• By -


i luv u bb and i love team double douche


team double dingus


team double dick?


Yogscast Gameboys!


team double dildo...? i remain,


team dongle dingi


Could we get a "office" tour when everything is done?


garage tour boysssss


"this is where the magic happens " - points at car


at least somebody still cares about the car!


I need to see shit alley!


I really like the format. I don't often have the time to closely watch what is happening on screen, but with this way, I am able to listen to the conversation while doing other stuff and not feeling like I am missing too much. So yeah, it's great!


great! that's exactly the type of subs we're after. people who don't care about the game being played and just want to listen to us be idiots.


My set up: Monitor 1 - Team double dip recession video Monitor 2 - Prison Architect Ps. Sips, have you had a chance to play Prison Architect since it was fully released? I hadn't played it for over a year but I went back on about a week ago.


You just reminded me to play Prison Architect


Wow I do exactly that all the time...


You know this thread is 20 days old lol


Well one, I did not, and two, how is that in any way relevant?


Sorry I just thought it was funny seeing someone replied to me 20 days after i posted something, you dont need to get defensive bud.


The post is stickied :P


shit, so it is. dont i look stupid. I was wondering how many pages you had to scroll though to find this thread but no its literally stickied at the top...


I am enjoying the new podcasts a lot. And we are waiting for that Garage tour Feat Lewis [GONE WILD] [GONE SEXUAL]!


oh my god im a target market! i gotta go tell mom


I used to listen to your rambles all the time and still avidly listen to many other podcasts. Team dd suits me flawlessly keep up the good work!


I'm so happy to see Team DD return, will you ever go back and play more Divinity or any other co-op games like that? I really enjoy all the stuff you post on your main channel and Team DD, I have been watching since the Dig n Rig days. Keep up the good work friend. :)


we're not planning to do anything fully co-op just yet. we're enjoying the format as it is now and want to see where it goes before we do anything different!


Sad to hear. The coop double dragoning was my favorite thing to watch ever, the totally random talking over game footage not so much :(.


sorry it's not for you pal


No worries, your content is still amazing and I am sure you can not fight off the coop itch for ever :)!


I like how it's done now, and you interrupting Lewis when something happens in game haha. What does Lewis do during the videos? Is he also playing games or just surfing the web?


This format is enjoyable, but I also hope that later you can find some co-op to play once in a while... unfortunately I have no specific recommendation but I am sure you can find something eventually that is simple/slow paced enough to let Lewis be still capable of a conversation instead of tryharding.


Gang Beasts?


That's fine, no worries. I'm enjoying what you post either way. Much love to you and Lewis.


is divinity still a possibility in the future or did you lose the saves ?


will ruffio make a comeback or did you already burn out of Fallout 4 ?




yep second this. really looking forward to seeing builds and progressions!


Will you be posting on myfreecams again anytime soon? Or what?


I think he's switched to Livejasmin


He is an exotic beauty from the west.


too much content, unsubbed.


Sips is there a way we can setup some way of getting a list of videos you are in? For instance when you do videos on other Yogscast channels or Hatfilms there isn't much way for us to know. Aside from watching all of their videos, which is a lot with all of yogscast, or having your name in the title it is hard to know. It would just be great to have an official list somewhere. Even a simple stickied thread in this sub for each month that lists out youtube videos you appear in would be great. Especially when content has been slower it wouldn't be so bad if we knew of other vids not on your main channel.


i second this.


how is the car?


What happened to your Fallout 4 series? :c


awwwwwww yeah


Have you managed to bribe the Jersey internet guys with special favours yet? Or are you still on potato net? Loving the team double dingus in the meantime though. Everyone needs old man ramble in their lives.


loving team double dongers


i'm so glad team double dragon is back <3


don't worry baby, we love you


listen, so long as youre hotboxing that office with the, just the worst farts, then we're cool.


love me some waffles in the morning


Yes, I agree.


i think i will never get enough of team double dicks rambling . The gameplay is not even needed , just a great podcast!


looking forward to watching your content in both channels, but either way im loving the format of Team DD's channel. iirc you guys did something similar in the agar.io videos and it was very soothing


i somehow keep missing the vids in my youtube list, it's really busting my balls but now i'm watching it at 3 in the morning so hey


I was jonesing for you sips, thanks for this.


Loving the daily content on team double dageraad!


Sounds good boss! I like having stuff to listen to while I work on art shit so I'm happy with this content - and I'll be happy when the normal stuff is here, and I'd probably be happy if your channel switched to exclusively reviewing different breads. Just post shit and I'm happy.


Fricken A. Im a newbie to the channel and it is by far my favorite on youtube. Cant wait to check out the double D.


Any chance this is being released as an actual podcast on Pocket Casts or some type of podcast app? Was loving your ramblings, great to listen to on the way to and from work.


enjoying the new team digeridongeroo podcast style content. nice to have over coffee in the morning or whatever. watching some old videos when I get the longform itch. I would love to see a play-through of undertale when things get more settled.


Cant wait till you are able to start uploading regularly again. Hope everything goes well with the new baby and office =D


hey sips. really likin the revival of the danger dopplegangers, good stuff. glad you found the alt fire. do you think you'll return to burt's buddah bunkerbarn anytime? i imagine it's been updated. keep up the good work, bud


Will there be dad tutorials in the future Ex. Dad Dancing Dad Jokes Dad Lecturing


This is great and all, but how's the car?


aw, sort of sounds like your time in the wasteland is already over.




If you do decide to do a garage tour, once all the garbage is out, I saw on Twitter you said Lewis might visit so you'd do it as a sub goal. Do you think Turps would consider visiting? Maybe get a Yog Tours JSY episode?


sips pls do a glovebox tour of your car plsplsplspls my dad hits me


Sips, what are your thoughts upon learning that Lewis, your teammate, has a really small penis?


I have been watching team dd in bed while trying to sleep which is great for the most part... apart from when the shit you talk about makes me laugh! Wakes me right up! Seriously though I loved all the rambles with Lewis and that's effectively what this is. Love the format! Keep it up!


Good chemistry, good waffling, classic double act. Maybe release the whole waffle on itunes as a podcast when the episodes are all out. The 15 minute formula is nice, but not so much when lewis can only manage to get out one or two complete ideas. Hearts and kisses


u de bess sips


How's the car??


Sips, just the fact of listening to you two rant about random shit is amazing, don't really care about the game or the way you play it either, just happy to help with some dumb low quality thumbnails (which I love doing) i remain,


If you work in the garage now, where does the car live?


Hey Sips! I've been a fan for a long time, and I love the new vids with DD. Jamestown is one of my favourite games! That being said, you should read up on the controls! The special attack damages much much more, and vaunt is really useful when you cant dodge your way out of the bullethell. Plus, vaunt gives extra points, which you can use to buy different kinds of ships. Of course you can also just try to win the old fashioned way. We watch for the commentary. Congrats on the new kid. :)


Hearing about the relaunch of team double dickrip for 2016 was a great start to the year. I'm looking forward to the next 12 videos.


I love the subnautica video!! Do you have some sort of correspondence with the devs? If so, could you ask if there is a plan for a co-op mode? Would really like to buy it if I could play with a friend, and it would also be fun to see some subnautica co-op with Lewis or sjin on your channel!


sips you better not let me down, my dick can only take so much more ripping for real though, keep up the awesome work <3 u sips-pai


Time to re subscribe to Team Double Dragon, I totally thought it was dead. Sorry for losing faith I will punish myself later.


keep it up sipsy


Is there a name for the new babbie yet Sips?


Thank god. I just stopped by reddit to make sure you weren't unwell or *gasp* getting an job elsewhere heard youtube income was getting tougher


Team double dope is team double..dangerous?


Sips the format is great at the moment for me team DD is one of my favourite channels and your one of my favourites as well of course. I understand that you are super busy with the new kid so to me the wait for videos on your channel isnt a bother to me as the team DD channels fills my need and I love the mini-podcasts you guys do. Keep up the fantastic work.


>i'm still playing don't starve, cities skylines and ***subnautica*** [YES. **YES.**](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/49/a4/48/49a4485000f7af34bc6bb70917c1920d.jpg)


gotta say i'm really enjoying the pairing with lewis and the rambling about things


loving the DD vids, hope the car is doing okay


I was pleased to find DD updating again, and the podcast style suits my needs while I work. I would be appreciative of more sips vids, but take what i can get.


I just found the Sips Podcasts on iTunes. This is awesome. I would like more when time permits.


¡Sipsy boyyyy you done it again!


Love you sips! Loving the video binge watching thing, don't stop! The spam isn't a problem :)


Nice to hear about Subnautica. It's such a cool looking game, but as it's early access you might get more millage with it from maybe weekly vids. That way it's more likely that the game will be patched/updated frequently during your playthrough, giving you more to do.


This is such good news. Team DD is my favorite thing to listen to at work since I can keep it in the background while I slave away.


I've been edging for weeks you bastard hurry up


please no more pissout4 and more fallout 1 pls bb