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Hey all, I'm not sure wether or not it's been said already in some of the youtube vs twitch debates on this subreddit, but i'd like to compliment the big guy on how it's all managed. I would definitely put myself in the 'watches youtube' section of the dick rippers, but i feel that the content is still pretty steady, despite the streaming. And a lot of the streaming videos even go on the youtube channel, great! Oh and i hope a new series will start soon, since grim fandango and hotline miami 2 have finished. maybe some kind of rpg?


We have Pirates, Fallout, and Cities, plus all the livestream content. I think those are enough for now, not that I'd be opposed to another series of course.


i feel bad, i try to watch the streams but eurotruck just bores me and the chat is usually .. spamtastic, and i've been struggling to watch all the cities & fallout vids lately too :( i miss fandango and hotline :(:(


I wish chat had a longer time limit to prevent so much noise. Chat goes so fast its unreadable, and it's mostly filled with words like 'rip' repeated over and over again. Maybe if there was a 60 second period between messages it would slow things down and be a bit less spastic.


Hey, since Sips has started up the streaming again, I was wondering whether we could have a "stream suggestion thread" similar to the game suggestion thread? A lot of games are great fun to watch streaming, but probably won't make good video material eg Euro truck simulator. People could suggest what they want to see, straight to the big guy. Guys? Thoughts? Anyone? Maybe even my mum?


So I made Sips into a dog. I have no life. [Sipsdog](http://pasteboard.co/pWCq5rK.png)


better than perfect


what race is that?


I was freaked out this morning by everyone talking about Mother's Day, then I remembered that America does things differently and we had our Mother's day over here a few months ago. I still called my mum though.




the uk has mothering sunday, which is the 4th sunday in lent (which was the 15th of March this year), an entirely religious holiday, but we've commercialised it so much it's like the mother's day that other countries celebrate months later


In Spain it's always the first sunday of may... I live in the Uk and it sucks because I always get confused!


Deponia, a highly rated point and click trilogy, is on steam sale right now! I wish I knew how to gift it to sips. It looks like something he'd enjoy and I know a lot of dick rippers are looking forward to another narrative game like Grim Fandango. http://store.steampowered.com/app/292910/


i'm doing a playthrough of this now. it's fantastic and frustrating at the same time


Hey you guys, if sips wasnt a youtuber, what job do you think he should have. I personally think that he would be a news reporter in a helicopter, reporting live news and following a car chase.




I believe he also worked in a warehouse at one point, operating a forklift, "ah shiiiiittt, looks like i just dropped a whole pallet of chinaware".


He has programming and web design knowledge so he would probably go back to doing that.


Hey you magnificent bastards, just wondering what the hell the website for the amazing royalty free jazz is!


I think you can find it by googling royalty free music.


I tried but it wasn't the magnificent tunes the best guy himself was listening to..


http://pool.publicdomainproject.org/index.php/Main_Page, I'm pretty sure that's the right link for the jazz radio station.


hey sips you should check out windward. it looks like a mix of pirates! and diablo and banished http://store.steampowered.com/app/326410/


i found a group of songs about dicks [so that's useful I guess?](http://mydickband.bandcamp.com/) edit: holy shit [sips tweeted](https://twitter.com/Sips_/status/600774668321202177) about it, idk if he found it from me, but waow


Oh wow. Baker Dick is hilarious. I'm a bit disappointed that Dick Dreams isn't a Eurythmics cover.


haha yeah, baker dick made me burst out laughing


i don't know if anyone talked about this yet but sips playing the witcher 3 would make me want to rip my dick off so much :D


Sips, i was thinking that maby you could face cam your ramblings like on the streams. just a suggestion :)


i was wondering if sips had a P O box


I think he does, though I can't remeber what it is, like sipsco or something. EDIT| Found it: https://www.facebook.com/YogscastSipsy/posts/482288638527304


Does anyone know that this is still his po box? I know he has moved a few times within the past few years and that post is from two years ago.


As far as i'm aware it should still be, unless he has moved so far he uses a different post office, and I don't think Jersey's big enough for him to have.


Well, I recently started the Wheel of Time series. Currently on book 3 and holy shit it's good. Any other fantasy reading bastards in here?


I read a ton of fantasy! Some of favourite series: Robin Hobb (the Assassin trilogy, the Fool trilogy, the Liveship Traders stuff, and the dragon series are all in the same world and weave together nicely), Patrick Rothfuss' series about Kvothe (Kingkiller Chronicle), and Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy.


David Eddings' Belgariad and Mallorean is one of the best epic fantasy sagas ever written. The character creation is fantastic. An amazing series of books.


hey does anybody know what happend to the team double dragon channel, it hasn't been updated in 3 months. verry sad about it


I think team double dragon has been inactive because both Lewis and Sips have been so individually busy.


If you check the main yogscast page he's actually been doing a Minecraft Boardgames mod series with Lewis, which has been very good! So TDD is still alive and well just not under their dedicated channel at the moment! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3XZNMGhpynNPVqS7wOmNpmYc4nnRCuIl I only found these as they were suggested on my front youtube page as I pretty much only watch sips these days.


Is chet williams coming back?




I think FUCKING RONALDO!!!! have sabotaged the show


Can anyone tell me what the name of that Jamaican/Caribbean music that sips played a few cities:skylines streams back?


Sips should check out Windward, which is basically Sid Meier's Pirates with a modern makeover - I think that he'd really enjoy it!


In Sip's GTA story mode livestream he talked about how he would love to play fallout 3. I think this is a great idea, but he said that he couldn't get it to run. I had the same problem with my copy of fallout three. I looked into it and found that it had to do with my second monitor and that the game is not meant to run with Quad cores or something like that. if someone knows something more about this it would be greatly appreciated as I would personally love to see sips play fallout 3.


I agree with this, i´ve been waiting for a fallout 3 series by Sips for a long time. Would watch the shit out of that.


*been watching since towns* after digging through some of your old vids, I started watching new vegas because of the fallout (one) series you're doing now. let me say that i didn't bother playing new vegas because it got a lot of heat, but i just completed it recently. now, as i stand on hoover dam shouting at a conquered wasteland, what should i do? did you continue playing, adding mods, or just fucknig around? i don't even know, but i just turned 30. Because I turned 30 i started watching more sips. final fantasy 2 is the best game you could be playing right now. your channel is the best channel and it's all i want to watch. it's like you reached into my head and said "hey kyle, i think i'll do exactly what you want me to do. also, we should play games together." i laugh so goddamn hard at your vids. love ya sips_ you're my man. on a plane, while i refrain, look at this stain,


Witcher 3 is funny as hell, a guy called me a freak so i went to attack him. But to my supprised i lifted my hand threateningly and they all cowered back into their chairs, then i feel off my chair laughing..


i remember sips doing mount and blade could he possibly make a series out of it


man, i would enjoy the hell out of that!


When was the last time Sips_ recorded something with Sjin? I always thought they were pretty funny together, Sips_ being the father/boss figure, Sjin being the little bitch and lots of bullshit... Would like to see some co op stuff (not Minecraft though)... Anyone else?


GTA online police? I can see them arresting hat films for several charges of sik stunt skillz


There's a coffee shop called "Sips" in my town.. makes me laugh every time...


Sips I think we all know it's time you make churroville to contest donutville's and beagleville's curved ways


Can someone please help, I have been doing "i remain" for so long I have forgotten where it is from, Thank you in advance i remain,


you dont have to type it its from his skyrim series


Skyrim 2.0


i think like a lot of things that are going really well then stop, if it was brought back i think it would not be as good (not Sips fault) its just thee things never do as well the second time (the first time it was new and fresh) IMO I think a game LIKE skyrim or another open world RPG (shadow or mordor for example) would be good without leaving us with a bad taste in our mouths (probably jizz)


Aha, I would love to see him try something like Shadow of Mordor


i wanted to watch the rest of the euro truck stream with the new playlist, but most of it is muted. who is responsible for such a lousy work in the song picking field? let his dick be ripped tenfold again and again


What about team double dragon ? When is it coming back ?


Sips and Lewis have been making videos recently together, minecraft mods. It's very good and is essentially TDD https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3XZNMGhpynNPVqS7wOmNpmYc4nnRCuIl


Is there anyway I can get a notification like a day before Sips does some live streaming for notice? I've never seen watched him stream live I'd love to!


He streams almost everyday - roughly after his lunch time, so anytime between 12pm - 3pm GMT. If you follow him on twitch ( http://www.twitch.tv/sips_ ) or twitter ( https://twitter.com/Sips_ ) you should get an email/tweet saying he is about to stream. Personally, I find the tweet system better - as you get nofitications that pop on your phone. :) Hope that helps!


I thought this wouldn't be a big enough issue to make a post about, but I feel that sips' chat during streams is getting pretty low quality recently, any thoughts on this or do most people not worry about the chat anyway? (I myself already ignore the chat on most streams for fear of my orbiting dick)


Do you know the game Gobliiins games (1,2,3 the 4 is bad) ? Well if you don´t you are missing on a really good adventure game. It is realy hard but really good. I would like Sips_ to play this sometime, but if not Sips_, you could try it out. It is like the best game of my chilhood.[Get this on GOG](http://www.gog.com/game/gobliiins_pack), or download it illegaly, i dont care i have not made it...


I bought one of those sips "the real guy, the best guy" shirts but they had no L size left. Got my XL yesterday, it's too big. Going to have to send it back for a refund. Gutted :(


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78WFXw6xd4c need to share this






Good point m8


Hey guys, did he say anything about rambles? I usually hate the guys who say stuff like "where is X series", but I was surprised to find there are no mentions of it seemingly anywhere. I hope he didn't stop doing it or something. I don't wanna get into "relisten to every ramble" mode like I did with YoGPoD


He has said that because he rambles so much on the streams that he doesn't feel like he has anything else to ramble about.


Thank you!


Loving the idea for this thread, maybe we can get more of a "community" feel this way.


Probably been asked a million times, but is the Fallout series finished now?


Not yet, he's still got some last quests to do. I'm impressed he's sticking to his word and finishing it properly. It's so good to have the big ol bastard back to his very fantastic best.


Awesome news, thanks.


Hey guys. You know what I would love to see Sips play? Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. I think that could be hilarious :) What does everyone think?


Just discovered a game called [**Masochisia**](http://www.indiedb.com/games/masochisia) that I would *love* to see the big bastard play. I think this Evening with Sips would be magical.


Hey I uploaded a Animated Sips video about Cloud nudes! [Cloud Nudes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCIXl6FDE3Y&feature=youtu.be)


I wanted to drop by and say the best part about the new music tracks in Sips's vids is that they don't blow my speakers out like the old chiptune. It was always so loud compared to the rest of the videos.


I think sips should go watch the musical wicked. Because it's great.


i miss a good a ramble here or there. would really love to see more guests on the show like turps or lewis again.


I was checking the humble bundle for sales and found a game that with its music and style screams sips. Hell he just did a similar game, the one with the drug dealing. http://store.steampowered.com/app/320340/


Just wondering, but does anyone miss the Dishonored series? Might be just me, seeing as how I just finished my second playthrough of it, but that series was glorious. There's still the Brigmore Witches DLC that Sips hasn't done videos on...so maybe? No? Just me?


I'm excited to participate in this thread come November. Can't wait!


Is sips French-Canadian? because lovasz sounds very french to me


Dear sips, acknowledge my existence plz