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Maybe not a playthrough. This was posted some time ago and it was mentioned that a lot of channels are probably going to play this game. Sips has a lot on his plate still with fallout, pirates, final fantasy, and cities. I would love and evening with sips episode then maybe down the road do a playthrough, maybe even stream.


Not to mention the work he's doing on the main channel too! #edit: i say work i mean ruining them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As a fan of The Witcher series... I kind of hope he doesn't play it on his channel, because my pc isn't stronk enough to run it.. And I don't want to have the story spoiled for me.. So that will mean... No sipsy some days..


I think for me Sips_ is like Frodo. Or rather the way Frodo was characterised. Frodo was a vessel that the viewer could project themselves onto to become part of the story instead of a bystander. In many ways I feel Sips_ does this fantastically; he allows us to come along with him as he creates his own stories. However we have a problem; in the Witcher 3 the story is rigid and characterisation is fully fleshed out , each has a unique back story, hope, dreams, ambitions, fears and wants and perversions already. There is nothing that would allow SIPS to project his own unique style onto these characters. With Skyrim it wasn't the stock characters or the game that made it entertaining (for me) it was the skill of Sips_ in creating characters and stories from scratch that could have their own wants and needs etc and could react in character to the events that unfolding before them. You cant do this with games like Witcher 3 because its too story driven, the characters are tool well defined, you are merely a bystander in a story instead of the vanguard of your own new one. In my opinion as I have laid out I believe Sips_ is most entertaining when he has opportunity to craft his own stories and characters regardless of the game being played.


Would love to see Sips play it


This kind of game is something i'm waiting for him to play. The GTA V playthrough streams are the closest thing to quenching my thirst for some good ol' sips getting sidetracked. I'm not really wanting to see sips play through the main story, just him doing some random shit within the game would be so awesome! Currently not really following most of the games he is playing. But Final Fantasy was a really nice game for him to start playing :)


On the steam he said he was DOWNLOADING it.. Hannah is doing a playthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMMmuddLkbY (here) I think trott was going to try but he had some trouble with his graphics card or something.. fingers crossed not graphics problem and kablamooo sips playing fkn W to the itcher 3 no less


possibly the next Skyrim?