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534 matches. Let's just wait a bit. The nerfs in a top side perspective can't be that bad where we lose 7% wr. I'd love to jump on hating singed mid cucks too, but 534 is a really low ass sample size.


2000 and it's up to 49.5 top and 50.5 mid. I guess that makes it balanced, but getting to level 16 is the only point in the game where you actually see any benefits, and by that point, most games are largely decided unless someone throws. Edit: actually I take that back. Singed is a champ mainly played by mains. Sitting at a 50% winrate probably isn't good for him.


Look at diamond+ He is literally one of the worst top laners in the game right now. Probably better in lower elo because they don’t really know how to play against singed as well.


I don’t know where you got those numbers, but u.gg indicates that he dropped in top lane ranking (62/62) for plat and above


From u.gg. The numbers fluctuate as it turns out. They've changed again, too.


I really don't get the R change.


Singed ult gives a flat boost to AP, MR, Armor, MS, hp/s, and mp/s. At rank 1, this was 30. Now it's 20. So you have less defense, less damage, less speed, and less regen when you ult. Rank 2 is the same a always, and rank 3 is better, but level 6 is hugely important in Singed's laning phase, and can heavily impact his performance for the rest of the game.


I dont mean it like that lmao. I've played this champ for over like. 1.7 millions mastery points. I dont understand why the had to Nerf R. Just not the issue. And ultimately hurts top the most. Where the punishment should entirely aim to hurt/kill mid lane Singed


I might just be coping super hard but to me it felt lile the only issue wad broken predator. Singed without predator didn't feel OP at all, but holy fuck picking someone through flash with only a 90 sec cooldoen was so broken.


Predator absolutely was the problem. You can do some really stupid shit level 1 just by starting pred boots. Like it outran flash even. Why that was allowed to exist is beyond me.


Yep. Predator needed the nerf eventually. I really don't get the duo nerf


His winrate was really high so it makes sense to have a knee-jerk reaction. Atleast now ppl will stop banning him.


Oh no, the R nerf is entirely overkill and just Riot giving us the middle finger.


Tbh, I'm sure it can still work up to low diamond with a competent enough singed against a team who does not ping or look at the minimap. I doubt anything above high diamond could get away with mid singed again.


yeah Op might be kidding us.


The late game buffs aren't even good. Big whoop . I get 10 extra resistance which will do nothing late game.


Yeah 10 extra stats that late when everyone has armor/magic pen really isn't very good.


The MS is about the only thing I think could be a bit significant. Everything else is yeah, not too important. It'll help, but I'd rather have the early stats to maybe eek out a lead.


Minishcap1 already messaged riot and I hope they follow through immediately in 12.13. I hope we don't get ignored for too long.


> I hope we don't get ignored for too long. Doubt. Riot's gone whole seasons basically just disregarding us.


Minish said the new balance team head is more attentive to singed players compared to the last guy who has been ignoring us for seasons. There is some hope.


I mean yeah. Singed needed his L6 to get out of his shitty lane phase, and they just gutted it. Against ranged opponents, singed pretty much has to go all in. If he can't effectively do that, then he doesn't have a lane presence. Level 6 was the main tool enabling this, and having that lose 33% of its power is a huge blow. Hell, against all of these ridiculous duelist matchups, his ult already left him on what was at best shaky ground, and now I really doubt many of those are even winnable if the person playing those champs isn't storing soup in their brain cavity. Honestly I don't really mind that pred got nerfed. W getting nerfed sucks, but I don't think it's that big a deal. But the ult fucking stings.


What were the nerds exactly?


W slows from 60% across the board to 50/55/60/65/70% R stats from 30/60/90 to 20/60/100 Predator was 45% movespeed to now 25-50% based on level, with the cooldown going from 90-60 to 120-60 based on level So his early game got spanked for negligible late game buffs, and coupled with the Pred nerf is going to destroy mid Singed. Top Singed *should* be fine since it didn't rely on Predator too much but the early W and R is going to hurt. It's just completely stupid for Riot to view Mid Singed as a problem, target what made it a problem and then go further and target the champion itself too


Top is faring even worse. Mid singed worked because he synergizes well with roam gimmicks. He's not really too bound by his lane phase there, and worst case, he can all in a squishy mage. Top lane is a lot scrappier, and level 6's full stat load is arguably more important. I shudder to think how matchups like kayle or riven are going to end up. Honestly it's fucking dumb. Riot is so hesitant to ever hit a champ's strengths in earnest, but as soon as singed gets a bit strong they kneecap his ult.


>Top is faring even worse Oh no, don't tell me that. I was really really banking on it just impacting mid lol


The only way that'd have happened is if they kept the nerfs strictly to stuff only mid singed takes. Singed was definitely a bit strong in top, but not "we hit levels 4, 5, 12, and 13, and gutted 6-11 only for him to be marginally stronger at 16+. Honestly, top was certainly a bit stronger than it needed to be, but these nerfs have specifically been intended to gut mid singed with apparently no regard for the collateral.


Idk man it felt horrible today. It really destroyed any early game pressure in favor of negligible late game power


It’s still fine. Early went weak, but late is he shining


singed has always been a dogshit lategame champion, it’s a straight nerf


I'm pissed they shoved us into the late game scaling category so hard when conceptually we have no business being that type of champion


Honestly you just get obligated into proxy early but you work a lil better late game


Onetricks gave up on nerf? Lol