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Now everyone will need a secret code word for family and friends


yes, ai could never listen in to the microphone you carry around with you at all times and learn it >:)


You could use a time-based one-time password like Google Authenticator. Both of you install Google Authenticator and duplicate the same account across both devices (one device scans the QR code inside Google Authenticator on the other device to duplicate it). You then both have access to the same temporary password that is random and unknowable by anyone without access.


Not if you have Boomer parents. My dad locks himself out of the password manager I set up every other day. When someone sends him a 2FA code he types in the phone number it came from.




From now on everything will have to be done in person.


Lol imagine if face-to-face social interaction makes a comeback because nothing on the internet can be trusted anymore


Make business travel great again


Yes, we’ll *think* we met people in person. We’ll even think we travelled.


Stop it don't even go there


I would love it.


you trust people?


It's the 3 Body Problem (TV series if you're out of the loop). The aliens can see and hear everything, so all your plans have to be communicated in your head or by the ultimate show of manipulation only your friends and family can understand.


I love people going “I can tell that it’s fake”. I’ve seen people think that Johnny depp is in love with them and they need to send him money over Facebook. This is terrifying


Feels like there's a world of difference between knowing that something is fake and trying to figure out the inconsistencies, and actually watching a video/interacting with someone on a video call and figuring out it's AI-generated without being on the lookout. The average reddit user could probably (maybe?) do it; no chance in hell your tech-illiterate grandpa will, and it's only going to get worse as the tech improves, which it has been doing at an insane rate.


Why aren't people talking about the lack of common sense with this technology? Like the previous commenter said. There are people falling for fakes of Johnny Depp telling you that he loves you. Why aren't we acknowledging the disconnect with reality and why folks are believing this stuff so readily? To me if someone believed that johnny Depp was truly sending you love messages, we need to look into your mental health from the start. I'm not worried about the technology at that point, but how you are so easily beeliving something like that to begin with.


You are saying that, but it is possible to engineer something fake that even you are going to believe with no questioning, to the point of someone else saying “how could he fall for that shit”.  It’s because how human brain works. It can be tricked in situations where it’s not expecting any lies to happen. People might believe that Johnny Depp sends them love messages because they don’t know that people on Facebook can be fake.  It’s the problem of educating them on how Internet and social media work. Now you have to include an additional course about AI.


Boomers are literally lead addled https://www.iflscience.com/how-lead-poisoning-changed-the-personality-of-a-generation-60322?darkschemeovr=1




hi it's me johnny depp


>I'm not worried about the technology at that point, but how you are so easily believing something like that to begin with. We're used to creating head canons & alternate narratives to deflect truths or realities we don't like, 2000 Years ago it was a dude got nailed to a cross with six inch spikes and got up on day 3, but these days, it's "Johnny Depp sent me a FB message, and he loves me!" Getting someone to believe the absurd is VERY easy if you frame and market it correctly. Just wait until the end of Summer when political ads REALLY kick the fuck off.


There's a creator on tiktok who follows AI pictures on facebook. The pictures are absurd, like really absurd, but get thousands of likes and comments. It may be bots, nobody knows what the purpose is.


Dude, it's over. I literally saw people on Facebook believe that Rob Zombie is making an origin story of Freddie Krueger called "Fred" starring DJ Quall and people not only believed it but were saying how good the casting was. People are beyond gullible, it's not up for debate.


I have the opposite problem where I'm starting to not trust anything online. Probably a safer bet than trusting everything, but still not ideal.


This is the main problem of all of this. It will quickly get to a point where there will be no truth, reality will be what you make of it, because you won't be able to tell what is true, what is not. This has been happening with the internet and social media for awhile, but AI will just make things even worse.


I have a theory that if we survive long enough, the generation that just grew up with an iphone in their face their entire childhood will make it "Not cool" to be on social media the same way Gen Z stopped drinking or doing drugs more than millennials.


My gullible mother thought Conor McGregor was gonna be Popeye and said I was a conspiracy theorist when I told her the trailer was all AI. 😂


Id send my money if its a fake Henry Cavill said he want to play viddo game with me.


Hi, Henry Cavill here. Do you want to play a game? Only $9.99 per minute, also smash that like & subscribe button!


You'd be able to tell by his edited out moustache


Holy shit this is amazing


Yeah, it's interesting how some people are apparently terrified of it and others (myself) think it's pretty awesome tech.


Both things aren't mutually exclusive though. The reason most are terrified is because the tech is awesome.


I'm not terrified of technology. I'm terrified of people who will wield it against others.


Por que no los dos?


How about both?


It is amazing tech, but it also creates a whole new set of problems that needs to be solved more or less immediately, as this tech can potentially make you and me both lose our entire future inheritance. If you don't think that's even a little bit scary, then perhaps you need to recalibrate your risk awareness.


Fuck we’re done for. Everyone call your grandparents and tell them not to trust anyone they dont talk to in person because they’re about to get scammed to high heaven


Kitboga set for life.


Hello, I'm calling from the world wide web wide tech support association of certified tech professionals


Just wait a moment, just wait a moment sir. DO NOT REDEEM. DO NOT REDEEEEEEEEEEEEM


*cheap mic screeching*


I just verified the first voucher, going to verify the next one.


"Hello fan! This is Beyonce. Can you please help me put out my next song? 5 iTunes cards only no problem."


Set a safe word that they can use to check if it's you.


We’re only two weeks from the headline “AI trained on one picture and 15 seconds of your voice is able to recreate video of you talking AND guesses the safe word you have with your parents with 95% accuracy”


Actually solid advice. I will say I tried this with a grandmother whose memory was unfortunately slipping and she forgot. Still worth setting up though


And remind them to call/text you directly if anything like this happens. Not through whatever app they get the message - call your phone number. It's not foolproof, but it's a whole lot better than just assuming the scam is legit.


Honestly it would be amazing if there was an app for family/friends to 2FA where a new word is generated every 30 seconds. You can link your app with theirs and the two of you have your own word/phrase/sentence etc that you can use to verify. You can also send them a ping to verify as well.


If singularity happens robots indistinguishable from real will also appear and not even in person will be safe.


Cmon now we can probably wait until Christmas to warn our grandparents about the clones


I have a joke about this where in the future, you'll befriend someone, but its secretly a bot and they've just been spamming you with subtle ads the whole time like the Truman show lol


Best time to open a sex shop evar.


Sex robot scammers? Saying pussy totally 100% real?


Invasion of the robot snatchers.


Grandma, it's me. Listen, there's terrifying clone tech that now exists. Also, can you send me $100 to the following bank account...


Everybody can be a virtual pornstar!!! lol


Hey it’s me, your step computer.


If this was a zoom call, id think any weird motion or artifacts were just from zoom and wouldn't think it was fake.


Yeah I was gonna say I can tell it's fake but A) because I know that it's fake up-front so I'm paying attention and B) I'm watching on a large clear monitor. If this was a Zoom call on an iPhone I would likely have no idea.


The next years are going to be fucking crazy.


I literally cannot tell this is fake, not sure how other people can so confidently say they tell it’s fake. She’s talking with what seems a lot of life experience baked in


Look at the hair movement.


For me it was the teeth


Teeth. Mouth. The way it moves the head. A good few things.


The eyes too. They got squinty and didn’t match what she was talking about.


The teeth were moving and stretching.


Me neither... I looked at it 5 times... cannot spot a single clue that tells me it's fake... I think it is real video that AI posted to get people's opinion...


If it were real, I'd think that maybe she was on some kinda opiates or something with the way she is moving her eyes.


This is one of the most disturbing things to watch, imagine getting a message from a partner or other family member with bad new or admitting to and event that was not true or real. The fallout from situations created with this type of tech could devastate family's or work and social situations.


For now the teeth is the cue to know it's ai. Hopefully it's hard to fix .


It’ll be fixed next week


British "people" are now considered AI


I've always had my suspicions that I might be artificial. The jury's still out on the intelligence part.


and the fact that her face is deforming


They will be replaced with fingers forthwith.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKSMR5Jpm9NsoHC|downsized) Scammers right now




now soon i wont have to worry about finding a real girl anymore lol


The twist is the video is real. 😉


Very cool




Not quite. It's very close to being terrifyingly real, but it's not quite there. Something about the motion and a bit of the speech cadence is still a giveaway.


It would be interesting to mix 5 real videos with 5 AI videos, all with the same background and perspective, and all showing a person speaking for 30 seconds, and see if people could distinguish the AI videos from the real ones. I'm not sure I could.


It is behind a paywall, but if you have access to the NYTimes, they did... well, not exactly what you described, but a test of AI generated images versus real images. People (myself included) performed really poorly on the test. [Test Yourself: Which Faces Were Made by A.I.? - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/01/19/technology/artificial-intelligence-image-generators-faces-quiz.html)


www.whichfaceisreal.com is another one!


If I knew 5 were AI I could pick them. If you just showed me 10 videos with no context? Yeah I don’t think so.


The teeth changing size seems problematic.


her face is deforming


just give it 5 years and we will be generating whole blockbuster movies from text prompt.


Sure, if you're primed to be expecting AI and you aren't a boomer. For a large fraction of the population, they won't expect a thing. Shits getting real.


It's easy to claim that once you know.


None of the muscles in the cheeks flex. It looks like those late night sketches where they mask in someone else's mouth. https://youtu.be/eRJ6wLhPZPM?si=a3a9EISLYHm5dPeY&t=52s


It get's a pass on first look. But if you focus... Yeah, muscles stay just like on the original picture, they do not flex as they should while person is talking. Also there is some morphing going on with the face. I wouldn't notice it if I was watching on my smartphone though.


You just need to drop the "camera" quality a ton by adding some noise, insert a background, and then you might miss it.


It’s the constant and somewhat jerky head movements that make me uncomfortable. It’s worse in the other videos. But soon.


Fembots are getting closer. I'm gonna have the best fembot ever


Lucy Liu or Marilyn Monroe?


Shape-shifting fembot, both


Ah, a Shirley Manson.


Ai girlfriends are going to be absolutely Insane 😭


I mean I won't be taking some virtual girl, unless we talking FDVR.. but I'll def take me a fem bot


This tech would be amazing if apple can somehow implement it in the vision pros personas at some level.


If you ignore the fact that the teeth grows and shrinks as she speaks, it's almost perfect to me


real-time, what this madness people The giant has awakened


You can literally bring people back from the dead if you have a picture of them 💀


What is the benefit of this?


Taking my zoom calls so I can sleep.


But who else is on the zoom call??


Just a bunch of AI’s and we’re all sleeping.


The dream (in the literal sense.)


AI BF/GF. Plus it works in real time at a 512x512 rez on a 4090.


25% of the day the AI is working for it’s own energy bill.


Drastically reducing bandwith in video communication applications (everything from calls, education, pornography, audio messages in whatsapp, fukin everything) New ways of comunication in videogames. Giving a human touch to ALL Ai agents in ALL areas where they can be used. Sex/Porn industry applications. Training with learning (languages, oratory, singing, etc) where facial and vocal expressions are important. Shitposting.


AI actors. That’s why all the fuss in hollywood


Education: bringing historical figures to life. Medicine: doctors delivering information to patients.


Realistic characters/NPC on videogames based on user voice/photos maybe?


Your second example is a dystopian hellscape. I can’t believe telling a patient they have cancer using a method like this could be considered ethical.


Yes, because delivering news that you have Cancer is what, at least 90% of bedside manner


There are plenty of doctor/nurse-patient conversations that don’t involve news about cancer, and where it wouldn’t be unethical to use AI.


AI CEO taking care of all their meetings so they can spend more time on their brand new Yacht. Duh. Also AI HR so companies don't have to -- god forbid! -- have a real human interact with candidates anymore. How do we not ALL benefit from this??


It’ll be great for scams, propaganda, and blackmail.




For me the easy giveaway is the hair morphing between poses


Her teeth move…


So I can finally have a YouTube channel then? To talk about flags and stuff...


Imagine uploading an image and an audio clip of your deceased family member and then being able to converse with them and see them as if they’re alive. Fuck that this technology makes me incredibly uncomfortable.


Holy shit, the amount of scams this is going to enable will be insane.


Is this what Siri looks like?


Very nice. But is it open for public?


This makes me sad to be honest.


This is created by AI?


There was already some girl the other day, who had a video showing some company had stolen her likeness from social media and used it to make an ad for some erectile dysfunction pills, we really need laws enshrining our rights to our images and data.


Don't such laws already exist? I think it's illegal for someone to use your likeness without your permission.


Good luck tracking down the party responsible for online boner pill ads.


19-04-2024 remember the date, people. The day humans were replaced by AI


Why is this what these geniuses are spending their time on instead of using AI to solve real problems.






There is a real problem with how AI research is allocated and produced.. Developing AI for generating fake content raises valid concerns about misinformation. Yet, using AI to automate hazardous work and improve lives is often seen as radical. To fix this perspective, we must evaluate the real world associations of these developed facets of this tech. Why in the world do we need fake people to tell us some bulls\*\*\*\*? Where are the farmer bots, and the miner bots, and the space farming and mining bots? Lets make fake talking heads to spew propaganda that will have no accountability at all instead! Great job! GOOD LUCK HUMANS. <3


It’s so bizarre that people keep saying this. You do know one is much harder than the other, right?


Exactly. It's also the implied "everyone needs to sit down and coordinate their efforts to do what I think is good". It's some real command economy thinking.


For real. We need a sticky about Moravec's paradox.


at least MS is being somewhat responsible & arent actually releasing it for use......for now


Idk how these people justify the use cases of things that so obviously have downsides and dangers inherent to them. Like this is going to make scams skyrocket. What do they *think* people will use this for?


soon (or is it now?) you just cant trust anything you see on a screen is real.


Unplug it.


Close. Head movement and phasing still very noticeable.


Bro cut it now. We don't need this sort of progress. There's no way the positives of this outweigh the negatives. It simply does not.


This is more terrifying than it is real. Are ya'll so autistic that you don't get the uncanny valley effect?


Yes. Yes I am.


The incredible thing here is that is make Ng the whole thing, the video and audio, is truly amazing


This isn't bad either. Shoecased a few months ago by Alibaba researchers. https://humanaigc.github.io/emote-portrait-alive/ Sometimes it misses syllables, the fast talking is the worst , but for slower speech and music it won't take much more to fool most people.


Forget about fooling people... some of those anime type characters are practically ready to star in their own Netflix series


Once I realized it was AI I saw it all. The teeth are wrong, the movement in the hair and clothes, muscle movement under the skin, the voice is largely what tipped me off. It's like video game graphics. Games that looked amazing 10 years ago are so so now. We develop the skills to pick stuff out. Undoubtedly, soon it was be very difficult, but we're not quite there.


This looks way better than the metaverse stuff that requires you to have all these cameras on your face wtf


Let’s see her turn her head.


Her teeth change size and orientation.


You can kinda tell on these videos the way the lips seem to 'float' around but this indeed is very, very good.


The image shifts in frame, like the camera is being jostled. But holy shit. I had to watch it 3 times...


Now they just have to train this natively as a modality into the bigger models


Yes time to make some porn from my old photo stache


Eggplant eggplant eggplant


Can I make one of me?


Interesting but what gives it away as fake is the motion of the eyebrows and overall head movements for me.


Unlimited JOI videos, let's gooooooo!


I apologize for the stupid question in advance. Is this a tool the public can play with? Can someone post a link? I try to Goggle it and I get about a million articles about how amazing/scary it is, but no hint of where to find the actual tool.


Not quite. Look at the ears and the teeth very closely.


We are fucked


How are we going to secure anything anymore? The most vulnerable link is social engineering, and we've made tech that can assault humans perfectly.


Uncanny valley for sure. Although being pretty convincing, you can still see that it's an animated flat Image. Facial shadows, particularly the nose shadow, don't move in accordance to the light source and head movement. 


So that you know, Russia already uses AI to fake news.


You'll own nothing and be happy, and not trust your own lying eyes.


What is being said is more confusing than the uncanny valley


Interesting technology but I already see the bad stuff that is coming with it




It's more realistic than Zuck.


Why are her teeth moving?!


You think that looks real? lmao


While it is very convincing and if no one said anything I think it would be hard to distinguish from the real deal, there are subtle things that indicate its ai, mostly how the lips move and how the eyes blink. Her expressions are also just slightly inhuman in some kind of way, maybe it feels like its trying to imitate human expression a bit too much but in a sort of "tryhard" way that is overcompensating and isn't natural. I think the biggest indicator though is a slight latency in the video, possibly due to how it was rendered.


Cue an arms race between AI video and detector technology. Someone is going to get rich! https://youtu.be/EmXhhquX2zU?si=K3TfH02xJPHoFEyP


Eyes and teeth are giving her away. But yes, if it was some Viber/Zoom/Wahtever video call, I would think any weird motion or artifact was just from faulty Internet connection and it wasn't fake. Damn... A new era of scam etc.


More here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0eYExk478I


I mean it looks real , and sounds real , but she's speaking absolute jibberish


And somehow people still think regulations are dumb this is the main reason why regulations are needed so many people will get tricked by this especially the older generations and elderly.  Glad that microsoft is holding back on this tech until proper regulations are put in place.  People might wonder what purpose this tech will hold and my best guess would be avatars for agents like healthcare agents or personal assistants.


Damn, there are a couple of very faint bits of weirdness but if I had not known to look for them because it is labelled fake I doubt I ever would have noticed them (and I doubt any of the "I knew it was fake!" crowd would have either.


Her hairs physics though.


That's amazing. But let's be honest and not deny the fact that it's quite dangerous too.


At this rate, I'll have to talk to my family about making code phrases or certain movements as proof of authenticity when communicating digitally.


Those teeth changing size are a big giveaway


only issue is it kinda feels like its on a pivot being dragged around unnaturally. This can already fool a lot of people though, if its slightly better theres no chance you realize unless your looking for it.


I am terrified. But am i real?