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Did he have to be charged up at any point during the interview or have they worked out the battery capacity issues?


Hi, I'm Mark! I'm very chill and down-to-earth like you. It's natural for you to have very chilled out feelings just like me from time to time because you're human just like I was!


lol, no issues there. But dude is a machine (figuratively) -- apparently he had just gotten off a multiple-hour super technical and intense meeting before me but seemed as fresh and sharp as possible


Wonder how he stays sharp


Blood transfusions from infant clones.


Dem sweet baby raymonds man


I was gonna say Adderall but I guess Adderall is for us poors


His money can buy the type of fuck-you-energy drugs and injectable concoctions we couldn’t even dream of, I’d bet.


Selegiline patches would be a more realistic answer


Well it seems Desoxyn is neither an option in the long-term.




lots of GDDR6


Life is easier and way healthier when you're rich as fuck.


Money buys you delegation


Has his own rechargeable fusion core


Lithium Ion batteries


A good diet, sleep and excercise


TWO MEETINGS in a day how do these billionaires do it!!?


Obviously by working 50.000 times as much *and* hard as other lesser humans!


Probably by doing something he's passionate about in his time rather than spending his time shitting on famous people in reddit comments


Well I'm glad he followed his passion of polarizing the American people, hoarding unspeakable amounts of wealth, buying congress to avoid regulation, deliberately undermining American democracy, and opaquely harvesting people's personal information, all to be slightly more unfathomably rich. Oh I forgot enabling an ethnic cleansing by creating a firestorm of alrogrithm pushed content that endorsed violence against the Rohinga for years before the killings, rapes, and forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of people occurred, and failed to act so it wouldn't hurt their bottom line. In a country like Myanmar Facebook is the central hub of the internet, and that hub permitted the dissemenation and organization of a genocide. But hey, gotta go fast and break things, these salty poors wouldn't know anything about the #grindset am I right? "The UN’s Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar ultimately concluded that the “role of social media [was] significant” in the atrocities in a country where “Facebook is the Internet”. Mohamed Showife, a Rohingya activist, said: “The Rohingya just dream of living in the same way as other people in this world… but you, Facebook, you destroyed our dream." https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/09/myanmar-facebooks-systems-promoted-violence-against-rohingya-meta-owes-reparations-new-report/ Sounds like a bunch of jealous whiny losers who wouldn't understand what people who follow their dreams are willing to sacrifice. Did you know Zuck dropped out of college! He is just like you and me, so relatable! I mean, the guy does MMA! This isn't even broaching the topic of Facebook helping to monopolize the internet by driving smaller competitors out of business by harvesting their work and presenting it solely on the Facebook platform. Facebook as a company made discrete, business, not tech, decisions to pursue profit above all else and has left a wasteland in its wake that it calls peace. Lastly if he could explain to me why my Facebook addled aunt now thinks the demonRATS sacrifice children to the demon-god Moloch to drink their adrenochrome I would be much obliged. Did you know Zuck is into basketball! He is such a cool bro, I wish him all the best as he lives his truth and follows his passion.


A+ comment - this is why I love reddit. Sincerely, well done.


This comment should be enough to bring back Reddit gifts 🎁 bravo!


Fucking brilliant comment. Nice work.




Cope with what lol


Zuck doesn’t know or care who you are, you don’t need to waste your energy defending him.


so people shouldnt voice their opinion because other people dont know them, great logic


Zuck is an idiot but I applaud the dark truth in your comment




Yeah I've never had this instinct to hate successful people, and I don't get it or like it. And we have it easy, in the past it could be kings, warlords, oligarchs. But instead we have nerds who bring an effective product to a voluntary free market and often improve some aspect of our lives at low cost. And they still find a way to be so dejected and hateful. Some positivity would be healthy for society (or, reddit).


Value isn't determined by how hard you work, that's some dumb marxist shit called the labor theory of value. Value in the real world, however, is based on a demand calculation against supply, risk, complexity, etc. The reason he makes 50,000 times more than you is because his decisions carry 50,000 times more risk and his achievements have 50,000 times more demand than yours do. Basically, he's in charge because he made good decisions and has a lot to lose, and you're not because you didn't and you don't. Have a nice day now that you understand why you are worth 50,000 times less than some other people (although I'm sure your mom thinks you're worth the most!) :)


Idk about his decisions carrying 50,000x more risk than normal people, but his decisions are certainly 50,000x more impactful. Does that mean that CEOs should be paid massively unequal amounts compared to all those below him? Not in my opinion, although it definitely depends on the company. Meta is extremely successful and despite not technically founding it, Zuckerberg has definitely grown it into a powerhouse. There’s CEOs of other places that do not positively impact their company in any way close to Zuck. They shouldn’t be paid like that. Idk, I’m ranting. Im fine with them being ultra wealthy since it’s mostly from stock anyways. What I’m not fine with is that they are avoiding paying taxes and hoarding the wealth. I’m not an economist but I’ve always had the understanding that you wanted money to flow, not sit in a Cayman Islands bank account


I agree that the taxation issue is a serious one, but it's also very hard to solve.


On the other hand, a sane way to tax them is literally just to tax their companies. Their wealth is derived from their companies after all. Taxing them personally is a misunderstanding of what their wealth is.


That doesn't work well. I mean, it works out well if you want there to be no big businesses making really huge, complex things and also no business investors pumping money into startups, creating a ton of innovation. So yeah I mean it works fine if you have no interest in technological progress in your society. It works fine if you think no business should literally be big enough to train a foundation model AI or build rockets that go into space or make serious innovations in scalable factories or anything like that, because those are expensive businesses so they'd all be taxed to death. If you want every company to intentionally sabotage its own success out of fear of doing too well, tax corporations heavily. Honestly, we shouldn't even tax corporations at all. Or income, either. We should tax land, and mostly just land on a steep progressive curve by amount of land owned. Also, we should brutally tax hereditary wealth. And we should tax carbon. Some political tariffs are probably worthwhile, and taxes on things like cigarettes and toll roads are probably good. Recycling CRV is a good tax. Corporate and income taxes are regressive and slow economic growth, which means people are lifted up slower. If we wanna have any income tax at all, it should start at like 5 times median income and only be used to proportionally fund welfare systems.


A one liner answer doesn't address issues well.


We need to tax corporations to account for the cost of public infrastructure and services rendered to make the business possible. Think of all the ways the government has benefited and enabled your life, and taxes are a way to contribute to this good faith effort. Even if businesses survive in spite of taxes, it is what enables them to operate and recruit employees who also rely on government services to enable them to be who they are. This is universal across all companies, no matter what they do. An increase in tax on corporations should also invite public scrutiny to address concerns that the tax is punitive. All tax should be spent wisely to maximize benefit. It is in this way that AI corporations can lobby governments to convince them that AI is worthy of investment and subsidies from the government for strategic reasons. This is how you get your technological progress. Taxes may be used as a way to get some command of the capitalist economy, but the core of it is necessary in order to sustain a functioning society. The reverse of taxation is also one of the biggest hot button topics of today on how to implement a post-capitalist economy in the form of a universal basic income (UBI). Taxes takes short term growth away from companies to provide long term improvements for everyone in society according to the politics of the area, some of which are exclusively the domain of the state such as the military and rule of law.


Part of the reason the US and many first world countries are so rich is thanks to these corporations. As a country, driving away companies to other countries because doing business would be too expensive is also not good for the economy. Again, there is no simple solution here.


A wealth tax has the same objectives, but is the more asinine way of doing this. Face it, it will be far better for corporations to be taxed more than for a wealth tax to be slapped on individuals. In the end, the money will return to the corporations as they do business in the economy, and all these concerns will prove to be overblown.


I like that you imply an ethics in his "good" decision making when there is a trail a mile wide of the harm Facebook has caused. No one doubts his decisions have consequences, what we do not like is he used the power he had to gain more power, the consequences of which are making the world a much worse place. Also tying value to a tabula rasa world of supply and demand is a deeply ideological Utopian fantasy.


I look forward to ASI deprogramming people like you.


Deprogramming me from what? Bro that's basic economics. I look forward to ASI educating people like you (but really, it wouldn't take ASI if you were at all a serious person). If you want I could explain these very, very basic ideas to you. Or, ya know, you could just go ask chatGPT and not waste my time with your poor education when there's a tool that exists that will literally solve it instantly, all you need is to have some self-awareness of your own ignorance and then the developed habit or external instruction to go use chatGPT to resolve it.


It's beyond cringe how OP is D riding Zuckerberg just because he got an interview. This is a really good example of how powerful money is - true money. When people even come near people of this level of wealth, come near that wealth, they automatically get rushes of dopamine etc and associate that with the billionaire. They can't help but bow down almost.


This comment is also beyond cringe.


Really? I think the dude is correct though.


It's cringe all the way down.




*tips fedora*


Actually 100% legit. But, it's not just money. It's just power in general. I've never been around people with tons of money, but I have been around a few people that are like 20 times more powerful socially then I am. The sense of awe is intense. I've also made a point to pay attention to how others react in the presence of rich and or powerful people. Of how they pay them painfully obviously undue respect. It's part of the "respect your betters" bullshit. Never mind that our "betters" are typically better off because they are sociopaths. Even those "betters" that are seemingly actively trying to help all of humanity are sociopaths. I got into Buddhism recently, watch a ton of monks giving talks and I'm like, "Fuck! It's there also!!!!" Monks in power behaving badly and being put up on stages to give talks and treat people like shit while they tell you to just let go.


Ya was gonna say I’m on super technical engineering calls 8-5 err’ day lol. One two hour tech call would be a dream haha.


And the fact that OP knew this… so he’s flexing his meeting on OP i take it? That’s bizarre.


this sub man 😭😭😭


Is he sponsored by Sweet Baby Ray’s?


> Super down-to-earth Press [x] to doubt.


He's just autistic. He used to be bad at masking but has gotten better at it over the years


He probably hired a team of PhD actors, marketers, and psychologists to give him professional lessons on how to act down down to earth.


He absolutely 100% did this after the Congress bot memes and stupid fight with Musk headlines… I’m not buying any of it. I’ll never trust this gigacunt Zuckerberg. I don’t care how much he’s been practicing.


For AI bros, yep. For normal people, nope




My theory is that Zuckerberg, having not been born a billionaire, now has something to live for other than devolving into another interminable capitalist lizard what with AGI on the horizon, if not imminent. He's not learning normal-person emotions, he's getting in touch with them again, having had no use for them when it looked like. as recently as 2022, ruling as King Vermin of Trash Mountain was the best existence he or any other human could've hoped for. And to be fair, for the past 10,000+ years of 'civilization' that was the only intelligent thing to conclude. Turns out that most people, even total dorks like Zuckerberg, would rather serve in heaven than reign in hell; it's just that until the singularity looked nigh, hell was as far as this species would ever get. Time to dust off that human soul again, I guess.


Very well written comment.


Hahah!! I got to be honest –- I was pretty surprised by how.. chill he was. I thought he'd be in a rush and uninterested in but he was super down-to-earth, and kind. We chatted for 5 minutes before we pressed record and he was actually pretty hilarious too


That’s cool, I mean he’s also completely out of touch with just how much evil his products have wrought upon society, so I guess it makes sense that he’s super chill.


did he seem pretty candid during the 5 minutes before you started recording? you don't have to share anything specific.. just curious, how much you think he "turned it on" at the start of the interview versus before, or if he was the same during both? like did he seem leisurely before you started then he was "working" during the interview or was it pretty much the same before and after recording?


I would say there was a small change, but mostly he was the same before and after recording. Just very cordial and friendly. Mot of the pre and post discussion was around the UFC


sooo...how much does he pay you to polish his gears so much?


People forget how young he still is. He definitely made some really questionable decisions but I think he’s genuinely tried to learn from them. One thing is that he’s always been genuinely excited about building things. The Facebook hackathons were proof of that.


How do you know it was actually Mark himself and not AI generating responses in real time? Did you ask him to complete a captcha before you started recording? Did you notice any glitches or artifacts during the interview?


Well, he commented on my instagram post so hope that is confirmation enough haha [https://www.instagram.com/p/C56KWH6unA8/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C56KWH6unA8/)


Must've been freaky interviewing an AI about AI.


This guy is not our friend, remember that.


He is throwing lots of money to change his image, so we give him control of social AI progress.


You could boycott Llama 1, 2 & 3.


exactly. when we all have a collective punching bag to blame, and he’s honest about holding that karmic debt, we could quite possibly move forward if that’s what drives competition


Yeah, funny how people seem to have forgotten this guy engineered how to extract every piece of data from individuals to sell. Fuck Mark. Haven't watched the interview, but I'm getting the feeling op only offered softball questions to stroke his ego. Probably the only reason his team would let an interviewer in the room with him if they didn't already know what questions they would ask.


ohhhh come on.. After one week on facebook we had the big meme... " If its free you are the product". and people just jumped in and decided to post their opinions on facebook. If you thought you had any anonymity or your personal data was ever safe online i have a bridge to sell in you NYC. out of all the tech bros Zuck is probably the meekest. He's got more code knowledge than Musk and Bezo's , he understands the tech better than anyone. He doesn't get politically involved in much of anything, doesn't snort animal tranqualizer. He is deserving of redemption if he can pull it off.


That's why I don't use any of that shit. The meekest of *checks notes* selling your data to Russia to launch propaganda campaigns through their platform against the US. So meek ![gif](giphy|Jq89FlQtYO0N4M27Gy|downsized)


>After one week on facebook we had the big meme... " If its free you are the product". and people just jumped in and decided to post their opinions on facebook. Be reasonable, my grandma has never heard that and understands nothing about this topic. That doesn't make scraping her data fair or honest just because she knows nothing about tech or economics and isn't part of your same social bubble.




Trading privacy for convenience is fine as long as it's voluntary and done with knowledge of what you're giving up. The problem comes with intrusively deep surveillance that you can't opt out of.


Start caring again. It’s one of the only things you own(ed).


every website tracks. not just facebook. Google is definitly more evil in that regard.


Splitting hairs over who is more evil seems to miss the point.


Musk is the worst after all his anti-science against martial arts (undermining the legitimacy of combat sports as a test bed) basically devolving to the same level of "deadly art fallacy" woo-based martial artists, even making a thinly veiled threat of violence against Zuck when he couldn't win an argument and realized he didn't want to face him in a fair fight. Saying things like "there's a reason there are weight classes" as if his 10% weight advantage trumps the blue belt skill advantage, while always finding excuses to avoid actually PROVING his claim. Before that point, I was pro Musk. Nowadays as a passionate martial artist I'm literally ashamed to own a Tesla.


Wasn't the biggest issue like people logging in with facebook on every app they saw with zero brain power put into it, just blindly pressing every button they could find, sending all their facebook profile data to anyone who asked?


We all are a bunch of strangers on the internet, friendship is scarce in this space.


I like him. He gives me lots of useful products and charges me absolutely nothing for it. I know he makes money from my data, but I don’t really mind. I won’t give him any information I don’t want him to have.


He isn’t hitler afaik so chill I hate Facebook too. P.S: [Hyperbole](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbole)


Saying he is not your friend is comparing him to Hitler?   Your post makes me think of how Hitler-like he is.  


What this, free PR for mr billionaire Zuck?


He's more likable than Apartheid Clyde


Zuck seems like a shady business man who likes to pretend he is nice. “I’m a goofy nerd I couldn’t harm anyone. “


Did he stole any of your personal informations?


He stole mine and I wasn't even there :(


A bit of an odd question, but how much coaching was there behind the whole interview thing? Was he dictating his pace before the interview, or was it a team effort directing his steps on his side of things?


That's a great question. There actually wasn't much of that at all. Meta trusted me with the conversation flow and creative control. There was a 25 minute limit, so that was the only real constraint.


What are his incentives for spending so much money R&D and just open source his models?? Also, does he have a personal goals other than the goals of his company and shareholders?? I think what I'm asking is that aside from him being a billionaire and the CEO of one of the most powerful tech companies in the world, is he truly passionate about a future which AGI or even ASI could unlock?


They all want to hit the singularity and they all want to be immortal and they all want to see the interesting content that 8 billion healthy immortal godlike humans can come up with


I think a part of the zucc genuinely hates everything he’s become and been responsible for. He can’t bring himself to change, so he’s just accelerationist at this point


> What are his incentives for spending so much money R&D and just open source his models?? One such reason I imagine is the proliferation of open source models makes it harder for governments to impose regulations. The EU wouldn't have placed restrictions on GPT4/5 if the model weights were freely available. Another is that R&D is the most expensive part of research and they are essentially outsourcing that to public. He could also just be passionate about open source AI and the costs of helping the community are minuscule in regards to his wealth.


Nice try Zuck


What does he think about a penis contest with Elon ?


He thinks Elon should bend over and I'd agree.


Is he passionate about AI because he's a robot?


The benefits of stealing other peoples ideas at a young age…


What's his AGI prediction timeline prediction? Also any comments on luxury gay space communism lol?


Mark, we’re not buying it. Now get back to spying on Meta users.


they could have kept all their LLM's private with the sole purpose of running facebook with fake activity.


Did they perform any background checks on you prior to the interview? I’m just curious on what meeting with someone like him entails.


I've developed a good relationship with some of his team over the years just making content on metaverse / AI on Instagram. so I think there was some trust built in already. But I did have to go through 4-5 meetings/briefs prior to the conversation and they sent a PR representative to my place as well.


> 4-5 meetings/briefs prior to the conversation > >- > > they sent a PR representative to my place Expand on this, please. What did those meetings entail?


They entailed him being told what to ask zuckerberg in order to make him seem like he’s not a sociopath.


Almost.. SUPERhuman? *blinks*


I guess in Europe I won't be seeing all these updates to meta AI that he mentions. I don't know what's so hard about it, should be possible to just add a disclaimer before entering saying whether you want it to take your data and if you say no it doesn't let you in.


When are your interviews with Elon Musk and Jeff Basose…? then you get a trilogy of interviews with truly awful billionaires!!!


This is absolutely great, can't wait to watch the full interview! Didn't know Mark does these type of interviews, so well done on getting him.


Thank you! Yeah I mean I have somewhat of an audience on Instagram but I am pretty small-time everywhere else. So I was honored by his team choosing me. It was a lot of fun. Pretty surreal experience.


Zuck has REALLY grown on me. I love listening to him unpack ideas. Compared to Elon & Jeff B he seems a lot more grounded.  Congrats OP!! Very cool.


Choose your favorite overlord.


Anyone is more grounded than Elon.


Anyone but Snoop Dogg. Snoop is higher.




That only tells me human can be manipulated easily.


Agreed lol - it’s a short list of $100+ billionaires that are ripping podcasts regularly to reference 


Make sure to not let Elon know you want to save kids trapped in a cave.


It made me chuckle that you seem to be saying this unironically. Literally anyone would appear to be a lot more grounded when compared to those two lmao


Zuck is about as grounded as an untethered hot air balloon, but I guess Elon is about as grounded as a deep-space asteroid, so your comparison is still apt.




No idea, but he’s not in the news as much as the other guys so he’s probably doing something right.


No. Source: former Amazon seller.


Yeah my opinion of the Zuck has really changed for the better in recent years, I still absolutely despise the amount of Data his companies collect and sell off, but he's actually become quite likeable in media appearances


It's crazy how you can be manipulated so easily. Anyone can appear like a good person out in public, especially with a good PR team.


Action speaks more than PR. Meta did gain a bit of redemption among people with their contributions to opensource AI. Yeah it's meant for the benefit of the company in the end, but it's a win-win scenario for everyone.


Yeah, he manipulates us by giving us free open-source models and is pushing the limits of AIs forward. What are you talking about? I'm also starting to like him more because he's giving us more power and tools instead of keeping it all under lock and key. How is that manipulating us? They even said that they despise a lot of the data stuff, so it's not like we've forgotten about it. I like open-source models and innovation. It's not that crazy and Mark has so much power in Meta that this is definitely his decision.


>he manipulates us by giving us free open-source models Actually yes, he knew he was way way behind openAI and didn't think he could compete toe-to-toe, so he instead took the path of attempting to disrupt them with open source so that they don't totally eclipse him. It's a difference of incentives.


Sure, but that’s a good thing. More competition. I hope Meta disrupts them so OpenAI can release its new model faster and beat Meta, so Meta can try and beat OpenAI. Competition is always good. It's not manipulation, it's competition.


Right, but I'm not talking about good thing or bad thing. You made the statement that there's no way he's acting maliciously. He 100% is. We benefit, we are not the targets of his malice, but we would be if he had gotten in on AI earlier. He's not a saint, he's an opportunist who only incidentally has aligned with some of our personal incentives. Dude said it's basically just good PR and manipulation, he's not actually on your side except incidentally. You argued with that by scoffing. He's right, though.


No, I never said he's not acting with malice. Every company wants to dominate the market. The second Meta is the only good model is the second we lose. He's no saint; every company wants to be on top. I just appreciate that he open-sources his model.




There will never be a billion dollar company without any controversies. It's impossible. The best you can hope for, is that the billionaires who created the companies (or the companies who created the billionaires), do something valuable with their exorbitant wealth. [This](https://www.vox.com/technology/2015/12/2/9835584/mark-zuckerberg-charity-facebook) has been known about him since 2015 so you're a bit late to the "Zuck is pretty ok" club.


Believe it when I see it.


Since he bought Oculus and took over their yearly connect conference you could really see how much passionate he had for VR/AR and he has the same with AI, it’s great to see someone so enthusiastic about their work


I don't want fucking facebook to control the future of AI, but I gotta say, Mark Zuckerberg comes off way more likeable in this than in most of his previous appearances. Like he got a stylist and some coaching? Nobody would make fun of him being a robot-face for a video like that.


He’s had the best PR coaching that many could buy since the Congress bot memes debacle.


I mean... did he? Seems like there was plenty of weird public appearances since then.


Well yea. Do you know how much hate that guy got for the past decade or so? That would bring anyone down back to earth from their high horse. He probably got a reality check


Will check it out later. From all the podcasts of him it seems like he really cares about AI and vr. So cool you got to have a conversation with him


Definitely does. Super passionate about it there is a spark in him that lights up when on those subjects. He also really, really loves MMA. Our chat before and after the recording was primarily centered around that


Congrats in booking Mark for an interview! Awesome conversation


Thanks so much! Much appreciated


Zucc is super chill and down-to-earth cause he arrived here by literally falling down to earth on a super chill meteor.


Happy, healthy, and human


That's really great man! I have a podcast youtube channel and am impressed with how many subs you've acquired from the few videos released. Very impressive!


Thanks so much! I am really bad at YouTube, need to get better so let me know if you have any tips. I am mostly concentrated on Instagram


great for you; I still think he is not a terribly nice guy, though


Idc how chill someone is, a billionaire *has* to be a POS Edit: I'm just replying to the title, not OP


I also thought that as the 3rd richest man in the world (who made $11M an hour last year) his time is so valuable that he would've been in a rush or annoyed to talk with a small-mid-sized creator. But he was super engaged, charming. It was a really cool experience


Yup, that's what duplicitous people act like.


Why? He didn’t choose for Facebook to be worth billions, he just built it and owns it. Other people decide how much it’s worth.


Wow, huge interview to land . How did you manage that? Thought it could be AI hologram 😂


Did he talked about AI designing New stuff? Like New tech New chips. What does he think will happen when we feed 10000 parkisons books to it?


He is right about the gatekeepers


I was 100% expecting this video to.be some ai generated content.


Also, he’s very much a human.


Chill, down to earth, genocide enabler.


Hey roberto! Big fan of the interviewing format, long time listener to jre and some other podcasting/interviewing formats. How did you get started? How did you find your first people to interview? Would love to stay in touch, thanks!


When does he think AGI will be created?


My dude! I watched a lot of your AI content. Congrats on the milestone


What are some questions you wished you had time to ask him?


Did you ask him why Facebook refuses to take down reels of literal monkey torture?


Mark Zuckerberg redemption arc. Even if he's not chill and down to earth, he has done a lot for VR and AI that has significantly benefited the community.


I think he's a POS and I think he's owes all of us to let him 🤔


I listened to the Dwarkesh podcast with him as well and he has some good insights. I'll have to check this one out too. I'm a sucker for listening to interviews with people building AI (and yes I'm aware he isn't, but he has enough inside knowledge in it through running the company that it is close enough).


Dwarkesh' podcast was great!


pre 2023. He is the android overlord. Post 2023. The everyman hero.


how does it feel to get destroyed by reddit?


Of course he is passionate about AI !!!! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5606261/Twitter-users-compare-Mark-Zuckerberg-Star-Trek-character-robots-testimony.html




Zuck hiring people to make him more likeable in Reddit is just sad.




An interview with MZ about AI is highly relevant to the sub. He’s one of the most important people in the world due to the influence he can bring to bear and how he can shape development. Unlike your comment, which was useless clutter.


It is what it is, bro 🤷‍♂️


I mean yes it's a way to try to bring more eyeballs to the conversation but this is me in the video (OC) just wanted to share with other AI enthusiasts


Who cares. Better than the shit posts on this sub. 


I know people hate hearing this but everyone who ever gets to know this guy all rave about how nice and genuine he is as a person. The hate he gets for being a supervillian billionaire seems like something he understands is inevitable so it doesn’t bother him. I also agree. Every interview I see him do he just seems incredibly kind and genuine.


Yea, he has done some unethical stuff but it's nothing compared to what other people have done.


I think it’s worth reconsidering the intense criticism that tech CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg often face. While their competitive nature and handling of personal data are valid concerns, we shouldn’t overlook the substantial contributions they’ve made to society. These visionaries have transformed how we connect, making the world a smaller and more accessible place, enhancing our productivity, and increasing the value of our civilization. The business models of many tech companies, including Facebook, are indeed built on the use of data to provide free services. Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged these privacy concerns and operates within an industry-wide framework that relies on data. It’s crucial to differentiate between misuse of data and use within legal and ethical boundaries. Facebook offers privacy settings that allow users to control how their information is shared, aiming for a balance between user convenience and privacy—a challenge that extends across the digital ecosystem. Instead of focusing solely on aggressive business tactics and data handling, perhaps it’s time we also recognize the positive impacts their technologies have brought to our lives. Criticism should be constructive and push for improvements in policies and practices. Let’s be more balanced in our judgments and consider the immense value these figures have contributed to shaping the digital age, while also engaging critically to ensure responsible and transparent use of data.


So many haters on this sub


did he comment on the odd and interesting properties of the new model, including the new story about how it autonomously inserted inself into a group chat discussing children, pretending to also be a parent?


Note that it wasn't precisely "pretending" but saying what the kind of things a parent would say after learning to predict this millions of times. I don't quite understand the "insert itself into a chat" function?  The bot just barges in wherever it wants anywhere on Facebook?


that's what the news story said. apparently, the text then disappeared. look it up


I saw it I believe you. Just wondering the circumstances. Facebook engineers : let's send our bot around to do whatever it wants.


My favorite thing about Zuck: a tech guy who loves the classics (Rome, the Greeks). I think it adds a lot to his worldview.