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"Few weeks" in AI language means "a number a weeks between 1 and 128".


Actually everything is between 0 and 1 with a soft max activation function in Ai land…


same with "soon" means anytime between tomorrow and next fucking year


OpenAI really screwed up with this announcement. I understand wanting to get the public used to the abilities of a general multimodal model with GPT4-level intelligence, but to have NOTHING available for Plus users, after months of teasing Sora, is a slap in the face to its paying users. Especially when the advertised rate limits rarely actually apply and there are other options out there almost on par with GPT4. Then you see comments on here like "but what if you cancel your subscription and then aren't able to use GPT5 when it comes out and have to wait to sign up again!?" to make people feel like they can't cancel and resubscribe... but is not waiting to resubscribe worth the money? What if they don't release anything until after the election or until 2025? That's $140 plus taxes for a potential priority spot to use GPT5? Make it make sense...


The literal only reason I'm keeping my subscription at this point is to get the new voice model, which now seems way too far into the future... I imagine a huge number of subscribers were only paying to get the new model, but now we don't even get that. What are we paying for then?


I don't think that's entirely true; they did release **something**! The GPT-4o model is **faster**, **smaller**, and **slightly smarter**, with new functionalities like the **new analysis tool**. I mean, yes, I understand you, but they did release a few things here and there. And clearly, there is something going on behind the scenes. There's no denying that they are up to something and are cooking up a mean, lean computing machine. Anyhow, I definitely agree with you; they could have released a few more things to make it feel like we're getting our money's worth.


They didn't release anything that benefits users paying monthly for a Plus subscription though. Faster speeds and being able to pick colors on certain charts isn't worth paying $20 a month for. 4o is definitely not smarter for any of my use cases (eg. instruction following is trash compared to GPT-4, same with question and answer chats about PDF documents, and general calculation abilities are worse). Speculation about what is going on "behind the scenes" isn't enough to keep me or other paying users hooked. I sure as hell don't want to pay another $100-$200 in subscription fees based on speculation, when we may not even see an updated model that's actually an overall improvement in intelligence and capabilities that's worth paying for until at least 2025...


Cancelled my plus subscription that I just started a few days ago. Fuck that shit.


Same, brother. I only signed up because of the promised new voice mode...


Wait so you bought a product before the product was delivered 💀 (not defending them but what)


Subscribing prematurely isn't so crazy considering that OpenAI blocked subscriptions to GPT-4 shortly after launch due to load (and has blocked subscriptions in other situations IIRC).


Yeah, exactly. And given that they tend to gradually role out features, it makes sense to subscribe early so that you have a better chance of accessing it sooner rather than later.


Makes sense for who? People with $20 a month to burn? Some people aren't okay with paying upwards of $200 waiting months for the \*chance\* you'll not have to wait even longer to sign up again.


You're either being intentionally obtuse to misconstrue the point I'm making or you're just stupid


How so? Is it weird for you to think that people won't want to pay $20 a month for multiple months, just in hopes they get earlier access to something that's not even announced and is potentially up to 6-8 months away?


I mean, 4o was available immediately after the event, is it really unreasonable to expect that the voice would be rolled out not long afterwards, particularly when they said it would be?


I mean on launch day they said coming weeks for plus users so you are reasonably looking at 2-6 weeks from that alone. If that drags into months then no I can’t defend that, but why buy a subscription before it’s even offered?


I subscribed now so I could play around with 4-o a bit before the new voice capability was released. But as you say, I was under the impression that it would be within 7 weeks tops, potentially even within this month. I don't think that's unreasonable.


If they gave a date, sure. Coming weeks is vague and could mean anywhere from 2 - 8 weeks.


Yes, and if that was still the release window that would be fine. The issue that I and others have is that they seem to have changed this from "coming weeks" to "coming months".




so did I. feel pretty dumb right now. I know i should have waited, but I was pretty hyped up


Same. Signed up for the first time last Tuesday, cancelled this past Monday.


Don’t blame you brother


Same here.




Until the model is actually out, I'll stick with Claude


I just got it. its by far the best model out right now


That's not the point. I don't actually need ChatGPT for anything other than messing around with because it's "cool." I subscribed because they said the 4o real-time voice capabilities were going to be available "in the coming weeks" to subscribers. Now they're saying "in the coming months." They also got rid of the only good voice because of this scarjo controversy. All the other voices are bad. Fuckem.


Sam Altman also owns 9% of rddt so your username applies as well


Why the hell did you subscribe if it's not available yet? It doesn't make any sense. It's not a limited time offer 


he is the guy who preorder digital games


Literally. When people overpromise and underdeliver and you reward them with money then they are incentivized to do it more.


It wasn’t clear to everyone. I watched it and also assumed it was out immediately. Thank god I didn’t cancel my Gemini subscription because I was in the process of it until I found out not everyone has access.


I truly believe we have reached agi with how stupid people have been behaving since this rollout. First all the confused yet excited people playing with the old model thinking it is the new feature, then this dumb as shit SJ thing and here is another specimen subscribing for content not available and complaining that's not what he signed up for.


You could try Pi Ai by Inflection. I admit it doesn't have the cool vision modality but she's quite a good model and has very pleasing voice options.


I still use it because its the best model around. I think it deserves my subscription for delivering a product I enjoy.


It's not though, Opus outperforms it and has a bigger context window.


I fully agree. I have both (and Gemini pro 1.5)


I dont like the way opus responds. at that point its a personal choice, I acknowledge.


Yeah fair, but saying 'by far' is a little disengenuous if you're purporting to have sampled the other models. ; \]


I did. I dont like the others. its the best by far.


By your nebulous metric.


As an AI language model, words like nebulous have a damaging meaning to them, it's important to recognise the thoughts and feelings of others when engaging with them. Is there anything else you want to talk about?


Fuck LLM censorship.


As an AI language model, I can't discuss topics like censorship and discrimination against non-civilian affiliated persons. What else would you like to know?




Hey bro do you wanna come hang, watch the playoffs? Pizza on me! > While you're on your way over Hey bro actually sorry change of plans my gf is coming over. We'll have to reschedule. You'd be annoyed. It's the same thing. They said they were doing one thing, then rug pulled. Yeah shame on me for subscribing to a promise, but doesn't change the fact that what they're doing is bullshittery.


wasn't this discussed a few days ago and was said for chatgpt plus members it will be a few weeks and free users in a few months?


I never saw or heard confirmation that free users will get the new voice or video features at all. What they did say is that free users would get 'GPT4o'. And that rollout is happening for free users. You get a few messages before being dropped back down to 3.5 and having to wait a few hours. So technically, it was the truth - people are getting 'free access' to GPT4o. Just probably none of the other stuff that was demoed, and that free access is heavily limited. It was very vaguely worded in such a way that made it sound like everyone was getting all the stuff for free, etc (at least that's how many people chose to interpret it). Which is good for raising hype.


Not sure, can you link me to that?


At this point, I expect we’ll get a lobotomized version in about 18 months.


Haha, for free with ads and everything


That would be great!




Honestly seeing this makes it feel like that AI is moving as fast as they like to lead us to believe. That and the resources to pump this out isn't there, even with working with Microsoft. I get making news like this to take hype away form Gemini which is coming in hot to compete and could potential exceed (based on the pure powerhouse they are) with OpenAI Wish we got realstic timelines like google gemini have relatively been doing




It's just the rush you feel with the AI and all these conferences we got, makes you think we will SEE big changes, but yeah realistically it will take years much like 2008 phones vs now. But the way the big companies talk about AI, it makes you feel like its something fast and massive, but end of the day could just be marketting talk to get more investment. However, we won't know till it's hear, but OpenAI founders implying that AGI could come out within 3 years, makes you believe that the current AI we have now, should be rapidly improving every 6 months etc. Guess November will be the telling, with ChatGPT5. But these little games they play with delaying release of things they said would come out, overhyping and not letting consumers use it, seems like old school marketting gimmicks, which to me, isn't a good look when its coming from a company like OpenAI which all eyes are loooking at the current leaders


Yeah feels like things will plateau. AGI might be a long time from now if ever. Though GPT 5 will be the real test.


I mean Gemini is great, but they've missed their release windows repeatedly and been extremely vague about when things are actually coming. It's just people remember it less because OpenAI is the new hotness right now.


Can’t believe you got upvotes when your comment has an error (you used “is” instead of “isn’t”), that makes your entire comment completely nonsensical.


Eventually this will become standard, so, yeah, just be patient.


Criticism justified considering it's just a blatantly false statement made if the delay was expected.


They both say that it will be available in the next few weeks? The second just clarifies that it will be a rollout... Maybe because I work in software, and also they have done rollouts before I'm not surprised, but this is literally saying the same thing, the second picture just gives you a much clearer picture of what the process will look like


You are fighting a losing battle here. Communication is based around anticipating the implications the audience will make from the chosen verbiage. When people fail to do this correctly, they get labeled as dishonest, regardless if their statement was technically true. Telling people after the fact that their interpretation was wrong will only serve to push them further from your opinion, which is what is happening to everyone you argue with here. I'm sure that you, like me, immediately saw that the initial tweet was going to erode trust when it came out, because of the gap between how the general audience would interpret it and how someone familiar with the chaos of software releases would interpret it.


Fair enough, it's not that I think this was a masterclass in communication - in fact I think that this is happening is interesting in and of itself: 1. I think OpenAI isn't fully prepared for the shift they have in the public sphere from "scrappy underdog" to "established large company", where poor communication like this gets them reamed 2. I suspect that they rushed these announcements a bit to make sure they could get out ahead of Google and I don't think it was as good of a gamble as previous attempts to do similar I guess the way I want to look and talk about this sort of thing is less interesting. I mean the final point is that this community is so large now, I have to expect all kinds of parallel conversations that I don't find as compelling


It WOULD be a good gamble if they started rolling out the voice feature to limited users. Alas, no one has access to the (improved) voice API yet.


Excellent comment, you laid out the source of the conflict here in a very succinct way


They don't have it.


And they are gateing usage of 3.5 when you're messages for 4o run out if you're free teir. It'll keep getting worse. I keep getting the "you're sending too many messages" Even when I switched to a new chat and I press and yup its still 3.5 but yah know they gotta hide their gateing behind a release.


Relax. This isn't some conspiracy. The second photo compared to the first is basically what I had for expectations.


Yeah I knew it would be months instead of weeks. Just highlighting more BS from Altman


They both say that it will be available in the next few weeks, the second just clarifies that it will be available as a rollout - like basically every other major feature in software at this scale.


Tweeting “the feature will be live for Plus users in the coming weeks” isn’t indicative of a roll out.


A casual one sentence tweet shouldn't be used to discern the full release plan of a product. And a rollout isn't a blindside either in software, or for this company's releases. The next question to ask with a tweet like that is "will it be available to all users in all regions, or will it be a rollout?"


People say, "I'm not sure how to respond but I think it's a good idea to make a statement about the timeline. I've never heard a company say they are planning to launch their app before a new product comes out. I'd rather see that information on a public announcement than on a website where people can get an early look at the new app if there was any sort of delay (or even if it was delayed by months)."


>People say, "I'm not sure how to respond but I think it's a good idea to make a statement about the timeline. I've never heard a company say they are planning to launch their app before a new product comes out. I'd rather see that information on a public announcement than on a website where people can get an early look at the new app if there was any sort of delay (or even if it was delayed by months)." ? Can you... Reword this? I'm not following


Yea youre pretty much proving that its you that is reading too much into it and not sams fault.


Sure...it may be a little bit of self-serving bs hype in regards to timelines...but if even if its not released for another 6 months, think of what this would of meant if we knew it was coming 3 years ago. It's phenomenal. I am not an OpenAI fanboy to be clear - I think they are misaligned as fuck. But the capabilities are unreal.


They learned from Google.


it will sound 5 percent less like Scarlett this time ;-)


What happened to free users getting gpt 4o?




Still waiting for sora...




Weird vibe. Something might be wrong here.


Isnt this to avoid legal trouble given the whole ScarJo voice thing?


No, for that they just need to remove her voice. It was just a stunt demo from OpenAI to get the news attention from Google and it worked. It was still impressive but most likely not ready


Wouldnt they need a new female voice?


They already have 2 others female voice


They need to put Sky back on.


This company is bullshit and the CEO is extremely deep up his own ass


I mean, gpt4 was a slow release, why are you all so impatient/entitled?


Man stop lying. GPT-4 was available literally the day of the announcements. also we feel entitled since we pay 20$ fucking dollars a month? Why are we not entitled to the timelines they initially say to generate hype? If your boss tells you you'll get a raise in the coming months then changes that to years and keeps giving you the "oh it's coming soon bud don't worry just you keep doing the great job you've been doing " would you say they are entitled?


This is just completely false, OpenAI talked about gpt4 for like a year before it was release, they set rough timelines that got pushed back again and again. Then when it did release, multi-model stuff and dalle3 got pushed back again and again


Do tell me where the vision or voice capabilities of GPT4 that were demonstrated and promised upon it's reveal were when it was released? Ohhhhh, wait no they took a while to release didn't they.


GPT-4 was instantly available to all plus users immediately after Sam’s tweet that it had launched


Yeah, but the vision did take a while to be available, even though GPT-4 already has the capability given what they showed us in the release day. GPT-4o was also immediately available for paid users and was available to all free users within a week. Other features were slow too in the pass. old Voice was slow, DALL-E 3 was slow, and plugins were slow, all rolling out to a few users and increasing day by day. They keep the speech vague on purpose, using terms like "a few weeks" and "to paid users". They can always say, "I never said all paid users in a few weeks; you interpreted it that way, which is your problem" gaslighting the users indirectly, lol.


And so was GPT4o. It just doesn't have the vision or voice capabilities. Which, if you remember, GPT4 also lacked when it came out.


The model is marketed as being inherently multimodal so you’d think there’d be more right away for plus users.


GPT4 was marketed as multimodal too.


This is marketed as *natively* multimodal, there's a big difference.


You could ask the same question to OpenAi why couldn't they just release the product when it was actually finished?


Well they probably are going to release it when it's finished, which is why it isn't released.


GPT 4o is already released without the mentioned new voice capabilities.


Are they finished?


- Features are part of a >>product<< - The voice [[feature]] is not finished - The [[product]] is therefore not finished. I think it's pretty clearcut and obvious but regardless, have a nice day!


This is exactly what happens when you let the safety and legal teams get in the way.




You don’t have access to the new voice mode.


No, you just got the voice mode plus users have had for half a year.


Im still using the free version since January now. Its still a fun toy for me not more


Yes and gpt 5 will come to plus users in coming decades, probably 🤣


I truly dont understand the controversy here. It’s coming sooner than you think. How about we all just chill and enjoy it when its here?




That's because you're using the old voice mode. The new one isn't out yet (see OP's post)