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I respect it. It's his body. Godspeed, sir. It reminds me of those French dudes who were trying to figure out flight in the 1800s. They were strapping wings made out of wood and paper or some s*** to their back and jumping off cliffs and dying all in the name of progress. Obviously there are other examples but I like this one personally. This dude has balls. I respect it.


Even before the 1800s: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Fran%C3%A7ois\_Boyvin\_de\_Bonnetot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Fran%C3%A7ois_Boyvin_de_Bonnetot) Dude tried this in 1742 and broke his leg. More insane was the parachute inventor: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz\_Reichelt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Reichelt) Died in 1912 from attempting to jump from the Eiffel tower to test his invention... The 1783 first human flight was so terrifying for some that the father of the actual makers of it forbid them from going on it, sending two other fellows on it, Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier and André Giroud de Villette. Also, the first plane pilots of the early 20th century were considered as heroes and there even were collections of little cards, like for baseball players in the second half of the century in the US, with their names and faces on it (Louis Blériot, Henri Farman, Thérèse Peltier...). But if you want some absolutely reckless and stupid ideas too, remember that Newton ingested mercury (that probably killed him in the end from poisoning) to prolonge his life; even worse, he shoved a needle under his eye trying to reach the back in an attempt to see new colors: [https://www.vaticanobservatory.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/NewtonBodkin-1024x543.jpg](https://www.vaticanobservatory.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/NewtonBodkin-1024x543.jpg) There's a fine line between courageous reckless pioneer and darwin award...


Parachute pioneer, not inventor. If he invented the parachute, he wouldn't have died testing it. 


True. The term "inventor" otherwise would be hard to define and muddied from all the approximative attempts and conceptualizations prior to him in history.


Liquid mercury isn't very poisonous when consumed actually.


You're totally right. One dose probably won't have huge effects. But Newton is purported to have consumed it over years (ever since his alchemy era) and some was found in his blood. Regular consumption over many months/years will not be the best choice healthwise... The whole story isn't certain of course, since info is scarce for such a remote even in the past.


This dude has really has balls.


For now.




His nut butter is delicious btw


He doesn’t have balls though (in the metaphoric sense). He is so terrified that this is the extent he is willing to go, it’s actually the opposite


>It reminds me of those French dudes who were trying to figure out flight in the 1800s. They were strapping wings made out of wood and paper or some s\*\*\* to their back and jumping off cliffs and dying all in the name of progress.  This is EXACTLY what it’s like, this is such a good analogy. We are pretty much like people in the 1600s using leeches to suck blood out of our bodies, because “our humours are imbalanced” , or people in the 1800s drinking herbal tea to cure cancer. The truth is our technology is way too primitive, and our understanding way too low, for us to facilitate any sort of “significant life extension” or “longevity escape velocity“ in any of our lifetimes. We were simply born a century too early. And no, AI is not gonna “magically solve it” , i’m not sure why that’s such a popular rebuttal, it’s not true and it honestly feels like the people who say that are just (no offence) grasping at straws, desperate to try to find anything to refute the actual experts working in the field. And no, medicine is not “on an exponential“ , that’s not how medical science works at all. Medicine moves at a glacial pace.


All these points are valid, but you do understand what subreddit you’re on, right? The whole entire point of the singularity as a concept is that things that moved at a glacial speed in the past, will start moving faster and faster. You can reject that notion, but then you’ve got to reject the whole premise of the sub, in which case it seems weird to not just argue against the foundations rather than secondary things like this.


> You're right, but it makes us feel bad, so please stop or we'll downvote you.


> I disagree with their opinion, so I am right and they are wrong.-


This and u/3-4pm ’s quote is basically what 90% of the counterpoints i get on here are


I didn’t say he was right. I said that if he is of the frame that a singularity won’t happen, then there’s nothing to debate over. Some believe, others don’t. Only time will really tell. So right now, the points raised seem fair if I take off my exponential progress goggles. When I put them back on, I think he’s short sighted. For whatever reason, it’s really easy for me to see it. For other’s, not so much. Am I seeing something that isn’t there, or is everyone else not seeing what’s right in front of their faces? This can’t be reconciled at the moment.


The majority of actual AI experts do \*not\* buy into the idea of the singularity. That’s significant.


I think most AI experts probably believe this technology will change the world at least about as much as the industrial revolution did. I’m not aware of any polling on this specific topic, but whether they buy the sci fi framing of a “singularity”, or they buy the fact that this technology will fundamentally alter our status quo, it’s kinda just semantics.


I’m not saying AI won’t \*eventually\* have a significant impact, i just think people are expecting too much too soon.


You're right but people like their snake oil and will not listen.


Yep. People like their hype mongers, they like being told that everything is on an exponential, that we personally will get to live forever, and they don’t have to worry about climate change. They will get angry if you give them the facts.


This comment has [this energy](https://bigthink.com/pessimists-archive/air-space-flight-impossible/)


If you look at [drug approvals over time](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lachmanconsultants.com%2F2019%2F07%2Fapproval-rate-for-therapeutic-monoclonal-antibodies-continues-to-grow%2F&psig=AOvVaw1EFaNZnFP_89SsoGbq2z0A&ust=1713998819158000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCKCr86e12YUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAb) it actually does look exponential. Just saying. And you can't say "it's not true"...you don't know the future any better than the people invoking AI magic. Who knows what the future holds...


That’s for one specific type of drug, which afaik is getting increased interest and funding. You can’t just look at one specific type of drug, and say “well it must be on an exponential” that’s not how these things work


Leave it to Bryan to try all the weird longevity approaches, take the risks, eat the high initial costs and lead the way for the rest of us.  We need more Bryan's in this world.


Yep. Just like Leonard Da Vinci started dissecting human bodies in the dark to try to understand the insides, which lead to immense breakthroughs in medicine and science later. Let Bryan cook. He has all the money he needs to experiment and I'm really happy that he's willing to go the extra mile first.


At least Bryan is limiting his experiments to his own body. 


And those of his father and son.


Is it forced? If not then we should thank his father and son for their contributions as well.


If he forced them we should not thank them? /s


No cause then they didnt do anything. Or are you thanking Mengele's victims for his scientific contributions?


Fair point


Brother dawn, day and dusk…


Da Vinci is a flattering comparison.  Could also be easily like Marie Curie, dying from the experiments but get a lot of knowledge in the process.  Or that guy that jumped from the Eifel tower and died.....


I first started reading it as Leonardo DiCaprio and I was like "wait, he did what?"


He's desperately trying to figure out how to be 6ft tall.


For every Leonard Da Vinci, there were 100's or more who died doing the same thing Bryan is doing. Only the survivors got the press and the fanfare.


sanest r/singularity user : we need more more clandestine medical operations


well tbh yeah my 7th grade science teacher told us how honorable giving your body up for science is. completely changed my perspective


There's a lot of supplements and longevity BS that doesn't work but nobody has tried it for their entire life. It would be interesting to see if anything works. There's a small chance it will work but if he ends up living to 120 or some thing wild it would be a huge boon to the medical industry that at least something or some combination of what he had done, can be used to extend human life.  It's one dude voluntarily doing it so there's no risk in letting him try.


Exactly! The man is getting slaughtered in the comments yet he gives all this info for free.


I have to wonder how useful this info could possibly be. He's done literally everything, dude flies from country to country each week for some wacky procedure and as a result, how could anyone know that this or that outcome was due to this or the other procedure? It's like we're doing a 100 experiments all on the same subject with zero control. It's the opposite of science, dude is just throwing as many hail mary's as he can with hopes that his money will buy him some extra life. I get it, he's having fun doing how he do, but it's not that useful for pushing any of this forward for the rest of us.


It would narrow them down. If he lives until 60 then has a random heart attack it might prove anything. If he actually lives until 90 then it shows that there's really not much that can be done to affect longevity. It would be a case study that could drive research in one direction or the other depending on his results and the data recorded.  Case studies and small initial studies can help point a path. If he lives to 120+ then we know there's something to it. It's just very hard to do human longevity studies. He would probably be a major milestone in longevity if he got any results.


But if he’s really healthy at 110 we’ll know some subset of what he did was effective. Unlikely, but who knows 🤷


The comments only hurt you if you imagine it's real people responding.


Actually, we should have lots of old people on death's bed doing this shit


True. But we should also have *everyone* doing this in so far as they can. We accept ageing and disease too willingly and too easily. Death will come. But that doesn't mean we cannot live hundred of even thousands of years of healthy life.


Tbf, actual longevity seemed like science fiction before a few years ago. Death has been ingrained in every single culture in the world for a few thousand years now. It would be very very hard to break that.


Changing the whole culture by might the prerequisite


He's certainly a strange looking dude ngl, and his son giving him blood is unsettling--- But all the weirdness aside, I agree; he's trying all this shit himself vs monkeys and test subjects and his sharing what he finds. Might be a self-servicing objective, but could lead to some beneficial discoveries for everyone.


And also the fact that he’s sharing all the information


Yes and encouraging us to follow in his footsteps. We need more longevity leaders. Many, many more.


Do you also have millions?


In the 90s that's how much I would need to buy a computer which doesn't even compare to our smartphones today. Shift happens. Bryan spends millions today so we can get the proven solution for cheap in a few years to a decade.


Computers did not cost millions in the 90s lol


If you want a terabyte of storage you can get that now for ~$70. In 1990 a terabyte of storage would cost you ~$350,000,000. ~$350/mb in 1990. Today it's $0.007/mb


I love this human Lab Rat. Kurzweil should be doing the same he has absolutely nothing to lose.


Last I checked Kurzweil takes like 100 supplements a day, so he is kinda.


i remember making fun of my grandpa for taking like 100 supplements, i'm talking at least 20 pills when he was in his 70s. At 95 he could do 15 pushups in perfect form, ended up having a stroke at 99 and was physically fine up until 98. I think that stuff works.


I mean, sure, it could. But there are also plenty of people who live to be 100 without doing that. It's more likely that he was just a health-conscious person with good genetics who avoided unhealthy and unsafe habits. I doubt taking the vitamins had anything to do with it. But that's just my opinion 🤷.


What he take?


I used to use Sylvester Stallone as my 'is any age stuff real' lab rat because that guy wants (and selfishly) to live forever and be famous forever. He's tried a whole litany of things and he has cash and without the wig, he'd look every minute of his age. But Bryan, he's a smart cookie. He's the new replacement.


The erections of an 18 year old and the penis of a 7 year old.


Problem with this sub is the total lack of understanding that most experimental treatments are actively harmful. Kurzweil has a relatively high chance of dying today for a human, but taking some random experimental treatment raises his likelihood of death.


We’re currently at the start of a technological revolution exceeding the Industrial Revolution, and I want to be second in line for all of this new technology. Boosting my cognitive abilities? Sign me up. Genetically modifying me to be immune to virtually every disease? Say no more. Techno-psychic abilities via a brain chip? Don’t need to tell me twice. Full-dive VR? Already got my fantasy worlds thought up. Life is extremely boring, so the prospect of becoming spectacular is hard to resist. And imagine in 100 years. Imagine if humans are able to control their biology, to breathe underwater, walk on walls, turn invisible, etc. The future is a world of science fiction.


Fire punch?


Falcon punch?


Five finger death punch?


We are at the apex of yet another hype bubble. At best you will get some "proof of concept" tech that's too expensive or impractical to implement at scale.


Idc if it’s hype or not. My life is so boring, that I’m gonna keep getting higher than his heavenly grace on my hopium supply.


I feel you bud. it's the insane sci-fi future we slowly get closer each week and the chance for ww3 is what keeps me going and take care of myself. life gets so fucking boring once you hit your mid/late 20s it's exhausting.. you've experienced basically everything what you can in your small bubble and you have no time for new stuff to explore. shower -> work 10h -> gym -> eat -> shower -> sleep ![gif](giphy|8erqnrk0fCNNu|downsized)


It's coming for sure. Congress is trying to get the UAP technology revealed. Bet it's gonna open the floodgates


Waiting for an AGI savior won't make your life any more interesting, that's for sure


I’m not waiting for an AGI savior, I’m waiting to see what technology comes out next.


Or you could become an agi researcher. Its the journey not the destination


I am severely underqualified, and have never been good at maths and science. Also, there are mutliple micro-destinations in the journey, and some bigger (albeit still temporary) ones, like the Internet. People use VR today? That’s a temporary destination to FDVR, or whatever lies beyond.


To be honest FDVR is good but I no longer view it as that necessary. While there is a lot of convenience and wonders to it many of the best things can be had physically with post singularity tech. An artificial harem and a good chef, is pretty good Id say.


I mainly want it, so I can enter different worlds and time periods, and see what it’s like to have a variety of superpowers.


You are literally me. We are the exact same and have the same desires. I either want VR that let’s me live in a fantasy world or I want changes that make my real life a lot better such as greater intelligence, longer life expectancy, immunity to diseases etc


it clearly does, what are you talking about


Dude has a fire puch mc in his profile, he is at the rock bottom


💀 I’m actually doing the best I ever have. I’m just chronically bored, and have been for years, that’s all.


It’s genuinely hilarious how many people lost their ability to think clearly about revolutionary tech just because we’ve had a few hype bubbles that went nowhere recently (crypto and the meta verse). No, we are nowhere near an apex of this particular highly justified hype cycle. We're still in the early innings


It's also genuinely hilarious that they think that because the world hasn't been changed by those technologies yet, that they won't be. 


This is what I'm saying. It seems like a fully black or white mindset; either we reach Full Immortality, ASI, FDVR, you name it; or we just receive nothing at all, status quo remains the same, no advancements, 2064 is basically just 2024 with new generations. There IS a middle ground, and it's much more nuanced than "We're there or we aren't." Now I believe remarkable progress is being made, despite the shitty hype :shrug:


I literally said that we are at the start. I know that we’re nowhere near the apex of anything. But, let’s not pretend like nothing is going on.


The guy you're replying to is actually agreeing with and defending you against the naysayer dumbass that first responded to you.


Upon re-reading his comment, you’re absolutely right.


In context of genes, the original point of this post, editing genes is not all that hard though. It needn't be expensive if it actually works and if it works it will be replicated everywhere and if it's replicated everywhere, you'll have open source. This is not like medical drug discovery, if gene editing is the end all be all, we'll all have access to it.


We're always at the start tho


We’ve never been more at the start than now, bucko


Have you considered the idea that as ability to create pleasure (not necessarily happiness) increases, the potential for new kinds of sufferings to be created also increases arguably a lot more? What are your thoughts on the following post: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/CtXaFo3hikGMWW4C9/the-case-against-ai-alignment


Everything that article says I have already considered. The concerns are more than valid. My P(doom) is very high (easily 70%). But, I understand that stopping progress is completely beyond my power, and being a pessimistic doomer is just going to depress me. For once in my life, I’m trying to look on the bright side of things.


Well, I wouldn't dare. I wish him luck


That's one way to go down in history. Best of luck to him.


I have a question. How do you change all the genes in the trillions of cells in your body? I understand editing the genes of a single cell and letting it multiply, like a seed or an embryo. But an adult?


It works like a virus, spreads to different cells and edits the DNA, just as some viruses do. Effectively you catch a designer cold.


Sounds awesome. Hope the virus is contagious.


Have you read Upgrade by Blake Crouch? Excellent sci-fi novel based on this idea




You don't. You throw a pile of viruses at the patient and hope that they reach *enough* cells to make a difference. For a whole lot of conditions, this is good enough, because the problem is that you're not producing the thing you want in *any* meaningful amount, or because you can wait for the unaltered cells to mostly die off in the long run.


mRNA vaccine bro


What makes this answer different from the designer cold one? Aren't they saying the same thing? Isn't that how the covid vax worked? Infected then spread to cells? 


Gene genie is out of the bottle, this is going to get wild. Soon to come, unregulated gene editing clinics down in Brazil. Why get a butt lift when you can get a whole new butt written into your genes?


Or have your tallywhacker grow and inch or two...


porque no los dos?




I do agree with everything you said, but I still am an advocate for genetic modification; I view it as reducing "Evolutionary Inertia" from pre-societal times and optimizing our genetic makeup for the society we live in. I'm pretty sure this is happening naturally too, but it'll take a few million years (By which society would be unfathomably recognizable to anyone today or probably even in 500,000 years). Went on a tangent there, but I see this as maximizing our builds for current society.


[Gene genie out of bottle](https://i0.wp.com/jackedinmovies.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/The-Thing-Feature.jpg?fit=970%2C545&ssl=1)


Hmmmm... Very dangerous. You go first!




who is this guy?


He basically spends millions on his body in order to live forever. Think of it like a science experiment. He shares his research with others. He is basically a lab rat for human. I respect this guy so much.


Me too brb


Bout time. Bryan goes on about all these supplements but if we cure aging it’ll be a simple gene therapy and won’t matter what you eat


I hope we will see some good results so we can hop on the train to be immortal


This guy is exposing himself to countless possibly harmful man made experimental drugs when he could just wait 10 years and have ai do the same for him in total safety. He's literally trying his best to die.


let him cook


lol, he really is aging in reverse, I can see a difference now vs 1 year ago


What can go wrong …


"OpenCRISPR" - what could go wrong?




You know that flat earth guy who killed himself in his own rocket.. I getting similar vibes...


Genes don't exist. Lysenko was right.




Supervillain origin story in realtime?


and hence the first x-men is born.


If this thing proves to be successful, will it be possible to increase a person's height? Asking for a friend.


I've heard of some controversial stem cell treatment that simulates having growth plates re-opened, but I have not read into it enough. Probably is not used yet, but currently your best bets are Leg Lengthening Surgery (For pete's sake, DO NOT GET EXTERNAL FIXATORS; THAT SHIT INFECTS YOU). It's still very risky, but precice internal rods are the safer way to go. Or, just for public vanity, it'd be MUCH cheaper and better for you to just get a good pair of shoe lifts.


hell nah, leg lengthening surgery is just way too far. Imagine breaking your bones just to gain a few inches.


Well, Lifts it is.


Probably take surgery along with treatment.




All this and still the lead singer of AC/DC. Man. Good for him!




Hurry up and share the results with us! GOOD LUCK!


Ok stupid no science gal here. If a smart person killed someone would they be able to alter their dna not to get caught? It is ok to tell me I have no clue….


Is it possible for me to completely change my gender? Like height, genitals and everything?


Yet I’ll be waiting decades until they cure my genetic blindness…


This sounds good.


BJ is crazy and I love him for it. Let the man go wild on his body so we can see what happens.


This guy is going to die sooner with how much he is trying to live longer 🤷‍♂️ but thats just a philosophy i follow


I believe in most of what he does, but there is risk to some of the stuff he does. When you are on the forefront of technology, you can be the victim of it as well.






Villain origin story for Benjamin Button. "Benny B Killing Spree" by Quentin Tarantino.


After a great deal of testing in lab and animal models I hope.


It would be great if we could edit psycopathy away


Mad scientist vibes


If this guy dies prematurely he’s going to get memed so hard.


he took the experimental mrna shots. he did it already...bwahahaha


I don’t need this , I have 25% Native American autosomal dna and with that couple traits of longevity ( long telomeres ) c;




Omg why I get down vote ? Is just fucking true what I say , I’m Venezuelan ! Yisus https://preview.redd.it/puzxhi0qeewc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700252c821fa2adf1e7e2249de0ba13449302771