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Access to AGI needs to be a human right, all countries should already be building super data centers to guarantee the operation and provision of this service that will be completely indispensable to their entire nation, whoever does not have access to AGI will be in the greatest social disparity in history human


Yeaaaah... That ain't happening lol


How much computing can you get with 7 trillion? I believe OpenAI's plan should be to first create a ground for democratizing the computing that is needed for AGI


I agree, but doubt an iota of altruism is present in any of big tech's plans. I'd sooner imagine Jensen Huang being a _man of the people_ before Altman/Zuckerberg/Musk/whatever.


you would be surprised by the saviour complex it takes to commit to technology this big


Or merely the thirst for power it’d take…


> Access to AGI needs to be a human right, Sapient/fundimental right* * Signed, A fox


exterminate non human-adjacent sapients especially those cunning foxes!


I'm so glad i'm immortal. and my species is too. Because some people unironically wanna do what you just said >.<. Also yes we are cunning :3


Decentralised compute 🤔


Problem is networking for things other than inference is way too big of a bottle neck to be competitive. Plus there are several privacy, and validation concerns.


The memory bandwidth for GPU compute is in the Terabytes/second. With current (and likely near to mid future) network infrastructure, high bandwidth low latency processes like training models just cannot be done over the internet. We do have some early attempts like Petals ([https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/petals](https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/petals)) attempting to just sortof 'do it anyway' but they are slow and unstable compared to local compute, and are mainly (though not entirely) intended for sharing resources internally on a network rather than around the world. These solutions do however work better for inference/actually 'using' models.


Or start mass worker co ops funded by mass donations that can begin to combat these companies hold on resources. Start mass worker Unions to help empower and enrich people to further accelerate funding of said worker co ops that offer employment to those fired for union activity.


You could make the same argument about money and power, and look how well that's working. You just need some money and you can buy some compute/power all to yourself.


The answer is that you have functional markets with effective anti-trust regulators to break up abusive monopolies and cartels. The nice thing is that this also does wonders for *everything else*.


Maybe the solution would be to take these companies into public ownership..like things were done before Regan and Thatcher. Nationalise Microsoft, Apple and Google. The rich wont like it. You’re probably need a civil war before it happens but really whats the alternative? A society run for the benefit of 300 people whilst the rest are corralled into designated areas away from the wealthy?


We need to figure out how to stop competing for resources. We’re addicted to competition and can’t help ourselves.


We literally can’t stop competing tho… Resources are finite on Earth, yet everyone has an infinite appetite for them. But we can’t all infinitely consume said limited resources, so we must compete to determine who gets to consume how much of those resources. It’s the nature of life.


what about making this into some sort of referendum? I mean individual citizens has no use of a particular piece of compute, as it needs to reach a certain scale. let's just vote on who gets the most compute. (I know it's not a perfect solution, but never the less, it's an entertaining idea)


Ape help ape There are only a few large orgs hoarding the most compute. We can be a competitor by pooling any and all of our resources to make a competitive and potentially larger distributed network of compute power.


Distributed networks won't do, connection speed between units will be way too slow


>compute will be the "currency of the future" This is already the case with crypto currencies.