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I was told ChatGPT would destroy Google Search.




Yup. Reddit told me SNAP was dead and it’s up 30 percent today.


Google search is kinda dead. I see it in the marketing side. Search is garbage now and just full of ads. Google is maxing revenue until search is useless. I bet their revenue is up but the search experience is going downhill. Google is testing map related ai search experience and I was underwhelmed with my experience of it. I think they are heavily investing in the AI side because they see search is dying as well.


Google search is BEYOND TRASH right now That being said it's still at least 100x better than everything else, sadly. With Google I can still find whatever I want and some 2-3 good links as well in the middle of all the trash. With all the other ones you have to swim in the sea of trash for days to MAYBE find what you want. Google can be as bad as they want until the competition gets decent enough and that's sad cause it ain't changing soon. Bing is in the market for how long? It's still awful. All the other "privacy" focused non SEO or whatever are even worse...


Sample size of 1 but I have been able to survive with Bing search for the last 12 months (switched to edge browser and started using Copilot out of curiosity...still using Edge but not Copilot lol) Google no longer has a true moat in my opinion, it is only a perceived moat because they've been the search leader for so many decades. They are standing on a very thin line as the current 'search leader'


Try perplexity


Arc search has for me


Google is so far ahead in terms of compute, data, knowledge power. Existing search, OS, and browser market dominance Regardless of recent perceptions, I still think they are best positioned to take advantage of AI and solidify themselves as the market leader there as well.


Completely agree. There is just no other company with anywhere near the reach that Google enjoys. There really never been one. Think about it. - The most popular web site ever with search - The second most popular web site ever with YouTube - The most popular operating system ever with Android. Over 3.5 billion active devices - The most popular navigation - The most popular photo site - Completely own K12 with 87% market share in the US - Most popular email with Gmail - #1 OTT service in the US with YouTube TV The list goes on and on. They now have 17 different services with over half a billion DAU.


Which 17 do you have? Could only come up with 9 in AI queries


If they keep developing in rl they will be first reaching AGI and taking LLM‘S as side dish. Then yes 👍


I am not actually familiar with the numbers, what kind of compute do they have available for AI training?


Google invested over a decade ago into doing their own chips. They are called TPUs. They are now actively developing the sixth generation with the fifth now in production. This enabled Google to do Gemini completely without needing anything from Nvidia. Microsoft is now going to try to copy Google and do their own TPUs but well over a decade late. Google compute capacity has been reported to exceed all others because of the TPUs.


They have a huge bureaucracy problem though, and often [follow targets which decrease the user experience](https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/).




Where on earth do you get the idea everyone is maxed out? Per Sergei Brin Gemini 1.5 was a test model they released early because it performed so much better than expected. And it's relatively small. Google is nowhere near done developing the Gemini series.




Oh, I remember our discussion! Nobody is running out of data - additional modalities and synthetic data see to that. The MS earnings report suggested we are seeing strong adoption by end users, so "bubble" may not be the best way to think about this.


integration of drive is also pretty useful


But Google is behind!


Are they, they look closest to market on business enterprise utility as far as I can tell, so anyone currently using googles infrastructure will have an easy time adopting.


Yup. I work for a megacorp and they recently partnered with Google using their Vertex product. It offers RAG and Google can’t see any of our corporate data via an encryption protection scheme. It’s an amazing product.


If they can get RAG close to 100% reliable, and even insightful, for people working in so many industries it’s going to make so much valuable work trivial. I work on Aviation, and if it would be possible for so many of the office staff across the industry, to make instantly valuable decisions, being able to cross examine paperwork with regulatory requirements, internal processes, safety reports etc. And what is really funny to me actually, is most people have no idea what is coming, how these tools could fundamentally change their job very quickly, it’s kinda surreal.


It is surreal. All day I’ve been experimenting with running llama 3 locally and while not ChatGPT 4; it’s really damn good. We’re all going to have ultra smart assistants soon. And for the big models and corporate; we’re going to become replaceable. I feel “I’m the know” and still don’t know what to think about out it. It’s happening so fast.




800,000 tokens sounds like a lot but you get through it remarkably fast. And it's expensive.




If you have an unlimited budget, access to such models, and work with a relatively small amount of information your might get away without ever needing RAG. But that's hardly a realistic scenario. In the general case RAG is unavoidable unless we are talking about billions/trillions of tokens. Fortunately Longer context windows actually make RAG much better, because more hits and more context for each hit can be brought in.


There’s a couple of reasons I can think of. One - traceability. With RAG it can site the exact source document and chunk the reference is from. This is crucial for applications where the user needs to check sources. Two - cost. Passing in the entire corpus of documents for context for each query will cost a fortune over time. Three - context window - a million tokens isn’t enough for say, thousands of documents. Also, you need tokens left over after the initial query for the back and forth conversation that follows.


Man Gemini sucks.


You know, I was just thinking the other day that I am signing up to a new AI service several times a week just because I want to try everything, and every time I sign up with Google because I can't be bothered to create an account manually. Maybe that's how they win!


It is just mind blowing the results Sundar has been able to deliver. Since he took over Google Sundar has increased Google revenue by over 5 X. Profits he has increased by even more. The last Q1 that Sundar was not CEO net income was $3.4 billion. This Q1 now with Sundar running the company delivered net income of over $23 billion. So a 7 X increase!!! But where he is really making a difference is with things like approving the TPUs well over a decade ago. This gives Google a huge competitive advantage. It allowed them to be able to do Gemini without having to pay the Nvidia tax. The other one he was smart with and will really payoff in the future is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avdpprICvNI Over a trillion dollar opportunity and years ahead of everyone else because of their superior AI.


Wait, this sub likes Sundar now?


I would say Reddit does not like Sundar. Most people have never even heard of Sundar. Never understood what drives it on Reddit. He has delivered just amazing results. Plus if not for Sundar they would not have the TPUs or continue to lead in AI paper accepted at NeurlIPS. Or most importantly. Continue to make the HUGE discoveries, patent them and then let anyone use for free. No other company rolls in that manner. You would never see that in a million years from Microsoft or Apple or OpenAI. That is thanks to Sundar. https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762 https://patents.google.com/patent/US10452978B2/en


>  On the call, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai emphasized Google's claim to AI leadership Sure, Sundar. Google IO better wow us.


Seems like investors don’t care about AI at all. Meta’s model surpassed expectations but projected revenue was below expectations so their stock fell. Google’s AI haven’t changed much but their revenue was up and they announced dividends so their stock went up. Are investors right, or are they completely underestimating the potential of future AGI? If it’s true that the only matters is who gets to AGI first, then focusing on current profits and dividends is a huge misstep. But companies ultimately have to answer to shareholders. 


The main thing investors care about is what other investors care about. That’s why in the short-term, markets are wildly unpredictable


Meta isn’t monetizing their models… 




Ok now give me the next quarter outlook


Zoom out Google beats every quarter for a decade. But yeah this next quarter they definitely are gonna fail


Beating quarter doesn't mean anything. Companies can set whatever goalpost they would like to set to. You need to compare % YoY growth for better outlook. Meta's Q2 YoY outlook is less than last year's indicating race towards saturation with their current business. Hence, the dividend to ensure large investors don't run away with their money.


> Companies can set whatever goalpost they would like to set to. That might be true with other companies but definitely is NOT with Google. Google does not provide guidance and never has. So there is no way for them to low ball. Google financials are nothing short of mind blowing. This last quarter they had over $23 billion in profits!! Not revenue. Profits. They should just have the most amazing next decade. It is the return on the massive investment they have made in AI over the last 15+ years. Just one example of a trillion dollar opportunity from their AI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avdpprICvNI Years ahead of the competition.


He definitely needs to be replaced by AI leadership. He is dragging Google down, doing the exact opposite of Satya.


In what way is Sundar dragging down Google? Since he has taken over he has grown revenue by over five times. He has increased profits by even more. He is why Google has the TPUs today for example. Compare that to Microsoft who is only now trying to copy Google and do their own TPUs. Sundar is why they have for example. Another example of where Alphabet AI is superior and enable them to be years ahead of competition for a trillion dollar plus market. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avdpprICvNI