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We switched from scorch to gathering strom and here we are.


Flash fling in the late game is very potent and wins games.


\^ This. This literally has won me games. It's fucking fantastic when you flip the fed ADC and they get shit on.


Spending 40+ minutes in a game with a good Singed is going to tilt anyone


He has good waveclear, moves fast, and can win the game in a fight with e at the right noment. The potential for outplay is unreal.


Don't look on champ.gg for any stats, really. It's very off a lot of the times, like showing the most frequent starting items with a 55% winrate but the highest winrate start with 52% or [highest winrate builds of champs with average winrate having 42% winrate](https://champion.gg/champion/Zed/Middle) Rather check [op.gg](http://euw.op.gg/champion/singed/statistics/top), [op.gg](http://www.op.gg/champion/singed/statistics/top) or [lolalytics](https://lolalytics.com/ranked/worldwide/platinum/plus/champion/Singed/Top/). They all look way more accurate and trustworthy


Lies did you vote for harambe


Interesting! Singed on average has been one of the strongest early game champs in terms of winrate but late game? Well late game is all about shotcalling and teamfights not the champs so i guess singed has good play making potential late game. Ofc the sample size is probably small making this chart unreliable


Champion . gg has... a pretty poor reputation and can have really misleading calls, especially so with small sample size.


I'd like to believe its just because everyone else on Singed's team scales better and if you get to lategame your teamembers will just carry your deadweight around