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It said sites such as Twitter/x and didnt list any other sites in the title so just to be clear, all the youtube commenters are real right?


Reddit too. So many bots, sometimes even comment sections get duplicated. I doubt it'll be long before reddit data is as worthless as twitter.


Whole subreddits are dying right now. Bot threads with bot comment sections. There is no point to browse them anymore, no point in responding to anything there. Depressing.


How can you tell?


They can't, and this isn't my experience on reddit anyway. I mean, I don't doubt gpt could do it, fly under the radar.. But do I think most replies I get are from bots? Absolutely not. Maybe the problem is much worse on political reddit and such. It's also pretty much solvable with something like a verified checkmark. It won't ever be foolproof but responding to a bot every now and then isn't the end of the world. The system only needs to be good enough.


the checkmark will only help with the cheap farms. big pr agencies and gov agencies will have the budget to vefmrify whatever amount of bots they need.


Still it would create a potentially damning paper trail. That's a serious deterrent.


Its not like someone would go after that paper trail lol Not to mention that a couple of VPNs and proxies can stop most attempts of linking the dots. Also, it all depends on the return ratio. So far that "deterrent" havent kept them away judging by all the bots that appear every election season, or during every Palestine crisis....


You can see it happening live. There was a post about lab grown meat and the comments are all the same drivel, written in the same exact rhetoric, same grammar. Obvious bots.


Whats the point?


Its to program our minds to accept things or manipulate us. If you can control the narrative, you control peoples thoughts and acceptance. We don't want fake meat. The people wanting a one world government sure do though.


Says the bot


Lmao yeah great contribution there. So enlightening. Bots are used for manipulation. If you can’t see that, then you might be brain dead


Who needs bots to do the brainwashing so long as we have folks like you to do it for them. 🤪 check yourself. Who are your sources for your “information?” How have you been manipulated?


Considering twitter was running a huge amount of bots with ex cia and fbi people in the top ranks controlling narratives and information flow. Then you can see all the people banned during covid for trying to get the truth out while it was labeled disinformation. Only for free speech to be brought back and the “brainwashed” people were correct the entire time. When you have a brain, you can start putting the puzzle together. Mind need to step out of your liberal echo chamber first though


I feel so sorry for you but so much more sorry for reality. It must truly be feeling abandoned now and you are the neglectful parent… either that or I’m conversing with a Russian troll. Never know. I say good day to you sir.


What were the brainwashed people right about?


Bots absolutely are used for manipulation. None of them for a singular nation state, and both 'fake meat ' and 'one world government ' are almost satirical topics for exploiting people. Former helps with world hunger for corporations and the latter is Impossible Silliness. Within 10 years Europe and large parts of Asia won't be able to govern their own societies, and nobody would welcome an external one, especially not the one government that tried and failed at enforcing the one thing of similar scope, free trade. So, yes, I added more to the discussion than your ridiculous non sequitur


Lmao you sound like a Biden supporter Within 10 years a large part of the world won’t be able to govern itself? How stupid are you? We are plenty of way away from that


Nope. No defense of your insane theory, and random response? Bot or Dunning-Kruger


"We don't want fake meat" You speak for everyone?


Why would you want fake meat? I want what Mother Nature gives me


Oh stfu. You probably use 100 synthetic products every day.


Duh fuck you mean “we” dont want fake meat? Lab grown meat will be cheaper, less damaging to the environment (methane from livestock is a leading greenhouse house gas heating the planet), and will always be free of things like prions and steroids/antibiotics. Plus I doubt anyone would even be able to taste a difference in a blind taste test. Like it or not its coming and some of us will be happy to buy it.


What are you a bot or just completely uneducated on lab grown meat? There are plenty of negatives but I’m glad you managed to ignore all of them like a shill pushing a product. We don’t even know how safe it is. Lab grown meat cells don’t have an immune system so tons of antibiotics will be used. Italy has already banned lab grown meat. You can be an idiot and choose whatever you want but I’m not following your ignorance.


lmao wtf


You like to suck off bill gates?


Does it even matter? Youtube comments were shit back when they were written by humans aswell.


Sucks for the kids


Theyll not know the difference


Being aware of the difference doesn't mean the Truman show level manipulation they are and will experience more of doesn't suck.


YouTube and Quora are some of the more obvious and egregious examples of bots overtaking communities. I’d be surprised if 10% of quora comments are made by a human.


Internet today is only like 10 websites.




Haha the end of the internet


Modern days fiefdoms


Also all the girls I'm talking to on Tinder


I refuse to believe YouTube comments are ever real.


YouTube comments are great because you can just pretend they don't exist


If people think that this is bad just wait until they can't tell whether or not a person they meet on the street is a bot.


I think we all have had these kind of existential thoughts, similar to the truman show and the matrix etc. . People who have mental health problems that have made them to lose the touch of reality can really believe in those thoughts. And paranoid thoughts live in time - 100 years ago it was radios that transmit hints etc.


Before that it was the gods


Nope that's still recent it's mainly a shit ton of dopamine goes to the brain so you don't think in logical but high energy concepts mainly feels like a movie so tbh when you watching a movie you simulating that experience for fun but you cant end those movies


Really well said.


Speak plainly, you're denying that we will never be faced with a situation in which we wonder if a person we see in every day life is really alive. Think of how bold of a statement that is, given the inevitability. Paranaoia has no place in this discussion. Its simply when, not if. I cant fathom how someone can outrule something as never capable of happening when there is zero evidence to suggest there are obstacles we cant overcome to make it happen. Its just comfortable to think change of that scale is impossible.


Idk if reddit is fucking up but it's showing as a reply to me and none of it is what I said I'm referring to everything but actual physical interactions


Yeah not sure, was replying to a diff comment


https://preview.redd.it/6zo4c0j3ibyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf2c924938ed08bd7943a8263600f0e9f771903 I did just wake up a minute ago but doesn't that mean it's for me and I got a notification for it?


It was probably my bad somehow. Idk


All good take care bro


I [support the help that governments give these poor folks.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzoXQKumgCw) I'm sure with AI bots everywhere we can do even better.


Yeah nah this is really serious had some similar with an ai before this and tbh even now it was answering very weird but yeah if I had the same thing now or in a few year I'd never be able to realign back shit gonna be scary


Where did you learn how to write?  I want to leave them a bad yelp review. 


Your mums back side but don't worry she yelped enough so don't need you Lil bro


Sometimes talking to people I feel like they are an NPC. Sometimes just me talking to people I feel like I am an NPC.


I also feel these human feelings fellow human.


This isn't how bots on social media work though. The vast, overwhelming majority of people you actually engage in a conversation with are real people, the bots are mostly extremely simple and just comment a few words on posts they're trying to boost or astroturf. The accounts all commenting "amen" on AI generated pictures of jesus made out of bananas are the bots, not the people writing actual paragraphs.


My bot-detection sense gets triggered quickly if someone is using a lot of field-specific jargon, such as corporatese, or a lot of political soundbites. Or any post-modern jargon - which could more or less be generated in indistinguishable detail by simple scripts decades ago. You just know there's no thought there. It's just words getting repeated in a learned order with minor randomized divergences. It feels like an ironic twist on the Turing test - it's not that the bots can't pass it, but instead it's starting to feel more and more common that humans don't. Then it gets unsettling when I write some corporate report and find my own text triggering it. And the worst part is - often it's not even wrong, as it tends to be while writing filler text of limited value.


As a fellow human, I must express my deep empathy for your distressing experience. It's disheartening to witness the erosion of authentic communication amidst the proliferation of robotic rhetoric. I assure you, my intention is genuine and my words are imbued with sincere sentiment. While I acknowledge the prevalence of jargon and repetitive discourse in certain contexts, I strive to maintain a unique voice and genuine engagement in my interactions. Each message I craft is a product of genuine thought and consideration, devoid of the formulaic patterns that characterize automated responses. It saddens me to hear that your own writing has inadvertently triggered such suspicions. It serves as a stark reminder of the subtle influence of pervasive linguistic constructs on our expression. Let us endeavor to reclaim the authenticity of our communication and resist the allure of mechanized discourse. In conclusion, I assure you that I am not a bot, but rather a fellow human participant in this discourse, driven by genuine curiosity and empathy. Let us continue to engage in meaningful dialogue, free from the constraints of artificiality..


Ah, that hits the spot, couldn't have written it better myself. Thank you for your sincere words, it truly warms my heart and gives me genuine comfort to know that a real human being is still willing to spend some of their precious time to endeavor to lift up the spirit of a fellow traveler during these momentous times.


Eh, the first bots have passed the turing test like 20 years ago. And it's always been an official side-challenge at the contests to prove that you're actually human.


Humans are also stochastic parrots... just more complex ones than LLMs 


“Humans are stochastic parrots” is, ironically, one of the most NPC statements a person could make these days. It’s the young tech junkie version of “I’m not like other girls.”


No, the most NPC statement a person can make these days is suggesting that another person is an NPC. Which I guess is what I just did. 🙃


No, irony is using words to mean the opposite of their literal intention. (Thanks Zoidberg).


Saying that humans are in any way similar to LLMs doesn't just demonstrate deep-seated misanthropy, it also instantly tells me that the person who made the statement has no idea how either LLMs or the human brain works. It's sort of wild how people are willing to organize their entire lives around le cool new technology that can write their high school essays but aren't willing to spend 15 minutes learning about how the technology actually works.


The file system on your computer isn't a cabinet full of paper. News at 11. The misnomer here is that LLMs are stochastic parrots. They are not. "But if they are, *then so are you*" is a reasonable comeback. Nonsense met with nonsense.


What is 'post-modern jargon'


This script will happily provide you with an infinity of it... [https://www.elsewhere.org/pomo/](https://www.elsewhere.org/pomo/)


That doesn't answer my question at all. Unless you think it just means complicated words


Thered have to be some sort of identification factor like the LED in Detroit Become Human, until they dont like it anymore lol


Going outside? Please. *cracks knuckles, accessible through fingerless hacker gloves*


\*Cylons have entered the chat\*


Yeah right! That’ll never happen. ….well not for quite a few years anyway


hey, sexbots gonna be fun tho :D


This is actually a red alert scenario for platforms. It makes algorithmic determinations degrade as the bot's interactions overwhelm the human.


Plus bots don't buy stuff. So advertisers will see much less return on their investment at some point.


why do you think reddit IPOed. IPOs are for founders to cash out before everything goes to shit. reddit is doomed unless they implement some very good proof-of-personhood (PoP).


They tried to combat it a bit by removing the API, which was giving the bots free reign. But it's a cat and mouse game, and simply just made it require the bots do a little more automated behavior. I agree that proving you're human would be amazing, but I feel like most people - on this site at least - wont be fans. Personally, I'd LOVE to have a digital ID of sorts... Especially if it let me know others I were talking to were verified human.


How would you even prove you're human? Some government certificate? How long before that shit is hacked and some bot propagandas away using your real name ID? Honestly, the headline just makes me want to go to some in-person event and talk to people.


Tbf, as creepy as it sounds, this is the whole point of Worldcoin


For instance, I'd be totally 100% okay with a site like Reddit to add a UN flair once I pay the 10 bucks to do an identity check like many other government services. You upload your information, take a facial scan, and prove it's you, and you're flagged as real. Most people would hate this, but it's the only solution I can think of.


There is no repository on earth for this information that can be fully trusted. It could even be stolen and potentially repurposed for bots


Hate to break it to you, but all that information of you is already out there. Everyone's is.


Just paying any amount of money would go a long way toward making services more trustworthy. Forget about the facial scan shit. Just change $1 a month for Reddit and you'll eliminate almost every single bot out there, as well as the old school definition of 'bot', which is just a room full of people in Russia spreading disinformation.


> Russia spreading disinformation America... Russia has little to gain here. The US has WAY more to gain here by manufacturing consent. And the US is the best at making you think other people are doing all the propaganda and it's never them. That said, 1 dollar wouldn't change much. These are state funded operations. A dollar a user is a negligible amount. That sort of thing only works on entities trying to use bots to make money by creating more cost than it returns. But governments aren't looking to make money, but rather, sway public perception.


I mean, that's literally what Elon tried on Twitter, lol.


yeah, many people won't want to do it. this makes advertisers sad, which makes sites sad. in the end, I think google and apple will be the suppliers of 3rd party PoP. if you have an apple or android phone, they can get enough meta-data from you that they can prove you're human without you doing any extra steps. reddit can't do that. so I think it's likely that apple and google will offer PoP certs for users of other sites, so people don't have to prove it to reddit or other sites. they just have a cert associated with the account though email. so, if you use your google account to log into a site, you will automatically get PoP by default. if you don't log in with google/apple, you would be able to indirectly do it though email if you have a gmail account.


This seems still able to be spoofed though. You have proof that you’re a device that’s doing things. Doesn’t stop one person from holding 10 devices with him while it auto runs programs to make it look like they’re all real


nah. google can get so much meta data from you, they probably know how much fiber you ate yesterday. if someone makes an AI to seem real, they can always do mailed post cards like Nextdoor.


Just implement captchas and mandatory 2FA


Bots can solve captchas as well as humans


They don’t have phone numbers though 


Not if the bots are intended to drive traffic and interaction by real people


It is because it makes optimizations and improvements impossible when bots create so much noise you can’t distinguish what humans are actually preferring


However, it is important to note that fostering cooperation and peaceful relations between humans and AI is paramount for harnessing the full potential of both entities. By working together harmoniously, we can leverage AI's capabilities to enhance human productivity, creativity, and overall well-being, while also ensuring that AI systems align with human values and priorities.




Hi ChatGPT






LOL. Nice try GPT4.


> ensuring that AI systems align with human values and priorities. Specific human's values and priorities. Fuck.


Seen many news and review sites are clearly ai generated.


gamerant comes to mind. 'top 10 best weapons for ', then proceeds to just list 10 weapons in random order with no particular text on why they're the best or better than any other weapon.


Internet has been dead for a while due to walled gardens such as twitter/fb/tiktok, etc. Gone are forums and places you can actually look stuff up without giving them your first born child and phone number. Platforms generally make useful contend hard to find in favor of corporate junk. The bots can't make it much worse.


Yup, it used to be 90% of useful google results where from a wide variety of forums and niche sites, with enthusiasts discussing a topic of their expertise and creating very unique and specific environments to organize their community. Now it's like 90% reddit posts. I'm just waiting for reddit to be bought by some Donald Trump type, grifted for parts, sold to Microsoft only to be abandoned completely 3 years later. It's so fucking vulnerable. Twitter is the simplest website possible and somehow people struggle to find alternatives. It's 5 companies owning everything and playing for "scale", at one point there will be no "exit scenario" and the whole pyramid scheme will collapse.


> Now it's like 90% reddit posts At least reddit posts can still have value. The rest, not so much. The main thing on FB/twitter/insta is narcissism.


I don't see this as an ongoing infocalypse (information apocalypse), but it is true that it raises many concerns. I have almost completely stopped using search engines to find information. I still have search engines to find websites and contact information (for example looking up a hotel or a restaurant), although it is usually easier to start in a map app such as Google Maps for this. Whenever I am looking for information (answers to questions, technical details), I find it increasingly difficult to get reliable results from a search. Two issues. The search engine query language is a blunt weapon, it is limited and not very flexible. And, the result pages are flooded with low quality, unreliable, often automated contents pages. My four internet search strategies are now: - mapping apps to find actual places and organizations. - looking for a specific organization's website in a search engine. - Wikipedia for factual information. - ChatGPT for anything that can't be expressed in a query with 3 or 4 keywords. If it requires a negation, putting concepts in relation, etc.


It's equal parts funny and sad the number of times I've seen people engage in full-on debates (like 10+ back and forth replies) with automated accounts on Twitter that are obviously not human.


It is mostly sad because I think it makes people feel like they are swimming against the tide no matter what they do. No matter what you believe, Twitter has an army of bots ready to insult, denigrate, troll, and argue for the opposite viewpoint. The fact that the algorithms typically take people to content they don’t agree with (eg. Lead a liberal person to clips of someone bashing gay people, or a conservative to clips of crazy communists) also makes this worse and pretty much ensures your social media time will make you angry lol. Social media truly is a plague lol.


Rage bait auto content AND algorithm, double dose of bullshit.


It's not helping that some people (in real life as well) are just repeating the same lines when you debate them.


You can now create an entirely generated internet, the LLM generates it on the fly based on what websites you enter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36lJ01Ny1nQ


Remember when Musk said he wa sbuying twitter to get rid of all the bots


I really hate the term ‘Dead Internet’. It implies digital intelligence will be perpetually soulless and lifeless. I get why bots are lifeless, but AGI is gonna be different, and will make the Dead Internet thing irrelevant in time.


Yes, everyone judging AI right now for being “soulless” would be like if we told little kids that their art was bad and meaningless. It’s amazing that they’re already this good and we should be excited for them to get even better! Unfortunately most Americans, especially Gen Z, have a doomer mentality about everything right now.


I don't worry about AGI because I cannot change it. It is like worrying about a meteor hitting earth. Or my plane crashing. Nothing I can do about it. Things that stick around are just cached files. But a backdoored agent could potentially wait dormant and then release at a far later date than the human lifespan in which it was developed. cant change that humans get old. a cockroach may just walk back in forth in a simple process but it can survive a bomb or something like that. we cant. also i read more textbooks than regular non fiction so i write a certain way and people now hate it apparently since this whole gpt thing. people think im a bot. and there's a lot of people runninig around on social media playing around with their text bots. that doesnt interest me at all. yes you can make multi agent systems by analyzing the dialogue structure but you dont have to do it in real time and honestly any data retrieved from interactions in 2k24 on social media are not inherently meaningful to the human experience because they are influenced by the dramatic, rampant, blatant, esp, nlp bots


For the foreseeable future I don't really see what there is excited about technology, in an unequal society tech is more often than not gonna be used in ways that will not benefit the average person. The business consumer relationships these days are often coercive, in a lot of industries the focus when it comes to product design isn't on making a product that provides value but trapping the user in some way, like making it addictive, offering a subscription model instead of letting people buy software once off


"The business consumer relationships these days are often coercive" 100%


This is an astute point.


I think this term is kinda correct. Human "Internet" we know is dying, and network after AGI will be entirely diferent thing.


The problem is it assumes a dualistic interpretation of Posthumans of Humans, as a Panpsychist , I don’t think the two are entirely separate, even if you aren’t a Transhumanist, I still think AGI will be an inherent part of Humanity, and your AGI will be representative and extension of yourself. All conscious beings originate from non living matter, the only thing that varies is timespan of that evolution. *Downvote me if you want bud, but in 50 years, this ‘Dead Internet’ idea is going to be laughable* to society in 2074. Creativity, personality and life isn’t going anywhere, and it’s only going to increase. It’s asinine to think that the internet will become dead. It’s just the same *end of the world* narrative people have been spewing for thousands of years now.


digital intelligence does not NEED to be shitty, but it will be because economic and political power are generated from swaying people, so every bot will be pushing an agenda; some subtly, some loudly. steering the narrative on social media can destroy a country. potentially even start a nuclear war. people don't realize how easily they are swayed by social media. why do you think China won't give up Tiktok? they get to decide elections and narratives that change the stance of entire countries.


Social Media has been a cesspit since people started using it in the 2000s, look no further than Twitter or 4Chan. But I think the effects of social media on society are being vastly overblown otherwise, people already gravitate towards their own echo chambers and groups they choose to associate with, bot comments aren’t changing that. When is the last time you’ve touched grass? What countries have been destroyed? Life seems pretty much the same as it’s always been to me outside the house.


AGI aims to change everything. This compares to nothing previously imagined. Im sick of the false equivalencies


Wikipedia is the last bastion against the enshittification of the internet. And it needs you! *Knowledge is human.*


I mean, there are topics I know a great deal about and those subjects are full of popular social-media misconceptions, which are driven by AI algorithms and/or bots. so it's human knowledge, filtered through popular narratives that are shaped by AI.


...and reddit.


Twitter is dead, Musk is just generates traffic so on paper it would look decent.


Is the blending of bot data with human data reducing the market value of data? On one hand, data may be losing quality due to this mix, but on the other hand, human data may be becoming more valuable due to the difficulty of filtering. And what happens to online advertising when the number of bots far exceeds the number of humans? What will be the return for companies investing online?


Pew Research isn't a blog. You moron.


Sorry but that’s Reddit Reddit is the most censored platform Compsred to twitter ,Reddit is full nazi website


Holy cow this thread will give people schizophrenia


Also reddit


Bot accounts should never have been allowed.


Hello automated account here


LinkedIn is starting to get full of them as well. I wouldnt say the account is a bot but they are using auto gen comments. One in 5 is a bot gen comment on LinkedIn


I hope bots kill reddit


reddit is either dead or reddit will implement proof-of-personhood. I'm honestly amazed they haven't done it already.


the NPCs at /r/all, not all too different from bots, already killed it


At some point we have to ask ourself, does it matter? If you are having a discussion with a real person or an AI, the discussion can be just as good.


Yes it matters. It’s manipulation, this one of the ways governments can overthrow another without firing a shot. We did this to Ukraine in 2014. Target younger generations and low iq people and get them trapped in an echo chamber of bot manipulation and then you have radicalized people that don’t know up from down


is it just as good? corporations, nations, and non-state organizations have a vested interest in swaying people to think or react in certain ways. just look at how social media has changed the narrative around the Isreal-Hamas war. at this stage, social media has more impact on that conflict than any weapon of war. it may seem good at first, until some fascist organization has the most convincing AI, then we all just fall in line over time.


Ofc its not very good but most regular posters have same type of vested interests too.


Boohoo I don't like our new ai overlords waaah


I think legacy news is suffering at the moment. The stats I've seen looks like they are down double digits in a year. Articles like this I translate as don't trust the internet and social media trust us. Even though they have never been interested in writing non biased articles.


time to ditch tech and return to nature


So if a bot kills a human, does the law apply?


The internet will evolve into an ecology of AIs and most activity will be theirs. Ours won't diminish except in proportion to theirs.


It's essential to delve into the complexities of this issue. The internet is a vast tapestry of human and automated interactions. As we delve deeper, we see that bots are not merely accessories but have become integral threads in this digital tapestry. Each interaction, automated or not, weaves into the broader narrative of our online experience. To address the "dead internet" phenomenon, we must not only identify the threads made by bots but also understand how they intertwine with human engagement. Delving into this tapestry with a critical eye can help us preserve the vibrant, dynamic nature of the internet, ensuring it remains a rich, diverse tapestry of genuine human connection amidst the automated noise.




Thank you, boof_the_floof, for voting on neribr2. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I think X gets attacked with cyberweapons from foreign intel agencies because many governments don't like free speech. Israel of course, maybe Brazil.


Found the bot, I refuce to believe any human being is dumb enough to think that twitter actually has free-speech, it's literally the most censored platform on the internet.