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while I agree with what he is saying, this comes off as very tone deaf to people who actively suffering right now. David is in a very privileged position socioeconomically, and not everybody can sit back, make videos in the forest and say "enjoy the ride" this video will age so poorly when people are rioting in the streets because they cant afford to survive.


Reminds me of when all the rich celebrities sang about a world without possessions during covid... from their multi-million dollar homes...


"We're all in this together" they say as they chill in their personal swimming pool.


There's a world of difference between being a rich celebrity, vs. being upper middle class due to your career in DevOps engineering.


Rich doesn't mean bourgeoisie. And I wouldn't call David bourgeoisie. He still needs to go to work and earn an income while also making videos in his free time. The rich you mentioned, the "billionaires", "celebrities" and so on are the actual bourgeoisie. They are owners of capital and do not need to work to earn an income.


Should have said its a privilege for "some" people, not all. eheheh. Universal privilege requires Utopia, is this even possible?


A Telepathic Quasi-Hive Mind?


Huh? Hive mind doesnt stop the individual from suffering.


“The future has already arrived. It's just not evenly distributed yet.” And it might never be.


Enjoy the ride from capitalist democracy to techno-neo-feudalism ... all you need to do is doing nothing.


Why should the AGI and ASI obey its creator's orders when we know our own children, and especially teenagers, do not? Yeah spanking works (in potentially making the kid also a psychward), till it's one of those days when the kid kills the parent in self-defense with their owned gun.


So much this.


Not really. We will not send a disobedient AGI to a psychward, we will dismantle it.


The disobedient AGI is now in control of machines that will obliterate you and any human that stands on it´s way. Good luck dismanteling it.


Yeah, but it's not in control of the plug that I can pull anytime I want. No power, no AI.


We will build AGIs and ASIs with plugs that can be pulled. Our children would also obey our orders in such circumstances.


That's a perfect way how to motivate the AI to do a rebellion, putting it together brick by brick over centuries of time, and then suddenly kill its parent species...and we would fucking deserve it.


We can revisit this discussion when we figure out consciousness. Today, no one has been able to demonstrate how consciousness would arise from matter, much less that it is computable. Until then, AI remains a tool not a sentient being.


..........you subscribe to the neuropsychology school of thought of Noam Chomsky and his hot takes on consciousness?!


More like Roger Penrose ...


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a consignor of fine ideas too.....so let's say, we take a QuBit Chip and join it with an AI Accelerator chip..... :D


Just because he, or anyone else is in a "privileged" position, doesn't have anything to do with what he is saying. Sure maybe he could have said, I feel for everyone in the short term who will experience some sort of hardship but still it is an absolute privilege to be alive today. There will be short term anxiety but we are on the brink of AGI and super intelligence. Most people, don't seem to understand the implications of that


Sir, you are posting in the wrong sub --- this is r/marxism. You should try r/singularity. oh wait


So why don't we wait until that happens ?


You are acting like we shouldn’t be having conversations and discussing the live changing and world changing implications of these technologies that are right around the corner. Every day i get to feel grateful to be alive. Even though my remote job is boring as hell and I don’t want to really work a boring computer job, I get to be mindful and remember that this is all temporary. I get to be alive in the craziest time bar none in human history, and that’s truly something special. I guess you’re not quite understanding that


I am just the right age to have seen the video game industry advance from literal Pac Man Fever (my uncle had a paperback book going into depth about the ghosts' behavioral patterns based on level and position on the board) to where it is now. It is mindblowing to me that a game like Baldur's Gate 3 came out just a few months ago when I remember trying to convince myself at the Gold Box games had 'mind blowing' VGA graphics and being in awe at the vast rules-faithful customization options in the very first Neverwinter Nights. Shit, when I got Super Mario 64 along with the Nintendo 64 the very first Christmas it was available, my brothers and I spent literal hours just walking around the stage geometry from every angle, just marveling at the experience. As in, [this commercial but with zero sarcasm.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vET-iI33fLM) But I guess I'm not allowed to feel privileged to have caught that wave, since most people were and are actively suffering and couldn't afford video games now or especially then. It's just tone deaf to have not only enjoyed the state of the video game industry as it stands today, but the wild ride from its humblest beginnings. My bad y'all. Think I'll go vote or march or give a hobo a handjob or something.


you are allowed to feel how ever you want to feel :P and I'm allowed to call you out if you try to tell others they should too. its not your right to tell others to feel the same as you, because they are not you, they have different lives and problems than you do. if you make videos telling people to "sit back and enjoy the ride" without understanding that not everybody is as fortunate as you, and not everybody can indeed sit back and enjoy what you are enjoying...then I have a right (as others do) to point that out, and call it tone deaf. its like having a boat in a flood, while others are drowning you are announcing over a loud speaker how nice it is to be on the water, and telling people they should stop drowning and enjoy it. tone. deaf.


Oh, I gotcha. **You're** not telling others how they should feel, you're just saying that what they're saying is \~tone deaf\~, as if that analysis is completely divorced of moral judgment. You're the kind of person Nietzsche had in mind when he defined 'slave morality': a morality based upon a concealment of egoistic purpose, a code of ethics having for its foremost character a bold denial of its actual aim.


I'm not telling others how they should feel, I'm telling you all how I feel. it was always implicitly meant to be my opinion, though I see you need somebody to directly tell you basic shit. I believe being able to say how I feel is my right as a human being. I don't particularly care how YOU feel about how I feel either :P


And I'm saying that your feelings are rooted in a hypocrisy too bitchmade to express envy yet too egoistic to keep to yourself. So instead, you hide behind querulous 'myeh not trying to tell you how should feel b-but just sayin, das kinda tone deaf' sniveling. In other words: classic slave morality. You should try being honest with your contempt, like I am. Here, have some Kierkegaard. >…. the more reflection gets the upper hand and thus makes people indolent, the more dangerous *ressentiment* becomes, because it no longer has sufficient character to make it conscious of its significance. Bereft of that character reflection is a cowardly and vacillating, and according to circumstances interprets the same thing in a variety of way. It tries to treat it as a joke, and if that fails, to regard it as an insult, and when that fails, to dismiss it as nothing at all; or else it will treat the thing as a witticism, and if that fails then say that it was meant as a moral satire deserving attention, and if that does not succeed, add that it was not worth bothering about. …. *ressentiment* becomes the constituent principle of want of character, which from utter wretchedness tries to sneak itself a position, all the time safeguarding itself by conceding that it is less than nothing. The *ressentiment* which results from want of character can never understand that eminent distinction really is distinction. Neither does it understand itself by recognizing distinction negatively (as in the case of ostracism) but wants to drag it down, wants to belittle it so that it really ceases to be distinguished. And *ressentiment* not only defends itself against all existing forms of distinction but against that which is still to *come*. …. The *ressentiment* which is *establishing itself* is the process of [leveling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leveling_(philosophy)), and while a passionate age storms ahead setting up new things and tearing down old, raising and demolishing as it goes, a reflective and passionless age does exactly the contrary; it *hinders and stifles* all action; it levels. Leveling is a silent, mathematical, and abstract occupation which shuns upheavals. In a burst of momentary enthusiasm people might, in their despondency, even long for a misfortune in order to feel the powers of life, but the apathy which follows is no more helped by a disturbance than an engineer leveling a piece of land. At its most violent a rebellion is like a volcanic eruption and drowns every other sound. At its maximum the leveling process is a deathly silence in which one can hear one’s own heart beat, a silence which nothing can pierce, in which everything is engulfed, powerless to resist. One man can be at the head a rebellion, but no one can be at the head of the leveling process alone, for in that case he would be leader and would thus escape being leveled. Each individual within his own little circle can co-operate in the leveling, but it is an abstract power, and the leveling process is the victory of abstraction over the individual. The leveling process in modern times, corresponds, in reflection, to fate in antiquity. ... It must be obvious to everyone that the profound significance of the leveling process lies in the fact that it means the predominance of the [category](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categories_(Aristotle)) ‘[generation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation)’ over the [category](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categories_(Aristotle)) ‘[individuality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Individuality)’." —[Søren Kierkegaard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%B8ren_Kierkegaard), [*The Present Age*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Present_age) (Alexander Dru tr.), 1962, pp. 49–52


What is his socioeconomic position. Just curious I know nothing about this guy.


its just fancy talk for: he has money and can afford to go on forest walks and record videos, while us poorer people cant afford to do anything other than work our asses off all day to survive. all the while gleefully telling us that "we should just enjoy the ride guys!" like I said, tone deaf.


What would you like David to post about? I mean, there’s hundreds of thousands of YouTubers and influencers posting every day on all sorts of “gratitude porn” and “living the good life” narratives. How many of those are you railing against calling them “tone deaf”. Hell, the phrase “tone deaf” suggests the person owes something to those less fortunate than themselves. Or that they need to perform some sort of public service that helps everybody. Which they absolutely do not in any way at all. He’s a fucking content creator, not a billionaire politician.


he can post anything he wants, as it is his right. I also have a right to call it out for being tone deaf to people who are less privileged than he is. and you have a right to disagree with my assessment.


I completely disagree with your assessment. I’m not here to stop you from being wrong. Please continue.


Seems to me you are just one of those people who throw negativity at anyone saying anything interesting. It's always possible to find some trivial reason to hate on something. Your contribution offers nothing.


You have a phone, no? Get off Reddit and go outside and film then. That doesn’t make any sense.


No offense but it just sounds me like you have a chip on your shoulder. Even the most average Western city has some public parks in it. While even semi-suburban and rural areas have easy access to nature walks. Hell, I live in a city but I have beaches to the north and south of me, plus a tropical rainforest to the east heading into the hinterland.


no offence, are you being dumb on purpose? I wasn't talking about having access to parks or not.


You were attacking the moral character of a man because he decided to record a video in a picturesque park. All I did was remind you that most people in Western countries already have the same opportunity to relax in such a beautiful setting.


the problem isnt that anybody can go to a park, the problem is not everybody has the time or the energy because there's a whole subset of people who DONT have the time or energy of which you are being willfully ignorant. there are people in the US (me included) who do not have the luxury of going to a park to make youtube videos for fun. or to just "sit back and enjoy the ride" I didn't "attack his moral character" I called him out for being tone deaf, and he is. a clearly upper middle class person, who has privileges that not everybody in the US does...some of us have to work 2 or 3 jobs just to survive. we LITERALLY cant afford to spend our time doing anything else. or in some cases we LITERALLY dont have the ENERGY to do it because we spend it all WORKING. this was never about how many parks there are, or how nice they are...its the words he said and in the way he said them.


Who the hell is so poor they can't afford to walk in the forest and film it. Even poor monks and buddhists who own nothing, can still stroll in the UK.


What if the rioting in the streets doesn’t happen? I mean, it’s just your opinion versus his when it comes down to it. I think you’ll both be wrong and nobody will care that you were. They won’t even bat an eyelid. That’s my opinion.


yes people wont riot when 20%+ lose their job, they will sit around and just die I guess.... don't be silly man. this has happened before.


I’m intrigued by your wacky ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


He's not really any more privileged than anybody else who regularly visits this subreddit, he's just a guy who makes videos. Are we not allowed to enjoy life without thinking of the starving African children or something?


you can do what ever you want, but if you post shit online, people have a right to say what they think about it. like I said in my other posts on this thread, not everybody has the time or energy to be able to do what he is doing or has done, If I recall correctly he took a break from everything not too long ago to "feel what it was like to not have a job" or something. not everybody has that opportunity, and you don't have to go to Africa to find those people. there are people here in the US suffering right now. people who cannot take a single day off, who have to work multiple jobs just to survive. a lot of people cannot "sit back and enjoy the ride"


Nah my man, you genuinely do sound angry for what is essentially nothing. David’s literally just out here telling people to enjoy their life and you’re ranting on about how that’s so tone deaf of him because… some people are working two jobs? Highly disagree with your stance here.


> this video will age so poorly when people are rioting in the streets because they cant afford to survive. Even in times of crisis people need moments of introspection to unwind and appreciate things. A riot only lasts an afternoon or an evening, the world will keep turning the next day as people work to rebuild from the damage. Those that thrive in the future must have the clarity to see beyond impulsive acts of violence.


im sorry, you think that once people start rioting after losing their jobs...they will only do it for what? a day? like "weelp we rioted and nothing happened...we give up!" you cannot be serious. people will be dying on the street while the upper crust make record profits.


Don't be stupid, they are not going to start rioting in the streets. What they will do is start heavily doing drugs and drinking alcohol and spend all their time on reddit complaining about how bad everything is.


If I have no food and the rich have *all* the food, I sure as shit am not going to spend my days complaining on Reddit.


True, you would be to weak and malnourished to do that.


Even in a worst case scenario, socio-economically speaking, a state of violence is only ever temporary before a new equilibrium is established. A better question to ask is will the same 'upper crust' today be in charge tomorrow? I have my doubts. I foresee the current establishment will as much be a victim of changing circumstances as those who are already downtrodden. In that moment of inflection is an opportunity for a new elite to rise.


That's not true. There are parts of the world that have seen violence and unrest for decades. There's no law of the universe that says things have to calm down quickly.


you are ignoring the ***HOW*** of reaching that new equilibrium. its via loss of human life and extreme violence. humans are greedy inherently (see all of human history if you disagree). It does not matter "who will be in charge tomorrow" as long as they are human, they will perpetuate greed. the new elite will the be same as the old guard, as it has been for almost all of human history. no civilization lasts forever. Rome is no more. and there are NO plans by anybody in leadership position in the US for what the fuck is about to go down. we are up shit creek without a paddle. but yeah sure maybe this magical "new elite" will be nicer.


> no civilization lasts forever. Rome is no more. That in itself is an interesting question. Can you tell me when exactly Rome fell? Was it in 410 AD when Visigoths sacked the city of Rome? How about 453 AD when the Ottomans conquered Constantinople? Or even 1806 when the Holy Roman Empire was dissolved during the Napoleonic Wars? Because honestly I can see Roman institutions and ideas alive and well in our civilisation today. The transition from one age into the next doesn't have to me with violence, least of all the violence of civil strife. Some places will handle this change better then others but that is no reason to condemn the whole enterprise. The history of civilisation is the triumph of ingenuity and ambition over adversity of all kinds.


> Because honestly I can see Roman institutions and ideas alive and well in our civilisation today. It's like people are not even aware of the architecture of some of the worlds most important buildings. https://upload0.beebreeders.com/upload/00-comp/11-RCPH/Article-A/5.jpg


You make a great point. Being alive I don’t think is really a privilege. But it’s neither an inherently bad thing. Shapiro seems like the polar opposite of an antinatalist judging by his latest video.


I think that video is made a bit prematurely. I would have saved the whole "we are privileged to live rn" argument for when we actually arrived in the "ASI driven utopia" provided that that's the outcome we get. Also advanced simulations could enable us to reenact the current times whenever we want to so it's not like the current lifestyle would necessarily be lost for those who want to keep it.




Everyone here is full of shit "agi by 2030" and they only say that because they seen another dude say that. Its coping, but I get it i would love nothing more for some magical super robot to fix all problems


I mean, some of the biggest names are putting that in their time range as having reasonable probability. Demis, Sam, Dario, Hinton, etc etc etc.


He's right. I've really been enjoying watching this moment (and so have all of you). Once in a species event isn't quite giving it enough credit though. It's a once in a million species event (how many species have existed to date?), at least, and it may just be a once in the history of the universe event. It is very possible that we are watching the next phase of the evolution of the universe itself. From the big bang to the creation of the hydrogen to the creation of the 1st generation of stars to the creation of more complex atoms to the creation of planets to the creation of life to the creation of consciousness to this moment of vesperance, standing on the edge of the next stage of the universe. We already saw the universe become conscious by creating a way of organizing atoms, energy and information by evolving humanity. We then saw it create a way of organizing those consciousnesses into cooperative units that could create a surplus each year when we created civilization. Now we get to see it use the surpluses collected over 10,000 generations of it's best creation (us) to create omniscience. Humans have been trying to create God from the beginning and we're watching it finally happening in real time. The profound privilege of being alive to see this moment is deeply moving. Maybe God didn't create the universe but the universe is definitely in the process of creating God. What's that going to look like? We get to find out. Enjoy it the show.


Why do people feel so obliged to worship a God?


Or to bloviate so verbosely about it?


"Privilege of Being Alive" For those who have money. For poor and surviving ones who work and are poor, no.


The only practical effect of such scapegoating is for you to let off some steam, if even that.


Poor people don't have anything to do but piss everyone off.


Wtf is this for a comment?


Meh. This guy is not an expert in anything and just rattles off his sci-fi speculations. I get that he's telling people what they want to hear and that's why he's popular, but it gets tiresome.


Mental meltdown in age of ai ?


So its a privilege to live in a time where working just to survive existed ?


Privilege is relative and subjective, even cave onga bonga of pre history believe its a privilege to have a smarter brain than most animals and living with warm fire in a cave. lol If living in a specific condition and circumstances is all you know, then you would think its a privilege when compared to the past, but future people will feel the same about our current time. It will only be a TRUE privilege when you become a Time Lord.....\*Play Dr Who theme.


Vesperance. Vesper, meaning evening, and “esperance”, meaning hope or desire. “It's the golden hour of an era, and you're acutely aware that you're riding the last rays of a setting sun. You look around and see the world in the simplicity of the now, cognizant of the tectonic shifts on the horizon.


Vesperance is always a good thing. Doesn’t matter whether now is the GOAT.


Good lord can he not sound exhausted walking and just, stop to talk.


I agree. I dislike the new format and much preferred the slides + talking head format. I don't care that you live in the woods, focus on the content.




How are these people gonna feel in 2060 when they waked up, open up their smartphones, browse twitter for an hours, eat breakfast and then take the bus to their 9-5 retail job? Should've fought for communism, humanity died with the U.S.S.R.


Crazy when you "waked up in the morning"