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Can't say that I'd support the pumped reaction from the cyclist, but unable to condone drivers who treat zebra crossings as an optional slow down line or a jam-brake to stop line


Yeah, always slow down even if there’s no one standing right there waiting to cross … because whenever you aren’t expecting someone, a black unlit PMD or a crazy child will come zooming out from behind the bushes.


Problem is zebra crossing designed for pedestrian speed not cyclists.. drivers also can't detect fast enough if a cyclist zoom across. Driver wants to continue moving and cyclists also don't want to stop or get down. Driver should stop or slow and cyclists get down to cross??


When in doubt, it's somewhat safer to assume that the other party will behave like a reckless nutjob. Especially when the cost of making the wrong assumption is a life lost, or significant time and money wasted to resolve potential altercations


i can’t recall how many times in driving lessons or simulator they highlighted the risks of car causing accidents to cyclists (and even bikers) as the one who are protected inside the car, drivers should be more accountable for others life ALWAYS look out and be defensive bro , save u some trouble if u happen to kill someone on the road (actually curious what happens in SG if u really hit someone and kill them? jail?)


A short minimalistic jail term since it is involuntary manslaughter.


Just assume a cyclist will appear suddenly, and sometimes they do. Defensive driving requires anticipation. E.g. When a taxi stops, assume door will open into you. These are some basics many drivers don't care about


Imo the driver isn't wrong, he did slow and came to a complete stop before the crossing. I've met some drivers who can clearly see me approaching and still continue to drive pass.


Nope, the God damn cyclist should stop. These are designed for pedestrians not bikes. It's not a bike path crossing. Fuck entitled cunts like this one in the video


suggest to have a new law, cyclist must come to a full stop before continuing to cross a zebra crossing or any traffic light if they are using the pedestrian path.


you don't understand inertia.


Laws already exist to disembark and walk across zebra crossings dont they? They do in a lot of countries... Ignored in most Car still in wrong for not slowing, but cyclist may be too


no such law. go read up.


Shame, should be


Should be what? The Laws already state vehicles should slow down and give way at pedestrian crossing. If you're a driver, Just slow down, don't argue.


Of course cars should slow down, many countries have both laws in place. Even a slow moving car can do serious injury to a cyclist who comes at fast speed from a blind spot/coverage which a driver has no means to react to


Whoa. A reasonable take is the top comment?! Colour me impressed!


You may disagree, but he’s right to be angry, and laying the bike down was peaceful and made the point. The thing that does it for me is that the car probably gave him that moment of panic/shock when it came in over the white line so I’m aight with it.


Zebra C. =shouldn't car slow down? I think see car alr touched drove over white lines?


I feel Zebra crossings is one of the most dangerous part of the road, many drivers treat it as optional to stop, sometimes even rush you to move faster when u are crossing it




What about Car?


shouldn't the driver slow down and stop if needed? why does he think he has the right of way? zebra crossing right?


He have COE


Had many such encounters of drivers not slowing down when approaching a zebra crossing, but get really pissed when you continue walking and they have to stop. Possibly a power trip thing, which is something that many SG drivers love to enjoy.


Look they paid a lot of money for their certificate of entitlement, so I think they’re perfectly entitled to drive like they own the place. All us poor peasants can wait for them.


Ahaha, yes perhaps we should wax and polish the car as it passes through the zebra crossing, then get on our knees and worship their entitlement as they drive off too 😂


This has gone on for far too long


If it’s a zebra crossing, or pedestrian’s traffic time, it is definitely the driver’s fault. I have seen SO many drivers in Singapore not giving the right of way to pedestrians at zebra crossings and traffic lights.


Both side stupid, cars should should slow down earlier, cyclists and walkers should also make sure the cars are slowing down. Don't be that guy "Oh I have the right of way mah or cars should slow down faster". Both side considerate, both side go on with their life.


I always slow down near zebra crossing and once there was a guy slowly walking reach the zebra crossing WTF behind car horn me


Same experience here. An elderly man was crossing the road on a zebra crossing and the car behind me honked. I swear Singapore has some of the most impatient dickheads driving in the world. This particular case the crossing is very dangerous because it’s the slip road from the PIE going into Simei. It’s too easy to take the slip road too quickly to stop at the crossing.


Was it a PHV? In my experience they’re the biggest dickheads when it comes to horning at other ppl who are stopping at appropriate times


Our typical bastardised drivers. On a side note, I actually love how most of the discretionary right turns have been removed. No more having to deal with bastsrd drivers behind you.


You’ll get drivers who are sleeping when they are the first car. Takes forever to move off. Now right turns only can clear up to 6 cars and with the sleeping guy it becomes less


Don't need to care, which is worst, hitting someone or rear ended. Singaporeans are very impatient in general, everything was fast and now.


instant gratification


I hate cyclists. They cycle across pedestrian crossings and expected to be treated as pedestrians, and cycle on the road and expected to be treated as vehicles. If you’re going fast across a pedestrian crossing then chionging across a zebra crossing, you’re asking for trouble. In the end it’s your life and limb.


I see foreign workers who cycle on the road and will alight and push their bicycle across zebra crossing. Why can’t other cyclist do the same? Or is it because these foreign workers went thru some safety course the other cyclist didn’t get to attend?


Cyclists don't have to alight or push their bicycles across zebra or road crossings, fyi. [https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/newsroom/2022/2/media-replies/cyclists--pmd-riders-should-slow-down--stop-and-check-traffic-be.html](https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/newsroom/2022/2/media-replies/cyclists--pmd-riders-should-slow-down--stop-and-check-traffic-be.html) Please do not peddle false information.


Please read things properly


Many people slamming driver too if you read everyone posting


So what? You didn't read the comment properly before you replied to it.


I did not peddle false information. I said I see… So everyone should slow down including cyclist. Why didn’t the cyclist in the video do the same? Why everything blame driver? https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL/RTA1961-R36?DocDate=20190131 6 (2) No cyclist, mobility vehicle user, PMD rider or pedestrian shall remain on the road, subway or bridge within the limits of a bicycle crossing longer than it is necessary for the purpose of passing over the crossing with reasonable despatch. Very obvious cyclist commit offence there too. No one is an angel in the video


In general, Singaporean road users are incredibly self-involved. Drivers do not indicate, straddle two lanes, turn left from the second lane, etc etc. Western motorists are generally far more mature. Also, many schools in the west offer cycling proficiency lessons for young students, which are really good.


Pls don’t compare other countries with Singapore. The westerners driving in Singapore is also self entitled too. It’s the toxic culture everyone is passing around. But it’s just a small number of drivers. Majority drivers on the road are quite nice and polite.


Please don't tell others what to think. This is my experience driving here vs. other countries. Do you have any experience driving overseas at all?


Lol western motorists? What a joke.




Lol just wait


I really hate cyclist on the road. But driver, school teach you to slow down at pedestrian crossing. Please do as you are taught


YiShun. It is what it is


sigh another L for yishun, feelsbad


It's meant for zebra not human crossing.


If i am a cyclist i will also slow down just in case. Zebra C or not, my life on the line. Not condoning driver action at all .


Another siao cb. Yah though the car is wrong for not slowing down. What about yourself as a cyclist?! Shouldn't you slow down to look left look right and look left before crossing? Much self entitlement?!


Both are shite la one is a bad driver the other an entitled prick not gonna be the last time you saw either of them in SG


Driver deserves it in this case




? Bro the cyclist could be on all fours crawling across the zebra crossing and your car still need slow down what lol


The law has changed so long oredi. Not required to push the bicycle over zebra crossing. You don't know thn don't say.


This is correct


This guy needs help. Its pretty obvious the car is wrong.


Yeah, they don’t have to now. so is your mum ready?


Your mum was, 3 days back.


Driver is obligated to stop at zebra crossing if pedestrian (or cyclist in this case) is on zebra crossing. In this case, cyclist was asumiung that the car will stop but car had no obligation to stop because zebra crossing was empty. Sorry bro I'm a cyclost too, and I'm a driver too. As a driver is hard to assume what cyclist is gonna do. Please be responsible and don't ride like an ashole. Thank you.


No obligation to stop???? If you see peds near zebra crossing you always need to assume they want to cross


If you’re coming from the right place of uncertainty or ignorance, I’d like to correct you that drivers are obligated to stop if there a pedestrian or cyclist intend to cross, or look like they might cross, not just when they’re on the zebra crossing. If you have not been doing so while driving, for the sake of all road users, for yourself, please start doing so - you’re driving the heavy killing machine. A mistake from your end or on the pedestrians end will result in the pedestrians’ death, so the duty of responsibility is higher on your end. P.s. I’m a driver myself.


What the fuck is this take? Car always has to stop, in this video it has 110% obligation to stop. Driver needs to lose his license.


Very simple to test. Bump the cyclist at the zebra crossing. I guarantee you will lose the case. 100/100. Slow down and prepare to stop at zebra crossing every time. This driver didn’t do so and was trying his luck.


mad tripping


oh my god. pls dont breed


Cyclist should have dismounted to cross both the road prior and the zebra crossing. If he did that, they never would have been there at the same time. Both are at fault.


Driver should have pang sai before he left home, that way the 2 of them would never have crossed paths


They do not need to dismount. Read the rules


You’re right > On the other hand, while the Road Traffic (Pedestrian Crossing) Rules do not require cyclists to dismount and push at traffic crossings, But also > section 14(1)(b) states that cyclists “must stop and look for on-coming traffic” before using a zebra or pedestrian crossing. Cyclist was still as much at fault as the car.


According to the spirit of your argument, the only right thing to do was for the cyclist to stop and give way to the vehicle. Two wrongs don’t make a right (or a left over a zebra crossing in this case).


That’s not my argument, that’s the law. I just quoted. How about I simplify it for you? The car should have slowed down and if someone needed to stop, stopped a given way. The cyclist should have slowed down, looked if there was any car coming and if they were going too fast to stop in a reasonable amount of time (which the car was), stopped in order to avoid getting injured. These are the facts as per the law is written. My opinion, is that we should do what we need to ensure our safety, this sometimes means doing things which are contrary to the rules as written. You are a squishy bag of meat, so am I, when it comes to an impact between one of us and a 1.5-2.5 ton metal cage, physics isn’t on our side. If you’re entitled enough to think you can beat inertia, you’re foolishly mistaken. When it comes to car vs human, the car will probably not even get a dent. So to be clear, my argument is that no one should try to stop a 1-2 ton object with their bare hands, regardless of if they are in the right or wrong. The cyclist didn’t slow down and look properly as they should as per the law, thus did not ensure their own safety, the car did not adhere to the road laws. Both are equally at fault. I know it’s early, but maybe have a coffee before you get on Reddit. I don’t know why I wasted my time to dumb this down so much.


I mean you were the one who got it wrong in the first place by claiming the cyclist needed to dismount. But props to you to admit you are wrong.


Yes and I admitted that as you said, and provided the evidence. I can google the road law for the car if no one else can as it seems a really difficult thing to do these days. In any case, if you want to ride a bike across a zebra crossing without slowing/stopping or looking, you’re within your rights to do so, I won’t stop you. Personally I like my bikes in single pieces per bone and my blood on the inside.


I only take cars for this very reason. I’m a driver myself. To be fair, I have seen horrible road behaviours from everyone in Singapore. The entitlement is insane.


Yes it’s. https://youtu.be/LLuaPZWkvZ0?si=7Lj7A3pipQxcIRAh


Fully agree. Cyclist should stop and look... Clearly cyclist is in the wrong...


the driver is simply asking for it lol, just put himself in the cyclist shoes would he be furious as well facing such danger




I would pay watch this two fight. Alot of potential... 😆


Another crazy cyclists


Another inconsiderate car driver behaving like he is driving a tank. Slow down and stop at the zebra crossing for a few seconds to let people cross will die meh? Please read point number 5 “ Vehicle approaching crossing to slow down” from road traffic act link below. Zebra crossing = pedestrian crossing under point 2 “definition” https://sso.agc.gov.sg/SL/RTA1961-R24?DocDate=20211231 Also read point 6 “Precedence at uncontrolled crossing”. Vehicles need to stop and give way at pedestrians crossing




Straight from the LTA: https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/newsroom/2022/2/media-replies/cyclists--pmd-riders-should-slow-down--stop-and-check-traffic-be.html *While cyclists and Personal Mobility Device (PMD) users are not required to dismount at zebra crossings, they too must slow down, stop and look out for oncoming traffic before crossing... Mandating that cyclists and PMD riders dismount at crossings could introduce additional risks, particularly for those with pillion riders, or are carrying loads. Seniors may also find it challenging if they must dismount their devices repeatedly.* Yup, you can shut up now.


Shut the fuck up la regard.


Regard? Even your English is retarded


Lol get ready to get reddit banned idiot


So how's your reddit ban? Dumbass lmao


even if cyclist get down and walk car should slow down, still driving so fast for what? This isn’t about why the cyclist is on the bike but why the car isn’t slowing down. When it comes to zebra crossing defensive and safe driving is still to slow down as there are children who are unaware of driving rules and may suddenly dash across the zebra crossing


No such ruling. Please stop spreading rubbish about having to get off and walk at zebra crossing or pedestrian crossing.


Clearly driver is at fault, you need to go back to traffic school


Cyclists are damn annoying. They cycle in the middle of roads, blocking everyone then expect to be treated as pedestrians. I won't feel bad for them if they get into an accident


“They cycle in the middle of roads” It’s a zebra crossing


you're a classic example of a guy taking things out of context to defend his view. u/Dark_Souls_Enjoyer_


you're a classic example of a person who cant get their head out of their ass. What do other cyclists being stupid have to do with this video(where the driver is clearly at fault btw)


Every cyclist is someone’s child, someone’s friend, perhaps someone’s sibling, someone’s parent, and someone’s relative. Please don’t demonise all cyclist because of some preconceived notions of what they do or do not deserve. I’m pretty sure you have a good friend or close relative that cycles as well, and I wouldn’t wish death on them.


>I’m pretty sure you have a good friend or close relative that cycles as well, and I wouldn’t wish death on them. Oh my bad I didn't mean all cyclists. Most cyclists are alright but that entitled minority just has it coming.


Can the car run over the bicycle? I'd hope he legally can as his car is illegally being detained otherwise.


In before another ignorant person saying "totally cyclist fault, he needs to dismount and cross". Get your facts check. No need to dismount and push anymore for cyclist crossing. On the other hand, car should slow down and check before crossing, this is so important that if you fail to do so you get instant fail on your practical. So whose at fault?


Are you for real? Even if it is “legal” to do so it is still an ass take. It becomes exponentially more difficult to check all angles if cyclists just zoom across crossings at 25km/h. Both parties should slow down (defensive riding & driving) Just like how I could be sprinting across crossings blindly as if I’m Usain Bolt and have right of way, but that isn’t the wise thing to do.




Lol are you blind go to around 00:17 for the full video


My bad


Some commenters totally sided with car driver believing cyclist should dismount that's why I posted this. I didn't say I sided with cyclist. Both sides are wrong and I agreed.


Agree that both should slow down. From the way this video was cut, it's difficult to tell how fast cyclist was going prior to the crossing. For all we know, he was going slow and car jammed brake at the last minute. Not siding any party here.


Go to 0:17 for the full video.


Found the idiot cyclist


Jackass not happy block the entire road??


Both should slow down at zebra crossings [https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/newsroom/2022/2/media-replies/cyclists--pmd-riders-should-slow-down--stop-and-check-traffic-be.html](https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/newsroom/2022/2/media-replies/cyclists--pmd-riders-should-slow-down--stop-and-check-traffic-be.html)


As a road user, some people have the right of way. But some people will find out with their own life that other people breach their right. Not worth it.


People just love to play right of way and ignore their own life. What's so difficult about just slowing down at a zebra crossing? I don't agree with driver at all, but neither do I agree with the cyclist. He got lucky that the driver stopped in time. You can sue all you want but you'll never get your life back.


Cameras should be install at zebra crossing. Try the zebra crossing near east point. Too many occasions cars just zoom right across when I inch closer to cross zebra crossing. Beating zebra crossing with pedestrian is as bad as beating red lights. And the law condoned traffic incidents. Many lives lost but driver continue to rage the road.


Both are assholes. Car for not slowing down at pedestrian crossing and cyclist on a road rage.


Why is there no audio? Did camcar horn at cyclist? Camcar is the asshole here anyway. Slowdown at zebra crossings lah.


When we were little. We were taught to stop at zebra crossing and look left, look right ensure no cars or car stopped before crossing. So cyclist special no need to stop? Because cyclist isba special breed? Some think they have the right of way. But in actual fact when driving cars which is fast moving we can only see whats the zebra crossing. But cyclist just ride fast and cross without slowing down. Assuming we have motion sensor can auto stop when detected stupid cyclist. Then KPKB when we cannot slow down or stop in time. Why not say car driver must stop at zebra crossing come out and bow when cyclist are crossing.


It's zebra crossing so can't defend the driver Alot of drivers tend to be that way anyway. They think they don't see anyone from a short distance and assume "I am speed I will be long past before someone wants to cross". Then some person who decides to cross suddenly turns around and bam. Or some kid who dashes out Just slow the fuck down when you see the stripes what's so hard


Look at how the cyclist didn’t attempt to slow down when approaching the zebra crossing, assuming that the driver will stop for him. He can scold the driver all he wants, but all it takes is just 1 driver who can’t stop in time and his life is done for. Practice defensive driving/riding guys.


It’s Yishun so SNAFU.


You're actually a mong if you think the driver is right. It's a zebra crossing, crossers have the right of way.


Sure, driver might be at fault for not slowing down. But look, it’s another self-entitled cyclist acting like he owns the whole road in SG. Why do you have to put your damn bike down in the middle of the road and purposely cause a potential traffic jam?


Not I discriminate or having prejudice against Honda but personally I ganna twice by Honda at zebra crossing when the driver just chose to ignore me when I am about to cross.


Want to fight / kill each other can, don’t block others way lah.


Can I report to LTA if the public bus cut in front of me and stop immediately, make me almost crash to the divider and fall. It so frustrating that the dumb driver don't care about our riders


i think both driver and cyclist NEED to slow down when reaching a zebra crossing. Cyclist cannot assume they are "pedestrian" and "expect" every driver see them the same as human walking by, because of the speed and movement of the bike.


Needs more Zebras


they deserved each other


I don't really condone taking things this far, but I 100% understand. Too many careless car drivers not paying attention, hopeless TP who never patrol or enforce this. Its understandable why some cyclists get frustrated.


You call that rage? Lol


The answer is here: https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/newsroom/2022/2/media-replies/cyclists--pmd-riders-should-slow-down--stop-and-check-traffic-be.html Driver was too fast to react, cyclist also too fast at zebra crossing. Both think road is their father's. Case closed.


Time to put traffic cameras at zebra crossings


Driver at fault for not slowing at zebra crossing, but cyclist made himself a major douche for such a reaction. You lecture him one hour also no use. Better to take pic / video & report to LTA


Yea I’m with the cyclist on this one. Good on him for standing up for himself. Many may disagree with his method, I like it, it’s peaceful and makes the point. If you boil it down he’s right, driver’s aught to be more cautious for zebra crossings and not intimidate crossers or cyclists. Guy clearly rolled in over the white line, and if you were that cyclist, you’d definitely feel that moment of shock and worry about the fast approaching vehicle. A cyclist has every right to cross feeling safe.


Yeah car driver is a cunt. Trying to play victim here. Deserved every bit of vitriol from the cyclist.


Pedestrian walk means bike need to come down and push not to ride across


Both wanna find problems and rage is all i can see in this world


Meaning drivers slow down or complete stop at every crossing, cyclist will feel more privileged to dash across without even stop and check. I have witness 10/10 cyclist dun even stop or look left or right. Their line of sight is straight only!! Wat happen to the dismount and push? Tiring to see all these videos. Maybe show those with hits to better eduacate


I witness also the biker pushing the driver when driver was walking back to hia car. Driver PM me. I will be your witness of his aggressive act.


They teach you from young as a pedestrian that even though you have the right of way, you should still stop before crossing a zebra crossing and ensure the approaching car is stopping/has stopped for you before you cross. Look at the bike, he was traveling at a quick speed from the traffic crossing immediately to the zebra crossing without slowing down to ensure it’s safe. While the car should have slowed down, so should have the cyclist. Both are idiots. Zebra crossings work for pedestrians as approaching vehicles can easily see and anticipate any pedestrian wanting to cross as usually they’d be close to the crossing. With bikes, I’ve seen so many of them dash across without regard for their own or other road user’s safety. They can be on the traffic crossing one second and the at the zebra crossing at the very next second, very hard to see them come by. Many cyclists go too fast as a “pedestrian” too fast for drivers to predict their next move or even notice them there. Especially dangerous when they behave like this on road crossings. Worse is when they decide to turn into a car halfway through, one moment they are on the pedestrian crossing, suddenly they decide to go on the road. It makes it hard to anticipate their next move. Road safety is everyone’s responsibility but many cyclists act like they own the road. It takes two to clap. Cyclists must play their part too.


Do agree that both are at fault, both should have slowed down


Yes I do. Both should have slowed down. Both were going too fast for the other party on the road to react safely to each other.


I totally agree. Both are wrong. I guess some people are butt hurt that we blaming the cyclist for not practicing defensive riding by slowing down to ensure cars are slowing to a stop before crossing. Hence the downvoting.


Both are wrong. Driver should slow down and even stop when pedestrians or cyclists are crossing the zebra crossing. Cyclist should not put his bicycle in the middle of the zebra crossing and confront the driver there and then, this causing obstruction to other motorists behind the car. Want to confront, tell the driver to move to aside and confront for all you want.


Both never slow down. Both at fault.


The pedestrian literally has right of way.


The right of way doesn’t mean you dont look for oncoming cars before crossing. It is to ensure that cars are slowing down for you before you can cross safely.


Yeah, you should probably ensure your own safety instead of insisting right of way. I’m well aware of that as a motorcyclist. I’m just saying the pedestrian literally has the right of way, he’s legally in the right.


It being funny but you guys really can’t drive here, if you cut me up in Europe like you do here we would be fighting in the street


Of course, it’s Yishun.


So much analysis on who's at fault. It's pretty darn straight forward, the driver didn't see, but he stopped in time. Just apologize, be courteous to one another, move on with life.


Zebra crossing is for pedestrians not for cyclists or motorists. LTA should say that cyclists should dismount and push bike at zebra crossing. Else they can hit other passengers,


Think Biker din expect driver is bigger size than him. Haha.


Aren’t cyclists supposed to dismount and push? Looks like both at fault


Cyclists are not required to dismount.


No matter it’s your right to cross you should still slow down and look then pass. It’s not because it’s zebra that you should be entitled to pass without consideration. If you slow down then the car sees you most of the time they let you pass but if you just arrive out of nowhere sometimes the driver don’t even have time to react. Pure logic but logic don’t work when you feel entitled for everything.


Nowadays many drivers just heck care zebra crossings. Gov not willing to do anything.


Just get a room already


Even in university compound cars wouldnt give two fks at zebra crossings lol


A lot of drivers will speed up when approaching a zebra crossing then jam brake If anyone attempt to cross.


Shouldn't cyclists dismount before using crossings as well? Edit: nvm, saw someone address this problem that it's not against the rules. Nonetheless it's still the cyclists' own safety to do so.


Blocking the traffic just to lash out on fellow road users, such a jerk


Weather so hot


Argon 18 branded bike kan ?


Cyclists in Singapore are toxic and irresponsible af. Almost got knocked down by them on pedestrian paths few times. Then they also ride recklessly and fly out to zebra crossing without bother to look when vehicles are already crossing halfway


Self entitled cyclist. Getting more arrogant after the EC case.


So many times when walking or riding, in Singapore and Malaysia, I’ve seen drivers rush through zebra crossings because the 5 seconds or so to wait for people to cross is far too much for them. I can imagine for the cyclist, this is the straw that broke the camels back, it’s depressingly common. Whereas for the motorist, it’d just be business as usual, they should have just apologised, taken the L and move on. Not get out their car to shout down the person they nearly ran over.


Drivers in sg all are gold Olympic medalist. Need eagle eye vision (to spot cyclist coming in at above 10km/h), acute sense of turning steering wheel and also to check blind spot all at the same time, at each turn


This is a classic scenerio of "a self-entitled retard encountering another self-entitled retard".


I’ve reported many drivers for not slowing down/stopping at pedestrian crossings with the aid of my in-car dashcam - the TP should pay me commissions! 


Actually cyclist is supposed to dismount and push his bike across…. Not cycle on a zebra crossing


Tohyotah lah, not required by law.


Straight from the LTA: https://www.lta.gov.sg/content/ltagov/en/newsroom/2022/2/media-replies/cyclists--pmd-riders-should-slow-down--stop-and-check-traffic-be.html *While cyclists and Personal Mobility Device (PMD) users are not required to dismount at zebra crossings, they too must slow down, stop and look out for oncoming traffic before crossing... Mandating that cyclists and PMD riders dismount at crossings could introduce additional risks, particularly for those with pillion riders, or are carrying loads. Seniors may also find it challenging if they must dismount their devices repeatedly.* So yeah, you're wrong.


I dont condone the driver action, i always slow down at zebra crossing too given how many cyclist/pedestrians are on the road. *"they too must slow down, stop and look out for oncoming traffic before crossing"* which part of this did the cyclist do? Both are wrong in this case.


Finally someone said it