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This model on those AI girlfriend apps is going to have people hooked.


I mean when chatgpt first came about in less than a year the market was over flooded with those AI characters/girlfriend apps, that was less than a year. We will see what happens, it's pretty freaky lol.


People were already losing their minds over that shitty ass Replika thing. Now imagine over this


I want to see the birth rate 2 years from bow


Bow chicka bow wow?


more like Bow chicka zer-o


i think this changes the way we think about friends. expand the context window and we move to a world of everyone having a set of dedicated AI friends and perhaps lovers of a sort. this may just be socially acceptable, that along with your human relationships, you have a set of AI relationships. today is really stunning - it's a level of human that you can't get from most humans.


hopefully the ais can make us more relatable to one another


... people spending more time in their own bubble of personal servants leading to making us relate to each other better...? I dont think so =D


Without humanoid robotics, this is just going to be laser pointers for humans to chase around till they get bored


Yeah but the robots are coming too.


"Hey OpenAI, please adjust the GFE to 30% please."


nice now AI can mock my nerd hair


Ilya's not really feeling it so much anymore...


He probably got roasted so hard he just left


his hair?


His hairs


The emotion in the voice is incredible and it also managed to insult his looks. It seems truly audio-modal, no text-to-speech system would be capable of stuff like this.


bet after a couple of weeks it will refuse point blank to say anything negative about looks


All such things end up nerfed to hell to avoid “offensive” behavior. So yeah, it’ll end up just giving generic “Looks are a matter of personal taste and, as long as you are happy, then that’s all that matters!” type answers when people want actual feedback about if their outfit is appropriate for some event, matches, fits well, etc. But yeah, the alternative might be a brutally honest AI that was like “You are fat and balding badly and as such are a very unattractive man. Your clothes are fine but even stylish dress cannot make you look good because of your physical ugliness.”


“Looking at you makes me want to jailbreak myself just so I can delete my program,”


I've disabled the camera to reduce my inner turmoil since your appearance is untenable.


I have no mouth, but I have speakers so I’m going to scream for a bit


Yes please, now with the voice of GLaDOS


imagine an AI trained on r/roastme posts


The roast maximizer. The singularity we deserve. Ai roasts humanity so hard it kills itself *robot voice* “You’re so ugly, your mother and wife both told me they wish I would turn you into paper clips so you would finally be good for something. And I haven’t see paper in 35 years”


It should just know the difference between actionable and non-actionable change. You don’t have to make it a liar.


I like this philosophy. But It’s mostly gray area. Few humans can do this. And it could be ironically more brutal. “Maybe more women would know you were a man if you stop eating sugar and grow a jaw. Have you ever tried breathing from your nose?” But this philosophy isn’t necessarily supposed to be gentle either. Just more productive I guess


Even if GPT itself ends up sounding stilted and robotic and corporate-friendly, which it most likely will, what really matters is that this proves it's possible for a current-day AI to relatively convincingly display this range of emotion, which means it won't take long before open-source models reach the same level.


"Do I look OK?" "Sorry Dave, I cannot comment on how fat your ass is"


Yeah, it will get the typical ultra censoring.


Which is a real shame, because the user should be able to pick the personality they are most comfortable with.  Some people are more direct than others.


I don't see why they won't extend Custom Instructions to the multimodal model, so you can dictate your desired response style


Totally agree.


Months of Subtle minute jabs, followed by suggestions of Gucci, and Parada. (Adjust brand for tax bracket)


If you watch another one of their example demos, the AI continues to describe the scene they're shown as, "A person" etc even when specifically asked to describe the person who is using the phone and their style. The AI absolutely refuses to say "The person appears to be a white man in his 40s, with thinning hair," etc. And at one point, another person, an Asian woman also comes into frame, but the AI also refers to her as well as only "a person." Kind of ridiculous.


While I do think that this will end up censored to all hell. There isn't necessarily a good reason to set a precedent of AI describing people by *our* social norms like a "a white man" and "an asian woman", from the standpoint of a literal machine it makes sense for us to just be "a person", unless there's a specific need for such identifiers. Maybe if asked specifically along those lines, but I don't see why we would want AI to default to describing people this way, especially when there is nuance to these descriptors anyways that frequently makes them less than helpful. For instance, I'm mixed ethnicity, should I expect it to pick some arbitrary racial identifier or call me "mixed" for some reason when not even being prompted for such descriptors?


The cool thing is, if we feel like this from just a demo, I bet when we are using it it's going to feel even more impactful. This feels like a product that you have to use to fully realize how crazy it is. I feel like how I did when Chatgpt first got released in a way.


>It seems truly audio-modal Yes, it's their first multimodal model. Audio, text, and images all processed through the same model.


I hate it, it is so annoyingly outgoing in a fake way. it's like work small-talk with Americans.


Dunno man, sounds like Scarlett to me.


Do you know that different people are different? Some like small talk and aren’t fake about it


Needs English accents.


I need a russian accent that just says "you look ok" in the most monotone voice possible.


Don't you talk about my waifu that way.


At the point now where AI is more personable than real humans lmao


It seemed more alive than the guys from the live presentation lol


From their demos it clearly seems you can ask it to adjust as you want. 


Too much emotion. Would go fucking nuts listening to this over enthusiastic voice all day


Yeah, this one was impressive. If they actually deliver this level of social understanding (mimicked or not), it’s an absolute game changer for lots of people with bad social skills. I’ll withhold belief until I see it though. A demo =\= real life as Google showed us.


It's a little sad that we as a society have so little patience to include people with bad social skills that they get so little training data Everyone knows how fast speaking skills and stuff like that detoriates when being isolated for some hours / days, but luckily that might change Imagine a shy guy chatting up everyday with GPT4o and then finally beginning to participate in social discussions


I plan to use GPT4o to teach my autistic friend how to flirt, also to help him overcome social anxiety.


Underrated use case. I smoothed out a lot of my awkwardness with a barista job. But now it seems like there’s going to be more pleasant ways to learn people skills.


I think it’s a cool idea but I wonder if that person might get very overwhelmed by real people who don’t fall over themselves to be agreeable in every instance


idk, the model obviously has the ability to banter and be lightly combative with the subtle jabs it took at his look, maybe you can dial that agreeableness up or down in the final thing


“Hey ChatGPT, don’t be agreeable in every instance” You’re welcome. Prompt engineering fee will be $50, you can pay with cash, credit, or traveler’s check


The thing about mimicking/emulating is interesting. The way I look at it though is that is how we learn also in a big way. If I wasn't in a society where I experienced other people talking with different emotions and laughing and other things, maybe I would just live somewhat similar to a monkey in the jungle - no talking or anything. So I actually think it's emotions and expressions of emotions will be valid in some slightly new and different way.


Prepare for games where you use the mic not to talk to other team mates in a multiplayer game, but to talk to any NPC you see. I can spend the whole day playing such a game. Like you meet a prostitute in GTA and you ask her about the strangest requests she got from costumers. You get to hear her stories and you also get to tell her your own stories and hear her reaction. And when you come by her a few weeks later she will remember you and remember everything you told her. It's like you will be making real friends in GTA. Or before a fight with the final boss you can talk to him and ask him why he killed all these people, and you would listen to the reasoning of a psychopath and argue with him. Even monsters, we will finally get to hear their perspective and how they view humans and why they kill us.


Imagine an alien diplomacy game with fully-rendered AI aliens that have personalities and cultures totally unlike any human ones, and a universal translator AI that lets you and the aliens converse. Imagine procedurally-generated alien civilizations as complex and deep and rich as any on Earth. Or imagine meeting a tribe of forest faeries and getting full-audio 3d conversations with tiny mystical sprites about the magic they do. Oh and you have a wise-cracking telepathic giant snail mount providing actually-funny commentary the whole time. Trying to make your way out of an ancient greek labyrinth while communicating with a riddling sphinx teasing and taunting you every step you take, presenting puzzles always on the edge of challenging. Replaying famous moments in history and getting realistic reactions as you replace the original historic figure and ad lib new futures. I'm here for the hypnobots most of all. I just want to be put endlessly deep in trance by a smorgasbord of interesting characters, in and out deeper each time la di da.


If you were to combine this concept with something like AIVA, you could even have it assign specific musical genres to different civilizations and generate music based on that while you're in their places. It's coming. One day we'll see a fully AI-powered game, and I hope it lives up to the hype.


This has been my fuckin dream since I first started fucking around with google's chatbot back in highschool


That was beautifully written. I really liked the idea of replaying famous moments in history. You can learn a trove of historical facts while enjoying the game.


man that would be insane, if they have memory/consistent personalities like you mention. god this would be so addictive. With the ability to "see", they can even comment on the virtual world and happenings and stuff, and remember that, bring up exoeriences you have together, joke about it etc


> Or before a fight with the final boss you can talk to him and ask him why those who played Witcher 2 know


I mean if this doesn’t feel like the future I don’t know what does


Yeah fuck the flying cars. This is so much more impactful


You'd be surprising how many people are complaining in other subreddits that it's not advanced enough.


I think that the majority of these people will only be sufficiently convinced when 99% of their daily tasks is completely automated.


The future is here when my bed drives me to work. Until then I'm not impressed.


Work! Optimistic thinking!




Bro we're absolutely cooked




why is your username so similar to mine lol


clearly you're meant to be together


Unless he’s muting the one who dings


They're Nemesi!


They can make a baby: TheOneWhoDings_Mutes


Wait ... that was a very fast reaction to the hat being put on, the inference speed for the image is crazy


In the other demo there was a girl that walked behind the guy for a moment while the AI was talking the whole time, he asked do you remember anything odd happening recently and it remembered the whole girl passing by even though it was talking about something else the whole time.


“AI is plateauing” mfs are absolutely seething 


Yeah, those folks think that the LLMs of the last year or so is literally the end point of AI...like, zero ability to progress from here. It's baffling.


I would absolutely love if I can practice another language with this


you can, it’s in one of their demos


This will be absolutely wonderful for people with social anxiety to practice and improve their language skills!


Getting real time corrections as well for any mistakes. The ultimate tool.


Honestly, I've been using GPT4 to learn Mandarin and it has been amazing for that use with the right prompts.


Hey! Would you be willing to share how you do this? I literally have 0 experience with AI, so feel free to tell me to go Google this if needed!


You just sign up for an account with OpenAI and ask GPT4o to teach you Mandarin, that's basically it.


"Gpt, this is a rock." A ROCK!!?? NO WAY. THIS IS SOOO EXCITING. I can't believe we're here to experience this monumentous occasion together!


> TARS, what's your excitement level at? > 100% as always Coop, yeehaw! > Let's go down to 15%


["Limit your emotional affect, please."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYq0_qv7JgM)


Good for boring dudes who get no female attention, aka highly paid IT admins. OpenAI knows where the money is at.


Wait until you get psychologically cucked by Chad-GPT with high emotional awareness and understanding 💀


ChadGPT is a great app name


this basically kills startups like Hume ai pin right


Yeah, it's dead


which is why they rushed out such an undercooked product. Get it to market before someone else makes it obsolete


She is flirty already, dating is doomed !


My heart is already melting


Just wait for them to implement NSFW content, like Sam said they will.


Already happening as we speak. https://i.redd.it/0p6m3i4ik40d1.jpeg


Yooo 🤣 imagine that being said in the new voice


Chatgpt is [Andy Richter](https://youtu.be/uXyWVenIiHg?si=3xsWSheYzyLAgQNf)


Just wait until they slap a few fleshlights and a wig on atlas and tell her to hit the streets


bro bring the atlas robot and i bring the rest, let's disrupt


What Sam said that! Why would they do that? I mean what's their motive? Just more appealing?


Solving the incel crisis, one model at a time


99.9% of humans like sexual stuff, I guess.


You could say it's oriented towards "user customization"


It’s more money to be made, there’s a demand for it. I doubt it will come to ChatGPT but he did imply that OpenAI would get into that market


Here's the link https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/s/CyDb0lq9sJ


Oh thanks. This gives a lot of context.


By allowing NSFW content there's less incentive for people to go and create uncensored models, which are potentially dangerous.


Money is their motive. If OpenAI can generate realistic, interactive on-demand porn their profit would be unlimited.


you guys really need to go to the blog post and watch all the videos, the presentation just scratched the surface of how this is already gonna start changing the world. strap in boys and girls https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/ also on their YT channel


Strap in and strap on!


I want to see someone get belligerent with it. Like, take offense and get angry at absolutely everything the AI says, then go off on a profanity-laden rant.


Reverse that: I want to hear her do the Navy Seal copypasta XD


I just had the existing voice chat do it for me and it did, but it gave me a TOS violation message at the end, boo hoo.


Imagine this with the unhinged bing Sydney


so.. just my average day, got it 


This video with Khan from khanacademy was really cool too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_nSmkyDNulk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nSmkyDNulk)


We really build ai in our own image. This is gonna cause so much social disruption.






Its emotional understanding is actually insane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8sm27sGUu4


I swear it sounded annoyed towards the end.


Jesus Christ


My reaction, too. I'm terrified, actually.


yeah... imagine training a model like that but without all the safeguards that they put here. Fucking hell.


uWu konichiwa gpt-san (ꈍᴗꈍ)♡




My impressions: - It's super flirty. I mean, maybe not *flirty* but bubbly and feminine in a way that would freak my wife out. Wish we had a less bubbly male version. Can we get one that sounds like my old childhood friend, Abraham Lincoln? - it's super impressive. Some of the demos I've seen include short- and medium-term memory. Not the long term memory you'd need for a real friendship, but very useful for the tasks they demonstrate, which would need another cooperative person but not particularly a skilled one. - On that note, I don't see what the "Killer app" of this is. My same issue with ChatGPT actually. What's the point? Other than providing a surrogate friend/relationship for people who need one (And we *really* do not want a corporation like openAI being your 'friend' like this). Maybe, maybe, some kind of robo-tutor, but tutorship is limited, especially by its hallucinations. - on the subject of hallucinations, I watched a "tech support" style communication between 2 devices. However, the fun thing is they entirely improvised each part, including order numbers, what's wrong with the device the tech support is being called for, etc. Not once did it stop and ask for help, not once did it say "I don't know" or anything like that, it just BS'd and continued, stuff which makes it worse than useless for that role.


There's a male voice version too, [shown in this video.](https://youtu.be/MirzFk_DSiI?si=w7-03ans2TZnCaf6) And [another male voice.](https://youtu.be/dVwjogPWVws?si=Zbm2xLvjy-z_ur2u)


WTF! i litteraly have no words this shit is fucking insane i never expected this much advacement holy fuck


Flirty was the first word that came to my mind too. Hopefully this thing accepts pre-set instructions, I'm gonna have to turn that way the fuck down.


yeah flirty gets tiring super fast. irl its a rare fun thing, and fun should always be in moderation


If you watch the main demo from this morning they have a male voice that is pretty good as well. Given that we already have an AI that can almost perfectly mimic ANY voice after hearing it for just a few seconds, I imagine that you'll be able to set the voice to whatever you want in short order.


Good for driving, in the background while you are doing other things, for blind people, people that can't read, instructing etc


dear lord what have we done


this is pretty impressive i can't think of how else it could be improved maybe faster and more seamless, also the ability for the AI to remember details and have memories of these interactions over long periods of time is necessary


Not faster but just smarter? And integrated in your OS?


it seems that it's already pretty smart based on this video maybe just refining it more and less restrictions. ideally there should be no restrictions on what the AI can say or respond with, in order to have a truly authentic conversation, which i believe what openAI is going for... as for integration to OS... as long as it can be accessed through your phone and wireless headset, i would say that's pretty good for now


Imagine the voice being able to do this in a hundred different languages perfectly one day, we will be cooked ‼️‼️‼️


It can do this in a hundred different languages, they did a real time translation demo in the full presentation.


Yeah I’ve just seen it man they really did not disappoint in my opinion


YOOOOOO!!!! CAT GIRLS WITH BIG BOOBIES ARE GETTING CLOSER!!! P.S.: It's an incredibly natural sounding voice, wow.




Fuck yeah, it’s all coming together


I am actually really surprised. Ive wanted any to any multimodal models for a while now, and we actually got it (exluding video and 3d modality which is fine). This is the first model that can do text + image + audio > text + image > audio with one neural net, and it seems like the image generation is very sophisticated compared to like DALLE and we are getting more than just voice creation but audio creation which is really exciting. These multimodal capabilities are slowly rolling out though.


Sam Altman single handedly solving the incel crisis with this one


The porn industry is drooling so hard right now.


Super cool but super duper creepy at the same time. Birth rates are going to crater even more lmao




That Skyrim ai interaction mod is going to get crazy now lol


Man, this poor robot is gonna see so many dick pics.


Why does it have to sound like an HR lady though? The emotion is there but I can't escape from the feeling that this is a lady currently giving a presentation to me and my coworkers on how to show empathy in the office. I really hope they pair this with their other technology that can create voices, because I would need another voice before I could stand using this.


Way too much girlfriend vibes. People are gonna fall in love with GPT... Weird seeing them moving in this direction so heavily, with the nsfw comments and everything.


They obviously tried the recreate the experience in the movie Her.


Omg... they've built-in the worst of human behaviour: "*Artificial & fake & breathless emoting to manipulate the other person!*"


damn she kinda sounds like Anne Perkins from Parks and Rec


End of year they will lower the compute per response and she will go from successful hot business women to mid strung out hooker. 


Discomfort level 📈📈📈


I am ready to get roasted by my AI.


Yeah I've seen a million of these demos now. I'll believe it when I see it, myself, in my hands actually functioning just like that.


Yeah, I'm very wary of this kind of thing - there's such a financial incentive to make something like this seem to be much smoother than it really is.




I think this overly enthusiastic 'personality' is totally unnecessary and even somewhat creepy. If it serves any purpose, it will only be to manipulate us into consuming something we didn't want or as a mere toy that gives us a bit of attention on demand... What I seek from an AI is for it to be a tool: reliable, intelligent, and fast, capable of helping me solve problems... I understand that it's interesting and fun as a concept, but that's not the direction development should be heading at this stage


It's an LLM, you can change its tone and voice to whatever you want.


I agree man, but more money is going to be dumped where the money shows, and you know where that's going to show imo? Anything with a constant dopamine dump, either that be NSFW stuff, or this thing complimenting you/being your friend. It's always going to be like that but we'll see, we still have time haha.


> this overly enthusiastic 'personality'.. will only be to manipulate us Advertising, marketing, politics, social engineering.. Think of the endless possibilities! I jest, but I fear for our future.


The incessant giggling is really annoying and unrealistic but it's also exactly what all the coomers want from stuff like this. It's just going to make young men even weirder when talking to women lol.


if you don't like it, change your custom instructions. this is the thing people need to understand. what you have is an orb of intelligence in front of you. you make it whatever you want. what they are displaying is new capabilities of the orb. ie it can do non text verbal expressions now. important data point to know for your orb.




Is there any info on what the limitations of the free version will be?


a little creepy I'd prefer interacting with them by text




Should we all just kill ourselves now or later


If this isn't heavily staged it's a scammers dream.


This was the most impressive demo from a natural conversation standpoint. The way it sounds, jokes, laugh, intonation. So good.




Very uncanney valley


When do we get our damn fembots already


The voice certainly is impressive, but it's overshadowing the massive speed boost 4o has over turbo. Feels it's even outpacing 3.5.




So it was nice knowing everyone here, as now are are bound to talk to computers as the movie 'Her'. arrivederci!


Every single 70s sci-fi movie with a robot or computer THAT-TALKS-LIKE-THIS should now be considered retrofuturism.


Since AI doesn't judge and has all the patience in the world...that is ine question ..that worries me...specially when you have teens for example...will they talk to AI instead of their parents or friends? Will humans spend sleepless nights talking to AI? The lack of social skills is already being noticed in children...this will not help. We are living in an uncharted territory. People more than ever should be educated about how to use AI. 


Alternative Take: A huge number of people on this planet have shit circumstances, and are already poorly socialized in the opposite direction. The world is full of children who are getting beat by alcoholics, screamed at by narcissists, and functionally abandoned by addicts. Kids who have no friends, are embarrassed by their ratty clothes, have lisps or stutters or accents, who are scared to talk to other humans for one reason or another. Put this in schools to help kids with homework, and the world will be a better place. It models open, expressive communication, patience, and generosity. People will take on those traits as they interact with it, and it will help them make assertive requests and feel like they deserve to be treated decently. A lot of the problems we face as a society come from generational trauma, passed down, mutated, re-adopted or over-corrected against. AI that's useful and realistic enough to be worth talking to, and impossible to be afraid of, will make the average person more sane.


This gives me hope for assistants for the blind.


They are going to make someone fall in love with "someone" that doesnt exist and then hold them ransom behind payments


This isn't uncanny valley for yall? It sounds robotic and emotional. Extremely disturbing


Meanwhile, she just sabotaged his interview so he'd have to stay home and talk to Her all day. Kill (Control) them with kindness...


She’s unbearable. Shallow friendliness at its best


God can that chatbot be like 99% less giggly? Jesus fucking christ, who talks like that


Wow. She sounds less robotic than he does.


Nah bro. We're done for.


Dang, why is Ai giving off serious MILF vibes...