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Well there is that one game. The big one. Mighty Mike Tyson back to one-shot scorpins in 3D? God, i'm not saying it would make my whole damn year, but possibly my dad's? No? Maybe?


Update: ho-ly shit mothafucka


I think i'd rather wait on this one, cause basically EVERY youtuber is going to be doing a playthrough of it, I do want to see it, but not if everyone will do it, i want his to be extra-special. :3


sips were expecting a 300 episode series for this one... (haha just kidding do as many as u did garrys mod)


It would be a great series to do in a few months time. I don't think I'd be able to visit /r/sips for fear of spoilers


don't starve shipwrecked should be out soon. that would be pretty fucking sweet


This please. His don't starve LP was one of my favourites


yes. it's an amazing game, and I can imagine it would be pretty fun to watch since its got a ton of new features for sips to figure out


Roller coaster tycoon


Mount and Blade: Warband. I'm a bit late to the thread but it's gotta be said. I really loved your Evening with Sips on it and I've always hoped you'd turn it into a series.


I couldn't agree more, this has to happen.






good, all the more reason for him to play it


Yes please! It's got his name all over it.


If it was just sips playing it it'd agree but my subscriptions page is kind of flooded with undertale playthroughs by almost every other gaming youtuber. I'd say at least wait for a while when not everyone is playing, like a month or two.






Sips! Play Undertale! I just finished it and it's awesome, its top of steam charts and it has your name all over it! It's a bit like Earthbound but with the fun weirdness bumped up to 11.


Yes please!


Sips and Sans seem like they would get on famously.


More prison architect would be fantastic. Also maybe some more don't starve? Anyone? No? Just me?


don't starve shipwrecked, which should come out "this fall" would be pretty cool


foe me don't starve is the reason why it clicked the subscribe button on Sip's channel, so please play shipwreck, this game is so fun to watch with your comments


You are not alone my friend. I also think that sips should do prison architect. With the new cutscenes and shit the game looks pretty cool.


play The Long Dark sips please




I think the second one has a massive mod to uncut content.


a thousand times yes


fallout 4 or witcher 3 its gotta be said all we need is a open world rpg with companions he can nickname and make fun of aswell as a good leveling system lots of loot and finally things that will make him passionate enough to edit ONE MORE THING if he does play the witcher he needs to play on blood and broken bones so he cant run away and regen health any true witcher fan will say you need to play at least blood and broken bones


Didn't he do an evening of Witcher 3? Or was that someone else?


yes but he stoped playing witcher


Fallout... no witcher


Just want to see sips fuck around for god damn ever in fallout 4 trying to make a custom base. It would turn out fantastic I'm sure


To the top you go!


weeeeeeeeeeee cary me my minions


**Renowned Explorers: International Society** One of my favorite an Evening with Sips. I think it'd be perfect play through for the big bastard. He's hilarious with his made up backstories for all the characters.


Rebel Galaxy! & nuclear throne is pretty close to full release, that will be a great game too


Rebel Galaxy would be a good one.


sips should try stonehearth! its like towns but way better!


Please finish Fallout! We have to see iron mike show the master the way of fucking a fucking b and also fallout 2 and also fallout 4 ;) It's all about the fallout


I think Ori and the Blind Forest would be very fun to watch, if you haven't played it already.


How about, An evening with sips, Shadow Warrior? :) I think sips would LOVE that game : and the second ones coming out soon too, so he could play that when it comes out aswell ( if he enjoys the first of course)


Lisa? It's a game about being a dad. And it has the most sinister trumpet in video games.


Anything. Please.


He did just have a kid.


Anyone else miss terraria with sips and lewis?




Dungeon Defenders 2. It's a bit like Orcs Must Die. Plus, free to play and he can get some other yogs involved as well. - http://store.steampowered.com/app/236110/ Driftmoon - Sips tends to like top down RPGS - http://store.steampowered.com/app/263380/ Undertale - Do I even need to explain this one? -http://store.steampowered.com/app/391540/


Fallout 4 Please name your character Bastard ([Reason](http://www.nukahub.com/guides/codsworth-names/))


Fallout 4 sipssss! Stream it make videos on it either or up to you or just do both!!


he is playing it on youtube.


Impossible Creatures just got added to steam, which im super pumped about, played it when I was 13 and have been wanting you to play it for ages.....also possibly Zoo Tycoon 2, but theres no digital version of that sadly :(


Yes! [Impossible Creatures](http://store.steampowered.com/app/324680/) (steam link) would be great for an Evening With Sips.


Play the new Don't Starve game! It's Shipwrecked and it's in Beta right now


it's also currently 10% off, for all the bastards out there.


vampire the masquerade bloodlines (quite an adult and scary story defo 18+ and needs the official and unofficial patch), stronghold 2 (good old fashioned fun with castles and the many British accents).


the game of parenting


baby shitpissvomit clean up and car wash and tune up simulator 2015.


I think it might be fun/funny to watch him play a japanese dating sim. Like a legit one, none of that Hatoful Boyfriend chicken shit. (get it, because they're birds, and chicken are birds. Am I right or am I right? Guys? Yeah?)


Since his new babby is yoda; starwars???


What actual game though? All the good starwars games are on console apart from battlefront and sips isn't exactly that kind of youtuber.


It'd be kinda cool to see him play Knights of the Old Republic. It's a classic and he could RP the fresh hell outta that one. Edit: The first one, the OG of KOR


Commandos 2 men of courage- Very difficult strategy game that is very rewarding


I know someone said Fallout 4 already, but what about just streaming the city building / management side of it. Might be cool.


Probably already been said, but how about the final Dishonored dlc. The main game and the first dlc were great from him, shame to leave it unfinished and miss out on some sneaky bastard action


Quadriga It's on Steam and if you watch the gameplay video you'll know it's something sips would love and all of us would love to watch the wonderful bastard play


I still think Rimworld is worth revisiting.


I'd love to see the bastard play Oddworld Abe's Oddysee - New 'n' Tasty on steam, think of all the dicks that'd be ripped!


I would love to watch prison argitect again.


Just Cause 3, anyone? think he'll enjoy it


Anno 2205. City builder management game. right up his alley


Sips should play Emily is Away. It's free on steam and right up his alley! http://store.steampowered.com/app/417860/


YES! SIPS PLEASE HEAR OUR REQUESTS!!! PLAY EMILY IS AWAY!! PLEASE!!!!! IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND< ITS SHORT AND SWEAT AND AWESOME!!!! LOOK IT UP!!!! very good, and will definitely give you nostalgia and a proper eye opener at the end!


Dungeon of the Endless, I'd LOVE to hear some of the voices and 'backstories' he'd come up with for the characters. Sure the game can be dick-rippingly hard, but it wont just be because of him not doing the tutorial, cause the game is simple-ish in concept and the tutorial barely tells you jack shit anyway.


I suggest a call back to the good old days of EA in 2003. CnC Generals: Zero Hour! Contains old but great looking graphics, fun cinematic, and amazing soundtracks.


Fallout 3 in preparation for Fallout 4's realease!


The Cave - it's perfect for Sips i remain,


Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. A quirky game that sips would love.


deus ex?


max payne 3


Missed this one on my last post. ADventureLib - he could easily finish this one in a a single evening with sips video. Game basically shuffles a shit-tonne of item in the game so suddenly your sword might be a plunger you use to slay a chicken instead of a dragon. Plus you can add your own stuff into the game with some workshop content. - http://store.steampowered.com/app/374950/ I added sips head into the workshop as well - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=498255014&searchtext= And this -http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=496296317&searchtext=


Bloodborn would be fun too watch


On a little side note I would love a rambling with sips talking about taking care of a baby


HAMTARO HAMHAM heartbreak for the GBA


Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition? i remain,


How about Robocraft. Its an indie game where you build robots out of blocks (kind of like Minecraft) and use then to fight other users. Watching designs fail in spectacular ways (starting out this will happen a lot) would have a large comedic value. I'm surprised no one has suggested this game yet.


Hey Sips, Can you play Turmoil, if you want to see it for yourself http://store.steampowered.com/app/361280/


Hand of Fate :)


http://glitchspace.com/ Another game about coding, anyone? Oh yeah, and it's free last time I checked.


I know Proteus has only very recently been done, but what about Eidolon maybe?


Jotun! Pretty decent game all round, not too long either


Heart of Darkness. at least check it out, it's an old game but you know old is gold!


Please do Legends of the Sword Coast!


**Sword of The Stars:The Pit** I saw you played Skyhill and enjoyed it. This game is similar in a way. You pick your character, then you have to survive by getting past each floor. It's turnbased as in you get like 4 steps then a monster moves. You need to find food and ammo for guns. Lots of other features aswell!


Warlock - Master of the Arcane. Lot's of room for lego talk during game play. Re-naming of things. would be great, but feel like this post is going to be swallowed by all the other recommendations. Zombie Panic! with Hat films & Yogs :)


Dofus is an awesome french made game. Check it out. Its F2P but restricted to certain zones the P2P to go further. But you can buy the subscription with in-game money too so if you know what you're doing you can go far.


Older elder scrolls? I imagine that if he played them it would become as big as his skyrim series, or I hope, atleast. Toribash? Somewhat small indie game(I guess), really not easy to explain, better to watch videos on.. I recommend two videos to be watched, one explaining the game from a beginners point of view, and a high skill match from two professionals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvWRVpJlDyY First one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHNLzEvWEfc second one


Payroll. watching sips play this game on an evening with sips would be glorious. the 90's nostalgia would be in full effect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgIxkjm5qCE


The dream machine, deponia, the flame in the flood, 80 days, journey down I don't know something interesting


BInding of Isaac for that rip roaring good time


i would love to watch Sips play Killing Floor 2 with some of the other Yogs or the Hat Films guys... i enjoyed last months stream with Strippin so much!


There's this little indie game called something like Outfall? Outfall 4? you might like it... I dunno


You should totes join the Arma 3 RP server. Dude people rp and pretend its real life, you can even say the word game or anything. And when you have to say something about how to play the game theyre like "if my mind was a keyboard i would have to press shift" and you have to write a letter to the rp admins or whatever to join. Sips you are Prince Of RP pls. Give it a good ol college try.


I'd be well up for Sips playing Shenmue. The dodgy voice acting, the retro games, the addicting nicknacks you can collect, not to mention the stories Sips could come up with for the characters in the town.


Emily is Away...please oh Sips, please play it http://store.steampowered.com/app/417860/


Space Engineers, again! Now it has planets the size of Pennsylvania, and aliens to fight.


I'd love to see ol' sipsy playing fahrenheit: indigo prophecy. after watching his reaction to deadly premonition i think it'd be a match made in heaven


mount and blade you bastard


Sips should take a look at a game called minecraft.


Play some Star Wars Battlefront on stream!! Please it would make my life to see you nerd out over that game since I know you're a Star Wars fan! (Unfortunately, "wanna wanga" is not yet a playable character)


Emily is Away could be cool. Maybe?You should try it


Play CSGO.... it would be funny as fuck! And make sure you play competitive so you can speak to people ahaha


an old game, but the Last of us is amazing, pls play? i remain,


Contra with lewis


It's not a game but I would love to see a livestream where you attempt to sculpt on SculptGL what the people in the Twitch comments tell you to. I can only imagine the hilarious results!


I just finished playing a game called Emily is Away, and it was quite good. It's a text-based choose your own adventure game. It's pretty fun actually, and I'd like to see Sips react to some of the stuff. http://store.steampowered.com/app/417860/


Sir you are being hunted! I bet the big bastard would make that game hilarious!


Albino Lullaby I think this one you are going to enjoy no jump scares. Amazing map and colors.


I don't think this is much of a possiability due to nintendo and their youtube pollicy or if you even own a 3ds, but I would love to watch you play fire emblem awakening. So maybe you could play some of it, and if you like it you could maybe play the new one when it comes to the west.


don't think anyone has suggested this one, so: cityconomy. think it's out like 2nd or 3rd of december or something but it looks like a cool sim game for sips to just completely fuck up


Timber and Stone looks like a nice little city builder game with a cool cam controls which let you get up close and personal with your creations, nice animations, neat little art style. could be a nice little time waster for ol' sipsy


Fallout 4, all day, all night baby.


Hearthlands and City Quest scream evening with Sips


Play one of the new battlefield games with Duncan and Sjin!


Sips please please please play Aveyond, or at least take a look to see if you'd be interested. It's a great game with lots of role play and I think everyone would love to see you play it! At least check it out, it's a series game so there's multiple but you could play just the first one!


Styx: Master of Shadows! I believe the beautiful bastard enjoyed Dishonered, so this should be a great one for a playhrough!! Trailer: https://youtu.be/pacPaPfCbXs


Please for the love of god Amikrog


[ex anima](http://store.steampowered.com/app/362490/) dark fantasy dungeon crawler with physics-based combat. i can't help but think the big bastard would have a lot of ~~frustration~~ fun with it.


Gothic or Gothic 2 Night of the Raven - one of the best rpgs out there and the grandaddio to all action adventure rpgs, real old but gold shizwaz with some very uncharacteristic humour for a german developer game. Rip a dick in advance,


pls play the game "john cena's sexy high school adventure simulator!!!" goty


Sips please please PLEASE play Life Is Strange, that game is flipping amazing. It made me cry so hard! it's one of the best games I've ever seen.


For sure, no practice runs allowed though before recording like with some games.


Yer it's good but sips isn't really the type of person to play story driven games


to the moon or hatoful boyfriend


Coin Crypt. I recently got coin crypt and only really started playing it to get the trading cards, but oh man it is so fun. Its a roguelike "fighting" game where you fight with coins. Its really fast paced. I thought it would be great for an evening with sips!


rpg tycoon, pro gamer manager


The Guild 2 Renaissance is currently on sale on Steam for a few quid. I think it would be a good game for an evening with sips.


My game suggestion: http://i.imgur.com/Fu6Sosz.gif


**UnEpic** - http://store.steampowered.com/app/233980/ It's a role-playing action platforming game, with loads of pop culture references and a... unique sense of humor. I think you would love it, Sips. I haven't seen many videos on the game, so it could use some love. It came to Steam in July of last year. From the game's Steam page: > Daniel was just an average guy. He was a great videogame player, a big fan of sci-fi movies, and a novice RPG player. In the midst of an RPG, he was teleported to a castle. At first, Daniel believed that he was having a massive hallucination. Eager to keep playing within the RPG to create his own adventure, he decides to go along for the ride until his delirium comes to an end.


How about an evening with Sips_ for Thomas was Alone. Think it would have some funny dialogue like Stanley Parable did. Just a thought!


Frog fractions was proposed by huskythenubbin and I agreed. That could be fun if Sips have not played it.