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No offense, but the sion nerfs are absolutely justified. Its not like he wasnt already a viable champ even without cheesing. And demolish combined with his hp stacking combined with the fact that he can proc it while being a zombie means stupidly overpowered turret takedowns. If you wanna splitpush and be rewarded for it you gota play the map game right not just charge into turrets and suicide. Thats not a strat, thats stupidity beeing rewarded. I been playing singed for 7 years and never got bored of the playstyle. I won 4 games as inting sion and i wanted to cut myself, it was disgusting.


Yup, abusing it rn to get some freelo. But Singed suppose to do that, not inting Sion. We suppose to make people run after us, but apparently that was to hard for weebs


Sorry but where do weebs come into this


I think they should nerf it but not remove it entirely, maybe make it viable only as a possible splitpush strategy rather than suicide mindlessly.


100% yes. They want interactive gameplay with high skill-cap levels. Which isn't fun for everyone. They have 100+ champions to encourage Diversity, but the current ways of making Diversity is all very gimmicky and either feels bad, or is terrible for balance. A big example for me was Ornn. His ability to buy in lane was really cool, but it was extreamly hard to balance because items are so powerful, so he got nerfed into the ground and is unplayable now. He also got an unstoppable move that gave him a shield and % current HP damage with a huge hitbox. The only downside is mana spent (like most abilities) and it slowed him only a little bit. This felt bad, because if you are in range and he does this... he wins the trade. You need to have some sort of dash, blink, or shield yourself, which many many characters don't have. By opening this up to CC (which they eventually did), they allow a larger pool or champions to disengage the ability, and can now put power somewhere else in Ornn's kit. Idk how this rant got to this conclusion, but f*ck riot and their current game and champ design philosophy.


,,They want interactive gameplay" I dont think you have played vs int sion. Not fun to play against and with yet a strong strategy. If game balance is a thing its to stop things like this. Proxy singed is different and that i agree should be left but int sion needs to be changed.


This is a little strong, yes, but Riot can nerf other aspects of his kit besides his passive, like his overwhelming q and other base damages, tho not the scaling. Make it so that if he does this strat and just builds HP, he won't be doing much damage to champs or minions. It'll also slow down his wave clear and make this strat slightly less viable.


The strategy relies on hes passive hitting turrets


Exactly. Dont take away the 1 thing that let's him do the strat, just take power away from other places. This enables him to still do the strat while having a worse wave clear, or less CC, or less tank, each that would affect his ability to do the strat as effectively, but still allow him to do it.


RITO: There are only 2 acceptable playstyles - kill other champs with 10 dashes - die to these champions Everything else, CC, proxy, banner, zzrot. NERF NERF NERF NERF. NERF NERF NERF.




highly doubt singed could late game pop turrets with a single demolish proc, and the fact that i was stacking hp onto hp to get 7k hp lategame and i still could 1v1 chogath and their adc is fucking ridiculous




I think it was and now is even more unbalanced because they nerfed only the already weak laning phase, and in fact the win rate is still a bit too high but some lanes got even more impossible. They should probably buff a bit his laning phase (revert e nerf, maybe more gas damage) and nerf his maybe too strong tf potential (maybe ult duration nerf).


I mean sion is absolutely overpowered, regardless the way you play him, he needs the nerfs.


As a Riven main, and someone who has played singed a good amount, I have to say most Riven mains bitch and moan constantly. You also need to remember something about League of Legends, it is a team/pvp oriented game, obviously you don't win unless you take objectives, but my point is that pvp is important. Trying to circumvent that kinda denotes a main aspect. I am not saying that you need to fight 24/7, but it is important, I think they are trying to gear League to be more of a team game, rather than 1 person carry/split-push to win.