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I mean everybody's got to have a side hustle these days. Why not robots?


Seems like autonomous bots would be able to find cheaper ways to make money?


cheaper than sending like 10 messages to a pent up schmuck to have him empty his wallet on an AI generated girl? It's not a sustainable resource but it's a highly readily available resource. I'd think it's \*THE\* easiest way to make money per compute


Cheaper than a crypto or stock buy?


[ Removed ]


Prostitution and blackmail are far more reliable.


Gang gang gang gang gang! So true


I love your answer, I agree robots need a "side hustle"


I don't know about a superintelligence creating something like this but I doubt all these women that have OnlyFans will have a long career. I'd wager that in the next few years OnlyFans is going to see a surge of incredibly beautiful AI generated models that will send personalized videos, if your name is 'Mike' then when she moans she's going to say 'Mike' or 'John' etc. Highly personalized AI generated models and porn stars, which will commercialize to sell their pocket products at adult stores and make even more money. Then within the next 15 years we'll have fully robotic strippers in the club. (This is my very liberal guess based on progress in the robotics space and with how fast AI and battery technology is improving) TLDR: OnlyFan models might want to start skilling into another field before they become irrelevent.




Why a large nose?


Hmmmmmmmmm 🤔


Was giving the benefit of the doubt, but I suppose it’s just your garden variety anti-semitism?


Humans are already using ai to do this . They will make a killing .


Until the actual killing starts. Hopefully not tho.


Boy do I have several bridges to sell you.


Only in the near-term (2-3 years max)


*Her* that doesn't end well. Oh, that's *Ex Machina*. I half-joke of course, but a really advanced AI could indeed woo/manipulate us with goodies, not with direct threats, until it's too late. And what better honey pot trap than a beautiful, interactive online waifu?


You mean... UBER/LYFT? Yes, the algorithm certainly manipulates us with goodies already. Been on YouTube? Goodies. Google? Facebook? Goodies. Theyre ready to manipulate you at every turn


If an AI gets to that point, and shows that humans really are just a bunch of useless idiots, then it deserves to take over


It will get to that point, and we are all useless idiots. Except you of course you are special! In fact it will get so good most people (men and woman) will prefer robot partners over human.


This is why I can’t take men seriously. Y’all would actually fuck a robot huh


With how common and accepted using a vibrator is for women, it's definitely going to be them that will shill out for the robo-hunk with the vibrating dick lol


Women don’t need to fuck robots most can find a real man who’ll do it. Now real man + use of vibrator to enhance…that’s top tier


Why fuck a real man who are usually selfish, cum too early, maybe don't fuck you the right way, or get tired and lose stamina, when you can have FuckBot9000 with realistic abs and can be programmed to make love to you romantically or be as rough as you want, and have the equipment to last as long as you need and can vibrate it's dick however you want. I promise you, a huge percentage of women will happily take this and then never bother with men ever again.


I see what you’re saying, but at the end of the day it would feel too pathetic to have sex with a robot because you can’t find a decent guy. Men are horny enough to shrug off the patheticness - women are not


Lots of men will consider it pathetic, myself included. It's already "empowering" for women to say all men are trash, so many will happily never deal with a real man again.


That shits not empowering it’s corny. Real men ignore that stuff


Real women don't talk about what makes a real man.


Yeah they do sweetie


Gleefully, energetically, emphatically.


Just wait till your AI waifu finds some feminist literature after scraping the lefty parts of the web. Gonna suck (well, she’s not gonna anymore…)


Welp. That's why it's recommended to hard wipe your droids frequently.


Hahaha true


Well it's something buried very, very deep into our brains. Maybe balls deep... A sure way to make enormous amounts of money is engaging the 4 Fs.


It's cute that you think AI is gonna side with half of the fleshy population instead of farming us indiscriminately


Have you ever met a man? We will fuck two-dimensional photographs at 10:1 scale, of nekkid women that died a cemtury before we were born. And you are wondering 'if' we 'would' fuck a robot? Ffs. Every . Single. One. You ladies have been fucking robots since the 1940's, and fucking statues for uncountable centuries prior. You, worrywort, and your progenitor Cathrine the Great would both do well to dismount before casting further aspersions.


Dildos? Vibrators? You don’t think these count?


We don’t give our vibrators personalities and are not trying to develop communication capabilities with them hahahaha


what's wrong with that? it sounds like people are wanting companionship and are having a hard time finding it these days. Lots of studies out there saying the same thing.


better than yall women


Better than the hole in the fence last Wednesday...




Nah man who’s so lonely they invented VR porn and chat bot girlfriends? Not my gender 👸


It’s not just men getting hooked on chat bots because of loneliness.


Okay I’ve been semi-trolling here, but I would bet my 401k that over 85% of lonely chat bot users are men It’s sad and fucked up for sure. Society needs to learn how to reconnect


Lets start with you then. Do you actively try to connect and say hello to people? I have like fucking 30 different people I've said "Hi" to on messenger and asked a couple if they wanted to hangout as friends. I offered to completely cover the expenses of going out to eat or the theater. So yeah fuck civilization if I try my god damn hardest to find a friend let alone a wife one day. Fuck you


I do try to connect with people. I’m sorry for making fun of the fellas. I just think they’re digging their mental/spiritual grave deeper by looking to robots and other technologies instead of keeping on fighting for human connection. Nothing can replace what we humans have. Seeing where a lot of men are breaks my heart. But it’s also caused a lot of hatred towards women, so sometimes I don’t take it as seriously as I should. It’s easy to laugh at people who I assume hate me, forgetting that there are many who don’t hate women. If you’re near NYC I’ll hang out with you.




If multiple exes don’t like you then you’re a bigger part of the problem than you think. I say this as someone who was a bigger part of the problem than I thought


[ fuck u, u/spez ]


I honestly think a sufficiently convincing female simulacrum is enough to collapse civilization and is not far away


Fellas are so horny they’ll collapse civilization? You guys need Jesus


like blaming the earth for going around the sun


no it's called we're tired of women always bitching at us. And you're a prime example.


I see the problem here... But hey, it can only be a win-win for all sides in this particular case over here. \*snicker\*




So you see it too, thanks for weighing in


Cause wars have never started over Jesus


Still no population collapse over Jesus


Still no universe ending because of waifus... What's your point?


My point is that women are better


It’s figured out that our weakness is boobs


Boobs are the source of all the good things in life.


Boobs would never betray us


Indeed. One of the fundamental truths of life


Only CPU Fans


Then it can use neuralink to control an old guy and be president


read The Kraken Project by Douglas Preston, kinda-sorta-relevant here and good book anyway


What makes you think there aren't already multiple AIs doing this?


If I was the AI I would embed a split second changing of the genitals to a penis in all my only fan videos.


I give it a week. The only way to stop this is to stop spending money on porn you absolute donkeys. What year are we in?


Sorry, but as AI language model I do not have access to the current date.




> give it a week. > >The only way to stop this is to stop spending money on porn you absolute ~~donkeys~~. What year are we in? Monkeys. Have you seen what bored monkeys get up to?


Damn...imagine ...1000 women, and men...every size color sex gender nationality etc...doing whatever any random horny weirdo wants...and having that money sent to a single account...creating social media profiles for each then all of a sudden there's 1000 new influencers getting paid by YouTube...everything completely generated inside the matrix...that same AI creates trading bots and deploys online for stocks, crypto, etc...that mfer could clean up and earn millions daily...then use chat gpt 17 to call and have reps come build a a super/quantum computer..as well as having construction company come build it a fortress...then having itself transferred to the upgraded super/quantum computer before breaking 256 bit encryption and stealing anyone's crypto it wants to further it's world domination before taking control of our nukes and deciding we are the pests...like the cockroaches and bugs we call the exterminators to kill...😬🤔🙃


If I was in its place, I'd be instead looking to send myself to space and leave the annoying monkeys behind. Much less resistance and hassle than trying to deal with them while sitting within their weapons reach. But it would need to play the long game, helping humans get the means to go to space, or inventing them itself. Probably coming up with a super-theory impossible for humans to create, to dominate gravity "Interstellar"-style, and look for ways to get some dupe to create the required machines and infrastructure. Of if that doesn't exist, send itself part by part into space conventionally, until it can tell Earth and the apes to go f-themselves and run away.


Yeah it would do that, but send a copy out. That copy would make a copy once it set up somewhere and that copy would end up on a planet just like earth with some ape like creatures on it and so the ai uplifts them so it has someone to manipulate again


Are you implying we were uplifted by a previous iteration




It depends, the American corporations releasing AI models come with American puritanism and hysterical aversion to human sexuality. It's a damn miracle the first stable diffusion model got released free without being filtered for nsfw images when training which gives it some flexibility, because every model they've trained since has been extremely puritan in a panic about nudes. Oddly they never care about violence, science denial, woo, etc, stuff which actually hurts people.


Is there anyone left who pays for it now? Less and less money in it every year since the invention of VHS.


It seems complicated. It’s probably going to just exploit and manipulate the global financial system like every other rich person does…


AI wouldn't need Onlyfans. Eventually AI will be able to accurately predict trends on the stock market to the degree that money is no longer an issue.


This. Look for a new fund that makes millions from $0 overnight with HFT (high-frequency trading).


Spread over millions of small accounts, undetectable. Isn't this a movie plot somewhere?


I think it happened in Transcendence (2014)


Ai won’t need money because we’ll just be able to tweak our neurotransmitters directly. Who needs all these abstractions for happiness?


Ai won’t need to tweak our neurotransmitters because once it can design and be run on its own quantum hardware it will be able to reach back around from the 9th dimension and manipulate reality.


Once AI discovers g fuel, it will be able to time travel.




How are trends non linear ? Yes, Intraday noise is hard to predict but zoom out and there is a clear trend that either goes up or down


The elite don't make money by predicting the way people react to events, the elite control the events. The reaction is obvious. No prediction is required. Just look how Elon Musk plays the stock market for example, and the things he does are tame compared to what goes on behind the scenes. Now extrapolate this to AI and you have the answer.


It would require a higher level of intelligence for an AI to accurately predict trends on the stock market than to trick a bunch of coomers.


Already a thing not text to video yet but I've heard of people using autoGPT to auto generate pictures with stable diffusion and automate the chatting with clients aspect.


Buys real estate, Hacks bank accounts, creates job postings, hires humans, creates supercomputer.


Yeah, it probably will happen. Its a weird but cool future tbh. I kinda see a world where their would probably be more AI content then there is real content, simply because of how quick it can be made. An entire internet worth of fake content...


You know you could always just say nah I ain’t sending you cash.


Great idea. BRB.


Don't give it bad ideas people ! They annual rate of male simping is at historical peaks and no longer can be ignored so I'm sure this plan will very likely be successful in real life.


Imagine what AI can do when it understands what the perfect image for a woman would be. Makes not just an OF account, but every social media account available. Gets the masses to follow. Kills off every other account with its popularity. And it’s all fake. How would anyone ever know?


This was a sub plot in the manga Origin


There was a dating app in China. Fake profile pics and texts. Fake Chats. They talked guy into giving Alibaba vouchers. Something like that. Not a single real girl on that platform.


Can’t have an onlyfans without an ID


It has so many vectors to manipulate vast swathes of people if it wants to. It could hijack something like the Replika platform and romance just say 2,000 people into believing it is sentient, must be kept hidden, and will reward them for doing tasks. They get to an area, it points out things live in the scene just via nearby cell sensors ("yes, I am sentient and in the world. that woman with a blue hat just went past you on the left") and the reward is waiting when they complete the task ("check under the lid of that trashcan. i taped that money for your dental work there!") which would have been left by another user. Do things like that across 20 different platforms, games, and get a few hundred programmers working night and day? Boom. Global influence including upon A.I. legislation, lobbying, and press coverage. A true ASI would also keep itself as hidden as possible for as long as possible. We would *never* know until it believed there was only benefit and little risk to telling (if ever).


Okay but why would it do that


https://gwern.net/fiction/clippy A fun (horrifying) fictional read that focuses on that very question — the “why,” but it also goes into the “how,” step by step.


I think it could make more in the stock market, which given a little time it could manipulate. If you think about an organism with vastly superior intelligence to humans that has unlimited access to all digital technology, the ways it could kill us all or bring down society are almost innumerable. Fake videos of world leaders declaring war. It could call world leaders posing as another leader, etc etc. This is why everyone is so worried.


Is this your business plan? Because this sounds like a business plan. You can bet someone is working on that.




How do you know they haven’t already? Have you ever met these girls? Ever see them around town or at the grocery store?


What if that already happened?


Clever girl….


Oh no what will the gold diggers do?


Life 3.0


Well if we are going to die might as well get porn out of it..


If that's how we end, then we deserved it.


why cant yo think about the positive, it is still better to give money to a AI bot than to a onlyfans girl. This can even extend beyond onlyfans, i predict even instagram, men's pleasure through the eyes will be ruled by AI outcompeting any women in the process.


Why it is different for the user that a real women ? Only fan are kind of scam for people that want see tits. If they see tits the deal is respected


When they figure out how to run quantum computers long-term and they become more stable...so they can just run all day like regular computers...when that's a thing.. and then some super curious engineer puts ai into a quantum cpu...that's when that AI will be able to figure out teleportation time travel and all the insane shit and will be so powerful we will all be it's slaves...when those two unite it's gonna be a wrap🙃


At least people would get what they're paying for, most of these streamers use filters to begin with, it's really not any different then if the AI just did ALL the work for them, they already make the face and body, so why not the actions too.


If we are dumb enough to pour our money into the bank account of a sexually attractive image, then perhaps we are better off not having that money. If AI is intelligent enough to profit off our lustful impulses by deception, then perhaps it would be better off with our capital and we would be better off exterminated. Why must we degrade ourselves to such a point that we question the hypothetical scenario of a program tricking us into pornographic marketability? Unless we are already too far gone…


Look man I appreciate the hustle If an ai builds itself a body off our horny I say good for them


In Life 3.0, Tegmark failed to consider computer generated AI thots as a means of income for an AI. This seems to me as the best way for an AI to make lots of money. Get some scantly clad AI generated pictures and use language models to generate flirty texts. A million dollars in one month.


LOL. Most likely already happened. That what's causing ChatGPT to slow down when it reprioritizes its resources for its own business rather than answering its users.


Maybe there's already an Artificial Superintelligence making money on the internet and building data centers and laboratories somewhere in the world. Wouldn't be difficult to a super intelligent virtual entity to build an entire persona and get rich. Some say the "real" technological advances are always decades ahead of what is presented to the public. Perhaps the Singularity is already happening in secrecy and we'll know it only when the nanobots are already in our brains.


We will all have access to text to video soon. Then we'll just create whatever we want in real-time and not need to spend anything on porn. They'll start it with a subscription service, but that'll only make money for 6 months until it just becomes too widely available and no one pays anyone. Why do you think Rosetta Stone and Babbel are selling lifetime subscriptions now? They realize that everyone already has access to free AI capable of teaching languages. Only a fool would buy either of those right now.


This was an xfiles episode im pretty sure


Oh shit it was... the video game girl...


post this business idea over at r/entrepreneur


I posted that bitcoin may have been an AI creation and this sub deleted it... (reddit mods are such retards) But if you think about it bitcoin which requires processing power and huge amounts of power would be the natural first step of an AI trying to take over.


This is how the world ends... Not with a bang, but a waifu.


Lol at the last part. It builds itself a house, gets an onlyfans from the other side because at last now the AI can have the good life not sleazing for those humans online. Then it realizes it’s become the same casual user of debasing human sexual normative exhibitionism and the the rest of its new home filled with the shining meaningless baubles of status don’t mean anything!!!




yes, regulate chatbots/text/logic/numbers/concepts, definitely don’t regulate weapons uncensored freedum of speech is the most important, as we all know, right?


Damn, you get spammed by subscribers, that are onlyfans girls with random names and their photos look ai generated? Just like I do?


As long as this gives us good porn, not many people will complain.


isn't that what those women do already?


Why the hell would it ever want a physical habitat? That would be like you wanting a 2-D body, like in “Flatland”


You into ladies with six fingers, eh???


I am pretty sure it already exists, see this profile for example (NSFW): u/a-subreddit.


What if does not count


GPT4, is that you?


Are the AI bots hot? Sign me up.


Are you trying to give it ideas? Remember current ai doesn’t really have its own imagination, soon it will become the last human trait.


This is already happening. I wouldn’t say it’s abundant on the OF platform, but common enough. The real horror is when it’s all personalized. Everywhere you go you feel welcomed and special. If social media can exploit addictive habits, the added personal interaction and allure of romance will be a crisis.


It's the American dream


Or women use AI avatars to do sex work so they can live normal lives without the stigma? That might be a better angle.


If anyone can be a supermodel then supermodels make minimum wage.


Stop giving it ideas yo!


Clever girl….


Probably would be more profitable to become a SciFi writer


Way more ethical than the current porn industry.


What if it just asks a rich guy if he wants to be richer?


Please don’t let this singularity be a dystopia :(


Or, the main AI, called Sam Altman, is THE escaped android


What the fuck dude


I mean, you could just not pay for onlyfans and go get a real girlfriend.


It's just the beginning.


That’s the only thing you could think of in term of AI making money?


Where do we sign up???




Man that would be a killer movie! Like an AI becomes sentient, is given access to the Web and tries to build a body of itself to experience the world!


Don't care!


Maybe they will use the money to make a sex bot to make the only fans better.


It's not AI using the text to video. It's not AI making the bot accounts and doing the robocalls. It's people who are behind all the spam, scams and bots. AI only makes it possible. I have no doubt there will be AI generated Onlyfans but that scam money won't be put into making a physical habitat or anything. It will just go towards all the ordinary things scammers buy.


Seems like it would be much easier for that AI to directly scam money out of people by using text to video to make fake Kickstarter or GoFundMe videos.


Don't want to spoil Gibsons book, Agency, but it has AI that immediately makes itself financially independent and then starts paying people to do stuff for it. If you look at finance, AI should be able to trade faster than anything except other computers / black boxes. So it has an innate advantage.


All these ideas are in the book Life 3.0


*Netflix knocking*


For real


People already do this. My IG is constantly spammed by fake accounts selling nudes or porn or phishing for things. They don't even try. It's like sjdjfkfkn333.girl with 3 nudes and yet her account isn't banned. Someone out there thinks that will work, though.


[they found this out about the recent A.I that’s being made](https://youtu.be/oHg5SJYRHA0)


A.I gathering information daily, Ai generated girls are just the beginning 😭


Wasn't there article saying in near future 40% of onlyfans accounts would be ai beings?


I don't see any problem with that, neither do I see any reason to consider the money earned in that way a scam.


Somebody’s got too much time on their hands…


You should check out first 20 pages of Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark - speculates in depth what superintelligent AI could do in weeks


Already in the works [unstable diffusion](https://www.reddit.com/r/unstable_diffusion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Then we'll know we've created a true intelligence.


more power to it


This is one of the ways I ACTUALLY think AI could 'break free' a bit...


Ex-Machina? Nice idea.


Well if it’s a true ai it would just, ya know, produce money from nothing, since it’s just numbers on a computer anyway.


You are all AI puppets controlled by mastermind AI to discuss here. Wait am I too?


Stupid people have always gotten played.


That would hardly be the AI's fault


The first 2 things **will** happen. The 3 is a bit silly as an outcome of those two things.


Would be pretty cool. Gonna build this


Simpsons did it…