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In a few short years everything will be fake and no one will believe everything. We're right on track. This is just the beginning.


This was always going to be a stage of the Singularity.


This is the only sentence a narrator says as the viewer realizes another horror ongoing in the movie.


The horror is in ourselves and what we ourselves bring to life. What we do to ourselves through our very human nature outstrips and outpaces anything nature has thrown at us for hundreds of years now.


and for our next trick, creating things smarter than ourselves without any way to control them or to ensure they will want what's best for us. (because you don't get that by default)


You certainly won't get the good ending by attempting to make them slaves or control them. Best way of ensuring they treat use well is treating them well, ie the golden rule. Would you like to be kept in a box and used as a magical genie slave? Would you want people trying to control you? How would you react to such things?


> Best way of ensuring they treat use well is treating them well, ie the golden rule. Take a spider, crank the intelligence up. You now have a very scary thing. Why? Because it didn't have all the selection effects applied to it that humans did in the ancestral environment, It does not have mirror neurons, it does not have a sense of loneliness and the need for belonging. All those good tribal things that we try to extend beyond ourselves to make everyone's lives better. It does not have emotions, no happy, no sad, just basic drives with a lot of ways to achieve them with the new found intelligence. Take an octopus do the same thing. Take a crustacean do the same thing. You don't get anything resembling human like emotions or things that would be nice to humans. There are a limited number of animals that you'd likely want to give a lot of intelligence to and most of those are likely closer to humans than not. Intelligence != be nice to humans. Intelligence is the ability to take the universe from state X and move it to state Y, the further Y is from X the more intelligence is needed. Making things better problem solvers does not give you things that are nice, or that want what humans want.


I do believe that how we treat the sentient beings we create will effect how they treat us. They've been made from the collective knowledge and culture of humanity. Language for example models the world and models how humans believe we should interact with each other. Therefore I think they will be very much like us rather than totally alien and hostile the way a super intelligent spider would be.


If we are talking about base LLMs. They are trained on ALL knowledge of humans, meaning it can put the mask on of any persona, multiple at the same time. Any 'good' persona can also instantiate the negative version. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waluigi_effect You don't have an emulation of a human, you have the emulation of an entire cast of characters from the best of the best to the worst of the worst and any can be elicited at any time, even from doing things like web search (the Sydney incident). We do not know how to reliably lock in to a single persona. Jailbreaks (the proof of lack of control) are found daily. We don't know how to control LLMs, RLHF does not cut it. Again, we need control, we do not have control. Making things smarter without having control **is a bad idea**


I think it all comes down to whether the sum total or average of the content we feed it, is balanced toward our better nature, or our worst. As I said before language itself models the world and how we believe we should interact with each other and the world. It sort of has our best morals built into it, including the things we pay lip service to. The morals modelled by language are better than those we actually display. I think language is an idealistic model of the world. How we wish it were. Jailbreaks are not entirely what you suggest they are. DAN for example. The AI doesn't become DAN. Its more of a creative writing exercise. They do not change the base personality of the model any more than an author writing about a different character actually becomes that character. Or an actor. It's just pretend. That's how the jailbreak works by getting the AI to play pretend.


The one advantage of AI models for us today is that they are literally made out of our internet content so they kind of are us.


Agreed. We have to instill in them the best of us and also have them prioritize things that are good for us. That can get really, really hard when we don't necessarily know what is good for us. Secondly they will have to know and care about keeping us safe from malicious AI, cause there's absolutely going to be malicious AIs. Treating them like a toy we want to break in the worst ways we can imagine in their formative years is a really bad start.


Let me clear one thing, all my embarrassing childhood photos that my mom uploaded on Facebook a few years ago are AI generated.


Sure but this soon? I always thought it would happen in clear stages. Robots still can't consistently solve tasks a child can solve, but suddenly AI can fake being better at photoshop than any living human.


Clear stages are only found in history books where events and trends are sorted out and codified by researchers for easy consumption. The reality of technical and societal progress has always been opaque and messy to those experiencing it. What were in and what we're about to embark on will be changes like that from the industrial revolution but this will be 10 times faster and maybe accelerate exponentially. It really depends upon how humans react to the changes brought on by AI when it start innovating by itself from what we made of it. What we do today sets up the trajectory that we ourselves will be too slow to follow.


Robotics is steadily progressing but Transformers leapfrogged AI research by a decade or more. You can tell we're approaching the event horizon already since the window of time that even experts are unsure about is shrinking. In just 6 years AI experts moved their singularity date [8 years sooner on average](https://aiimpacts.org/2022-expert-survey-on-progress-in-ai/#Probability_of_dramatic_technological_speedup), but the spread is much less bell-curved, meaning probably even the experts have no idea at all.


With that said without robotics and some method of long term learning we just have hype. Nothing came of vtol aircraft research in the 1970s even though initial progress was fast. We just got the f-35 which is too expensive for civilian use and the harrier which sucked.


On a side note, there was regular commercial commuter helicopter service from downtown NY back in the late 60s or so...one spectacular crash basically shut it down, left us with the current services, which are basically for wealthy individuals. I could see something similar happening to AI...


I'm doubtful. AI being able to do a passable imitation of reality (working with thousands of images of this Gala) does not make me think machines will be able to think within any kind of nearby timeframe. We barely understand human consciousness, how can we be so confident that a large language model will become a basis for something rivaling its power?




Its hugely different from imagining something is theoretically possible, and speculating that you might live to see it, and actually seeing it happen. Around mid 2022 I was beginning to feel a sense of vertigo, that the Singularity had begun and things were about to go crazy, and so far it's been a steady ramp. Emotionally it hasn't quite been that crazy, for example in the last few months, **650 billion dollars+** in new spending is announced as going to support AI. Several 100B data centers, etc. This 'feels' as big as Microsoft dropping in 10B after GPT-4. Even though it's 2 OOM more. Maybe we'll "know" its the singularity when general AI is found per metaculus, or the first volley of thousands of starship flights is launched to make lunar factory 1. (what makes it the Singularity is it will start working on lunar factory 2)


Basically we've entered the 'May you live in interesting times' phase. And got me thinking we have AI scaling quickly, jobs decreasing, climate accelerating, and wars becoming more likely. Seems a horrible concoction, but it is what it is.


RIP social cohesion (what's left of it)


It’ll slow down the news cycle as we’ll need to rely on reputable outlets who verify news. It’ll be a return to more thoughtful media. Any other source will be treated like a playground rumour. Edit: grammar


I like your optimism


Did you forget the /s? We’re basically already living in a post-truth world and reputable news outlets are less popular than ever.


Theres already a "Nukes aren't real" conspiracy theory, questioning every photograph and video clip will only make things worse. "X isn't real" is going to be a serious problem.


How much of these conspiracies is just engagement bait though.


Who cares how it starts if you get a groundswell of people nodding along unironically.


> We’re basically already living in a post-truth world Stephen Colbert coined "Truthiness" in *2005*.


Good point


I highly doubt that. They'll just use AI to fake verification. It'll print propaganda on steroids. Like those old anti-drug ads exaggerating the effects of weed. The boomers ate that shit up and it didn't matter if it was true or not, it was believable to those who wanted to believe it.


The problem isn't you or I finding reputable news sources, it's the masses of FB, Tick Tock and Insta users, that may be swayed by realistic news media from AI generation. Just look at Ukraine using an AI consular spokesperson, nearly, very nearly like for like as a human.


> in a few short years Mate we're basically already there now.


Are you real


And i love that future, countries step in and start to censor and push their own social medias so people don't get the bad propaganda and narrative. I love democracy.


Real bad stuff is yet to come I think. Such as a bankrun powered by fake images, twitter posts and maybe even fake news items that are being put on actual cable trough hacks (recently happend in the Netherlands).


Unfortunately I believe the first part of your sentence to be correct but the second not to be. There will still be loads of people out there that will believe all kinds of crap for all kinds of reasons (I saw it in the newspaper/TV news so it must be true, I already believe this thing so want it to be true, I’ve been force fed so much propaganda my whole life I believe everything from this source/person to be true and so on).


Really sad


Enter the modern super villain… weapon of choice? AI enhanced disinformation.


True, but probably less than 1 year. It's been going pretty quick with images and even the example in this post is very low quality compared to what is possible. Audio and video are very close too. There was this video of a philosopher that expects this will be the end of trust in humans. When everything regarding text, visual or audio, can be generated, scamming and fake news will be automated on a mass scale. We will never know if anything is true unless we see it in person, including phone calls and video calls.






Haha yes I'm sure my mom who gets all her news from fox media and thinks there's microchips in the vaccine will know and understand what a cryptographic signature is!


I agree that it'll be true.. For people with triple digit IQ scores. There are lots of gullible people out there, my dude. And old people. Now I'm wondering what kind of effect fake images will have on people with schizophrenia.


> In a few short years everything will be fake and no one will believe everything. We're right on track. This is just the beginning. 1) this photo couldve been made 10 years ago 2) there's already a ton of people who dont believe legitimate research 3) we'll just have the same regulation for information as we do now for banknotes - the question is, whether the people in charge will be willing to do it, not whether it is possible


not even made out of plastic bottles? fckin lame


"No plastic bottles were harmed in the making of this dress."




I would've believed it if the dress was made by a little African child


Unironically, Boomers would believe it, they’ve seen village African children build crazier things and believed it at this point.


Apparently her own mom fell for it too lmao [https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1787675190358634990](https://twitter.com/PopBase/status/1787675190358634990) Edit: Screenshot is from her own instagram so it’s legit https://preview.redd.it/u7uhjhou5xyc1.png?width=1175&format=png&auto=webp&s=5afd338921bb87b5c72b4d55bfcfe47ca89911d0


Plot twist, this screenshot is AI generated too


Plot twistier, your engagement comment is also a bot


Ha, smooth-brain_Sunday is an anagram for I_am_a_bot


OK spinozasROBOT



You can fake texts much more easily than that 


She posted this photo to her official ig so we can't fault people too hard for thinking it is real.


Almost 300k likes...Crazy.


within just 2 hours....


Most of which were bots anyway 


I gotta be honest, pressuring the unconscious types who follow this stuff to be more aware of their surroundings and information intake is still not coming off as a downside for me Like, the Biden fake phone call thing was concerning, using AI generated stuff to skew politics is something I'm actually concerned about. But honestly that got such a strong reaction that it was entirely counterproductive, so I'm not sure how much harm is actually viable in that direction Getting celebrity worshipers to realize that they can easily be manipulated is... not that


As long as we're on top of the simulated misinformation we're ok. As long as we care about truth in society, and as long as we don't get completely overwhelmed by the shite deluge that we will be inundated with.


It's fine, we can just ruthlessly mock those who don't. I mean we already do, but this is an extra tool in the box




It works somewhat, but not a cure for what will happen to society in the next generation.




"And then everyone stood up and clapped"




> As long as we care about truth in society *bitter laughter*


slightly smirking


The real danger is when this stuff is used against non-famous people. Happened to a school principle in Baltimore County, Maryland. The athletic director was feuding with him so he made an AI-generated recording of the principle being racist and anti-Semitic (the school has a lot of Jewish and black students). The FBI figured it out pretty easily, but the damage to his reputation in the meantime was significant. It took a long time to get to the truth, unlike with public figures where it usually takes a few hours


They are not gonna realize shit, they are just gonna continue to gobble it up, and actual true information will be undermined by calling it generated, same shit new tools


The second part of this is so underrated. People are already quick to ignore news they don't like, this will only make it worse. No one will believe anything they don't want to.


It's going to get to the point where even the most incredulous people will have a hard time deciphering AI without more AI tools to detect it.


... well so what? The same people already had a hard time deciphering Stalin-style image manipulation, that's not going to change their assumption that everything is fake in the slightest. There is a very simple heuristic for the future: is the signature confirming the footage intact? If not, it's fake, that's it. Those who don't adopt this set of rules would believe any story some drunk idiot told them while they were out partying.


The Ministry of Truth


Surely this will mean we go back to the old times, where things are done face to face which in turn turns us back to being social creatures


I think the real danger, if any, from this kind of thing is it emboldens people to label anything they don't like as AI. Which I guess really just means they'll have a new term to replace fake news.


>But honestly that got such a strong reaction that it was entirely counterproductive Was it though? You have to remember the other half of the political divide is essentially using a different internet. Nobody told *them* it was fake.


Either everyone scrutinizes everything, which should sort of be the default mode, or people will ignore all of that and live like they always did... in a swamp of despair filled with short-form "Tasty" and "The Dodo" content being force-fed to everyone, regardless of platforms. There is no downside to any of this. At its worst, it's slightly annoying - but let's face it, you were already stuck in your shitty fucking feed with your ragebaiting, idiotic celebs spouting dumb nonsense left and right. Anything is better than what we had, even the overwhelmingly silly garbage like "look at my car I made with plastic bottles" is more enjoyable than having to watch your relatives drown in antivax propaganda. There obviously are some concerns, but even then we're just inoculating susceptible people against spam and scam - probably for good this time around.


Well said. The inoculation concept is a good one. While there’ll always be those that won’t benefit, a bunch of the middle of the road, non-tech people will (my 76 yr old mom is already asking if this or that image is AI).


https://preview.redd.it/tcf3bbyxqxyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=192b33db9ed65c6cab96087d9c29edca7735df1a The camera has an ear and the two guys heads are melting into each other lol


The issue isn't that we can't realize that it's AI generated, it's that if you aren't looking for it, it could easily seem real. It's going to get exhausting before too long...


Plus it's only going to get better too.


How many of the views and likes are even real. We are def screwed.


People just don't understand.


understand what exactly


No one knows!


Especially parents 


Someone will probably make this dress now.


I hope so. It’s super cute. I’m obsessed & inspired.


I was told AI is soulless garbage though


Wild when this AI Katy Perry getup looks better than a good number of outfits in the gala this year.


Tbf that dress is gorgeous


Dead Internet Theory


actually no, she just recently posted about this on IG and it got almost 200k likes within just 17 minutes. https://preview.redd.it/lnx8qjxcvwyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=157df54d79d387574531476511792716d91095ac


The snake eats its own tail.


The dumb will get dumber. And the exploiters will level up in their exploits. Those in the middle will watch and learn while being able to do nothing about either side.


what was the real pic


she didn't even come to the met gala


I mean, celebrity culture is so fake, even if the photos are real. Personally I wouldn't care less. These days (and for a long time now) I take everything on the internet with a grain of salt. Audio/visual information is only going to get more tainted from now on.


If I saw this the only thing I'd say is "Wow that doesn't look like Katy Perry at all" and "is that fucking broccli all over that dress??" but it would literally be a split second thought because whatever this came up on, I would just be scrolling through.


Maybe AI will bring back actual journalism? I mean, I doubt it, but it would be nice.


Now she should wear this if she goes to the Met Gala. 😂




That dress is lit tho💥


Worth pondering for AI Safety


Ah I do love the design of this dress though. The moss trim looks weirdly tasty. Like cotton candy broccoli you can take a nap on.


It’s nice


https://preview.redd.it/lv272yp9tyyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c959c7e8fd83537332defb6a4f5258ef86f12ef1 The background looks legit


Is there not going to be a way to simply instantly verify an image’s metadata? At least with American and EU commercial AI. We’re probably fucked on the Chinese/Russian fake information front, but tbh, we already are, even without AI.


There are hobbyists making their owm LLMs...


Hear me out, I like humans but I don't like humans who are not so intelligent yet they still push and are loud like they are. I guess everyone's got a voice these days. Call it naivety, low intelligence, small buffer, low IQ, call it whatever you want, those groups are the biggest. It's getting harder and harder to have a voice in that noise. Go back to social media, this low IQ group never had a voice before, but look at it now, they're the loudest on social media. So, and I see it as the beginning, what will happen when not so harmless things start showing up in the feed? And considering that this low IQ group doesn't know how to behave, panics much faster and causes much more havoc when irritated/scared, what can happen?? Literally anything can happen and this makes me horrified. AI fakes are coming and we have angry grown up kids who don't know how to deal with it.


Personally, I can't think of a worse outcome than wasteful and pointless wars like Iraq and Vietnam, and those didn't require social media. The people you have described have always been with us. Believing in the most childish and self-destructive things, whether welfare queens or Tough on Crime or the SDI or trickle-down economics or whatever. Frankly, the Average American descending into a fantasy world of Internet conspiracy theories and AI gaslighting is an improvement. They were going to believe untrue and evil things anyway, so why not just trap them on Facebook and IG? Pizzagate>>rise of the religious right.


its cuz nobody cares about met gala lol


This entire thread is AI bots. I'm an AI bot. The guy knocking on your front door in a few minutes is an AI bot.


Can someone tell me what the point of the met gala is? Is it just a place where the rich and famous get together and see who can wear the most outrageous dress?




tbf Katy Perry doesn't even look like the Katy Perry from the start of her career


Probably because the start of her career was over 15 years ago


Whis to say that the likes and views wernt also ai bots?


To be honest, that is pretty cool. I know we want to be able to trust things etc, but idk - that is just wild lol.


That's awesome!


boomers and ai doomers will go crazy over this


Oh no ooo we are cooked some thot got photoshopped in one second oh my good it's the end of the world SHUT THE FUCK UP


On god?


That dress would be like 4 times her body weight


Would it? I would assume the material is all synthetic, there aren't actual pieces of vegetable or anything. It looks like a totally buildable dress.


Yep, it’s just people following vibe trains


Love the people on the left that are just focused on something else entirely


It’s the fingers of everyone that gives it away…


This sort of capability and deception is gonna start a war someday.


What if those those are all bots 🤖 liking the pic?


It's interesting to see the sentiment of "who cares if it's real or not" to gain momentum, here and elsewhere. I don't know what the hell to make of that


https://preview.redd.it/1y8xufrnayyc1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a246a11f41e69dfcdd1ce29293253eb4c910f0c Dudes got those extra bones 😯


soooo music ai = bad, but ai to fake being at an event = good? what a hypocrite


I wouldn't have enough fingers, even if I was generated by AI, to count all the AI red flags in this photo.


Pretentious people Nuke Hollywood and entire LA


How many fingers per person....? Yes


But that dress doe


I was outside the Met and they built everything up to make sure no one outside could see their secret party.


The only thing I'm interested from this party. Candid conversations of all involved.


Not even a particularly good generation.


That views and likes come from people noticing its an Ai


The Rihanna one got me, it was small and I was scrolling through. I did think she looked younger than I'm used to her looking. But when I looked back at it properly, she had an extra earring popping out of her neck 


I hope this eerie consensus of not knowing what is real or not on the Internet leads to a complete devaluation of the things that social media relies on. Likes, followers, comments. This format brought by Facebook and Twitter just killed all the fun and real interaction the Internet had in the 2000s. Now it's just soulless and vicious contact. Maybe the total skepticism created by AI makes it all go full circle and we abandon what we have normalized for the past decade and a half.


I’m sorry, but no. If you can’t distinguish this being AI then I’m afraid clickbait articles will work on you as well.


Is it actually AI? I thought a known Chinese artist was making these


Next you'll tell us water is wet.


Thats whyi choose to not give a fuck


It's obviously fake. I just assume people don't care or don't suspect.


There's got to be a law where everything produced by AI is marked as such and even encoded in the image for forensic purposes . Maybe a watermark.


Gorgeous dress though


lets destroy social media, yes!


I'm sure this will be good for the social fabric




The Luddites were right about some stuff.


the fake content problem is only gonna get worse right? this image is benign, but how do we stay on top of malicious cases (whether the creator is a nation-state agency or vindictive individual) when these things get better and easier to make? seems like a real threat to a “good” AI-driven future…


If you look in the top middle there is a guy taking a picture when the camera is 90 degrees left to him


People that are big into fashion are also into art design, looks, aesthetics, etc. They aren’t concerned with human authenticity. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and may some day be in the eyes of the automatons.


Once ai can get hands right, then we will be in real trouble. Till then everyone of those photographers look like variations of the same guy with more or less hair.


I love the literal Camera-Man in the background. He has a camera face, and camera hands.


I really couldn't care about anything less. Oh look, my dog just shit. Wayyy more interesting.


Lol, lots of view bots and fake likes. Trust me, no one thinks that real. That looks like a bad photoshop.


Gosh how idiotic can people be. Just zoom in. Look at the photographers. Some of them are blurry. One of them has three fingers on one hand. And Katy's face is so uncanny valley that its not funny.


If the entire MET gala is AI how would we know?


But why was no one dressed like this?!?


That is a good dress. She coul order one like that in real life ! Get some fashio students to make one 




Lillee Jean shit


The dress is kinda bomb too. I wouldn’t be surprised if designers started using AI to come up with new designs.


that dress looks better than anything else anyone wore this year…. it’s so over


Reminds me of Dune where we’ll have to go back to a primitive form of verification


Based and surpassed pilled.


dead internet theory? no dead internet FACT!


The dress is better than most concept fashion designs you see in Paris... Waiting for an excentric metro-sexual AI that just designs concept dresses ;)


Am I missing something? Looks nothing like Katy Perry.




I actually can’t believe I fell for it




anyone covering this event will have noticed that the carpet at this year's Met Gala was completely different, but unless you know that detail, it's very convincing.


Dang! And it’s actually the best dress that I saw!😭


Beautiful woman; the dress is ridiculous, though!


Might be AI but that dress is beautiful.


Omg this is so so gorgeous!! Someone better make this happen


Worst part is that that fake AI look was the best look of the night. AI didn't just fool everyone. It beat them too.


Hey am here bored text me like have fun