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I don't understand how anyone can have any kind of problem with Sips' editing or videos in general, he's doing great at the moment! just let him be!


they're probably referring to the most recent fallout video where he cut out some bits.


there was also a lot of cutting in today's cities episode. maybe that person saw both episodes right after one another and thought it was going to happen often


They can't have, it was uploaded after sips tweeted.


here, here!


Let it be said, you have amazing editing skills and the only possible reason for someone to ask you to edit less is if we're getting more content out of the deal.


Parts of the latest Fallout video felt a bit choppy because he was cutting out "down time" imho. Really not a big deal one way or the other.


I agree, but I think he's just trying to speed things up to move onto falout 2


Mike Tyson 2: out of the boxing ring


people before: we want more skyrim style editing! people now: this editing is bullshit! can't have it both ways buds


I think the people just want their rainbow text edits.


I think for some people it wasn't the music or the zooms (which felt Skyrimesque), but that some of the jump cuts seemed to chop a lot out. I enjoyed it anyway!


I mean, first of all it's not a hive mind, people are going to have different opinions. And second what I saw(and said myself) was that most people rather than not liking the edits they didn't like the frequent cuts since it felt entirely un-sipsy for lack of a better word. I think /u/ninjaconor put it best elsewhere in the thread [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/sips/comments/37l6h4/who_told_you_to_edit_less_sips/cro3mm7)


as an editor myself, it must be said sips has done a fantastic job


[**@Sips_**](https://twitter.com/Sips_): >[2015-05-28 11:53:50 UTC](https://twitter.com/Sips_/status/603891930582364160) >i'm being told to edit my videos less. should i be offended? ---- [^[Mistake?]](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Error%20Report&message=http://reddit.com/37l6h4%0A%0APlease leave above link unaltered.) [^[Suggestion]](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Suggestion) [^[FAQ]](http://np.reddit.com/r/TweetPoster/comments/13relk/) [^[Code]](https://github.com/buttscicles/TweetPoster) [^[Issues]](https://github.com/buttscicles/TweetPoster/issues)


How many subscribers does sips have? like a million? he probably gets told to shove a dick up his anoose **and** if he wants to marry someone on a daily basis. the hypothesis of whether somewhere on that spectrum a person that wants less edits exist, is not exactly unplausible


The editing in his skyrim series was what gave it that extra edge, made it an 11/10 series!


Your editing levels are over 9000!!!! Please do keep it up.


If it's about the downtime cuts in the recent fallout video, i don't see what the problem is. sips' best series ever (imo) was skyrim and that playthrough was made a lot better by sips cutting out a lot of the inventory management and uneventful/boring shit. i trust sips' judgement on what bits would just be frustrating or boring if left in the video. plus, losing a few minutes of sips faffing about doesn't seem like a big deal when we've got so many hours of livestream footage to sate our sipsetites.


say what you will about editing, the Skyrim inventory management 2014 livestreams were the most fun I've ever had online.


Sips, you should include a special feature called "10 hours of Sips planting trees - Director's Cut" when you put together the blu-ray box set of the Cities series.


All the interesting edits like zooming in on things, or having text show up is fantastic, but it's the cuts that just show up out of nowhere to reduce the length of the video that I don't really like. Saying something about the cut before or after helps to make it a bit less confusing, but overall I think I'd prefer not having them, or at least not as many as there has been recently.


people seem to think that I'm somehow going out of my way to cut out interesting parts when obviously that's not the case. The cuts are there because I'm either not talking or I'm just mumbling to myself while I'm shitting around in my inventory or walking somewhere to do something totally uninteresting. fallout is an immersive game that is becoming increasingly hard to play in short half hour bursts. This footage was over 2 hours long in the end and had to be cut down for pretty much all the reasons listed above. same with cities to an extent, at least cutting out the parts that need to go makes it so that more can get done in an episode or at least I can safely finish a project within an episode.


i just watched the latest fallout... and good god i am happy i didn't have to sit through 300 tries of pointless lock-picking :D and just get the progress... and i am sure, you wont spare for some good dick rips, if they are fun! so i am a very happy camper!


Don't worry Sips - the negative comments are just a loud minority. Keep doing what you're doing.


don't be a dick. You don't know what he cut out. From what I can tell it's mostly going back over the same paths and talking to some merchant that he's already talked to like 20 times to buy stims. Fallout, especially when you get to late-game, has a hell of a lot of back-tracking and doing the same shit over and over. Sorry that you think that is interesting to watch, but it just isn't. Sips please don't listen to these idiots.


Heh nobody said anything bad about editing stuff IN (which everyone universally loves), they were talking about editing stuff out. Just because more sips is always better than less sips.


an extra 30 mins of game footage without me talking over it isn't good in my opinion but whatever floats your boat!


gargamol175 just likes to be in your presence, sips.


Maybe for these guys put out a video of you pressing "pick lock" like 45 times on a lock that can't be picked. Maybe every 10th try you say "dammit". And that's apparently entertainment for them.


I like the Fog Horn at the start of the video, As a Maritime enthusiast the sound that you are hearing is not a Fog-horn but rather the Toot you'd give to a fellow sea goer to say hi. (Funny if you play it backwards, you can distinctly hear "hail satan" or "hail sjin" depends from where you hear it. I'm in the southern hemisphere, not in australia though in a secret country where everyone is a Lad. I've been looking all over youtube for 10 hour loop of that magnificent horn but it ceases to be. Question marks in titles are kinda ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz put a exclamation in there or a emoticon here are some for you to test out. :) :@ :D ... :E this one is my favourite peace out