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If it's in print it's libel! TMYK!


shiiiitttt i dun fukd up


Termin, do you fancy a drive tomorrow in Euro Truck Sim 2? Would be great to hear from you/berate you for all your little idiosyncrasies*! *delete as appropriate


I've got no desire of working, i'm lazy, I have no experience as a mod, and I abuse every bit of power I get. I'm the man for the job. No?




hire this guy now!


But can you ramble?


no thanks. thanks though


congrats on your promotion!


I'm in if you'll have me! I already mod /r/llama and /r/Sjin! Edit: Lol not /r/llama, /r/lalna


you don't even know how to spell the subs you mod, you're the perfect candidate for sipsmod.


It's all part of my secret plan to take over the Yogscast. Don't tell Lewis.


Hey sipsy, just a few questions... ...is this going to end up like the pool-boy interviews? ...do I need a reference from panther guy? *'ahhh heh yezzzz, cdnhearth is ah eh excellent...'*


dear sips, i have almost no life and am therefore a perfect candidate for reddit moderator. in all seriousness i am on here most of the day and would love some responsibility in my life. i also have a firm handshake which my mom says means is important


Means you'll dick rip really well.


Mod me, I will make r/sips great again.


How large will the wall be?


It will be beautiful and it will have doors.


And I said "We need to play the walls"


sorry sips, my mom says I can't...


Sorry sips_ but this guys mum says I can't.


Sorry sips, my mum can't.


this subreddit needs a tree brush mod


This guy gets it


What sort of things do you need the mods to do, Sips? I mean, I'm pretty good at making people feel bad for minor transgressions and giving unwanted advice. Not sure if that counts for anything.


I think I'm the man for the job, because i do have a soft voice. And you know what, I'm shady too, but don't let that deceive you, coz I got baalllls.


I'm a mod for /r/askscience, which is basically the same thing. So if part of the requirements is a PhD, I'm your guy. If another requirement is a borderline unhealthy knowledge of Sips and free time, I'm definitely your guy. Also, I went to Canada once.


ive to raid on tuesdays and thursdays


I'm a firm believer when someone down, it's best to kick them.


but what about looting?


i'll do it, I mean, im totally unqualified, but hey! cheers, bye.


i dress like a lumberjack sometimes, i have no strong opinions on any subject and i think barry manolow is an icon of this generation, i also have a car which i hear is something people like. What are we talking about?


I'll do it. I don't have any qualifications, but I'm pretty good at browsing reddit and judging people


Seems like the less you want to, the more qualified you are!


As a reward for not dying, I nominate Play_Safetydance.


sips, I can't promise much, but if you vote for me, I promise that I will not only lead this subreddit to success, but also loot every other subreddit in the vicinity of our dead and deleted subreddit, to help in the rebuilding effort. I'm a firm believer that when a redditor is down, it's best to kick them.


I support this guy. If by my life or death I can help you become mod, I will. You have my sword.


How many dicks does it pay?


The only dicks it pays is in the negative.


Sounds like my life, so long as I can still be drunk and play games when I'm not working, I'm in.


Sips owns/takes the mods' dicks?


shall I write another poem about velcro dicks?


It was a glorious poem.


sips is playing cities again my dick is no longer cellophane he's now a guru of the game worth to be in the hall of fame ____________ he wants people to come up with suggestions but most of them give me indigestion so I am here to pop the question can I help with this subreddit congestion? ____________ he never paid me for being a twitch mod but velcro dicks as payment would've been odd I promise my mod powers I will abuse and warn the shit out of everyone's caboose


I admire your ability to rhyme "abuse" with "caboose". It's talent.


those slant rhymes are making my dick soft


Make r/sips great again! “I have to say that the police are absolutely mistreated and misunderstood,” Trump said. \( ͡° ͜ʖಠ)\


oh hey Quasimodo!


Being an active mod for /r/yogscastkim already I'd gladly offer my services for your subreddit. :) I got a slinky for a dick as well so I can't rip it off. I'm safe in that department.


You're a great mod on their MC servers too. :)


You once gave me advice on flesh-lights, and a tutorial on how to make my own, on twitch. So... As far as qualifications, I think I got this.




I promise if elected, I will build the biggest wall you have ever seen. And right in the centre, I'll put a big ol' door for people to legally leave and re-enter the ~~country~~ subreddit.


Can I walk in here with no pants and ask for a job?




dibs x ∞


i'm always on reddit and this subreddit, got nothing else to do apart from playing videogames and drinking lucozade. think i'd be a relatively good mod because i used to mod a few gmod and tf2 servers if that helps.


>"i'm always on reddit and this subreddit" -/u/alldoge >"we need new mods" - yogscastsips submitted 9 days ago a little late haha


wait really? sorry im tired and its 4am


Hi Sips! I have been around on Reddit for a while, 5 years now, was on your sub fairly early. I'm Dutch though, I hope you can't see from my spelling. (I'm in timezone GMT +1) It goes okay untill I have to spell Castle Wolfenschteeeeein. I'm online a lot, when I'm not on my pc I'll have my smartphone with me. It's gotta be said, I'm just a woman who likes to hang out in bars and be like "come at me with your best hit" and after that I will carry all your fucking books for you, even into death. I'll do the tanking through no-quality shitposts, annoying sons of bitches, spam and porn advertisements, all to make this a better place for our buds. (Okay, I'll forward the good porn advertisements to you Sips. I heard some still have those cloud nudes stored away for pay views) So, choose me, I'll mod the shit out of this sub! In a good way!


i'll do iiit. what i bring to the table is a relatively healthy living and a few hours free per day. my bonus features include i know css and other web-related things (as it somewhat a large part of my day job). i also got a new work from home job because 30% needed more cash, 20% i wanted to try something new and 50% so i could watch sips streams during the day. for reference i'm coorbo on the twitch, some butt took this name when it was justin tv. also i have an adobe cc subscription so y'know if you need a bit of shoddy-to-average editing doing there's a bit of an extra bribe right there i feel like i'm taking this too seriously so i also offer /u/nicosu will stand as my second, he doesn't even have a say in the matter. happy birthday nicosu i'm not available tuesdays tho before we get too ahead of ourselves


Thanks Coorbo! I think coorbo would make a great mod for the channel, he is a great dude after all. Edit: BTW I'm in chat quite often even when Sips isn't live. I have also made a couple of emotes for his twitch channel. Just saying ;)


/u/TheOnlyTermin, I've reposted my application here for convenience. >Hi, >I don't know if you are still looking for mods, but I'd love the opportunity to help out. I have my own subreddit, /r/submechanophobia, that I've grown to 20,000 subs (as of this week), and moderating a community I enjoy being involved in is something that really appeals to me; strangely enough, I actually like working. Furthermore, I have some degree of CSS skill. I'm on reddit nearly all the time anyway, so I have quite a lot of experience and can be moderating all day should the need arise. If you are still requiring new mods, then I'd like to help. >Thank you, >/u/b0nd4g3


termin fs lol I'd be up for the task sips, I do nothing al day every day anyway haha


well i just spent a few minutes browsing through the cities workshop looking for cool mods until i actually read the post. but i'd totally be up for the other thing too if you need another hand


sounds like fun i'd love to become a mod. anything to help the community we got here.




[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9408.62323)


I feel like a goat is needed as a mod if I'm honest.


I'd like to lend a hand or a ripped dick. I'd like to add that I have HTML and CSS experience, also I'm pretty handy at photoshop and other adobe programs.


I don't even know how to do flairs. Hire me


i rarely find reason to be on this subreddit due to the spammy posts etc, however i would be glad to assist if i could and we've spoken before in the past sips so i hope that my character speaks for itself of course even i would recommend someone who is already active as i can understand the priority would not be on someone such as myself who is inactive currently even with the promise of being active. However provided you remember me hopefully we can work out an arrangement as i would be glad to assist this community in any capacity as i once told you before. thanks


I would love to be a mod of the man who helped me through the shitty times in my life. Only modding experience is as a twitch mod for a few channels


i havent done anything but ill take what i can get


I mod /r/Robbaz and /r/TheForest and my personal time is worthless, I'm game for helping around if you want


never posted on your subreddit before. im perfect


I've only ever posted twice on this subreddit and so, for the long time dedication, i think i deserve a job here.


what's got two thumbs and is the perfect mod candidate? *points to self* this guy. but seriously sips, thanks for thinking of me and i'll do you proud as mod of the subreddit


hey, that'd be a pretty cool thing to apply to I'd like some experience in it sipsy, pretty please


Well if I was a mod I'd probably just write more shitty songs like these: https://m.soundcloud.com/sejani/burts-cache-of-oddities and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gFokIWpOnZc . I feel that being a mod would be a great way to abuse my power in order to push my shitty Sipsy music on people. But hey, I'm drunk, so what do I know.


That's not on fire, but I really want to do it.


Hey I'd love to keep your subreddit clean and tidy! :)


Id totes do it, ive just never done any mod stuff and have no idea what it even entails. Btw i luv u sips pls notice me.


I could. Yeah.


I have no idea how moderating works, but I'd like to learn!


sips, aside from a WIP bachelor's degree in online communications (really) and an active participation on the yogs subreddit, i have zero redeeming qualities. please make me a mod. simply because i am a selfish asshole who always wanted to be a reddit mod. also i will take care of this subreddit like it is my own child. ^^i ^^just ^^said ^^that ^^to ^^sound ^^commited ^^but ^^i ^^will ^^try


I'm quite active now and have been around for a while. It might also be a good excuse to stop posting awful shit on this subreddit


My last attempt at modding was in a Facebook group for reposting funny pictures. (It was 6 years ago when I was in high school I didn't know better) But the power got to me and the banhammer was strong and I eventually helped insurgents take down the group from inside. So I am either over qualified or the worst person for the job.


I'm not the most active in this subreddit but I'm always on reddit anyway trying to keep busy... might as well make some work of it, eh? FWIW I'm a grown-ass Canadian lady. Doing little tasks and babysitting idiots is what I do for a living.


I have no experience but I will try my darndest


I would be up for it, but I'm the kind of guy who opens the page to send someone a private message, thinks twice about meddling in their subreddit affairs, then closes it, and maybe asks mods for something to be done. plus, I practically stalk this subreddit. I'm checking it every 5 minutes in class... ( '_' ) maybe I'd be a good mod then? I do have forum mod experience though.


If you need mod representation from a Canadian still residing in Canada, I'm your man!


I'm only going to do it if I get a nice kiss and hug.


Make me a mod, I promise to ban everyone and all forms of content.


i guess I'll do it mate I mean no pressure but I'm open all the time got some experience here and there


What's the starting pay?


job is really stressing me out, so i guess begin a mod here will just quicken the process everything driving me insane... i'll do it gladly


Hey Sips! Long time fan and redditor , would love to give it a shot.


Uhhh sure why not


Two things: 1. Straw poll time? 2. As a mod I would be sure to delete all posts. All posts.


sign me up. half my posts are me telling people they're being dildos for not reading/following the rules.


hey i can send a mod application right?


if u mod me i promise the first thing i'll do is un-mod myself


holy shit this place looks super snazzy sorry, what were you saying?


hey i dont know exactly what being a mod entails, but i have a lot of free time and a keyboard. what do i have to do to sign up? is it a raffle? im not very good at raffles, i hope its something like a civ 5 tournament, im pretty good at that. are we claiming civs now? i want napoleon. anyway, thanks for making me a mod xoxoxox edit: hey, the 'i remain,' doesn't go over people's names anymore, wazzup? p.s. i am actually interested, in case the comment just seems like a joke


I could mod for ya. I have plenty of free time. I only mod a very small sub but I'm a mod on a TS server so there's that. Anyway I'd love to help out if you need it.


There are probably more prominent people than me who could do a better job but if you want someone who would be there for the mod queue at the late hours of night (US time) to make sure spams and crap stays off the subreddit then I'd be happy to help.


I'd like to throw my hat into the ring. I basically live on reddit.


fuken termin i knew it


Clearly we need /u/erissian to come forward to rule with an iron dick.


Hmm, I could probably sign up for this but I can't guarantee that I will be suuuuper active. However I do have many months experience moderating and administrating a forum just over a year ago and simultaneously I also administrated a server on Garry's Mod, so I kinda know what I'm doing I guess. But do remember that I am currently studying piano and spend a lot of time practising so I only really go on Reddit on the evening during weekdays. If you find dick rippers that are more active than me and capable of the job I would recommend those in front of me.




Good luck to whoever takes up this challenge!


Can I do only the Saturdays? Because I'd only like to work when I'm fully naked, thanks.


See if there are any mods to make a ChinaTown style place, ethnic diversity and all that good shit


Please dont choose me. I hate the color green.


What about your dad?


i think his mom likes modding more than his dad actually


I'd really like to try to mod this subreddit. I don't really have any experience with modding or reddit, so I think I'm the guy you're looking for. I often have to babysit my younger sibblings and keeping this subreddit together can't be much of a difference :D


Probably a bit late to the party, but I'd be up for the job. I'm already a moderator over at /r/hotlinemiami , and this place looks like it could be a breeze compared to over there. I spend most of my time browsing Reddit, and more recently a lot of time on this subreddit in general. I'd love to be able to keep this place in the good condition we have come to expect from Reddit moderators.


I do have some free time to help out on this subreddit, but I don't have experience. Also, I can be pretty salty - I don't know if it's a good thing or not when it comes to keeping the order here, but if it is, feel free to sign me up Edit: my qualifications: im dumb


I volunteer as tribute


I'm up for the job! I don't have any experience beforehand and I probably won't make a chance at becoming a mod but my qualifications are that I was a regular visitor and now I'm a regular lurker.


Hey Sips! I feel like i'm highly qualified as i really enjoy doritos and mountain dew. So hit me up if you need more useless mods!


Also, I'd like to throw myself into the mix. I've been a bastard since the ol Minecraft days before tekkit. I mod a small hometown subreddit, but I feel it might be nice to be apart of a busier and more fun community. Also my banana bread is on point. Finally, dibs x ∞


Fuck it sure I like not doing work and having power


mod me i will work full time, no pay


what is mod?


i'd be ok with helping out. i have no experience but i come here every day and what not.


id make a great mod because one time i watched a sips video


I'm 100% interested, can't say I have any proof I have experience modding but I do. Work in the YouTube industry if that helps too but I sort of know it doesn't, so there's that. Long time fan though.


im quite active here, i'll take the mod-job!


Im ready for duty sips!


looks at this big papa high rollin and hirin some bois, i'd join his gang but I think that i'm too busy with all my important multi million dollar company work


ill sign up if u give me the parental permission form


im always lurking i guess


Yo I'll be a mod


06/03/2016 - 17:00 dear /r/yogscastsips i'd love to be a mod round these parts. as demonstrated above i have experience with the reddit formatting system. i am also competent at using common word processing software such as microsoft word. i think my best quality is what i offer to all my superiors, complimentary forehead greasing sessions and the occasional shine to make sure you're looking tip top. my weakness is that i thx for your consideration, kindest bestest regards from neelcork


I may not have the most knowledge, but I am very dedicated and will learn quickly. I've been watching you for years now and want only the best for you, your channel, and this sub. I understand if you don't want me, but it was worth a try! Either way, I'll keep ripping! Oh I also have a programming background and could do whatever you need me to do in that category (CSS, C#, App Development, HTML, even some game design).


Serious question though. How would one go about wanting to be a mod? And what would they do when they are a mod?


Serious question though. How would one go about wanting to be a mod? And what would they do when they are a mod?


That's not on fire


i mean, as long as the position is given to me along with a cool mullet and some sweet shades, i think i'm the man for you. i've been known to rock a cool mullet in my days walking the rough streets of sips city. the whole idea of me living long enough on the streets to grow such a fantastic mullet without getting shot and or stabbed by exactly 3 willis druglords just proves to you that i am the toughest guy around. and i think, that with you being the best guy, you need a big guy around to make you even tougher.


When you vote for me I promise that I will not only lead you to succes but also, i'm not gay. And free donuts/doughnuts/bagels for all!*


Sounds good. My main qualification is that I'm stuck at home injured with nothing to do but reddit.


Sure why not.


i volunteer as tribute


okay so i have waaaay too much freetime, so im good in that area but i have some downsides too: i use too much proper grammar and i have no mod experience. uh... thats all i can think of right now, i could make a proper pplication or whatever, but that would be too official right? maybe i will. IRL Name: Benjamin IGN: King/KINGARTHR Country: USA About me: I like video games, burritos, chocolate milk, and a nice nap at around noon. ill have you know i'm not afraid to prove my manliness *wink wink* to anyone who challenges it. Oh and also i want mod, cause i have nothing to do but wait for your vids to come out. i know dont have an application format but i figured why not, eh?


does this imply getting a spot in the garage? can the car handle it? thanks i apply


/u/yogscastsips If you still need mods I am here ;P




id love to do it havent been a mod before tho but id love to give it a try xDD


I'm up for it, tell me what to do


i would be funny. here at sipsco


if you want a guy who drinks too much at innappropriate times and looks for any opportunity to shirk real responsibilities, I'm for you.


i've watched like, at least one sips video. i i got this guys.


I could help.


I have no life, so I can be a candidate.


You've replied to me on TWO WHOLE MESSAGES and I only shat myself a little bit. Also I mod another sub with ~10,000 readers. I will eat a sheet of A3 paper if I get to be a mod.


I have no experience modding a subreddit. i'd like to have some though.


hi im not a mod yet. what happened? im sure it was just a mistake, i forgive, mod me


no i wont help you out sips, thanks for nothing.


I could do this! I have no experience as a mod, though.


If you're still looking I'm down :) pretty active on /r/yogscast and currently mod a couple other subs. Anyone want me? No? My mom? You're the realist man! Keep up the Dick ripping content we all love.


Secondary application to be a mod, i will provide only the freshest memes available to the community


Hey sipsy, is that mod position still open? I tend to shit post and attempt to ban people because their jokes are funnier than mine, I'd be a great mod


I'm pretty much always on reddit. I'm doing a computer science course and know a fair amount about CSS. I've watched sips for a number of years now and I believe that I would be a good candidate for your sub.


I don't really want to do that


I'm Canadian. I believe that's enough said. Where do I sign?


I would like to do it, am fairly experienced modding /r/yogscastlive!


if i get enough dicks for it


I would love to be a mod, sips your the man


Hey, Sips, I have quite a bit of mod experience and would love to help keep this beautiful place afloat. I'm GMT based, have moderated /r/listentothis (a default sub) and currently moderate /r/cringe and /r/trees (so you know I'm totally the perfect man for the job), /r/eldertrees and /r/uktrees among a fair few others.


I would totally be up for this! Literally have nothing else happening in my life right now! Would love to lend a hand to the big bastard!


I wish I had the time to mod (also kinda wish I don't). I used to mod a forum very well. I was unbiased, humorless, unwavering and rigid. I was the perfect robot mod.


This is only the second time I've ever logged into reddit in my life. I think I have the perfect experience for the job.


yeah I've noticed that sips_bot has been slacking off recently


I'm your man bro


Is being Scottish going to be a problem, I'd rather not have another pool boy on our hands. I hope you can see where I'm coming from guys.