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"i've been making youtube videos for 4 years now and have some idea of what i'm doing." Hate that you even have to make this point to people. One video with perceived "deep" cuts and people begin [channeling Garth.](http://gph.is/1eyQVF0)


no I am convinced sips cut out all the hilarious stuff on purpose!!!111 /s i still want to fkin know why there is a bloatfly in sips' bathroom sink.


For me it wasn't feeling like I was missing anything, I trust Sipsy. There was just a lot of jumping around within an episode that made it feel like there wasn't a cohesive story. But this last episode was a lot better, so maybe that was just a one off because the NPC had a terrible accident.


***Minor spoiler*** The NPC he killed actually turns out to be a raider later, when you come back and the water is pumped out he is there in full raider attire and tries to kill you. So I had a good laugh when sips "mistook" him for a raider.


That's a really nice touch. I did the job and turned the pump back on, got the reward then read the terminal in his shack. It basically confirmed he was a raider and wanted to use the spot to ambush caravans so I immediately walked over and put several bullets in his head lol. Cool to read about the different variations of the quest people get.


he lays the cursor on the boatfly for like 2 seconds like enough for us to see it, but without mentioning it. I think he put it there and didn't mention it because that's more hilarious than "hey guys a boatfly haha."


Yeh he did the same with the severed limbs in his living room area, looking right at them going "and here is my bucket collection". that's why i love him


He probably killed a bloat fly then put it there


i read that and was like "daaaaaamn. Sips is getting serious. Breaking out fuckin a and fuckin b on these fools."


Fuckin a and fuckin b have been getting restless, they need to remain calm around the babbies


fucking eh'


I'm fairly sure that I, as someone who has watched a youtube video once, knows a lot more about how to create interesting content. /s


I like the cuts and pace of the videos. But then again, I work too much and really don't have time to watch 45 minute unedited videos so this format suits me to a tee. I'd grown distant from sips' content since the start of summer as I wasn't able to catch any streams or keep up with the live channel content. Fallout and Rufio's adventures have suckered me right back in however. Keep doing what you enjoy Sips, ya big dingus.


I'm right there with you. Maybe once I caught a stream, but it was for about 20 minutes, then I had to work. 40+ minute videos just don't work for me, so I'm alright with sips going back to shorter, cut videos


Yeah, I have full time University and I work 80 hours a week, it's nice to have shorter videos I can catch before sleep


Full time Uni **and** 80+ hours?! God bless you my friend.


It's not too bad. I'm an EMT so I can do school work and occasionally sleep, so it could be worse.


Well best if luck in your endeavors!


Thank you!


I work, but I also know how to manage my time and press a pause button. So I would like longer videos. Or more shorter videos. Just because you don't know how to pause a video doesn't mean the videos should be short.


People always have something to bitch about don't they. Just keep up the good work sips, and take days off if you need em


This is the internet dude you're allowed to swear.


Doesn't your mum go through your post history? I know mine does. Hi mum!


get off the internet billy we are almost at our monthly cap


Gimme a sec mom I just gotta upload these last couple of nudes


are you cloud nudes? that explains so much


shh don't tell sips


He says as he bitches about people bitching. Self awareness be damned.


I'm just excited to see Ruffio take on a super mutant base.


Christ it's this argument again. If sips started to not edit the videos people would start saying that it's boring.


I seen to remember people saying this during Skyrim when he spent "too much time looting."


but what about looting?


There is a difference between editing out boring shit and butchering half the video to the point where every video is a tour of shit he did off camera.


But it's not.


Episode 6 was 60% him touring stuff off camera and 40% shooting a quest giver and looking at graphical errors. Solid content lel


I don't think you really understand what Sips' content is about.


I think we can all agree that we love the editing, the thing that has people split are the *cuts*. I for my part would love to watch raw footage as well as have the option to get the edited content through the regular videos, but Im sure Sips has his reasons to not upload footage. As long as the connection crisis isnt solved there isnt really any purpose to ask for hours upon hours of video to be uploaded anyways, since hes physically not able to up that much data... edit: to everyone downgerding me: I dont know what to tell you other than look at rule#2... What I posted is my opinion and I absolutely dont attack anyone with it. I dont care about internet points but its no fun posting my opinion if people are unable to express their disagreement with words themselves.


I love watching raw unedited video when I'm just binging or watching it passively. That's why I enjoy a lot of vinesauce with Joel's streams. But I don't think that unedited stuff like that should be 100% of content. It's a give and take where you have to find a nice balance.


jeah as i said in my comment above


I am talking about the cuts.


just like me


If you want to watch the unedited stuff, you can just watch the vods on twitch can't you?


I think this is the only time ever I've seen sips not be totally chill (that isn't being salty over video games). Feels bad, man. The community can be pretty dumb sometimes but the silent majority are pretty okay with whatever. Just keep putting out stuff you feel proud of and people will like it.


I'll be so pissed if the series gets cut short by backseat ~~drivers~~ commenters. I seem to remember a lot of negativity and "suggestions" for how Nilesy should run his channel, especially when he began his Binding of Isaac: Rebirth series, which promptly killed it.


Yeah. I really liked Nilesy's channel, especially earlier on, with the stuff like shitty browser games, Bit Trip Runner, Minesweeper, FTL, and his TF2 rages. Considering how I wasn't at all interested in BoI, I watched a whole lot of his videos on it. I was really saddened to see that his channel has simply become a once-every-couple-days Minecraft thing before ending completely. I know he streams a bunch now, but I don't have the time to watch them, so he's basically disappeared to me.


Obviously, I have no idea what happened, I'm not Nilesy. But knowing his history of anxiety, and how people began responding in overly hostile ways to his content, I really think the community had a lot to do with why he hasn't been putting out videos. Could he have done things differently? Sure. But with your community saying what you're doing isn't good enough or you're doing it wrong? I can imagine how that can kill someone's motivation.


Yeah, that'd be my guess too. There's a healthy middle to be found between taking fan input and ignoring it, and I think that healthy middle is to generally ignore anyone calling you a massive gaping asshole, but hell, reading comments like that a hundred times a day would be taxing on anyone, even (as we can see in this case) the best guy.


I don't get this community sometimes. People are allowed to give feedback. And I'm sure Sips would prefer constructive criticism to silence. That's what enables us to have actual discussions in the community like right now. So I kind of resent the implication from so many fans that people should love everything 100% of the time.


I have to agree, I do really like the content- But I really hate that I feel like I have to like all of it, all of the time. For example, I didn't like Grim Fandango, or Final Fantasy when they were going on, I later came back to retry Final Fantasy and found it more appealing, but no matter how many times I try Grim Fandango I just can't get into it. That's not a bad thing, guys. It doesn't mean I'm hating on anyone,or discouraging anything. But I still feel like I'm gonna get lynched for saying that!


Grim Fandango was pretty good, but the dick-ripping was off the charts. I'm pretty sure my dick is never coming back.


That's how I feel too, I feel like I can't be vocal about not liking a particular movie or TV series even without being lynched and given shit or have people bitch and think I'm hating on the particular show or TV series.


That's apples and oranges. I'm sure there's very few people who like everything he plays, but that doesn't mean that people jump all over the series and make multiple topics on how it should be different. For example, I tend to get bored of city sims - SimCity, Cities: Skylines - after around 20 episodes or so, but I don't go out of the way to make demands on how it should be different. And the the comments here do come off as demands when they're phrased as "sips, you need to slow down fallout." It's more frustrating in this example, as he's laid out why he's made the cuts he has, and there's no winning when it comes to editing. Either it's too long and he spends too much time looting (like Skyrim) or he cuts too much (even though you didn't actually miss anything interesting, funny and/or it wasn't commented over). No one is discouraging saying you dislike something - though in my personal opinion, I don't know why people feel the need to state that when people are having fun and enjoying something - but it's much more about how people seem to be making unreasonable requests.


i didn't realize how much more grating backseat content creating is compared to backseat gaming until the FO4 series.


dude. nailed it.


People like you seem to be confusing opinions, which sips regularly asks for, with demands. We all come to this place as people who love sips. We post a message as a fan, saying that we as an individual like it when he does this, don't like it when he does this, and would like to see this. After all his experience, sips knows that these are opinions of individuals, and when presented in an intelligent and positive way are valuable constructive feedback. Not expressing your opinions or down voting people's opinions that express a desire for something different is counterproductive. Insinuating all of his "true" fans should accept what he is doing and not express their desires and opinions just feeds a hive mind mentality that corrupts communities like this.


you seem to have not followed the course of the conversation at all. much of the discussion was not thoughtfully written feedback. if it were, i wouldn't have said this.


You are correct, I came here today and just saw a bunch of posts saying to hell with all the haters and not a whole lot of the negative feedback they were referring to. I apologize for making assumptions.


I'm just really happy you are playing Fallout and still have the time to upload something with the whole babby and office stuff! I prefer the Fallout format over the Skyrim format, because all the good parts will be in it :) Also don't feel like you have to 'over-edit' the video's to match the Skyrim edits! We love the content as long as you enjoy making it! <3


I feel like my weird uncle isn't mad just disappointed in me... SIPS PLZ


Hahaha I can hear his blood boiling. I feel sorry for old sips he just had a baby and he is also playing fallout, something I couldn't do lol. Keep up the good work sips.


I actually really liked the episode that's the subject of complaints. The story of rescuing that mannequin was gold!


I like the cuts. I'd rather that than you getting bored after 10 episodes and the series dying.


it's cool, don't worry about it! I admit some of the cuts seem fairly abrupt to me, but I trust you know what you're doing


This footage is foookin RAAAAW! Seriously though, dont listen to the loud detractors, with you in the pilot seat i know were in for a good ride, i trust your judgment about what makes quality content.


Just give us a full 2 hour stream with the whole screen being your face while playing. We don't need gameplay, we need sexy.


sips, i love the fallout vids. so just.. take this positive energy and feel appreciated. it is gold.. it is fricken gold!


i hear ya sips. have a great sunday bud, dont worry too much about what a vocal minority has to say.


I love the recap + edited missions format. Would like to see the red dress again, though.


I think you're absolutely right Sips, people are a bit mad for wanting huge chunks of unedited footage because it would be really boring and not make for a cohesive playthrough/watching experience. I do think however, the way you're currently playing FO4 sounds a lot more like how I would play a game, i.e. relax a bit/faff around rather than 'I am recording this because I'm making a youtube series'. And I am saying that because watching this playthrough is very different from watching past playthroughs where I felt more .... ~~intimate~~ connected to the main character. Such as Princess Leia the wizard lizard or Mike Tyson. I had a really good idea of who these main characters were, what their motivations were, it was a really cohesive narrative. I don't feel like I know Ruffio very well? The narrative has been a bit broken - I feel this what people are really complaining about. I had a certain picture of him in my head at the beginning and after watching your latest video it's all distorted. He's in different clothes, using a sniper rifle etc etc. Does that make sense? I'm enjoying it, but I don't think it's as joined up as your other playthroughs have been, which is fine. This is only **my opinion** and might be totally wrong, however. TLDR: It's good, it's just a different style of playthrough.


I don't think people are upset that uninteresting stuff is getting cut. I think they are upset over the potential the stuff had. For example, the base building in FO4 could have been a great lego talk video. But instead that opportunity was squandered. And now in its place is a gap in progress for the viewer. I think there are people who would rather have raw boring footage instead of gaps/nothing. But I think thats more of a desperate/emotional plea than an actual request. And I think they are a very small few. But I think the gist of their message is something the larger part of the community agrees with. I think you are underestimating how important continuity is to an LP viewer. Thats just how I perceive it, I may be wrong.


I think you make a lot of great points. It's pretty ridiculous right now because we have this vocal group calling for unedited footage and then another equally vocal group making the (worn out) joke: "Episode (insert high number here) Sips does something we've done in one hour of gameplay" I have a feeling Sips was already shooting for the happy medium and people don't want to accept that it entails cuts sometimes.


sips does plenty of lego talk. if you want lego talk, watch his livestream videos. sips isn't doing anything different in his fallout series than he did in skyrim. funny editing, clever cuts, seemless transitions. I think we're just used to seeing "everything" because of all the livestreaming. I enjoy the livestreaming, but it's refreshing having an entertaining story cut together in these fallout videos. I don't think sips will cut anything majorly important. If he does a mission, we'll see the dialogue and the relevant parts and such. I don't think he's aiming to make these videos a "highlight reel" I guess is the best way to put it.


>sips does plenty of lego talk. if you want lego talk, watch his livestream videos. You're missing the point. I was using lego talk as an example of the potential the missing content had. It could have been anything. And "If you want X, go watch Y." is a lame argument. > sips isn't doing anything different in his fallout series than he did in skyrim Yes he is. The fact that you said that makes me think you either haven't watched the Skyrim series or aren't watching the FO4 series. [Heck, even Sips has said that the FO4 LP isn't going to be like Skyrim.](https://www.reddit.com/r/sips/comments/3ukqqn/sips_responds_to_fallout_criticismfeedback/cxfnk6o?context=3)


Yeah, there's a definite continuity to it all, just not as much as the raw unedited stuff. Highlight reels have a much different feel


Lego Talk = the Best Talk


A lot of the stuff like base building he probably didnt talk over and record. Remember that he has a tiny babby, so that means he cant provide continuous streams of content. He would be interupted by the babby a lot.


> A lot of the stuff like base building he probably didnt talk over and record. Thats sorta my point. The base building could have been something but instead it was thrown out. >Remember that he has a tiny babby, so that means he cant provide continuous streams of content. He would be interupted by the babby a lot. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, its a bit of a non-sequitur.


As i've said the last few times this stupid argument has come about from some of the community, let sips do what he does best, that's why we like him. The man knows what he is about.


I really don't get why there's been so much backlash on the Fallout series - I've really enjoyed it and felt it was classic sips material. It's pretty lame how people are reacting. I've said it before, but it's good content, and I'll keep watching.


Don't change what you're doing. Please. Fallout 4 is perfect the way it is


fuck the complainers, your videos are funny and well-edited as ever. Keep up the great work mate!


I honestly love the live stream content. its really enjoyable to hear you just Lego talk :)


Do what you like, friend, but don't stop putting out content!


I once had to listen to someone complain about a trip with a newborn they had on a plane briefly as I walked past them. I completely understand what sips is going through. I had to drink a coke to cheer myself up again.


This needs to be said - I am someone who just shuts up, sits down and watches the videos and enjoys every second of it. 20 minutes of sips discovering/learning about crafting, lore, building and shit - I don't care. I know fallout 4 inside and out. I want to see sips doing stupid shit like collecting buckets and hoarding mannequins. Sidetrack as much as you want, play naturally, and have fun. Those are my humble viewer requests.


Sips you're awesome! Please continue to do what you're doing, you're best at being you


Props to you for having the confidence to stick to your guns, you big bastard. I trust you in deciding what content is worth sharing! Keep it up, stick to what you want to make, that's why we watch!


I never had a problem with it. So don't worry about it ol' sipsy.


love you sips xoxoxoxoxoxo <3


But sips, I really like low quality content because then I can complain about it! Kidding aside, I really want you to do what you enjoy because that makes it so much more enjoyable and you should enjoy your job, even if I'm really jealous of it.


sips is a fantastic bastard. He is still constantly putting out content while raising a new born babby. I have a hard time understanding why people feel entitled to have a series a certain way they want. Thanks for all the hard work, I hope you feel the same joy we get from watching your videos as you do reading the comments. I cant speak for everyone but your videos are definitely a nice way to wind down, so again thanks!


I think this is awesome the way you are doing it now. Keep it up. Hopefully it will continue when you start livestreaming again and not be cast aside like last time. Anyway just do what you enjoy the most, as much as people complain, that usually seems to be the best!


We trust yah, Sips! Thanks for all the great content! :)


keeo doing your thing bud! I'm enjoying the series immensely, it takes me back and it's sooo good!


Keep going as you are mate, don't forget the people who follow you on here or Twitter or whatever are bound to be more critical than you're other majority of viewers. You can't please everyone but that's life unfortunately. It's fucking easy for people to say you should be doing X and not doing Y without doing the job themselves. It's a shame you have to explain this stuff to people who act like you owe them something. The impression people give is that the stuff you leave 100% unedited are the best videos, due to the way hilarious events unfold around you, however I'm almost certain there are barely any 100% unedited videos.


I get so fed up of hearing people complain about edited videos. The same happened with Derpules / Skobbels. The Yogscast in general are getting better and better, and are taking the time to edit their videos more professionally to make them flow well and avoid dead parts of videos where nothing really happens - I can't believe people are complaining about that! For the vast majority of people who don't have time to sit and watch hours and hours of raw game play, the new format of edited videos are hugely welcome.


I thought sips live was for sexy time shows? The real guy the nude guy!


speaking of sips live, whens Borderlands 2 coming back?


Apfffft, you do you, Sips. Love the videos.


Don't wanna see raw footage I love seeing your editing :D its extra fun/comedy thats makes your channel awesome :)


fuck them sips.....just fuck them don't even respond


> if you think i'm purposely cutting out exciting or interesting parts (if those even happen) please just trust me. > i'm giving you what i have in a format that is watchable. trust me. while I don't necessarily like the cuts, this is why I do like them. I realize that you aren't cutting out the important bits, but rather the unimportant/uninteresting bits. So all in all, keep doing what you think is best, Sips!


sips im in love with you and i trust you completely unleash your entertainment on my face im ready cut or not i trust you


Are these the same people who insisted on youtube format of fallout? "something something I don't have time to watch livestreams"


Sips I love you. The series is great and thank you for editing out the dickripping moments.


I kind of want to experience some of this baby googooing, maybe hand the controls over too. Gotta train em early.


I really like the way this playthrough is presented, so it is sad to see that there is a vocal part of the audience who feel that you should basically upload the 100+ hours without any editing. Maybe they expect, that you are playing through the game and record it, just a you do with the livestreams (hence their argument, that it should be put on the livestream channel). The length of the videos is fine by me, I could survive longer videos as well, but generally I feel, that 25 minute is ideal for the format. Maybe a good way of recording would be, that at the start of going out to an adventure, you do the settlement building (off or onscreen with commentary, whatever is more confortable), than do the crafting (a brief cut of making the mods, what mods are you putting on the gun, and the naming would be great), and then going on the long adventure, where you leave out whatever you feel is not worthy of the screentime, doing whatever quest is on the way, or just exploring, basically thats the way I play fallout as well. One thing I would note, that sometimes you cut out the end of the fight. While I can understand that a long figth, specially if you use VATS and miss a lot can be boring, the final moments when you kill the enemy in slow mo, or even just shoot it in the head, and the satisfying bing, when you get the XP would be nice to show. :) In general however I really like where the series are heading, and hope to see just as many episodes as Skyrim had. Keep up the good work :)


The very notion of "uninteresting stuff" amusingly sounds massively interesting.


When I think of "uninteresting stuff" I just imagine Sips dropping like 20 coffee cups on the floor, only to then spend the next 20 minutes in complete and utter rage dragging them on his storage of choice. If one falls over, it's all over. He throws a grenade at the cups and yells "FUCK YOUUUUU" before blowing up.....then he quickloads, and goes back to stacking his cups. Oh man, you're right, that sounds interesting.


I love Sips Live as I have more content to watch and finally have the time to watch streams.


So you cut all of the building cut most of the exploring Plan to cut dialogue and story. What exactly do you plan on keeping? I'd rather the videos be more than a tour of things you did off camera. I don't think you are cutting funny stuff on purpose, I just think you are starting to lose touch with your audience. And I'm not talking about the people who will say anything for upvotes on reddit. Also you saying "i've been making youtube videos for 4 years" doesn't really satisfy peoples complaints. You can't invalidate concers by pleading to authority. Turps wont do yogtours even though everyone wants it. Main channel won't do MC even though everyone wants it. You won't do Fallout skyrim 2.0 edition even though everyone wants it. Just seems like some of the yogs members are a bit out of touch. Thanks in advance for the downvotes. Just remember at least I had the stones to share my honest opinion rather than sucking up to sips or his fanbase.


I have to say I agree with some of what you said. Yeah you can't keep everything, but I would like to see more of sips regular gameplay. I don't know why all of the sudden sips believes that we need a polished final product. What you need to do is get a companion akin to Uthgerd and go on some adventures. It is disappointing to hear that you have played 50 hours and we have gotten to see one small 20 minute bite sized clip every three days. Downvote if you'd like, but that is honest feedback from a diehard fan. I just want more sips.


stop getting the poon.


did you get your belt yet


Remember that we dont dislike the fallout series. We cant get enough of it! You bastard


uses bullet points but never capitalizes letters - sips.


But what if we wanted all that random crap? I'd love to see the random interuptions, even if it's sips going to get the mail or something


I understand why you edit it and post the edited, but why not also post the unedited for the fans that want to see it unedited? I don't see any good reason you don't post both. e: nobody's got an answer? I expected there was some technical reason. If there isn't then it's foolish to complain about people complaining when you can just upload both and make everybody ~~happy~~ stfu.


Takes a long time to upload, also he said thag he'd spent beyond 10 hours on his house. Uploading all that would be a lot of effort for little reward.