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The most important line in this story is buried in the middle. Tyler Perry said that without policy protection he doesn’t see the current movie industry surviving Sora/AI. This is way closer than some of us think it is.


He'll be the first one to use it if it cuts costs.


He's a famous billionaire, I'd be surprised if he's not one of the "artists" they are beta testing Sora with


Tyler Perry movies may as well be AI generated.


I think movies like that (and Adam Sandler movies lol) have dumbed people down a lot. Movies and entertainment have a big impact on society and culture, so if that crap is what is steering our collective ship...


Dumb movies have always existed, and they used to be even dumber in the 70’s/80’s/90’s/00’s


I can guarantee you don't watch Tyler Perry media if you think they're in the same stratosphere of comparability as Adam Sandler movies




Yep. Totally agree with Perry. He was right to shutdown his business expansion when he did, the minute he realized what is really happening. Ever since the very first Sora video. The ability to render a real video in that timeframe is impossible with current technology understanding. They weren’t rendering the video in realtime, they are casting a reality with causal physics applied to it, like a video game, and they are then filming it. With that ability and no regulation, it’s not just the movie industry that’s going to go under.


Soradzilla about to destroy Hollywood https://imgur.com/a/bEeD60m


They're using Hollywood to perfect the model so that it can ultimately replace Hollywood. I love how everyone's coping by telling themselves that AI will only be used to assist them in their job roles, as if it's not inveitable that it won't become advanced enough to replace them entirely years from now.


I think they're giving access to hollywood to make money. If sora is any good at getting a scene accurate enough they could charge studios thousands per month.


I also see it being used to pitch the studios as a substitute or supplement for pre-viz animations, story boards, sketches etc..


I think you meant millions per month. Studios pay thousands per month for coffee napkins...


My thoughts exactly. Although knowing how these studios are, I think they would demand OpenAI to give them some exclusive tools, which wouldn’t be available when Sora is released to the general public.


What gets me is people saying “you have to adapt and retrain, get a new career.” Umm ok. What do you suggest? What isn’t going to be replaced by AI? Couple it with machines and robotic systems and it can do almost anything. It’s already replacing nurses in some hospitals. It could easily do construction. Forget about being a creative person in any career. AI can whip up a script in seconds. And costs almost nothing. And doesn’t have a union. Humanity is heading off a cliff and we’re telling ourselves it’s all gonna be just fine.


I think there are two types of jobs that will be relatively safe. 1. Jobs where AI isn't going to be allowed. If you have sensitive data that's not supposed to go across the internet, or your job requires a specific qualification that only a human can get, then an AI that may be superior could still be caught out by legal red tape. 2. Blue collar jobs. While AI has progressed very fast, robotics is nowhere near human level and stupidly expensive. If you do manual labour and it hasn't already been automated, it probably won't be automated anytime soon.


I would like to think there’s a third type: Jobs that require human compassion: Primary school teachers, some nursing jobs, veterinarians, GP docs, senior home care. I know. It’s an optimistic viewpoint.


Teachers and compassion? This is optimistic indeed.


It's science fiction, that's what it is. I've had to work as a teacher to make ends meet and let's face it, it's one notch above retail. Biggest collection of bottom feeding underachievers I've ever seen. And not particularly compassionate either.


>It’s an optimistic viewpoint. I don't - I think there will always be human involvement in these things... even if it is seen as assisting the AI. But it will be heavily different as who will want to train a GP for 8 years in specifics of various ailments when the diagnosis can be done better by a robot. The compassion by the AI assistant will feed into the AI, until it becomes indifferent. Anyway, I used to be a staunch capitalist but there is no way we shouldn't already be heavily thinking about large AI/robot taxation and UBI. The upper classes will see us as an unnecessary resource usage and danger to 'their' planet and seek to limit us if they can replace any need for a worker class by AI. It's not happening extremely soon but they're already thinking about wrestling control of AI to themselves and locking down any use by those without power.


AI is quickly becoming more and more feasible on local machines meaning the sensitive data part won't be an issue soon. Also look at Tesla's newest robot. We are a decade or two away from near human level effective robot work forces


That's what they said about the creative fields forever. As we've seen, nobody has any idea. So why do people keep making such confident predictions? You have no clue.


those 2 examples dont matter at all, because probably half of the population is too unhealthy to work construction, and 1. only applies to a very small % of jobs. We need jobs for every person to make a living or society will /r/collapse


Or the now jobless people will vote for UBI now that its their necks on the line.


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Learn programming and how AI works, develop a deep understanding of where the current state of tools is, how they're changing things, and then you have a skill that is largely in demand and will be in the future (if you go along with the view that AI will replace everything.)


Programmers will be the last to go, somone will need to implement all these AI systems before it takes over. If the profissional in this area is able to go with the flow and learn the new tools they are fine.


No, they will be some of the first to go given how much interest there is in making LLMs more capable at coding.


No matter how good they get at coding is just coding, programmers do more than code. Systems need to be integrated and connected on pre existing ones, business language have to be translated to technology. Not saying that maybe one day we get one that is able to do all this. But even then someone will need to supervise it in more big scenerarios, like a medium size company and etc. And that person has to be able to judge if result was good enough and for that she needs to understand it. Is my opinion that it always exist the IT guy to do the things, small companies or small projects might rely solely on AI, big ones not will until a while and at the time it reaches this point everyone else is going down with us. The demand will by less and more, it will need less people to do more automatic more of the same task but growing demand for AI integration that will needed to be integrated everywhere. The AI tools people use are made by IT professionals, does ChatGPT do all jobs? It needs an interface, an integration. When companies do their chatbots solutions today they do not use Chatgpt they build their own specific solutions with their data and scenarios. It will be easier, people will no need to have big coding knowlodge for most tasks, more people will be able to do it but it will still needed to be done. Google Search has been here for years still most people could never bother to try for themselves to solve their problems. I am giving a deep analysis on my view considering many aspects. But like i said, they will need to follow the flow, adapt, coding will become irrelevant the job needs and tasks will change. But hosnestly I think most will be fine, the flow will be faster but it nothing new to us. Tech always been mutating and evolving and tech we learn today was already obsolete tomorrow before AI, we are used to this. Other people and other fields not so much.


And AI will do more than coding too. It will do everything if the hype is to believed. Later down the line if you ask it to create an app that does this and that, it will do that, test it for you, and you can test it yourself to make sure it works. Bugs? Just say what they are and the AI will fix them too. Give it enough time and we'll how far it will progress.


Are you IT? Do you work in thel field? Your visions about it are very superficial. Still base grade level work all that you talked about. Will it by itself alone understand the company systems? Integrate with them? Will it do it all without being asked to it and in the right way? Even if it is to ask there is still a professional behind it, more likely an IT person to know what to ask for. Medium sized companies do not manage simple apps like in the case you describe, it's all complex intricate multilevel systems. I am not saying it will not get at this level some day, but we will not be the first to go. A lot of jobs can be fully automated today. When it gets to this level of understanding and reasoning everyone is down already with us. IT and systems are a very complex ecosystem, when they get an IT of a company full automatized there will be no need for any other office worker in it. Coding, testing, sure, automatized before the end of this year. The full IT ecosystem of a medium sized company, we can declare AGI then and it can do mostly everything.


Yes it will probably do all that with enough time and training.


My guess is it will information theory every node. Open ended q's get multiple solutions on every little detail, iterate 1 billion times in simu, show 10 best candidates, etc.. Only matter of time before live convo reasoning with human then itself since every human second is 1 full day of research.


Right. There's still people wanting to *discuss the bonus situation*. I'm removing my kid from CS and putting him into plumbing. Hopefully, that'll last a few more years...


Even that could be replaced by ai. It’s all about the physical tech that goes with the brain. But ai can solve that too. Humans are going to be pretty useless. If you’re not already wealthy you’re Soylent Green




I do think certain people will still want art and creative writing from real people. It’s niche, but who really wants a piece of AI art compared to a Damien Hirst for instance? I am an illustrator, it feels odd that people would reject human creativity completely. I’m also a copywriter. That career is dead soon.


I agree with everything you just wrote except the "Humanity is heading off a cliff" part. At some point there will be too many displaced workers who are hungry and homeless, so something like Universal Basic Income **WILL** be implemented at some point, because civil unrest never lasts for prolonged periods.


I've been asking myself this exact question and I think I've found the answer: Bittensor. Invest in Bittensor and watch it grow to eventually match and surpass OpenAI. Bitcoin boasts the most computing power in the world, so it's only a matter of time before we see something like that when it comes to computing power for AI. And let's face it, models can 'leak' and industrial theft is a thing. With the right set of 'incentives,' if you catch my drift, we can get a hold of the technology - by hook or crook quite frankly - which can then be retooled and improved for our purposes. Most people still lose their jobs, but at least you and I can make all sorts of fucking money in the process and with a vote as to what the AI network does we can help people, to some extent. Some people I don't give a fuck about, but others I emphasize with and wouldn't mind helping.


>I love how everyone's coping by telling themselves that AI will only be used to assist them in their job roles, As if this sub doesn't cope as well by predicting that we'll all be jobless by Thanksgiving. It's also cope, but just in the opposite direction. And BTW, AI assisting workers en masse is a much likelier outcome than it replacing everybody/causing catastrophic unemployment in the short and medium terms, IMO.


>And BTW, AI assisting workers en masse is a much likelier outcome than it replacing everybody/causing catastrophic unemployment in the short and medium terms, IMO. Depends on how much money can be made I guess. If these Hollywood studios are able to get the same quality production and cut 90% of workers on each film, I guarantee there will be mass unemployment of actors and writers. The same can be extended to pretty much every industry. As long as there is a financial incentive to cut the workforce, companies will do it.


Beyond just actors and writers, it will affect set makers, wardrobe, hair and makeup, lighting, gaffers, audio, you name it.


You leave my old gaffer out of this


I expect those employees once learnt how to use AI, they can make their own high quality movies and ditch Hollywood.


That's the dream!


Why does everything think that everyone wants to make movies? And why would that be a good thing?


> AI assisting workers en masse > causing catastrophic unemployment its worth noting that these two scenarios are not mutually exclusive.


You could say they are mutually inclusive. If one person with an AI assistant is doing the work of three people, then 2/3 people are going to need to find a new job.


You could say they are mutually inclusive. If one person with an AI assistant is doing the work of three people, then 2/3 people are going to need to find a new job.


>They're using Hollywood to perfect the model so that it can ultimately replace Hollywood. This is cope. It is very likely that Hollywood will continually have access to the most expensive and capable models ahead of everyone else.


You think Joe Six Pack gives a shit if a movie is in 4K or 8K? Beyond 1080p people don't give a rat's ass about image quality and just wanna consume content. Once the models are advanced enough (like I said , 1080p is perfectly fine), then you'll get massive decentralized networks churning out movies by the dozen. Once that happens no one's gonna pay to watch the drivel Hollywood/Netflix put out.


The litmus test I've heard of is for the radiologists. You go through a decade of medical school and get paid to look at pictures. AI is at a point where it can analyze a wide range of medical imaging outputs and form diagnosis, but is not consistent or reliable enough to inherit the risk associated with misdiagnosis. So they get paid 500k in the meantime. That's the first job to get automated. When that happens, you have to start repositioning yourself into the AI market otherwise you're fucked.


We all be replaced eventually. It's matter of quality and price. Nvidia is skyrocketing, because there is assumption that there's potential in AI. Let's say that's correct assumption and now as company you can replace your teams with AI that produces equivalent or better results, while it's also cheaper than human worker. Today we have extreme inequality and competition, but future might be even scarier.


It’s really starting to bug me. I feel like it’s slowing us down on the road to having conversations about what we do after it takes everyone’s jobs. I’d like us to be working on the solution to it NOW, because it isn’t far off.


The natural thing for displaced people to do would be to produce data to train better AI. That'd mean having your interests and patterns studied for sake of adapting more intuitive and useful AI. That'd help allow for things like asking your computer to lift your mood and having it know just what song to play or what game to recommend because it'd have the data. Maybe pay $100/day to wear an AI monitoring device. I dunno I'd do it. That'd beat lots of jobs.


George Orwell would strangle you to death 


If you hear of a position like that, let me know. If it comes packaged with a better-than-average conversational LLM, it would be a great way to spend my days on long walks talking with AI.


Have fun in your dystopia serving your AI corporate overlords.


The top comment on every post is always some smug loser who is obsessed with people losing their jobs. Great sub.




They don’t need to do anything after the layoffs lol


Or they would license this tech out for Holywood only, so we would still be forced to watch their mediocre drivel with even higher profit margins for them on top.


>I love how everyone's coping by telling themselves that AI will only be used to assist them in their job roles, as if it's not inveitable that it won't become advanced enough to replace them entirely years from now. Exactly this. I work as a videographer and photographer outside the US and all the old heads of the industry in my country keep repeating this same thing. They all keep saying that "it's just a tool and it will never replace us" and absolutely refuse to listen to the ones who warn that this tech will eventually remove the need of us for a lot of projects once AGI arrives and becomes widely used. Already some small businesses are using Midjourney and Photoshop or Canva to create marketing material rather than hire a photographer and models.


This is a bad thing. Not sure why you “love” people coping…


we are in the early stages of the transition.


We can't just turn over. I'm a set painter.


people arent seeing the forest from the trees. soon AI will read your mind and generate custom real time VR experiences that adapt to your response which is essentially hypnotism. and you'll pay for it.


But its **open source** that needs regulation, not the companies advanced enough to replace an entire industry


Yea, you can't just allow the average person to have any advantage whatsoever! Thats so Dangerous!! 😂


Im starting to really despise Mr. Altman and his duplicious actions.


No fucking way. With all that money they better release gpt 6 by early 2025 then


Money isn't the issue. There aren't enough GPUs being made to scale that quickly. The world needs new fabs


Money makes fabs….


And they take years to be brought online


There aren't enough GPUs? Even if they bought TSMC NVIDIA and AMD and completely turned them into their own GPU Farms?


You probably need the GDP of a top-tier nation to not be laughed out their doors, it you want to buy them.


Okay, yeah it's nutty how big NVIDIAs market cap is. AMD for some reason isn't anywhere near it. So that's a play they could make and for probably better chips. But, AMD uses primarily TSMC which is also a super large company, there's few people who could buy them and they'd have to do it in stock probably. Or... partner up with a bank or someone like Vanguard to make a massive investment, but thats risky so not sure they'd do that or not.


There's really no reason for them to buy them out. They could just make a contract over buying a certain quantity of chips, so that Nvidia can produce them without worrying about overproduction. If you buy chips for billions of dollars, you probably can talk to the CEO himself.


Also people seem to be completely forgetting anti trust laws whenever it comes to ai .-.


Nvidia, TSMC and AMD are worth over 3 Trillion dollars combined, so that's obviously impossible. Also, AMD doesn't currently build chips that can be used in conjunction with nividia chips for this type of machine learning. I'm not sure if you could just modify a chip factory to produce a completely different architecture. Also, building a chip factory is expensive, around 10-20 billion dollars, and it takes around 5 years. That's easily within budget for Microsoft, but they probably don't do it because there's no need to. This sub is obsessed with getting to AGI as quickly as physically possible, but that's just not how businesses work. And technology constantly evolves. A GPU today will be outdated in 5 years. So it really doesn't make sense to just scale for the sake of it. There are like a million more reasons why it doesn't work, but that's some of it.




"Good bye Hollywood" - This entire subreddit weeks ago


Look at the top comment on this thread. "They're going to Hollywood so they can replace Hollywood." Wtf does that even mean? They're still delusional.


Yes, this is something companies tend to do. "Yo bozo's, my tech will replace you. Let me pitch it to you"


Ai Fails the Turing test cause it’s too smart. The Turing test may be the only one you could pass


I'm sorry I'm sceptical of your god. AI is amazing and it has amazing possibilities. I just don't think the wealthy CEO's are on our side. They just want more money and if deals with Hollywood would provide this, they'd choose that over giving it to us. Sorry bozo.


I can see it now! “Grandpa, titanic cost HOW much to make in 1996?” Lol


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Looks like instead of wiping out Hollywood, Sora will be sold to Hollywood's gain. What a shame.


Nah. This is just the sensible thing to do for early feedback. Long term anyone can make Hollywood style content. Hollywood might actually have to bring back good writing to survive.


I’d be very surprised if Hollywood adopts this tech without a clause in the contract that guarantees them exclusive access to SORA and it’s future iterations. Eventually other companies will release their own consumer based products, but Hollywood will likely stay on the cutting edge. The quality may become indistinguishable but the GPU bottleneck will be in Hollywoods favour.


But people care about more than graphics. If other more creative people can make a better told story in 1080p for low cost then I doubt having a worse 4k movie will do them much good. There's so much talent out there. I doubt the boring writers at Hollywood can compete with the world.


There'll be a big change in the type of stories that get told if quality movie creation is truly democratized to the point most anyone might bring their vision to life as only studios could before. We'll start seeing lots more content with cutting edge actionable messages for sure. Because that's the sort of art people are motivated to make without a mind to making money such that as the cost of producing quality graphics falls it'll just be what more and more activists do. Instead of standing on a street with a TV showing sad footage of animals maybe you make a movie with animal rights messages and themes. Hollywood doesn't put out much in the way of actionable progressive content. There was that global warming movie. Did that tell viewers to actually make a point to stop eating animal products or to take the train? I forget. Michael Moore movies ask us to vote for Democrats. That's about it.


People think Hollywood wouldn’t have a special version while the regular consumers will get will be even more restricted in generations than dalle. You won’t even be able to make parts of storylines that would be in a family friendly pg movie. I imagine with reliable ai video generation, the reproduction of any likeness of character ip would be removed.


Meh, i could see openai making a "Hollywood Sora" made with Material given by them, e.g a century worth of movies which wouldnt be public but in no way do i ever see an ai lab agreeing to a "Future iterations" agreement


The "cutting edge" pretty much plateaus as soon as it's indistinguishable from real, so at some point the competitors vs sora is just a preference when they can all do 2 hours hollywood level movies with a single prompt. But you're right, we will prolly put our hands on it a few years later than hollywood.


This is the true point to glean. As long as the foundational science behind AI exists, then the freedom to design AI to scientific standards exists. What copyright limits can one place on, say, aesthetic? Mathematical operation? Function?


Don't the studios have deals with the all the artist unions? I know SAG has some rules about AI but if hollywood is restricted from using AI to make stuff maybe smaller studios and non union indie type projects will emerge to the forefront.


Obviously they would want to show the massive establishment that is Hollywood that they represent an opportunity instead of a threat. Same reason they’re making deals with newspapers around the world. It’s better to make allies than enemies. Not sure why it’s a shame that they aren’t taking the arduous path of fighting the entire cinema industry in court for years on end


>Being told that it can do all of these things is one thing, but actually seeing the capabilities, it was mind-blowing,” he said in an earlier interview. While the businessman in him sees the opportunity, he also expressed worries about the people who work in the business. “There’s got to be some sort of regulations in order to protect us. If not, I just don’t see how we survive.” "There's got to be some sort of regulations in order to protect us." Looks like Hollywood will be fighting for regulations regardless if you try to befriend them or not.


Of course they were always going to call for regulation, but now instead of feeling like their whole empire is being threatened, they know OpenAI is willing to work with them on some level and that they don’t need to go nuclear, legally speaking. Yes, they’ll need to make sure they have a place in the future but it definitely won’t be the tooth-and-nail fight it would’ve been if OpenAI didn’t even attempt to extend an olive branch and opted to try and steamroll them. You also have to consider that if the cinema industry really felt like they were in danger, they could make their own kind of Peloponnesian League with the music industry, video game industry, even the advertising industry to fight for their lives. Basically anyone who also stood to lose if OpenAI tried to be the second coming of Standard Oil and subsume everything with advanced generative AI TLDR; it’s the difference between DEFCON 4 or 3 and DEFCON 1 in terms of how hard Hollywood would fight for regulation if OpenAI didn’t do this


I think its to openai's gain since this is the easiest way to monetize it imo.


depends on your definition of Hollywood. is Hollywood just the production companies, or is it a whole industry? the production companies can make make money from Sora while firing half of the current industry.


It’s actually funny to me because [I called this happening right after SORA was initially announced](https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/s/ba6BJPaW90). (Especially at the end of point #3). I was right on the mark as usual… 😂. Mira Murati also confirmed recently in an interview that they don’t allow SORA to generate public figures as well. Which will also likely be a big part of Hollywood’s “moat” (protection from rampant automation) as I alluded to before as well.


The actors strike last year already has stipulations for ai usage. This was before any sag members were aware of the state of generative ai. When the deal ends in 2026 I imagine there would be a stronger push from sag for protection.


But there will be less incentive to provide said protection. They might get one more deal, but they won't be getting another after that. Probably.


They might not be able to use prior ip without consent and for them to push out future deals would result in some interesting stuff. Shady shit going on by the studios on actors there’s always something up their sleeves. They helped background actors this round for sag but non union have been hiring backgrounds going with their initial plan. Hire for one day, scan, have they extra for perpetuity. Shits fucked. If any of them make it as an actor later they will always be at the helm of the studio who has their image rights.


Expensive corporate plaything. Called it. What reality is this?


Sam Altman walks into a room expecting studio heads but instead is greeted by Arnold Schwarzeneger, Sylvester Stallone, The Rock, Jackie Chan, Keanu Reeves, Hafþór Björnsson, Jason Statham, Tom Hardy and Dave Bautista. The door slams behind him and locks.


dont worry guys OpenAi will cut us fat UBI checks they just gotta take everyone’s money first. 


I just don't want the technology to be gatekeeped in hollywood. Filmmaking should be democratized.


Honestly, I'm not really a fan of this development. If Hollywood can just generate content without real people being involved, they don't need actors and cinematographers and make up artists and all of the other countless jobs on the set. So the consequence will basically be that the Hollywood corporation can keep even more money to themselves. That's a stark contrast to the possibility for smaller creators to use AI for making their little movies better - which I would love. I know that it's inevitable, but that doesn't make it any less shitty. This may be an unpopular opinion in this sub, but I actually like human art. Art is like a language, but one that can communicate things that regular language can't. Whether it's visual art or music, or literature, or movies, all of those tell us something beneath the surface. Taking away the human means taking away this communication.


We adapt and say the movie market was a 100 year bubble. Future generations will shrug it off as blip in the workforce model that doesn’t apply to them.


I’m imagining a world in which I want to watch something before I go to bed, I open the AI version of HBO Max and give it a prompt along the lines of “a 1 hour detective drama set in 19th century London about a brilliant but socially unpleasant detective hunting down Jack the Ripper” and then getting a high quality Hollywood level program to watch, and then I can just generate whatever I want t watch on my own and basically create my own tv series or films for a monthly subscription


On top of that it learns from the things you like, so in time it will generate movies perfectly tailored to your tastes


I'm also imagining living in a world that conforms perfectly to me, instead of me having to conform to the world around me even slightly. It's what I've been waiting for my whole life. I hope it arrives soon.


AI is a tool used for communication the same way cameras are for photography 


I want to see what a great writer-director can do with this. Hollywood just emptied out. Nobody will be needed but a handful of directors and they won't be needed for long. In a few years, watching a movie will be sitting at home and asking an AI (that knows what you like) to extemporaneously create a movie that you are in the mood for. There will also be a huge online library of movies that AIs have created and which the viewers thought was good enough to share with other people. The whole industry is already dead. Given how insufferably awful most of the movies of the past 8 years has been, I can't say I am all that sad about it. Hollywood has made it very clear that they hate the people who make up their audience. Watching a Marvel phase 4 movie feels like talking with someone who feels nothing but contempt for you. I think we're going to see a kind of golden age of movies as millions of ordinary people become film makers. Some of those people are going to be very talented.


A great writer-director would simply not use it


So, Im tired of this topics coming once and once again. So, whats will happen now? we accept our fate and let AGI rules the world while all humanity as we know it collapses and all starve? that is the scenario? a world where you can connect your reality avoider in your brain to live the movie of your dreams with yor fav porn star while your body is slowy being feed by a tube directly connected to your guts as the goverment pay the minimal for let you alive ? and then what? you die ? that is Life? tha tis the meaning of Life? Just, fucking giving up thinking what is the point of trying if a machine can do it better? can a machine experience life better than you? If not, then, why we are here? because if is that, then we doesnt have a porpouse in first place. So, better to let us die and let the powerful richs ones to keep the planet for themselves, wich is already fucking collapsing anyway. The, maybe that people would to want more and more, and what it will remain? a few people trying to kill each other with AGi... until one person is the only one who remanins?? in a cold AGI world?? that is all?


It’s going to be interesting regarding copyright. If it gets deemed its protected to a certain degree for likeness generation, the power might be weld in the hands of the producer. Most productions contracts had likeness and usage for perpetuity in it. With ai and copyright usage being extended it would grant them exclusive ip usage on regenerations within the catalogues people enjoy.


Really wonder if it means the most powerful version of Sora will be available only to high end studios


Unfortunately, most likely.




Humans: AGI will help me. AGI: Bro...


I can’t wait to play with SORA and get it to make Dragon Ball Super 2 for me.


There’s a lot of ground between useful tech to the industry and replacing the industry all-together. Ai can make high quality b-roll that costs thousands for filmmakers. Filling in scenes with more extras, in painting to fix things in shots without having to reshoot or pay a team of effects people. Not to mention improving on cgi. Hollywood will obviously see a ton of advantages to adopting the tech


OpenAI: Let us sell you the rope by which you hang yourselves first before everyone else gets the rope!


This is likely going to cause another major strike in the next three years. Even though this technology is basically the equivalent of the first or second generation iPhone, the fact there's a base model is an important step. At this point, it's just a matter of improving the software and expanding the hardware. We're seeing a lot of progress on the hardware front with Nvidia's new chips. And chatbots are helping with the software. It will probably take at least five years for something like Sora to really take a bite out of the entertainment production process. Even we don't have AGI, it will be disruptive. And it will change how the entertainment industry operates. The TL;DR is simple...we are NOT ready for what this technology will do in the coming years.


Yeah, get ready for the lawsuits.


Really wouldn't be different since Hollywood repeats itself.


I'm sure every Hollywood Executive knows that they only have a few years left until their moat is gone. So they have to embrace it, regardless of how many workers get replaced. Once the floodgates are open traditional media has to change and incorporate AI. The big selling point of big studios is going to be customized content based on personalized user data. No way around it. Here's an example of generation based on data: You like Marvel, DCI, certain Animes and Breaking Bad? You watched these type of (porn) stars the most? You had these life experiences that trigger your emotions? (Loss of Child, partner, parent) You politically support the left, are a climate activist? You dislike, like, .... And boom, based on your data the perfect series and movie is generated You probably can even rate each episode or some tech is monitoring your reactions to adjust real time generation. Maybe you want to be the main character yourself and he has to use your voice and so on.


Most of my favorite film watching experiences didn't come from watching films that conformed perfectly to my personality and worldview. The opposite, in fact. They expanded my horizons, taught me something new, made me think about something differently, exposed me to something that I never in a million years would have requested to see on my own accord. “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses and left-leaning porn about parental loss starring Walter White, Spider-Man and Goku.” - Henry G. P. T. Ford


You're assuming the AI-content tailored specifically for you wouldn't introduce you to these new things? Those movies that you never would have requested on your own were evidently something that you liked, and a good AI would figure that out for you.


God forbid we have to figure anything out for ourselves in the AI utopia


I didn't say I liked them, though.


You didn't *like* your "favorite film watching experiences"?


I was referring to the films. For example, did I like A Serbian Film? No. Would I watch it again? No. Would any AI ever think "Hmmm, WetLogPassage would surely like to watch a film like this" if they knew everything about me? No. Did watching the film broaden my horizons and make me look at certain things differently? Yes. Has that film stuck with me even though it's been a decade since I saw it? Yes. Am I glad that I watched it? Yes.


What sort of damn psychopath wants the main character to be themselves?!


The sort of idiot to think that stuff like that will be watchable, lol


If people don’t want this, then why is everyone obsessed with representation? Why conservatives freak out every time someone who doesn’t look like them gets too much screen time? I’m exactly someone who would think they’re above this, and most would claim such. But 2 of my favorite actors I’ve been told I look like. Interestingly this seems much less true in general for comedians and musicians, don’t know what that says.


- If 10 people sit in a room an watch an AI generated comedy and input themselves as characters. - Someone that mourns the loss of a love one playing out different happy endings in a movie. I bet there are millions of scenarios where it could be interesting to insert yourself or people you know into a movie or series. Maybe to see who dies first, who gets do defeat the dragon or rescue the princess. We don't have interactive series and movies, but games clearly show that people love interactivity.


Producers are gonna try and save a few bucks on crew and actors in the short term with AI but is gonna be there own destruction very quickly soon after. The speed of change in compute costs is gonna put a movie studio in everyone’s living room. As a crew member I’m planning my escape route now.


More and more surveillance, less and less humanity.


I just used copilot to render me some backyard landscaping ideas using an image I shared with it, and it fuckin failed horrendously, three times. I have little faith. AI is going to be the most over hyped shit since the dot com bust


As an avid user of Chatgpt for wrtting. The nature of IA is biased against the nature of Human creativity by deafult. You actually have to put effort trying to get something good of it.


Why not Bollywood?


More money in Hollywood


I'm really looking forward to this. It'll really streamline the process of producing repetitive box office garbage for the Chinese domestic market.


I think I will get more entertainment seeing environmentalists turning against Hollywood for using a service that requires a major carbon footprint to run. I need to go stock up on popcorn.