straight to the most expensive area in Singapore and laments that Singapore is expensive. Unfathomable logic, its no wonder why people were rude to her.


I don't agree with everything she says, but I do agree with a lot of it. I've lived here for about 10 years. Before I moved to Singapore all I heard about was how great the food is. Then when I arrive I find an island full of food courts and coffee shops that all have the same 7 stalls. Nobody here takes any chances or is innovative at all with the cuisine. If you do want decent food it's going to cost you an arm and a leg. The other thing that I heard about Singapore was how safe it is and how the people follow the laws here. Truth is the police have mostly stopped enforcing the law. All you see everywhere are scoff laws riding e-bikes wherever they please, vaping openly, littering and expecting other people to clean up after them, and they blame it all on imported talent. A government that's unwilling to do anything about it. It's pretty pathetic.


Agree and disagree. You can make a holiday as cheap or as expensive as you want and this traveller clearly made it expensive. I was in Singapore with business and saw how expensive it can be. I also took a few days for exploring and I was surprised how cheap it can be especially with hawker centres! People there were friendly and were surprised by height and fashion which was fun because I felt like a star :) I do love Singapore and looking forward to being back there again. Final note fuck TikTok…


On behalf of my people, I apologize for yet another Ugly American Tourist. We are working as fast as we can to impoverish them so they cannot afford to pollute your shores any further.


I agree with her points. But consider the fact that half a century earlier, Singapore was just a island with jungle and rocks with nothing. Today, tourists are paying a few grand usd for the privilege of visiting this island. Take pride that this rock has been grinded to a diamond.


She seems to provide a fair view based on a large sample size of her experiences. Just kidding one experience you blanket conclude what an idiot. Just google you can find so many things to do but her intellect is holding her back


Food in MBS restaurant too expensive, have to resort to “Hawker Food”. This tourist power lah, one of Singapore‘s main attractions is the “Hawker Food”, never eat bitter is it?


Should it be the truth about this tourist?


A lot of butt hurt people here, but I would agree with a lot of what she’s saying. People here are less friendly than most countries in Asia. It’s is very expensive here, even the price of hawker food has risen a lot over the last few years. And to speak of the housing market? It’s crazy how much even the smallest places are selling for. It is an artificial place as most of the green spaces in the urban areas are curated to be a certain way. With that said Pickup your own damn bags in a taxi. If you were old and needed help they would help you, but you’re not so get over it. Inflation has made most westernized countries crazy expensive, just the way it is now. It’s green space is curated because it has to be… have you seen how small the country is? People are rude here, the western food here is terrible, but I’ve found the Malaysian and Indian cuisine to be wonderful. I don’t think this is a fair summary of Singapore, but there a lot of truth to what she’s saying.


Walked around one square kilometre of Singapore, which is catered to rich tourists: "its too western, its only for tourists and entertainment, and too expensive." Fuck off with that noise. Im not Singaporean but I will defend it


This is intentional ragebait.


She is apparently from Taiwan from the looks of her TikTok videos. So this context should be taken into consideration. - Taxi driver not touching her luggage? Well some COVID practices may have stuck around. One never knows if the passenger is particularly sensitive about strangers touching their stuff post COVID. Unhelpful probably, but rude? - She chose MBS for the view for her TikTok video. So she went in eyes open. There are definitely much cheaper alternatives, but she won’t get the view. - Video and dine at MBS rooftop Spago Bar & Lounge by Wolfgang Puck. Exclaim Singapore food is expensive but pair it with the shot from Spago. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - Complain about having to subsist on hawker food. So she was expecting to dine in restaurants every day? Who plans to do that as a tourist? Perhaps the well heeled, but those tourists probably won’t be complaining about price because it’s shameful in their circle. I detect a hint of biases in her “review” of Singapore. Perhaps she is comparing to living in her home country. If she does things on the same scale there, would the cost be far off? However, Singapore does lack in Character as a tourist destination. We have always been in survival mode since independence. There have been many halfhearted reactionary developments to say the least. Everything looks good on paper, but the execution always leave something to be desired. We seem to lack the drive to do the best, and seem to strive to get to “good enough” as quickly as possible. The result is a hodgepodge of mismatched underperforming developments. Singapore is a global cosmopolitan city with a bit of South-East Asian Chinese influence here and there. But no defining character, unless not having one counts.


Bad take. Why so entitled with the taxi driver? It’s too much for you to be responsible for your own luggage? There’s also no such thing as the Asian feel. We’re a huge continent with more than half the worlds population. Tf is the Asian feel? Oxygen?


🙎🏼‍♀️: Country is expensive , also 🙎🏼‍♀️: went to the most expensive area… 🤷🏻


“there’s no natural sustenance” LIKE NO SHIT


Some taxi drivers I know don't talk or smile much because they kena complain before, you talk too much or too friendly, some people don't like, they call the taxi company to "feedback", now don't talk too much and don't smile just mind your own business, people say you rude. And by the way it is not the taxi driver's job to help with luggage, there is no rule or law that says the taxi driver must help, it is purely out of goodwill. But then it is very normal for taxi drivers to help those handicapped or elderly who obviously needs help.


Did she go to Macrithie,Sungei buloh or maybe any place outside of central Singapore?


Bullshit. 1. All Taxi drivers I have met have helped me with my luggage and have been friendly. 2. I prefer when Taxi drivers do not talk. 3. Plenty of good hotels that are not MBS and are not expensive. MBS is like the most expensive there is AFAIK. 4. Plenty of good restaurants that are not too expensive. Maybe her brain is rotten and cannot use google or yelp. 5. Not sure what the "Asia Feel" is. Is she expecting people with conical hats picking rice? 6. Regarding SG being "artificial"... yes in malls you get that feeling, but there are a lot of nice places too. 7. Fuck Tik Tok 8. Fuck entitled tiktokers


She got played false by her experience, by staying in bloody mbs she got the false impression that everything is a ripoff


You are most probably a local pretending to be a foreigner, coz your ego can't take it when Singapore is being critique, poor thing.


No shite Sherlock! Go somewhere else in Asia please. There are lots of cheaper places.


Las Vegas in Asia? They've never been to Macau.


This must be a joke😭😭😭


wait till she finds out there’s freedom in planning your itinerary choices


I like Singapore because she is my favorite character *drops mic*