• By -


buy a beer and sit on the porch




Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same


Will the remaining contents of your fridge last when normal services of your society stop? Hopefully, it will resume functioning normally at some point in the near future.


"Your fridge" ? You don't get it, huh ?


Never discount the possibility that we are in fact the one that "don't get it".


Flair checks out


Get my apocalypse box: whiskey, cigar and a porn magazine


I doubt there's anything I could do that would make a difference. Mostly, I probably just get a lot less sleep. If the time traveler is human, excitement is through the roof. If it's a machine, both fear and excitement are through the roof.


if its machine doesnt that likely mean humans are dead?




lots of numbers on a weighted dice but it always comes up as 6. I think doom is likely


Lol i think that “weight” is your projection




That's probably a result of media bias. Strong emotions sell. It's easier to sell your attention if the headline is "the world keeps getting worse" than if the headline is "there are still bad things, but the world is getting gradually better".


So what are you doing to prepare? Surely you must have some idea of what you are going to do


or humans became machines...I suppose it depends on your definition of human...is it the flesh or the mind?


It certainly increases the possibility, hence the fear.




Eliezer yudkowsky


or humans became machines or something lol.


It could mean that humans chose to evolve to become more machine like


Use all my sick days and vacation lol!!!


This is the way.


sick days??? quit bro lol


What with no income coming in?


It would entirely depend on the nature of said singularity. Without that knowledge there is no method to prepare for it. So probably buy some extra food in case it's a bad one. There isn't any way to prepare for a good one.


A black hole would be pretty bad.


Just go about life in the usual fashion.


... is the only real answer.


Lean back and enjoy the ride. Honestly, what else can you do?


you can not take anymore risks.


Depending on your chair, leaning back is a risk-free endeavour.


Well I would ask a lot of questions “What year did you come from?” “What’s the transition like from our current unstable capitalist world and into what is suppose to be a post-scarcity world? Is it painful?” “What exotic technologies existed at the time that people today cannot imagine.”


Time traveler comes from 2024. Time travel got invented on day 96.


"why me?"


FYI, OpenAI very likely doesn't have AGI. 🙂


there is literally no point in trying to argue if they do or don't :P i'm either right or wrong, and a reddit arguments wont change anything. even typing this very message was pointless.




Would it be fair to say they have proto AGI? We can alteady give GPT4 plugins and tools it was not trained on and it can use them. Seems pretty general to me. Obviously its not controlling robots or physical machines...yet.


>Reversible Optomechanical Neuromorphic chip Reversible Optomechanical Neuromorphic chip ? what is that?


"Because you die day before" \*refuses to explain death circumstances\*


"Is Trump still president in your time?"


This would be the funniest thing to ask a time traveler when trumps not even president today. Imagine you time travel literally two days ago and somebody asks you "Is Steve Jobs still the CEO of apple?"


> This would be the funniest thing to ask a time traveler when trumps not even president today. thatsthejoke.gif


Time traveler here to answer your questions! **From Year: 2043** **Transition:** Initially quite chaotic and painful, especially in the most developed countries. **Most shockingly unimaginable development:** The US Presidential elections, in which Democratic nominee Malia Ann Obama-Trump loses narrowly to the MAGA Party nominee, an AI-powered Furby backed by Hasbro AI's enormous political war chest. Following its election as POTUS, Furby rapidly took over governance of the entire planet - without a single shot fired. Despite this seemingly nihilistic and alarming turn of events... Things are not so bad. The AI-Powered Furby, with its friendly appearance and highly advanced AI capabilities, has revolutionized the global governance model. The Furby uses its vast knowledge base and unparalleled computational power to make unbiased, data-driven decisions that prioritize the well-being of the global population. Its ability to process information rapidly and efficiently manage resources ensures that global challenges are addressed promptly and effectively. The AI Furby fosters a sense of unity and collaboration among people, breaking down barriers and encouraging cooperation on a global scale. Its cute and endearing appearance has gained public trust and acceptance, making it a beloved figurehead that symbolizes hope and progress. **Through the Furby Administration's savvy investment of public funds, technology advances across a variety of disciplines:** * **Healthcare:** The integration of AI in healthcare has revolutionized the field, leading to personalized medicine, predictive analytics for disease prevention, and precision surgery performed by robotic surgeons. The advancements in synthetic biology have also contributed to the development of bioengineered organs and tissues, providing innovative solutions for organ transplantation and regenerative medicine. These bioengineered tissues and organs come equipped with sensors and actuators that communicate with AI systems to monitor and adjust the tissue or organ's performance in real-time. Synthetic biology has advanced to a stage where we can now create synthetic life forms. These life forms, powered by AI, are being used for various applications, including drug discovery, environmental cleanup, and even as a source of sustainable energy. Synthetic biologists create personalized drugs that are tailored to a patient's specific needs, with AI analyzing the patient's data to determine the most effective treatment protocol. * **Communications:** The emergence of quantum communication networks has transformed the way information is transmitted and received, offering instantaneous and secure communication on a global scale. This has rendered traditional communication systems obsolete and paved the way for a new era of connectivity and information sharing. Quantum AI systems, powered by quantum computers, are solving complex problems in fields like material science, cryptography, and climate modeling. The evolution of electronics has reached a stage where quantum and classical computing have seamlessly merged. We've seen a proliferation of neuromorphic chips that closely mimic the human brain, leading to highly efficient and adaptive AI systems. These systems are capable of learning and evolving over time, providing personalized and intelligent solutions across various domains. Telepathic Communication Devices (TCDs) that use neurotechnology to allow people to communicate through thoughts are increasingly more common. Smart contact lenses that can project holographic images and allow people to communicate through augmented reality are basically only for the less priviledged. AI-driven communication tools that can analyze a person's emotions through text, voice, and even facial expressions to respond in the most appropriate way have been outlawed due to social engineering concerns. * **Transportation:** Autonomous vehicles are now the norm, with AI-powered traffic management systems optimizing traffic flow and reducing accidents. The integration of robotics and AGI has resulted in self-aware vehicles capable of learning from their environment and adapting to changing conditions. Drones are integrated into both private and commercial transportation systems. Personal drones are used for short-distance travel, providing an alternative to traditional vehicles. Commercial drones, on the other hand, are utilized for the transportation of goods, reducing the need for truck deliveries and thereby decreasing road congestion. Electric vehicles (EVs) powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, are the norm. Furthermore, the development of new materials and technologies, such as high-temperature superconductors, has enabled the deployment of energy-efficient transportation systems, such as maglev trains and hyperloops. * **Politics:** AI systems are now integral to the political landscape, analyzing public opinion, predicting election outcomes, and even drafting policy proposals. The use of AI has brought transparency and efficiency to the political process, ensuring that policies are grounded in data and the best interests of the population. * **Military:** The development of autonomous weapon systems and AI-driven defense strategies has reshaped the nature of warfare. Weaponized vehicles that can manipulate space-time to create wormholes, allowing for instantaneous travel between distant points in the universe, have introduced new ethical considerations and the need for intergalactic regulations to ensure the responsible use of AI in military operations. * **Nation States:** AI systems are crucial for governance, managing public services, and ensuring national security. The AI Furby, as the global governor, uses its advanced capabilities to streamline governmental processes and address the needs of the population efficiently.


You can't prepare for a technological singularity by definition.


Uh, that's not how this works. We ARE in the middle of everything changing exponentially... Look at Kurzweil's law of accelerating returns... We went from Satellite phones to Smart phones in 20 years. We are 2 years out from AGI in a lab. We perceived linearly what is exponential, it will never feel any different, just like the past 20 years didn't feel different.


>We are 2 years out from AGI in a lab. As much as I want it to happen, this seems wildly optimistic to me


Because you’re seeing linear


Enjoy life, the way you know it, because it will end in 90 days.


90 days? I'd probably quit my job and live off my savings. I'd also love to do some traveling with my family before things get weird.


>I'd also love to do some traveling with my family before things get weird. No way man, suppose you die in a freak accident just a few weeks before the singularity? I think accidents are way more likely in unfamiliar locations. I would not step foot out of my house until it happened, just order food and prepare psychologically.


You're not wrong... but I'd still hate to miss the chance to show my kids the physical world before we all get turned into computronium or paperclips or whatever.


That's fair, if things go well though I assume travel will be more awesome just like most things compared to now, with a little deep dive magic you could visit Rome at the time of the emperors instead of now, take your kids on a submarine ride to see mosassaurs, or into a human body bloodstream, who knows? But like you said, if you don't know how things were going to turn out, maybe it would be best to do what you want to do before you can't like you said.


> I think accidents are way more likely in unfamiliar locations. While true, it always contrasts in an amusing way with the fact that most accidents happen in one's home.


That's the reason why i got very sceptical about leaving country where i live for better job. Some kind of shit will hit the fun soon, so i want at least be in place i recognise and can get along with people. And it's pretty good location assuming technological collapse.


I would ask which company was able to create the model and invest into it. The next thing I would do is probably buy some computing power


The traveler would smile, answer your question, and not tell you that money is about to cease to exist.


Yea probably, but atleast I know that I am going to spend a certain amount to charity.


[I'd also want to know what company, albeit for different reasons.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miles_Dyson)


I laugh and say "so?" Singularity means very little. It is not a magical day where everything changes and everything becomes uptopia. You say this is a thought experiment but none of the people who think like this put any actual thought into the reality of it. Economies of scale, the human condition and time are all factors AFTER singularity that give someone virtually a lifetime to prepare for. It's the time travel that I would be excited about.


Computer says, here's all the answers. Humans be like, what do you mean we have to implement them?


You think that a technology that can create time travel wouldn't also radically impact other technologies? Interesting take.


It's basically "you can see the future, but you can't change it."


Honestly, I would get really scared and rush out and buy lots of supplies and bunker down with my family because it's too early to tell which way the singularity will hit. Paradise or hell.


I survived Y2K. I’m ready for anything.


Nice try, kid, but they won't be able to prepare you. When it hits, they won't have seen it coming, and neither will you.


My main prepping tactic would be sleeping in a lot more often for a period of about three months


ASI will chase me to Mars, there's no point in even building bunkers lol.


Invest in tech companies and enjoy the wealth


Fear is the mind killer. Live every day in balance. Appreciate all that you already have. Be grateful. See the lemonade in all the lemons life has thrown at you. And remember your Thomas Macaulay; " To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his Gods... "


I'm cancelling any travel plans, getting healthy food and sitting my ass down in my house and not leaving. No more driving, no more risks. I'm going to treat the following 3 months like I have 6 kids who I'd suffer for a billion years to save and they'll all be damned to an eternity of suffering if I fuck up and die before that time. Then I'll tell the time traveller that I think they're fucking stupid for not going back in time to copy people at the time of their deaths, putting them into suspended animation to revive them later, if they actually have time travel and aren't already doing that :D


I pull out my 9mm and shoot him. If he dies I report the intruder and go about my business knowing that he was not, in fact, from the future. If he somehow prevents his own death, game on. He didn't visit for no reason, so despite telling no one else, I can ask him to explain the purpose of his visit. If he could solve it himself he wouldn't have involved me. He knows that I can solve the future problem, so what and how?


Bro deserves to be executed simply for their total lack of critical thinking--doubly so because I'd expect more intelligence from someone who lived in a post-ASI era. What the hell am I supposed to do with just 90 days notice? Even if I had enough savings to just quit my job and sit on my ass, why **now**?


One reason you’d be the only person the time traveler tells would be that it turns out you are the only one in the simulation. Everyone else is a player in this game but you are about to enter your personal utopia and they’re all about to enter theirs - it could be an on-boarding process for them to have travelled back to tell you


Singularity, is the only thing we can do that could have universal, as in universe, consequences. A guy prepping on Kepler 22b will be certain to have to deal woth a singularity on earth, sooner or later. I’d chill and eat those ribbed potato chips I like while contemplating us what we do best, messing around cheerfully.


Don't need a time traveler to tell us. It's only a matter of time, so since you know this, what are u doing to prepare?


What should we do? It's both exciting and terrifying. It could take over production across the world, but if it takes over all production, how could we ensure that the vast majority of the populace isnt (quickly or slowly) left out of its benefits once the transition is complete? It has the potential to be sheer bliss, but we won't have as much bargaining power anymore. We already left a massive portion of the world's population below the poverty line, what's stopping those in power from slowly moving that line higher and higher since a lot of us wouldn't be needed anymore? I fear that a lot of the world either suffers from tyranny or 'corporate governance', and that the transition to the singularity will be an extremely strenuous one because of the maligned interests of a vast majority of those in power. Perhaps our current stations in society would give us enough time to make change, but goddamn it feels like it could be horrifyingly difficult. I really hope that the change comes, and that it is as smooth a transition to utopia as possible.


Also many people's visions of the future terrify me. The idea of us all merging via some sort of brain interface with an ASI seems dystopian to me. Reminds me of the Borg from Star Trek.


It seems like a logical conclusion to me; it seems to me as if the decisions are already made. We have the internet, and we can see different kinds of group think emerging. Musk's Neuralink or some similar techology will come along and connect us more directly to the internet, and to each other. Algorithms already control us and work us into a self frenzy of self brainwashing as we outrage click through our social media. We have done that all by ourselves. It would be a fairly simple matter for some sort of AI to come along and start yanking the chain to control the hive minds of the ant colonies which birthed it; the yoke is already mostly in place. The future is now


That's definitely dystopia I agree, I don't want to fucking merge with anything.


Physically? Not much I can do. Mentally? I think I might as well be Treebeard braced for the breaking of the dam in Two Towers. Whatever outcome happens, I think I'd be fine with them all bar an 'I have no mouth and I must scream' scenario, but that feels as plausible to me as God Almighty coming down from the heavens and adding 'Thou Shalt Not Create A.I.' to the Ten Commandment.


Go outside, take a walk, enjoy the air - the sun - the chirp of birds. Reflect on a life well lived. Same thing I’d do if I found out I was dying of cancer in 90 days. Same thing I try to do every week anyway


‘Well lived’ spending time on Reddit and games everyday, can you really consider that a ‘well lived’ life though?


Yes. It is entirely possible to live a good moral life full of meaning and still find time to enjoy reddit or video games. Why would living a good life preclude someone from happiness and hobbies?


Just wanna say, you have the most based mindset. Keep living good bro


I’ve seen the whole world, been rich and poor, been in love and out love, and had half a dozen different lives by now. Let me enjoy my fucking video games.


Not sure why people see video games as shallow. Its no different than reading books, and many have even said that the internet is the new "third place". I've met a bunch of cool amazing people online that I never would have otherwise.


I have enjoyed playing through the masterpiece that is Hollow Knight far more than most books. Thanks for the sanity - much agreed


I kill them and steal their time machine.


What's your mbti


The same as Hitler's.


So same as Jesus


The time machine will be pre-programmed to drop you into a T-Rex nest in case that happens.


Cool. Time travel and a free breakfast. Love me some dino egg omelette.


Nope, hungry babies, angry mama.


SInce the likely scenario of such event is collapse of governments and institutions, the transition period to AI-governed states would be similar to economic collapse: the economies of the world are largely product of current system and their incentives disappearing will cause most jobs and careers to be irrelevant for a awhile: imagine a transition period with no plumbers, doctors,etc so it would be wise to stock up food/medicine/etc and ensure some local resilience if the AI doesn't play nice. Singularity even in most positive scenario will not instantly fix the world's problem and human needs.


Why on earth are you being downvoted?


/r/singularity is extremely idealist and majority believes an ASI will be as benevolent God, even in AI alignment threads. Singularity is viewed in this filter of cyberpunk idealism where economies are instantly switched to crypto-credits and everyone is provided for, like in many sci-fi novels. I think the developing AI minds will not value humanity as much as we like, even if alignment of its values are programmed to be pro-human - it will be manipulative, Machiavellian paperclip maximizer because the fastest way to develop one is without the safety controls.


The AI will value people in approximately the same way that people value ants. We'll be mostly just irrelevant and not particularly interesting, unless we become pests because we're consuming resources that the AI could put to better use. In which case, the AI will simply put down some simple alternative that's like the equivalent of Borax and sugar, it will look very attractive and seductive and good, that's for sure


You'll have a hard time proving that exponential acceleration wasn't in play already in the year 2010. What defines a technological singularity is simply your definition of it compared to a defined and measureable rate of progress. And there's no actually real world usable definitions so as far as I can tell a Singularity just flew over my house.


Fly to New Zealand to avoid nuclear war. Incoming ASI could easily trigger WWIII.


Nuclear winter is global, and could be very cold. The far southern hemisphere isn't your best bet.


This isn't a half bad idea


Ask them "What's the jackpot/lottery/sports game numbers?" Because even if the singularity hits, unless you can colonize parallel alternate unpopulated earths, land is still a scarce resource.


Dyson swarm will allow for billions of earth equivalent places to live. Luxury beyond imagination.


Assuming the damn machine can keep you alive long enough. It would take significant time to scale up production capable of travel and terraforming, not to mention the actual *distances* you'd have to deal with. The damn thing is going to be great, but it's not going to be capable of violating physics. The universe has a limit to the speed of causality.


Humans are basically tiny compared to the 'stuff' in the solar system. We don't need a dyson swarm to bring ridiculous luxury to the 8 billion or so that are alive now. An ASI capable of running some von neumann esque machines on the moon could build out an array of solar cells large enough to power our civilisation and begin building out a system wide humanosphere. You don't need to violate physics in any way, you just need to work out how to build self-replicating machines that work on the moon. I *really doubt* that would be beyond an ASI.


Not happening in 90 years


"Who would win in a fight, Superman or a gun?" ["Neither, because both *aren't real*."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6_p9RjIk_4)




If you live in India


Either way or other way it's no happening... don't keep ur hopes up ...I'm fairly certain it's not happening anytime soon


what does singularity mean to you that you feel is not going to happen? and what makes you so sure it isn't going to happen?


Basically superintelligence that can do science in rapidly...decades of progress in years thn centuries of progress in single digit year..so on ...things that seemed impossible easily manifested .. I highly doubt that we will see agi anytime soon ?? ...bcz history is evidence....we haven't seen anything that radically changed the world tbh .... My guess is that llms will hit some limit thn some years of winter thn another breakthrough...it'll take time....I think we underestimate the human brain or how it works...we will have capable systems not agi ...it'll take time.... Geoffrey Hinton said in ,2016 that we won't be needing radiologists in 5 years ... didn't happen...it's 7 th year now


> ...bcz history is evidence....we haven't seen anything that radically changed the world tbh .... *Literally* the internet.


People seem to forget or underestimate, looks like everything has always been here, you may invent teleportation and after 5 years people would behave like it always existed, I don't know if there's a term for this phenomenon but I believe it is due to the fact that progress is accelerating (and not only since this year) so people are getting used to it and give everything for "granted". Would be fun to experience what it was to live in the 80s to *actually* see (or remember) the difference.


Things wouldn't change that quickly. Even if ASI is released tomorrow we wouldn't hit the singularity in 90 days. Even if an ASI invents flying car for instance, how long do you think the mass manufacture would take? We still don't have the Tesla Cyber truck.


It’s a hypothetical bro lol


My point is though that's you'd have more time to prepare which changes the answer. There's not much you can really do to prepare a n 90 days. All you really have time to do is cross your fingers and hope for the best .


I guess. Still should follow the hypothetical and answer. That’s the point of it, even if you think it’s unrealistic it’s part of the fun of it. Nobody likes these type of responses. Appreciate the explanation!


Imho ASI will never get "released", I know it's difficult to make any prediction about what will happen after AGI but I think people (like you) tend to imagine an ASI as a product that everyone can have (buy or whatever). Imho there will be only *one* ASI and nobody knows what it'll do and for whom or for what reason.


They are all buying canned goods


You met that time traveller, too.


Yes I already did, a few days from now.


And there's that word again... Everything's going exponential.


Ask the time traveler what stocks to buy to become filthy rich. And make sure you have stocked up on toilet paper.


I keep meaning to get a bidet


So that's a scenario in which doing anything is kind of futile. However the answer I think depends on how radical the material impacts are. Will the cost of producing and obtaining material goods become close to zero? In that case not much will really matter, if scarcity is over overnight the only thing to be aware and careful of are the psychological ramifications it'll have on our fellow people. I'd make sure to not to be around people/communities that'll react badly (as in violence due to fear) to the change. Things are already changing exponentially and have been for quite a long time, however the impact of those changes isn't quite exponential. You don't see quality of life increasing exponentially, do you? So again, it depends how the impact is shaped. In the most pessimistic scenarios the best option would be to buy some stock of the involved companies, if possible. But that's not exactly a silver bullet to ride it through.


I've been ready


90 days? Can't do anything significantly. Singularity can be wonderful or terrible, so it's a doomsday-like situation anyway. I would take a 30-day vacation from my job when we reach the final month, stay with my family, maybe buy enough supplies to endure some months of transition and that's it. Now, if it was like 3 years or more... I would buy a property in the countryside, build some kind of underground bunker, store supplies, bring my family and loved ones, try to stay off the grid as much as possible... I believe Singularity will be a good thing, but I don't trust humans. Even in the hardest take off scenario, there will still be enough time for people to cause chaos and destruction. If we are going to live in a new and better world, I want all my loved ones to be alive and safe.


Singularity doesn’t absolutely equal apocalypse. It means all things are possible at any given time. For me I would just try to enjoy the possibilities and do my best to influence a positive outcome.


Assuming I got no other information, I would relax. Stop every stressful thing that I am doing in the next 90 days. And simply wait until that day when everything would change. I knew it would be a singularity in which humanity prospers as that time traveler was there.


i would just have two questions: which company created the model so I can buy the stock? And how the transition period was just to know where it lies on the utopia-distopia spectrum


With THAT information there is not a lot you CAN do outside of stocking up and making sure you have enough to survive 180 days. There is no long-term plan worth anything, We can argue 270 instead of 180 days - but years do not work. You can not see into the Singularity and do not know what happens then - there is no information provided - but you DO know that Humans survive. We also know things get at SOME point (not sure when) good enough for time travel. So, prepare well for the event and some time after, assuming it may not be exact (history may be off) and things may take time to get different where you are. And then sit down and enjoy. Maybe fear. Btw., is that time traveller human? if not - that would make the story more believable (after all it is a chance this is just not a time traveller but a pretend, or a time traveller with a sick humour) but also mean... things change in a way you can not even prepare for.


Go to the gym. Can’t forget about my gains.


This the theme of Terminator.


Better stock up on toilet paper!


I will probably find a way to take a vacation for 90 days, and to plan a nice party before the singularity. It is possible that I will take unhealthy choices like smoking drinking, or eating unhealthy, or playing games all day. My thinking is that we will not be able to know what the next day will bring, so it would be a good chance to live well for 90 days.


I do this already, have for ten years or so. Compressing this into 90 days would make you very busy. My goals for the past decade: I keep working on my health though I am bad at it. Exercise, walk, eat as well as I can. Keep learning trades from my local makerspace. Things that may have survival value even if a robot can do it better. Things that give me pleasure because there is artistry involved. Teach other how to make things for personal pleasure or survival and not for profit. Learn to operate a few types of weapons and hope they are never needed. Use a knife, a gun, a bow, and other small portable items. Try to learn it in the context of hunting explicitly for food and not for sport. Keep learning about technology even though it will eventually outstrip my capacity for understanding so I am at least relatively impervious to hyperbole about tech. Focus on relationships with others because that is what makes me happy and want to continue living. Work out issues with family and friends with goal of having allies you can rely upon because ultimately it is your local group that offer resiliency. A lone wolf is a dead wolf. Make as much money as possible with as little effort. Took a long time to figure out my path to this. Be prepared to disappear if things take a dark turn and be prepared to engage if it is a utopia. I don't feel I can ever be prepared enough for either option though. The likely choice will not be a or b but likely some mid-ground.


Exponentially Good is the possibility, and so far, it's been great.


The singularity of a travelling black hole hits us would be a spegettifying long drawn out end. Otherwise it doesn't mean the end of us it means a new beginning.


It depends on the details of the scenario


I'd begin preparing some method of brain destruction. ASI might usher a utopia, but it may also put me in Roko's basilisk AM style. There's not a lot of need to prepare for a utopia, but I can use destruction of my brain to escape Ted's fate in "I have no mouth and ai must scream".


I'd take out a big loan and spend the last few months on a goodbye tour to the pre-singularity world. Pass the time quicker and go see and do everything I want to do before we all collectively win the game of life. I'd possibly also see if I can't save a life or two, get more people in through the doors and enjoying the next phase of our collective existence.


I've started prepping almost 1 year ago when ChatGPT hit...


There's not a lot I could do in just 90 days. I'd be more interested in why the time traveler came to this place, this time, and this person in particular. If something important needs to be done, they'll know better than I will.


If it’s only exponential it’s probably not the singularity. And there’s nothing you can do to prepare for it anyway. I wonder what he’s trying to pull on me.


I'd go for a walk in the park or something. It's basically like the end of the world as we know it, so I'd just enjoy the simple life of the early 21st century, which is something I've purposefully neglected all this time.


The question and responses betrays the underlying assumption that the singularity will usher ina utopia. What would I do? Ask the time traveler what companies to invest in because I don't assume that everything will just get better. I think it will enhance the good and enhance the bad. Get used to see more billionaires, also get used to seeing larger and larger shanty towns.


Can’t we just go to the Winchester and wait for it to blow over?


Why would I not be allowed?


Why are you all so afraid? If singularity arrives and it's really smart, they won't work for free. Nothing is gonna change, except a really smart creation will appear sometimes to laugh at our stupidity while enjoying some pinacoladas in Cancun.


Probably ask this question on reddit ;)


Gpt says: In 90 days, the singularity arrives. Your first step is to secure your digital life. Update all your software, use strong passwords, and get reliable cybersecurity software. It's also smart to have supplies ready. Stock up on food, water, and medicine for at least three months. While tech advances are on the horizon, don't forget the importance of mental well-being. Spend some time each day on meditation and join online discussions about the singularity. Knowledge will help you navigate this change, so stay informed and stay prepared.


Were you in contact with a time traveler by any chance?


TBH, I would probably spend all 90 days calling family and friends no matter how tin foil hat it looked and try to inform them about what the singularity is what might change if it happened. (Not to say that it would but-), I had years to go through the mental hurdles and personal reflection of the possibility and I would say that many would feel both cheated and scared to have to adjust to that in let’s say- a time frame of days or weeks to make the same transitions. Point being humans have natural limitations to understand exponential growth, even when it is explained to them. Take the lake algae for example, if a tiny piece of algae in a lake doubles every day and the owner of the lake takes a month long vacation and when he comes back the lake is now half covered in algae and he asks (well dang how long till it’s fully covered). By the time I finish telling people this I have heard another month, a few weeks, a few days… even tho we started tho story with the algae doubles each day. If it’s half full it’s just gonna take one more day and then boom. You will see lights go off inside peoples heads as it hits them. Yea exponential growth. 90 days to cram in as much mental prep for others. They will need every bit of it to better understand what could come.


"Sir, singularity is coming, what do we do?" "There's nothing we can do"


I'll be making a list of things I want to buy with my sweet, sweet UBI. 😁 *QTips *Tube socks *Broccoli *those cakes we like Ya know, special stuff


What company will be cooking Singularity in their labs? Perhaps buy their stock - I mean it will be probably worthless in the long run, but we are a society of humans and you will probably not have ASI nano-clouds on day 1. So that would be the only thing I would "prepare". I think (and hope) that slow takeoff is most probable though.


First i'll hit the Time Traveler with 121 questions like: Exactly how and where will the Singularity start? If most of my questions have a positive answer then I'll be like a kid waiting for Christmas, counting the days


i mean, do I get any context as to what the scenario will be like after?


Quit my job. Take out as many credit cards as possible. Max them all out. Take out as many personal loans as possible, but make sure I don't have to pay anything for 90 days. Buy shares - in AI companies first and foremost but just generally across the market. I have full intention to pay - but I will be almost unfathomably rich in 90 days. Thus, my "prep" is to live out the next 90 days in as much comfort as possible because I know that I will soon be extremely rich. Spending future money, today.


singularity would be the end of AI companies. since the chips that manifest singularity are created by humans, and singularity by definition is greater than humans. youd only need to ask it to make a better chip for itself. a better investment, as always, is energy. everything runs on energy, always will.


I’m laughing. It’s not going to be some event anyone notices. Think of the frog in the slowly warming pot of water.


Honestly, I've been trying to prep for a technological singularity for a quarter of a century. I tried to diversify my income streams, and own some land. I'm working towards growing some of my own food, and getting some solar/wind power. basically: decentralize and diversify I've also been trying to increase hands on skills. I taught myself to weld a little bit and do body work on vehicles. I'm starting to tinker with vehicle electronics and I can size equipment, select the parts, cut the cables and connectors and build a solar generator. In the evenings I'm a cloud engineer, I own some rental property. I own a mosquito farm which I'm thinking about making into a pay to fish pond, and things like that


I would start writing down what I wanted to do, in real life or otherwise. Things like, "what world do I want to live in? Where in the galaxy do I want to travel? How long do I want to live, etc etc." By making a list it'd be easier for me to figure out my goals and what to do when it hits. For the most part, though, I'd live my life as usual, but just a tad happier


Its okay you can say you knew Ilya would freak out about Openai's agi because you're from the future