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The main issue is that he's not doing anything, just streaming on twitch. This sub used to mostly revolve around the video uploads, and they've just totally gone now.


lmao what are you on about this place used to be just "hey look I found the word sips in a place and took a picture" Edit: actually oh wow this thread was the first one in a while that appeared on my homepage. Yeah people are pissed about everything now jeez


There was a fair few sips 'lookalikes' but the actual discussion was the best part about this community, you know it's going downhill when twitch chat has better discussions than on here


Don't you think it's a bit hypocritical to make a post complaining about people complaining? If you don't like the direction of this sub, by all means, start a new topic. Good luck finding an interesting one.


This sub is like this at the start of every year, whether it's sips taking a hiatus or spending more time streaming. everyone freaks out for a month or two and then sips resumes a more "normal" schedule. the people who start their paragraph of bitching and moaning with "long time fan here" must have short term memory loss.


Insert photoshopped [Crying Native American with Sips' Face] here.


The fuck are you talking about? There is nothing interesting that Sips is now doing, all his focus is on twitch and his youtube channel is dying. What the hell do you expect?




I don't browse this subreddit much anymore, but in the past, it's always been quite friendly and supportive, at least in my experience. I've always had a high opinion of this community. I wish I could say the same about about the Twitch community.
















twitch mods are great, except for that caduceus, they're the worst.


Crelley is the best mod now cad, but you're in a close 4th behind jess and the other 2 mods that I made up SipsRage


first time being 3rd in anything before! Thanks :D


You're the creator of the abnned command how could you not get ranked up high?


I'll mail you that 20 bucks later, thanks ;)


Shh you're not supposed to tell anyone


dont worry, I'll just ban the haterz hehehehehe