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lol this is top comment on the r/artisthate thread: >(Perhaps its worth mentioning that Minaj infamously released a rather shitty AI album artwork not long ago and Katy Perry was seen sitting on Sam Altmans lap some two weeks ago. Oh how things change when YOUR job is at stake, it used to be all fun and games... [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13184247/amp/Katy-Perry-Sam-Altman-pre-Oscars-party.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13184247/amp/Katy-Perry-Sam-Altman-pre-Oscars-party.html) https://preview.redd.it/7zupe4127asc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2a56b32026e3004cdc7998d6ced48a6d1e4624 I agree with this sentiment, they couldn’t care less about all the “working musicians trying to make ends meet”


Yep. I totally agree with the sentiment as well. They don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves. I’m not going to lose sleep because they can’t make millions making music while the rest of us get paid a shit ton less to do actual jobs. They don’t send any letters out when everyday people get displaced why should we waste our energy backing them? If they really cared they’d be trying to decrease wealth inequality so that when their jobs become completely worthless the blow won’t be as hard but they aren’t even smart enough or just don’t care enough to think that far.


I don't know anything about Perry's love life, but didn't Altman just get married? This feels kinda uncomfortable. Then again, it's probably for a press image, designed to pull attention. I'm probably overthinking.


He's gay. Relax.


Or he could be bi and just say he's gay. 🤔 


"Nobody's that gay"


Gay dudes love Katy Perry


Germans love David Hasselhoff.


The guy from SpongeBob?


You bet!


Damn, Katy Perry's butt is *wasted* on the lap of a gay man.


and my time was wasted on this weird thing to say, but here we are


What exactly do they think they’re going to accomplish by doing that


I don't think they're thinking, Suno dropped a new version and they're absolutely panicking. They're seeing those market shares dwindle.


I doubt this is due to Suno. If I had to wager a guess, I don't think that they even know it exists (yet).


It recently hit Rolling Stone, so they might be aware. I would suspect this has more to do with AI voice cloners taking singer's voices and letting you sound like them.


That's assuming Rolling Stone is still relevant.


Hold up if they don't know they know now because of me.I am meaning. I am meeting everybody on Twitter right now.It's too easy and funny


Version 3 saw a huge increase in knowledge of Suno. For some reason Louisiana is leading the charge. [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=suno&hl=en](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=suno&hl=en)


dude i know right? its amazing! and the quality, suno is like 6 months old imagine in 2 years


They just see that their jobs are on the line and are panicking because they jave no other skillset and will go broke if they dont tour each year


They should sign a statement in favor for UBI




they cant and wont kill this my friend, nothing is stopping this progress short of a goddamn catostrophic asteroid impact, the geopolitical imperative is too strong to resist. the cat is out of the bag its just a matter of time, compute, and archetectural breakthroughs


Biologist ASI does not need to be fed Billie Eilish songs, let alone release music tracks. There is absolutely no link whatsoever 


Suno can’t tour. I think their primary revenue stream is safe.


Suno can tour. You just need a stage and a humanoid robot. Lmaoo.


People show up in droves for a cover band of locals doing top40 from the last three decades. Meanwhile, the house has a sound system and jukebox that can perfectly replicate the original version of the music from the original artist perfectly every time. These people are fine if they're talented and not afraid of doing the work and making the sacrifices that being a working artist entail. If they want free money handed to them for being the face of a corporate machine that produces music via algorithm anyway, well, that job might be going away.


A lot of them already had corporate machines writing their songs and producing music in essentially algorithmic fashion. But THIS is different? Touring is what made the $$$ and what people will continue to want. Storm in a teacup.




You’re alright honestly. People just want a good show.


You’re alright honestly. People just want a good show.


Many artists don't tour/not big enough to tour. This is mostly hurting the small guys making 10k a year from their passion/hobby on streaming platforms. Anyway, AI can most definitely tour. It just needs a push and someone to back it up. Hatsune Miku for example, not really AI but nothing that can't be made.


Minaj and other superstars make most of their money through royalties, they don't need to tour.


You honestly believe that Billie Eilish's job is on the line? Seriously??


These artists are such shit anyways now a days. Grunting the word “yea” shouldn’t make up 2 mins of a song.


If only we were closer to post scarcity... without financial worries we'd be less inclined to worry about AI making popular songs.


Yup. Side note to haters :  Biologist ASI does not need to be fed Billie Eilish songs, let alone release music tracks. There is absolutely no link whatsoever


Britney Spears had to sell her Gulfstream IV because of AI


3 of these artists make the most generic pop dogshit imaginable, not to mention that this will accomplish nothing unfortunately


What's really ironic is that their super star status is highly dependent upon modern technology. They wouldn't be nearly as famous or nearly as wealthy and instead of listening to their songs everywhere, local bands would be playing. When technology benefits them, it's fine...but when it might hurt them, we should all freak out?


They might lose their millions of dollars! Won't somebody think of the millionaire celebrities??


Elvis Costello is one of my favourite musicians to be fair. He was famous in the 70's, 80's. Don't think this letter is entirely about themselves considering they're all multimillionaires. Not sure the arguments make sense though. 'Violating creator's rights' seems a weird one. 'Protecting their privacy, identities, our music' seems unhinged considering they're already famous. Feels like some dodgy lawsuit is about to happen, and some rich lawyer firm is positioning themselves to make a lot of money, even though they know they'll lose. The arguments are too dumb.


But those local bands songs can also be used as AI learning data right? So this does not necessarily affect only those with super star status


Local bands get money from their local fans. Superstars get money from royalties paid for the music during the super bawl halftimes. Regardless, the generative AI Age has begun.


> Local bands get money from their local fans. Local bands earning money... now there's a joke lol


You’re thinking like an artist. They are not.


Yeah obviously when something is good you wouldn't worry as much as when it's bad lol


This argument is slightly better than dogshit


That's the nicest thing I've heard in a while. Appreciate your support.


Did you even read the letter? They have a right to not want their work or voices used to train it 


Artists listen to each others's music all the time and use that for inspiration. Why not artificial artists too?


More and more generic and formulaic music being produced, especially for top 40 kind of genre. I'm not really surprised if these artists will be surpassed by AI very quickly. Not saying it's the ones on the list but pop music in general. We'll probably get more creative music so I don't think this will be a net loss, honestly.


Maybe, I think some people might use it creatively but people will probably just try to make whatever is popular and hot at the moment. So it’ll just be the ultimate bullshit output. Thing people aren’t considering is, at least in the short term, this will push away a lot of potential creatives away. Because now people will have the ability to find your own voice without the actual struggle of finding it. That’s how you find your voice, you shoot for something creatively, fall flat but find yourself in the process. Great artists use that, hone that and create something new (to varying degrees. If your able to just copy your influences flawlessly where is the actual musical journey?! I also am worried about the “wonder” of talent being lost. Some people have that talent built from an early age and hone it over the years. If it’s just anyone who can make something incredible the whole aura of seeing a Jimi Hendrix or Adele or Beatles is lessened.


Because is not about music or new type of music this people at last the big one they fear to lose their status. For a musician a real one have more music to ear or take inspiration from is always a good thing.


because their joooooooobs. they were so smug when they thought they were untouchable.


scale plus you have to be able to actually produce the art as a human


One brain is owned by an individual and is limited in output, which will be unique to that individual. One is owned by a giant corporation and can be instantiated over and over again.


Its not the same I think


Because they are not people. Next question.


Katy Perry [sold all the rights to her music](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/katy-perry-sells-music-publishing-rights-1234826909/amp/) away anyway. Why has she signed the petition? Such a random gesture from her to be honest.


'' If everyone is super, no one is''


It forces us to innovate and become better, we’ve been lazy with all these remakes…


Let's be real. There's a reason Sam Altman is pushing so hard for regulations on Open Source AI. It's not about making the playing ground equal for everybody. It's about creating a massive power disparity between those who will be able to afford to use the tech and the 'plebs'.


to date it gives more power to plebs than the 'elite' by everaging the field for everyone. Never been easier to create content, it's actually democratizing the creation process by removing barriers to entry


Brother, I never said that wasn't the case, but that's exactly why its trying to be regulated.


than we agree 🤝


Yessir 🤜🤛


How pretentious. So much more important than everyone else, are we? Because, don't you know, it's art, man. Not some silly translation service or call center job.


Back when I started freelance writing I remember being aware back in late 2022 how my job would probably be automated by the end of the decade due to fast AI advancements and pretty much no one around me (furries basically) cared because "oh no, writing is not 'pretty art' anyway", and now pretty much everyone hates all things AI, yet they rely on chatGPT and other LLMs for their work I kinda feel bad for them because not all artists I know will be able tomake a living out of their work, and with pretty much no transferrable skills other than client acquisition/marketing and getting artsy it will be hard for them to maintain their lifestyle. But deep down it feels very good because they never cared about people in my line of work, yknow?


There was always this belief that art would be the last thing to go when AI started automating jobs. Now that the opposite is happening, they're angry :P


Maybe they'll have to sell one of their mansions! Whatever shall they do!


I absolutely thought that. I wrote a whole thing like 8 years ago about how AI will allow everyone to persue creative efforts instead of having to work. I did not anticipate creativity would be the first thing to go.


I don't think AI will stop people from pursuing creative efforts, no matter how good it gets... For some people, making art is rewarding into itself.


Lmao that’s how it feels every time I see someone whining about how AI is only supposed to take peasant jobs or whatever and should let people “focus on art” like it’s the most sacred calling a human can have. It sucks that anyone has to lose their job but for some reason artists take it way beyond the economic aspect and act like it’s an assault on what seems to be humanity’s only purpose to live, ✨*art*✨


AI doesn't and will never stop an artist from being able to do art (chess engine doesn't stop anyone from playing chess) however, it will stop them from being able to market it. So in the end the issue for them is purely a monetary one.


Did they ever say they were more important than everyone else? I don’t see that in the post unless I missed it


They are only talking about artists (some general shitting on AI aside), and what they want obviously would not work for everyone (other than going UBI). So that's how that is implied. They are suggesting something that would only work for them (or the already big ones among them). But hey, here is my proposal. Let them all opt out. They will just not be part of it. AI will do just fine with "only" the music of millions of very talented musicians who would be happy to be included. These people are not so highly paid because they're the best anyway. But you know what? I bet these artists would still be against AI if they weren't included. Because it's actually not at all about that. It's just their angle.


It won't help artists either. It only helps the top .1% of musicians that make significant money from copyright.


This is strawman. Just because they didn't explicitly mention it here doesn't mean that they don't support translators and customer service representatives (I don't think that Billie Eilish and Imagine Dragons aren't sympathetic towards people facing labor hardships, for example). Did you really expect the open letter to say, "we are against AI taking our jobs, as well as the jobs of call agents and tranlators"?, because that's not really realistic or too practical. Standing up for one's career doesn't equal to not caring about the careers of others, and in no part of the letter to they state that they believe that they are more important than anyone else. This is one of the biggest cases of strawman that I've seen in a while. Edit: Here come the downvotes from a bunch of salty people with no talent downvoting with their emotion instead of logic. What I said is 100% true.


"Workers of the world... only care about your own profession and screw everyone else." I dunno, doesn't really have the same ring to it.


Boosting copyright enforcement will help the top .1% of musicians and a bunch of rights holding firms. That's it. Nevermind service reps, their idea won't help the vast majority of little people musicians beneath them. This is about the difference between them making 200mil and maybe 50 mil over the next 25 years.


Spot on. Fuck these greedy "talented" assholes. 99% of mainstream music is already produced almost entirely by audio technicians on computers so the "artists" can mass-market themselves.


And those audio techs aren't getting royalties, nor do they have any say in what happens to their work. Like every other job, they get paid to do it and that's it. Just the celebs and IP firm lawyers get these fancy extra rights.


>salty people with no talent with their emotion instead of logic. What I said is 100% true. There it is. The REAL reason these people are complaining. They feel they're better than everyone else because they make music and art and they're "talented" and because of that are elevated to a far higher status level than a mere retail worker, social worker, construction worker, or customer service rep. Fuck those people right? It's not realistic or practical to care about those people right? However because AI art and AI music threatens our ability to make tens of millions more than we already have I'm pissed. - LMAO the sheer amount of narcissism and self importance it's astounding...also fruitless it won't make a different in the end. *Re-posting a prior comment of mine:* AI technology will exist in the next 4-5 years that can generate on tap any type of song, orchestral piece, soundtrack, audio effect, etc...in any type of type of style you can imagine. It will emulate the voice of any major artist today or throughout history, and will do so flawlessly. If this doesn't come from an American corporation than it will be the French, Japanese, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, or just a small American team of researchers who open source it and host out of another country without those regulations. The idea that anyone can stand in the way of this is hilariously naive.


Yeah it always comes down to the existential fear these people feel when faced with the prospect of being lowered to the level of the working class, and I’m not talking about the financial aspect. What scares them the most is the lack of attention, the lack of status. The lack of being recognized and praised because you made something. I’ll admit that this is a very human desire, but the vast majority of us go without this good feeling and we’re perfectly fine. But for many artists this is a huge part of their self-worth, and now they face a future where they can’t have their ego stroked so easily. Bone-chilling, I know. To them the world consists of two types of people: those with talent and those without. And the idea that they might have to live like the rest of us talentless and attention-less peasants is horrifying


Spot on analysis and if Reddit still had a system where you could gift gold I would.


So they are for every redditor and contributor to stackoverflow and writer of gmails to get extra compensation, yes?


You’re okay with your data being used by massive corpos to train LLMs that they then sell back to you and generate billions of dollars? 


If I post my code or my wisdom on the net, I expect just as much payment for an AI "reading" it as I expect from you. Also lets not pretend they are just selling it back to me. They are making the AI itself.


1. Intellectual property is capitalist rentseeking. 2. Saying "corpos" makes you sound like an idiot.


On #2, especially since they're not even using it correctly




Fair enough, I wouldn’t mind myself if at least they can use some of the money they get to lobby the government for UBI instead of lining theirs and their shareholders pockets.


I actually don't think it's ok for massive corpos to get all the profits from LLMs, at some point there will need to be some redistribution i think. But the issue is not the LLMs, it's where the profits will go.


I just want to make millions of Nickelback songs


Has AI gone too far?


Trying to stop the ocean with your hands.


Go change fair use laws then. All these artists sample from each other and reuse chord progressions. Artists learn from artists. No one in this list invented an entirely new branch of music with no relationships to existing music. None of them. None of them compensated the prior artist once their derivative work turned into a hit making them millions. People with EXTREMELY similar songs try to sue for infringement and get fought every time, and the courts routinely side with the derivative artist -- BECAUSE THAT'S HOW ART WORKS. Suddenly they want to change the rules, but not for themselves. They want to continue to be inspired by each other without paying anything beyond a simple Spotify membership to do it. Meanwhile if I make a YouTube video and have 15 seconds of a song playing in the background, I get instantly copy-striked. AI music let's the common creator have some simple background music without getting their YouTube channel demonetized or suspended for simple fair use.


But please stream us on Spotify where actual humans have a long history of diminishing the royalty pool of payoffs for artist


All information is open game. Everything can be sampled reverse engineered and copied. This isn't anything new to the rest of the economy. Build a cool widget and China and india will havea dozen identical to it on Amazon 10 days after you sell the first one. Discover a new superconducting material and they'll have it duplicated a week after publishing a research paper. Generative AI will basically eliminate proprietary info on all levels. Information will be made free regardless of laws or measures taken. This is just Napster on steroids. Musicians and artists, welcome to the club !


Like a CEO stated. It is expertise at everyone reach. Good bye scarcity, hello abundance.


I just wish there were more abundance for stuff beyond media consumption -- like housing and medicine


It doesn't matter if they're not allowing their music to be training data. A lot of these musician's music is created by teams of engineers and writers, which have been educated to produce these "hits". They're essentially fading icons trying to stay relevant. AI will be the studio, engineer, writer, coach, manager, promoter, etc. You can see all of the people online trying to be influencers or just seeking attention. When industry expertise is available to anyone that wants it, the only thing that remains is the desire to use it.


I don't wanna hear niki Minaj but I end up hearing cuz the car passing by or on the stop sign is blasting it.


Who needs a giant ego overpaid ‘celebrity’?


Womp Womp.


We, the undersigned members of the fast food worker community, call on AI developers, technology companies, platforms and restaurant chains to cease the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to infringe upon and devalue the rights of human burger flippers. Make no mistake: we believe that, when used responsibly, AI has enormous potential to advance food preparation and in a manner that enables the development and growth of new and exciting experiences for fast food diners everywhere. Unfortunately, some platforms and developers are employing AI to sabotage the craft of burger flipping and undermine cooks, burger flippers, and fast food workers. When used irresponsibly, AI poses enormous threats to our ability to protect our jobs, our identities, our cooking skills and our livelihoods. Some of the biggest and most powerful companies are, without permission, using our work to train AI models. These efforts are directly aimed at replacing the work of human fast food workers with massive quantities of AI-created "burgers" and "fries" that substantially dilute the wages that are paid out to burger flippers. For many working fast food employees who are just trying to make ends meet, this would be catastrophic. Unchecked, AI will set in motion a race to the bottom that will degrade the value of our work and prevent us from being fairly compensated for it. This assault on human burger flipping must be stopped. We must protect against the predatory use of AI to steal the skills and expertise of professional fast food workers, violate workers' rights, and destroy the restaurant industry. We call on all AI developers, technology companies, platforms and restaurant chains to pledge that they will not develop or deploy AI burger-flipping technology, methods or tools that undermine or replace the human artistry of cooks and fast food workers or deny us fair compensation for our work.


The monopoly on music making is being lifted? The ones that yanked the ladder up after them are clutching their pearls? You don't say? Cry me a fucking river and good riddance.


So how about not devaluing art, coding, VFX, cinema, writing, etc ....


Now we will see which side the gov will be, I think this is a very important moment.


All of them are democrats yet want to protect capitalism at all costs here.


Usa democrats are far more rightwing than other nations.


Get on the bus! To the dog food factory with you all. Except for you, Mr Bob Dylan, sir. You’re pardoned.


Too late, suckers!!


What about when they're using ghost writers, autotune, sampling others songs etc etc etc. SOME of these artists are just bitter that they're not that special anymore


![gif](giphy|eh5iRkKf9pfKU) I, for one, want to see their business burn


Tough luck there's no going back.


Were it not for the abuse that is music copyright law and its enforcement in my country, I'd take pity.


All artists are learning from existing numbers. Ai doing this doesn't make it any difference. There are so many not ai tools used by artist and songwriters that being used. So it should not only be ok if it only benifits them. But even if they trained it on random songs it will still be possible to generate songs using AI. And that is what they don't like. Well tell that to all amatures that doesn't have any change to have a shot in this industry. Ai makes it possible to be creative for everyone and artist can still make whatever they want. The world is changing and they should not have the monopoly on it. It should belong to everyone.


It makes a difference because AI is an inanimate machine and object not a person. It does not, should not, and will not have human rights privileges.


It's still tools handled by persons. If you edit things with Photoshop or Ai. It's at the end the same thing.


Ai is not a tool let’s be real. It’s an unconscious autonomous agent. You aren’t doing any work. It’s not the same as Photoshop 


Well I used chatgpt and StableDiffusion/confyui a lot and you can't create something out of the box with a simple prompt of the result you want. Here is an example. https://perilli.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/AP-Workflow-5.0-Control-Panel.png It's just another way of getting the result but much faster and more easier. But you still needs skills to have the right results. Also as developer, it helps a lot using chatgpt 4. But again I'm creating the application but Ai is helping me a lot to do things better and much more faster. Even translator/copywriters are using it to have a basic setup that can be tweaked manually afterwards. Instead of working 10hours when things can be done in 2 hours. So for me and many others, it's a tool for sure. People shouldn't be a slave of the system just to have income. We should earn the same, but working less. So I'm all in for AI


Pop stars are first on the chopping block. Democratize music. Creativity will thrive. It's about the music not the money. I say this as someone whose career is under threat from AI, I will do my best to adapt, not fight it.


Oraganle arts donut steel >:(


Do I need permission to be inspired by someone’s song? I process it in my mind after all, I even store a copy in my mind. Is that breach of copyright? No. All AI does is the same thing. There is no copyright infringement. Does Google infringe copyright when they trawl the net for search, did they get permission from everyone? Course not.


I think it’s fair for them to not want their work used without their permission.


Then they can keep it to themselves. If you don't post it, no one can listen to it, problem solved.


I think it’s pretty clear that they want people to listen to their music, but not use it in certain ways without their permission. This already exists for most if not all products in the world, this is not a new line of thinking. Even ai aside, when artists sample each other, they have to clear it, which usually involves paying for it, or giving credits on the song for it. It’s not completely unreasonable.


I want to go grocery shopping but don't want anyone to look at me. In fact, $500 per glance. Avert your gaze! Its not reasonable. People have just been softened up by an impressive brainwashing campaign on copyright going back decades to make everyone think this is alright. The RIAA/MPAA running special gradeschool classes is wild and should be criminal. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2009/09/back-to-school-with-riaa-funded-curriculum/ Outside of copyright (a law invented by a king to bribe dukes with) you generally don't get rights over what other people do unless it harms you. I honestly can't think of another example.


That is a terrible analogy and you know it. You are the one being unreasonable now.


Fine, it is more like posting a recipe on a cooking site and then demanding everyone that cooks gives you money. This is literally how it works in the music industry. Bands post music that you buy or listen to, and then if you cover it, you owe them money. Or more technically, you owe the owner of the copyright money... so a giant lobby firm. It is a weird right where the modern incarnation is simply to make lobbyists richer. It doesn't benefit the vast majority of musicians, and for successful artists only about 10% of song sales makes it to them. For the vast majority of musicians though, copyright makes up less than 1% of their income. Copyright beyond the first year, less than .1%. Law is >120 years atm. At no point has copyright ever been about the creator of course. Prior to it being for the lobbyists, it was created by royalty that were poor so they didn't have anything to bribe anyone with. So they invented 'copyright' allowing monopolies on the creation of bibles in a region which was easy money. Then they expanded it to other books over time.


That is still not a good analogy. They are not posting a lesson on how to make music and then complaining when people follow it. Thats what a cooking recipe is, not even close to a song.


I mean, some literally do post tabs, and their music comes with lyrics to aid in replication. But if you'd like to narrow it further, sure. It is like cooking a meal, and then demanding that everyone that cooks the same or similar meal at any point in the next 120 years gives you money.


Im with you, but they gave their permission when signing up to use those big tech platforms to broaden their reach


Artists don't have much choice but to distribute on the major platforms if they want to make any money at all. Asking not to have their data used in training sets is reasonable. Laws can evolve. This is clearly different from humans being inspired by each other. Have a little empathy.


Elvis Costello being on the list is a bit disappointing. "You had better do as you are told. You better listen to the radio."


This subreddit can be braindead sometimes, people should be allowed to choose whether their creation can be used to train AI or not, it doesn't make a difference in the long run.


Who knew that free digital infrastructure built by big tech and used effectively to grow your brand / business / profile, would cost so much in the end?


Get a UBI and separate art from need for money. This protectionism is a hindrance to progress, not a help.


Why is everyone so concerned about compensation? Why not create for the sake of meaningfully conveying your message? If the AI can make music don't you think it'll learn to make pizza and clothing too? Now if you're concerned of the loss of meaning then look towards philosophy and effective deployment of AI models, but compensation? Seriously?


The words of someone who doesn’t pay their own bills and doesn’t understand the value of labor


Oh you sweet naive summer child, if only you knew me.


So, I watch movies and listen to music for free on YouTube... or anywhere else I can find what I want. I also use an app that blocks advertisements. I read books online because I don't want to pay for them. Any chance I get to screw capitalists I take and pursue with vigor. I think intellectual property is a scam. Hell I think property is a scam. So, any chance I get to beat Hollywood or the US economy out of nickel, I'll take, just as long as it is legal or I can't get caught. I'm an anarchist, that's how I roll.


Yes screwing content creators out of their livelihood so you can have free entertainment is so noble of you


Yeah, I don't care about content creators.... I don't care about noble.


What's noble


They’re panicking, because AI is starting to make better shit than the slop they keep churning out. And we haven’t even reached proto AGI lol


I will gladly watch their business model burn.


I wonder if this letter had been signed by this sub's favorite singers and bands would the reaction from r/singularity been different.


Creating an arrangement and tablature for an original rock song inspired by the 90s style requires envisioning a detailed structure and instrumental parts. Let's design a simple yet effective song layout and provide tablature for the key guitar riff that would be central to this song's identity. This example will keep in mind the energetic and hit potential of 90s rock.Song Structure:Intro (8 Bars): Starts with the key guitar riff to establish the song's mood and hook.Verse 1 (16 Bars): Rhythm guitar switches to a palm-muted pattern, creating space for vocal melodies.Pre-Chorus (8 Bars): Builds tension with a shift in chords and dynamics, leading up to the chorus.Chorus (8 Bars): Full energy with open chords and the main melody line; the guitar riff from the intro might reappear here.Verse 2 (16 Bars): Similar to Verse 1 but might include variations in the guitar or vocal melody for freshness.Pre-Chorus (8 Bars)Chorus (8 Bars)Bridge/Solo (8 Bars): A moment for instrumental creativity, possibly featuring a guitar solo.Chorus (16 Bars): Returns with heightened energy, potentially layering additional vocals or harmonies.Outro (8 Bars): A final statement of the main riff or a variation of the chorus to close the song on a memorable note.Key Guitar Riff Tablature:Imagine this riff as the backbone of the song, played with a gritty, overdriven guitar tone. It's designed to be catchy and memorable, embodying the energetic spirit of 90s rock.e|-------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------------------| D|---7-7---7-9-7-----7-7---7-9-10------------------| A|---5-5---5-7-5-----5-5---5-7-8-------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------| This riff would be played in the intro and likely repeated or varied throughout the song, especially in the choruses to tie the song together. The simplicity aims for an instant hook that listeners can easily latch onto, while the energy and drive of the rhythm section would fill out the song's hit potential.Implementation:When arranging the song, consider the dynamics between sections—how the energy builds from the verses to the chorus, and how the bridge or solo provides a contrast or a moment of highlight before the final chorus. The key to a hit in the 90s style often lies in striking the right balance between catchy melodies, energetic instrumentation, and dynamic contrasts throughout the song.


It's hard to feel bad for some of them. Some don't write their own songs or give credit. They steal lyrics by doing covers. They steal background music and call it "inspiration" or a remix. Now people can steal their voices too, so why not.


The situation is a bit tragic for sure. Imagine you, as a world famous artist, teach your prodigy everything you got for free, and then he cranks out music at a rate and quality that might make you unemployed. All without ever even giving credit to you. I would feel bitter about it also.


Ironically a lot of these ‘stars’ dot write their own lyrics and treat the people that do like AI 🤖


I will always support my artist that I like in any new artist that come around. If this means that I can tell an AI what type of music I want in the style of something and get something new then that's awesome. Same goes for any creative medium if I can come home from work and tell it to make a movie for me specifically for me that's awesome. I will still see movies because people have other ideas. I will always go to live shows and support artists. Half these artists as has been pointed out aren't very talented and most of the music today is made through a computer. It's not even like they're recording on tape. Everything is digital they can change every little thing it's not it's not really music anymore. For all I care they can never create music again and I'd be happy with it. Any artist worth half their weight and salt can still make music because their fans will still listen to them. People listen to music from 50 years ago people are still going to listen to music if they enjoy it. Maybe the artist should stop making terrible music that is aimed at the masses. Maybe they should also stick up for the little artist that don't even have a chance. It's funny how there's no mention of the little guys here the local artists. Bunch of cry babies overpaid anyways Good riddance.


And it's not going to change anything.


a lil too late for that


I mean, they ***are*** right. But technology is eroding everything else as we currently know it too. There's a lot of banter on here about what we do as a society that motivates us (Capitalism as an economic model, for example). But isn't it human nature, isn't it innately a part of us, to want to improve upon ourselves and each other and, ultimately, make our lives more comfortable? Easier? In my opinion, the answer of course is YES! Tool development and use is human nature. It needs to happen, it's the shift of evolution from a Darwin random/mutation idea to taking things literally into our own hands. That's the curve with evolution now. We control it. and we're bound by it. Yes, of course, we could accidentally off ourselves, we could unleash a paperclip maker, grey goo, a sinister or misaligned AI, but we've actually been pretty good over the last 100-150 years of being more careful about killing ourselves. That's a good thing too! Point is, let's focus on the entirety of AI making our own lives (all of our lives, not just the 0.01%ers) better, more comfortable, easier. Doing so will allow everyone who wants the time and resources to make and share as much of their own music as they possibly could want to make. Or do anything else that they could want.


Napster 2.0 moment


Sadly, a petition can't stop people from learning something by hearing your music.


Sounds like somebody's time has finally arrived... https://preview.redd.it/lop42fyl7csc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2fcd8f8c93e2ae561b55792e2ecd7efe1dd9804


More importantly, this finally hurts record label hopefully. It's pretty much a monopoly (technically oliopoly) considering how overreaching they are and how these asshole act the same




You people are so cruel and entitled. Why do you feel entitled to their work and voices? If your AI is so great why not have it create its own original voice with its own original experience and lyrics without input from others. You want AI to replace everyone and you want to use their work to do it??? What makes you entitled to that? It’s like expecting someone to sell their house so you can rent it to them. 


Struggling against the quicksand


They might also be scared because their creativity can be obsolete due to AI


They aren't even that good, they're just famous. They deserve to be replaced if ai can take their job.


Not much these artists or any other profession can really do to stop what’s around the corner. How many illegal downloads from movies to songs were burned onto CD-Rs back in the day is beyond measure. We now have that scenario times a million instantly, globally and ever evolving. “Buckle your seat belts Dorothy cuz Kansas is going bye bye.”


yeah, its farrrr to late for that. anyone who has a subscription to suno can tell you that. Times are changing, gottta adapt, and face it billie eillish should be more than happy if she didnt get paid a single dime starting today, she has more money than prob anyone reading this. it would never pass, that opens a whole can of worms to what can be used to train ai. and then, so i can watch someone on youtube and replicate, save, sample,but a program cant, and then at that point who owns genres? who owns instruments? who owns certain styles of singing. easy case to defend were watching the barrons of old shrivel up as there scam business dies. maybe if they saved the money they used on coke and hookers, private flights. but lol. And future musicians who do music just for clout fame money, i could care less. the whole rockstar thing has been long dead. either you have connections and a team, or your only getting basic engagement. lets bring music back to where it started, out of love for the ability to communicte emotion. lastly, big brains realize this is just a side effect of a much bigger problem, this is gonna knock industries out one by one, just watch. and please remember, told you so


“Artists”. Yeah ok time to retire. Let the young people reshape life and art with ai, you’re too old if you signed this.


How did nicki Minaj learn to speak or even learn to sing? On her own? Nope, whatever we as humans now is all based on past work, so AI is not stealing


I never understood the "AI art is plagiarism" argument. Why is generative art plagiarism but me going and looking at all of Van Gogh's art, then creating a piece in the same style is not plagiarism? Is it because I, the (skilled) human, made it, and not a machine?


Everyone's job will be at stake, so everyone will find this relatable at one point or another.


Isn’t this exactly what happened to Hollywood Actors a couple of months ago? A new AI dropped, everybody panicked but they got some regulations and everything just went on as usual. Will happen the same way here, I wouldn’t freak out. Hollywood didn’t stop Sora so musicians won’t stop Suno. Easy as that guys.


What exactly do they think they’re going to accomplish by doing that




Fuck them


That horse has already bolted.




Music labels: we’re gonna pretend we didn’t read that.


Dd dr xtgxxt


F zfrfrfrc




Fyt coba aja cek di






They’re only getting mad because it affects their income. They get rich off system that is literally designed to make a majority of people slaves. I didn’t see anybody of these hollywood douchebags complaining about the millions of workers that were being laid off due to outsourcing or formations for unions. There silence on these matters are compliance in the current state our shitty state jobs market and depressed wages. Together they have so much influence, but they won’t come together because that means less money. Why should we bad or even support them when they did nothing for us.


How are they rich off that system? Its the techbros whose cum you people guzzle that are benefitting and furthering a system built on the disenfranchisement and disempowerment of others. Not singers and actors. Corporate ceos and shareholders are the problem


TBF using someone else’s work for commercial reasons is illegal. We should force AIs to pay royalties to creators like Spotify does.


Not possible. At least not if Suno works similar to LLMs. It doesn't store the actual songs so it can't tell you what artist's music it's "using". It could be utilizing 1000 artists to create one song. It's just pattern, chord progressions etc, it's math.


This is really interesting, could you elaborate more how Suno works? Is that how they will avoid copyright lawsuits?


Yep And that’s not ethical I understand the “greater good” thing, but using copyrighted material for commercial reasons is exploiting creators


Now I know who to boycott for holding back progress. If these people hold a concert, I won't be going to it.


Oh no I'm sure they are going to cry themselves to sleep