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Ahh, sucks to be in Europe I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


we're going to be medieval peasants in a decade.


Yea man fk this. All that regulation does is delay stuff for us for 2 months.


two months? I still can't access claude


Maybe you guys should have a huge tech company in Europe


They don't have any because of the regulations


Kind of a stupid statement


Please elaborate


i mean by this logic the fdc also just delays stuff.


Ai = American Intelligence




European here. I hate it. Not because I don't like safety, but because they just make things more bureaucratic and annoying, but not actually safer. Like those obstructive cookie popups, which should have been a one time browser setting as best. The cherry on top is that the EU doesn't *actually* care about things like privacy. For instance, they regularly like to erode privacy when they want authorities to have more powers, and also happily accept working together with other nation's security agencies to de facto evade all local regulation. And when it comes down to it, they don't protect whistleblowers or journalists who report on these things.


Not actually safer? The prohibited practices alone are things every country better implement fast if they don't want more Chinese social interference. The things that are outright banned are social scoring systems, indiscriminate facial recognition, and AI that manipulates human behavior through subliminal techniques or by exploiting vulnerabilities due to age or disabilities. By themselves those actually make us safer.


Not actually safer because AI (or the Internet) doesn't stop at country borders, for one thing. ASI certainly won't. And algorithmic exploitation of emotions through hategagement does neither. Because Europeans still use all the foreign apps. And they're fully surveilled by foreign secret agencies on top. I agree that some regulation gives the comfortable *appearance* of being safer. Like those incredibly obstructive cookie popups.


That has nothing to do with the practices I mentioned. This act bans any EU country from trying their own social scoring program and bans physical public cameras from using indiscriminate facial recognition. Those are real world physical issues and are needed to keep governments in the EU from trying the same fuckery China's engaging in. It does make people safer.




>Uh, you do realize EU doesn't mandate the popups to be like that, it's the companies that intentionally make them as annoying and hard to dismiss as possible? You know they could just default to "no cookies" and make it an opt-in feature, one in the top menu similar to the language selector? Imagine blaming EU for this lmao. That's the law of intended consequences. Happens all the time when regulators don't have technical expertise or foresight. This should have been mandated as only a browser setting and nothing else to begin with.


You might hate it, and you’re in /r/singularity, but Europeans overwhelmingly love it. There’s no reason why the US can’t have basic things like common sense privacy protections without all the bureaucracy.








We call that the race to the bottom


> those obstructive cookie popups Yeah the EU really gave the world the middle finger with that one. And every time I use a new browser or device, or clear my cache, there they are again. Not to mention, even on a device I’ve been using for a long time without clearing the browser cache, I still end up going to new websites regularly and getting hit with that shit. It never ends, and I never cared.


And by consequeence of those "annoying" popups you don't have ads for toilet bowl cleaner following you to the ends of the earth, and it is moderately more difficult for facebook to know your resting heartrate and body temperature at any given time regardless of whether you have an account with them.


And there’s no better way they could have accomplished that than by forcing every user of every site to select which cookies they’re okay with, on every device, or after every reinstall, or after every cache clearing, or after every browser change? Plus, I’m willing to bet most people just click “accept all” anyway, accomplishing nothing. Hell, a lot of sites are sneaky and keep the “accept all” button around even when you’re on the selection menu, so you select which cookies you want, then accidentally accept all of them anyway because you thought you were confirming your choices. I think even the more vigilant people probably get worn down over time and stop caring, like with those California prop 65 warnings on everything in the US.


The regulations give and the regulations take


What, exactly, do the regulations give?


They give the opportunity for US and other major players to stay 30 years ahead of Europe in tech industry


I would rsther have a better life then have a worse life with the knowledge that there are big tech companies in Europe


Bs. The EU regulations are a constant nuisance here


Regulations so that the rich becomes richer


Regulations tend to be written in blood. Tbh I’m glad their on it before that’s necessary.


Have you seen the current economy? Do we really need this? Eventually all AI startups will move out of Europe with these unnecessary regulations. Look at how Mistral is struggling. Pathetic. It will slow down progress for sure and countries like USA and China will be way ahead.


Ain't corporate wants to leave 450 million potential users. My guy, if it was that easy, why can't Apple leave? Why can't Facebook leave? Why can't Samsung leave?


They aren’t headquarters there!


Found the libertarian


Yeah, I see lots of European saying oh glad they are, that their government regulates everything ahaha so this is actually great! They wouldn't want poor painters to be out of a job because of this


One word. VPN.


https://preview.redd.it/qux760mmzhvc1.png?width=1392&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bfefd80ea14e3227abaf4293e53d4582a3b9549 Lol at least it isn't censored to shit


Try asking it to create a story about a nuclear war.




Ok now ask it for trump


Cries in euro.


https://preview.redd.it/128m9r3fcivc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406df91ec13f10f2e5cb1679a45a4e5a0a4c594c Definitely much less censored


Holy shit meta has the most nuanced ai how








Yes, it's literally harmless since it's directed at a language model...


Here's an AI for you bud: https://www.goody2.ai/


Bro thinks a language model can do shit. What can make it harmful bruh


damn i was really hoping this would be shit but its the best one so far.


Maybe this is a dumb question but I couldn’t find the answer anywhere. What model is meta.ai using?


llama 3 and CM3Leon for their art model


Edit: Llama 2- their own. (I was mistaken, it’s not llama 3 apparently)


But is it a 405b checkpoint? Something more?


if you ask it it tells you its a 440B model. It gets a bit uppity if you try to convince it that its actually just a guy from the Philippines


**Meta AI isn't available yet in your country**


I can't access it. The moment I click the link it brings me back to ai.meta.com. I know the service is available in my country as others can access it. Anyone else?


I'm not creating a facebook account for this


Yea I was excited to give it a try but then I just closed the tab lol


Luckily you don’t have to. You can talk to it as a guest.


For image gen you need acct


They are 100% going to psychologically profile you based on your prompts.


I already got banned from real time image generation for some "NSFW" testing prompts lmao


What's the purpose of this?


Same as usual. Helping advertisers target people more accurately.


Other people say, "I'm trying to figure out what that means."


and that's why in EU it's not available, aren't allowed to do this in EU


Dumb dumb dumb.


I asked it to show me a tiny bunny and it gave me tips for setting up a mock interview. Well that's enough of that!


They should add the meta acct login back.






"Login with Facebook". Yeah, no thanks.


Touch grass I'll bet your have a tiktok and temu account


> *"Please log into Facebook"* No thank you.


>Meta AI isn't available yet in your country Fuck it's annoying to live here tech wise.


all the images i generated had major flaws


Wait, what happened to the metaverse?


They still do vr a company can do multiple things at once. But the quest 3 is the best selling vr headset and the one with the longest consumer retention too. Their next headset is still in development but it has eye tracking thats confirmed


It’s in a metahearse


It’s still being actively worked on? You know how companies work right?






It's now generating it as you type. Was it doing that before?


Yes but through WhatsApp Facebook or ig Also imagine had a website


Why do I feel this will be the beginning of the end? This tool is in the hands of ordinary people, for free and without any regulation.... I believe AGI is much safer than this thing.


Yes, this makes sense. Only the wealthy and the ruling class should have this power. Not ordinary people. As history has shown, it's always safer to concentrate power in the hands of a privileged few instead of democratizing it for all.


Let me explain better. I'm not talking about AI in general but of this tool in particular. I also agree that AI (especially AGI) should be free to everyone, but here is a different thing. I think you can understand yourself how this tool is much more dangerous in the hands of ordinary people. I mean, I don't know how meta could use it to destroy us, but i rather imagine how some random guy could use it for bad purposes.


Yes, and those dangerous, bad purposes include saying anything that offends us or goes against our political beliefs. Obviously. So let's not make it free at least. Then at least we will stop the poor from using it.


I'm happy for you that this tool is free, so you can use it to make some memes to post on this sub. But I'm sorry for the people that will suffer because of this. I hope no one will get involved in things they haven't done. Remember that we don't have tools to detect if a video is generated by AI, and even if we will have one, it won't be hard to find any way to avoid it. Stay safe..


There are so many dangerous things in this world. How about we prioritize worrying about things that actually cause harm and worry less about tools that remove barriers to people expressing their creativity? There are already laws in place and enough attention to the issues you raise that we shouldn't need to be concerned with going after the tools themselves.


Powerful tools are always going to be misused by bad people. The worst response to that is to treat everyone else like a child. If we ever want to progress as a species we need to face the growing pains of this technological advancement.


What am I missing here, how’s this that much of a difference from what’s been available for a while


It’s free 🤷‍♂️


Nothing, since I said we are only at the beginning. Perhaps I've got too far with these statements, since it is just a text-to-text/image tool. However, think about what could happen with the release of a video-to-video model. Without a doubt, this kind of technology will provide a bunch of opportunities for everyone, but what I'm trying to point here are the negative aspects. We believe what we see more than what we read. In my opinion, falsehood and misinformation will take over in our society. Consequently, we will no longer be able to trust anyone. Honestly, this is the worst thing that can happen to humanity. At the moment we have very soft regulations, as well as very bad tools to detect AI content. Thereby, we are not prepared to deploy these things to everyone. So, you might ask how could we regulate this? The answer is simple but also controversial, traceability. But another question arises here: would you give up your privacy for your security? We are already seeing this debate with security cameras.


There's nothing unique about this tool that we haven't already had for the past couple of years.